Dad Has Returned From the Cultivation World

Chapter 56: devour


When Fu Chengyan returned home, Fu Yao had already returned, and she couldn't help laughing when she saw her father brought back two big roosters, "I just guessed there will be chickens to eat today!"

She noticed these big cocks while watching the live broadcast, and wondered if her dad would come back with some.

However, the size of the two roosters still surprised her. She couldn't accurately judge the size of the roosters when she watched the live broadcast, and she didn't expect it to be so big.

The refrigerator at home belongs to the landlord. There are some previously bought meat and frozen instant food stuffed in it. There must be no place for these two chickens.

"I asked the handsome guy next door to eat with his girlfriend," Fu Chengyan knew that she was worried that she would not finish eating, so he explained, "Make more, and if you can't finish eating, you can put it in the handsome guy next door's refrigerator. His refrigerator is relatively empty. .”

Fu Yao washed her hands, and went to the kitchen with Fu Chengyan to clean up the two fat roosters. The rooster has been plucked and needs to be washed and chopped into pieces before it can be used for cooking.

While chopping chicken nuggets, Fu Chengyan talked about his upcoming departure, "I will go to the West Country with the magic troupe in a few days, will you be afraid if you are alone at home? How about I ask Xia Rui and ask you to follow her?" Shall we stay together for a few days?"

Fu Yao shook her head, "Don't be afraid, I'm used to it."

Fu Chengyan's heart felt sour. Indeed, after living alone for so many years, can she not get used to it

But after thinking about it, the daughter is not alone, isn't she accompanied by four old ghosts

For her, it is a blessing to have them by her side in the most difficult times.

He couldn't even imagine what kind of life his daughter would have now without those four old ghosts.

Fu Yao was actually a little sad in her heart, but she couldn't show it, her father was going to work, although she was reluctant, but if she said it, her father might give up work to accompany her.

She is not so ignorant.

After finishing the preparations, Fu Yao left the kitchen. In terms of cooking skills, she is far less proficient than Fu Chengyan. Since she wants to entertain guests, it is better for her father to do it. She is worried that she will not be able to show her skills.

She walked into the living room and saw Xiaoduo jumping up and down on the sofa, so she stepped forward and hugged him.

Xiao Duo let out a "meow" while lying in her arms, and obediently did not move.

When Fu Yao hugged it, she felt a little strange, "You seem to have gained weight recently? You have grown so fast! Did dad feed too much cat food?"

Xiao Duo hasn't been in her house for long, why does it feel like he's gained weight

Xiao Duo let out a "meow" angrily, struggled out of her arms in dissatisfaction, and ran away.

I didn't get fat! Ben Meow just grew up!

Fu Yao found it very interesting to see Xiaoduo's angry look, and suddenly found that her depressed mood just now had been swept away, and her mood became much better.

I felt a little strange in my heart, my dad just went out to work, why is she so sad? She should be happy that Dad is popular!

There was a burst of aroma in the kitchen, and Dad had already started cooking.

At this time, the doorbell rang, and Fu Yao went to open the door.

Sun Yixuan was standing at the door with a bottle of red wine, and when he saw Fu Yao, he smiled and said, "Is your father at home?"

Standing beside him was Xie Ying with a flushed face. Although Fu Yao had never met her in person, she had seen her in the live video and knew that she was a member of the Firebird Magic Troupe.

"Here! Come in, please!" Fu Yao let them into the room.

Sun Yixuan smelled the aroma as soon as he entered the room, and praised repeatedly, "Mr. Fu's craftsmanship is so good, you don't even need to taste it to know it must be delicious!"

Xie Ying teased him: "Then don't eat it, just smell it on the side."

Fu Chengyan was busy in the kitchen for a long time, and finally announced that dinner was served.

He cooked two chickens in three ways, braised, grilled and fried. The braised pork was cooked with potatoes. It was full of a large plate, which looked very eye-catching. The landlord's kitchen is well-equipped and equipped with an oven. Fu Chengyan roasted chicken nuggets, and the rest were wrapped in bread crumbs and fried until golden.

Although it is all chicken, it is not boring at all.

Xiao Duo sneaked up to Fu Yao's feet and rubbed them back and forth, desperately hinting. It didn't dare to make a sound, for fear of alarming Fu Chengyan, it only dared to act like a baby to Fu Yao.

Fu Yao was a little helpless, Xiaoduo was a very ghostly guy, she knew she couldn't stand his coquettish way, and would use this trick every time she wanted to eat, but she just couldn't resist it. Xiaoduo not only likes to eat small dried fish, he also likes to eat almost all kinds of meat.

She took a piece of fried chicken and put it on Xiaoduo's plate, and he ran over to eat the fried chicken in satisfaction.

Fu Chengyan expressed dissatisfaction with the wine Sun Yixuan brought: "You should drink white wine at this time! What kind of red wine?"

He has never liked to drink red wine, and he has never bought red wine at home.

Fu Yao took wine and cups from the kitchen and poured wine for Fu Chengyan and Sun Yixuan. She doesn't know how to drink, and minors can't drink, so naturally she doesn't drink. Xie Ying also said that she would not drink and would have to drive home later.

Sun Yixuan looked at the wine in the glass hesitantly, "I... I can't drink."

Fu Chengyan smiled and said: "What's the matter? Isn't your house next door? It's not troublesome for me to take you home when you're drunk, but you're worried that I won't be able to carry you?"

"That's right!" Sun Yixuan smirked, picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

A few minutes later.

Sun Yixuan's cry came from the restaurant.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... I worked very hard, I am not lazy at all... "

Fu Yao: "..."

It turns out that this buddy is drunk because of his virtue.

If I had known it earlier, I would have persuaded him not to let him drink. In other words, he only drank two glasses. How could he get drunk so easily

Dad drank much more than him, and he didn't see any reaction.

Xie Ying was also infected and felt a little depressed.

She has always wanted to tell her father about Sun Yixuan, but she was afraid that her father would not agree, and maybe he would drive Sun Yixuan out of the magic troupe. So I have been hesitating, thinking about waiting until the magic contest is over. Now that the sub-divisions are over, they can still continue to participate in the national competition because of Fu Chengyan's appearance, which she did not expect.

Sun Yixuan's family situation is not good. Children from the countryside have always been on their own. After working hard for many years, I paid the down payment to buy a house and a car with my own ability, but this kind of condition is definitely not appreciated by head Xie.

If her father disagrees, she will also feel very embarrassed. She likes Sun Yixuan, but she doesn't want to make her father angry, let alone get into trouble with him.

Thinking of this, the eye sockets are a little moist.

Fu Yao and Fu Chengyan looked at each other.

The scene was a bit embarrassing, and they didn't even know how to persuade them.

At this moment, Fu Yao saw Xiaoduo approaching, and suddenly jumped onto Xie Ying's lap.

Xie Ying saw Xiaoduo as soon as she entered the door. She really likes kittens, especially this one is very cute. I'm just here, so I'm sorry to make a request to pet a cat.

When she was in a bad mood right now, this little cutie jumped on her lap, as if to comfort her.

She couldn't help reaching out and touching Xiaoduo's head.

Fu Yao was a little surprised, Xiaoduo usually doesn't like to get close to strangers, why is there something abnormal today

At this time, she saw that the sadness in Xie Ying's eyes gradually faded away, and there seemed to be an unusual firmness in her eyes.

Xiao Duo jumped off Xie Ying's lap, turned around and jumped onto Sun Yixuan's lap.

Sun Yixuan gradually stopped crying, he looked at Fu Chengyan with a little confusion, and then looked back at Xie Ying beside him.

Suddenly, he hugged Xie Ying and said loudly: "I will make your father like me! I will make him willingly marry you to me! Absolutely! I will become a first-class magician! I will definitely Won't give up!"

Xie Ying's body trembled a little, her hands hung in the air for a long time before she seemed to have made up her mind, and reached out to hug Sun Yixuan.

Fu Chengyan and Fu Yao looked at Xiaoduo at the same time.

After a long time, Fu Chengyan whispered: "It's its ability, I underestimated it... although this ability is useless."

Fu Yao remembered that when she was in a bad mood just because her father was going abroad, she felt very good when she picked up Xiao Duo.

These two people were still in a very low mood just now, but now they seem to be both bloody.

So Xiaoduo's ability...

"Devouring people's bad emotions," Fu Chengyan said, "It's a boring superpower, but it's not bad for a mixed-race spirit beast to have superpowers."

"I think it's quite practical," Fu Yao said, "I really like its ability."

How wonderful it is to be able to swallow people's bad emotions!

Isn't it possible to live happily every day

She has always felt that the most important thing for people is happiness, and whether there is money or not, happiness is the best.

However, she was still a little worried, "It swallows people's bad emotions, will it have any effect on itself?"

After all, bad mood is not a good thing, she worried that it would have a bad effect on herself like eating something bad.

Fu Chengyan said: "It has influence, but it is not a bad influence. The more it devours, the stronger its ability will be. Don't worry, it is a spirit beast."

This little thing hadn't shown this ability before, presumably it was because it had absorbed the spiritual power after having Lianshengvine as a cat's nest, and then awakened the ability.

But it's also good, with it to accompany, the daughter will not have a bad mood, which is also a good thing.

Fu Chengyan looked at Xiaoduo with much gentler eyes.

Xiaoduo noticed that Fu Chengyan was looking at him, and the cat's hair stood on end in fright, and ran away in a hurry.

Sun Yixuan was excited for a while, and finally lost his energy, and fell asleep lying on the table.

Fu Chengyan patted him, "Hey, can you go back to your home and go to bed before going to bed?"

But Sun Yixuan didn't move, and couldn't wake up no matter how much he called.

Fu Chengyan had no choice but to pick up Sun Yixuan, carried him to the door of the next room, took the key from him to open the door, and threw him on the bed.

Xie Ying followed, helped Sun Yixuan take off his coat and shoes, and covered him with a quilt.

Then she walked out the door and called Fu Chengyan to stop, "Mr. Fu... can we... have a chat?"