
Chapter 21: This kid should go to school


Everyone reacted differently. Xiaobao knew intellectually that this was a good thing, but emotionally, she obviously didn't think going to school was a good job. Listening to lectures and doing homework in a chair and gloating.

Xiaoyuan is much more careful than her. Even though he was still so young when Wei Qian dropped out of school, he could really feel the despair and grief that was suppressed in Wei Qian's heart, so he looked up at Li with some expectation. Teacher, with a kind of ecstatic joy that out-of-school children are looking forward to being rescued.

The one who reacted the most was Mrs. Song, who had lived longer than the three of them combined, and had experienced too many things.

She found that when Wei Qian sat in front of Teacher Li, his demeanor changed. He appeared to be gentle, polite and well-mannered. He looked much more stable than his peers. The original dusty, compelling youth.

A young boy at a very good age, with a scorching youth.

A thought flashed through Granny Song's mind, and she made a decisive decision, thinking, this kid should go to school.

However, Wei Qian was the only one who was slightly taken aback when he heard Teacher Li's words. After a while, he smiled lightly without raising his eyelids, and said flatly, "Thank you teacher, but cough, my People are not naturally willing to go to school, and they may not be the material for studying.”

"Are you afraid that you won't have enough money to pay the tuition?" Mrs. Song interrupted him suddenly.

Wei Qian lowered his face and glanced at his pig-like comrade-in-arms. If he didn't make a mistake in front of Teacher Li, he dared to throw his chopsticks on the spot—cry poor in front of his teacher. What does it mean

Is it to win sympathy or to use other people's love to help the poor with a shy face? Shameless must have a certain limit, right

But Mrs. Song doesn't care, she can do things like rolling all over the floor, face? What is the face? Can I eat it

Luo Luo Xia Xiao Xiao said

So she rushed in front of Teacher Li again and said: "It's okay, you go to study, I'm not old yet, I can do it. I guard the intersection, even in the morning and at night, I can sell hundreds of tea eggs a day, you count Forget it, this can make a lot of money, right? The two of them are still young, and it’s not time to spend money. The miscellaneous expenses for primary school education are not much for a year. "

Wei Qian looked at Teacher Li's face, and while grinding his teeth quietly, he forced a innocent and embarrassed smile to Teacher Li: "No, it's not because of economic reasons."

He tried his best to maintain his demeanor like the chairman of the student union. Mrs. Song took advantage of this again and interrupted him at the top of her voice. She said to Teacher Li with a loud voice that she practiced cursing: "Teacher, thank you , you are the benefactor of our family, as long as this kid goes back to school, my old woman will pay for the tuition, and we will be able to take the university entrance exam in the future. As long as the child is promising, there is nothing to delay, right? Hey you Said, he can really"

Teacher Li adjusted his glasses with a smile, and said, "Auntie, don't worry, I have been a teacher for a lifetime, and I have no power or power, so I can accomplish such a thing. It's a pity that he is a good boy. At that time, this kid got very good grades. After passing the top ten—isn’t it Wei Qian? I’ll ask your uncle to do it in two days. After the summer school starts, you can go to school directly. If you have any financial difficulties, you can tell the teacher, the big deal is that you will grow up in the future Return it to the teacher when you are promising."

Mrs. Song was so overjoyed that she almost rolled up her sleeves and bowed to Teacher Li: "Oh! That's right! Thank you so much! Thank you so much!"

Granny Song yelled all by herself, taking the right to speak with an absolute advantage.

Little Treasure only knew how to eat, Wei Zhiyuan looked at this, then at that, and finally carefully picked up a piece of meat and put it in the elder brother's bowl - he saw the veins on the elder brother's forehead burst out.

Teacher Li left after eating. Wei Qian originally planned to go out to see her off. By the way, he thanked the teacher for his kindness and refused the absurd thing of "going back to high school again", but he didn't expect that he just got up and didn't have time. Straight, that old and wicked Mrs. Song caught him off guard and gave him a flirtatious kick.

In front of the younger brother and younger sister, the eldest brother jumped up in a big way like never before, crossed his legs humiliatingly, and dodged like a frightened rabbit, and then the door closed in front of the three of them with a bang. Mrs. Song has already rushed out to send Teacher Li out, and her movements are so quick that she really doesn't look like an old woman who is already seventy or eighty years old.

After two seconds of silence, Wei Qian roared at Xiaobao: "Is your grandma, that old hag looking for death?!"

Xiao Bao looked at him confusedly and innocently, wiped off the sweat from eating just now, and said to him, "Brother, I want to eat a popsicle!"

Wei Qian: "Damn it, go clean the dishes!"

Xiaobao had no choice but to wash the dishes aggrievedly, Wei Zhiyuan also spoke beside him, and asked with concern: "Brother, does it hurt?"

Wei Qian: ""

So Wei Qian pointed the cannon fire at him: "Shut up, get out! Wipe the table!"

Wei Zhiyuan went to clean the table. Before cleaning the table, he cleverly picked up the bruise ointment that Wei Qian usually used from the bedside table, put it in front of Wei Qian, bowed his head and smiled secretly, and smacked his elder brother's face completely. Before the rain was coming and the wind filled the building, I ran away.

Wei Qian's furious face calmed down, he breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned back on Xiao Yuan's usual homework chair. The legs of the chair were shorter than his legs, so he had to nest together aggrieved.

Wei Qian's violent heartbeat calmed down. In fact, he knew in his heart that if he really didn't want to go at all, and hated school as much as he said, he wouldn't take Teacher Li home for dinner.

No matter how aggressive Mrs. Song's old stuff is, it is not as high as his chest. A young guy is really moving. Can Mrs. Song stop him

That is impossible.

He wanted to go back to school from the bottom of his heart. Even though his childhood dream of a laboratory was so shattered that he couldn't stick it together, academic qualifications were still something he couldn't reach.

No matter what kind of education he has, even if he goes to a very poor university in the future, holding the diploma in his hand can give him a starting line to struggle like the vast majority of people in the world. He doesn't expect anything else. Want to get on that train that will drive to the starting line.

Running on two legs chasing the wheels on the rails is so hard.

He really just wanted that little bit of hope.

But if he leaves, who will support the family? Who will make a living

In less than half a year, Wei Qian will be eighteen years old. In the eyes of the society, he is already an adult who can support himself. He has hands, feet and strength. Give relief to people like him—there will always be more people in the world who need relief than relief money.

Do you rely on the old lady to sell tea eggs to pick up junk money to study this book? You can't do it even if you kill him.

Take ten thousand steps back and say that Mr. Li is a good person, and if he is willing to help him, it is his fate to catch up. But Mr. Li is obliged to help him take care of his family, help him secretly subsidize Mazi's mother

About twenty minutes later, Mrs. Song came back, and the moment the door was pushed open, Wei Qian was already prepared to curse at her.

He originally wanted to say: "You are not my grandma, what kind of onion are you, you old bastard, can you control my business? This is my fucking house, I have the final say, at least five people in front of me Six places filled with garlic!"

Since this sentence is relatively long and needs to be completed in one go, Wei Qian has already taken a deep breath, but when he saw the happy expression on the face of Mrs. Song who pushed the door and came in, he didn't even have a word. Can't tell.

Mrs. Song thinks that going to school is a very honorable and honorable thing. In her hometown, the most educated person she knows is the village party secretary in Dongtou who has a junior high school education.

She was trying to be nice to him in a very rude and mean way.

Wei Qian finally let out the breath he had sucked in slowly, together with the ferocity that involved his internal organs, it sounded like a sigh.

Wei Qian waved to Xiaobao and Xiaoyuan, and sent them each to take a popsicle to the cottage to do their summer homework.

Xiao Baolai was not happy to have to do homework on the first day of summer vacation, and then when she heard that her elder brother asked Xiao Yuan to accompany her, she immediately forgot about worrying about homework, and carefully looked up at Wei Zhiyuan together.

Although Wei Zhiyuan was expressionless, Wei Qian saw his displeasure, so he said a little louder: "Go, take whatever you like, be obedient."

Wei Zhiyuan knew that the eldest brother and the others had something to say, and he didn't want him to hear it, but the house was small and there was no other way to go except to send them to the hut, so he paused, waved his hand and rejected the popsicle that Xiaobao gave him, He turned around and walked into the kitchen, closed the kitchen door behind him, and shouted to the outside: "I'm cutting watermelon!"

Little Treasure was extremely disappointed. She wandered around the kitchen door with a popsicle for a long time, but was finally turned away by the crooked and weak broken door. She turned around helplessly and went back to her own room, feeling that the creamy bean ice was not tasty. up.

Wei Qian really sighed this time—his younger siblings are so deformed, the younger brother is a stubborn donkey who never turns back, and the younger sister, let alone, she is simply unique.

How can I live without him these days

Wei Qian put his legs down, arched his back, supported the handle of the chair with one hand, put his elbow on his knee with the other hand, covered half of his face, and said to Mrs. Song in a rare and calm tone: "How much is our school a year, do you know?"

Mrs. Song stretched out four fingers: "Your teacher said four hundred a year, we have the money."

Of course he had the money. When Wei Qian was Le Xiaodong's thug, Le Xiaodong gave him 1,500 a month, good cigarettes and wine, which was relatively high income at the time. He has some savings in his hand, and the tuition fee of 400 yuan is indeed affordable, but the tuition fee is still a small amount. What about other expenses

Wei Qian rubbed his fingers, he really wanted another cigarette right now.

"We learned from our original school, there was very little lunch break at noon, we had to study at night, and the management was completely closed. We had to stay in school for 12 or 3 hours a day. It was impossible to work and study. We required three hours a day Meals are eaten at school, the most economical is one hundred and fifty yuan a month, and the book fee is not included, which is not a small expense, so let’s not count it for now. At home, the three of you buy vegetables and meat—yes , I know you cook at home to save money, but how old are those two kids? It is the time when bones and flesh grow together, and food money will never be saved. Plus water and electricity bills and other messes, two hundred a month, You have had a hard time."

Wei Qian raised his eyes: "Tell me, where are you going to get the three hundred and fifty yuan? It costs nothing, electricity money and water money, can you earn five cents for an egg? You sell seven dollars a month. A thousand tea eggs? Do you really think your eggs were laid by a rooster?"

Mrs. Song was dumb, and after a while, she argued without confidence: "I sell a lot every day, and there can be hundreds of them."

"I'll buy you a few hundred eggs." Wei Qian smiled wryly, and continued to talk at length. He was a little dry, and he said softly to Mrs. Song, "Don't play with your cleverness, I don't know what the market is, From morning to night, if you can sell sixty or seventy of them, it is considered a good business."

Mrs. Song: "Oh, you know what a fart, I can make money selling junk, wrapping paper, paper boxes are right, and there are bottles, cans"

"Even if you can work out the three hundred and fifty yuan a month, what if there is something else?" Wei Qian interrupted her, "You are not too young, let me put it badly Yes, what if there is a collision and hospitalization? Do you have medical insurance? Besides, even if I can make do with it, you can make do with it, but in case there is a spring outing at the school of the two children, and others buy new clothes and snacks, you let them both Is it okay? Xiaobao is a girl, it doesn't matter if she doesn't know anything now, after a year or two she will know beauty, are you going to make her shabby and unable to hold her head up in front of her classmates?"

When Mrs. Song heard this, for some reason, she suddenly blinked and shed tears without warning.

Wei Qian was right, she knew in her heart that this was the city, not their hometown in the remote countryside. In their hometown, the fields were rough, the parents were short-lived, and the children of every family grew up in the mud, and no one was more respectable than the other. Nothing to say.

But in the city, everyone is full of luxury cars and BMWs, rich clothes and shadows, and there is no way out for being poor.

How miserable this child is!

And she is just a widowed and lonely old woman with nothing to do. Her greatest skill is growing vegetables. Unfortunately, in this reinforced concrete city, you can't even find a two-foot-wide vegetable patch.

Wei Qian was in a daze in his heart, but suddenly found that Mrs. Song was in tears, and he didn't speak for a second or two.

Afterwards, the boy calmed down at an incredible speed. He got up silently, pulled a roll of toilet paper from the table, tore off some and handed it to her, and said with the calmness of a real head of the family: "Don't cry. , what I told you is the truth."

Granny Song was crying more and more.

Wei Qian let her cry for a while, and finally got impatient: "Old woman, it's almost done, crying, is it bad luck? Is there anything to cry about?"

Granny Song heard that he had lost that kind of civilization and decency again, so she made rude remarks, bent down and took off her shoe, and took the sole of the shoe and slapped Wei Qian vigorously: "You little bastard! You have no heart Little bastard, I'll beat you to death! You just want to be a hooligan, don't you? Do you just want to be a laborer? I'll beat you to death!"

Of course Wei Qian couldn't be beaten to death by a shoe sole, and he didn't bother to hide, so he simply shrunk his shoulders and covered his face with his arms, letting her hit her and let her vent her anger.

At the same time, he didn't intend to accompany her to vent meaningless emotions, Wei Qian racked his brains to think of a way out amidst such chaotic background sounds.

The ground is full of thorns, but hope is like a horse treading swallows, only the tail barely catches his fingertips.

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