
Chapter 26: Want his life? It's not that easy


Wei Qian was taken aback for a moment, and then an indescribable feeling surged in his heart, it seemed that there was a connection without blood, and it tugged at the apex of his heart.

He relaxed his body and leaned against the cold washbasin, feeling the cold almost analgesic.

"What nonsense?" Wei Qian looked at him, suddenly laughed, and asked half-jokingly, "Boy, how much are you worth? The little girl can still be a child bride if she buys it back, why buy you half a child back?" Eat for others?"

Wei Zhiyuan realized that he had said something stupid, and he suddenly realized that he could hardly change it. Whenever he opened his mouth, he would imitate Song Xiaobao, a mentally handicapped child, and pick the most stupid words.

Wei Zhiyuan decided that this can't go on like this anymore, it's not enough to be likable, it's not enough to act like a baby and pretend to be cute.

He stood upright, like a young pioneer swearing an oath to the national flag, and said loudly: "When I grow up, I will take care of you, I will make money, and I will support you, okay?"

Wei Qian's heart softened suddenly. For the first time, he clearly felt a piece of his heart sinking, so that he was at a loss, almost didn't know how to express it, so he could only pretend to be an annoying adult, and laughed at Wei Zhiyuan: "Then you should grow faster, I think radishes grow faster than you."

Wei Zhiyuan said solemnly: "I want to grow up tomorrow, I will treat you well all my life, and I won't let you suffer a little bit in the future."

"Grow up tomorrow?" Wei Qian bent down, picked up Wei Zhiyuan with one hand, and threw the boy without shoes on the bed, "Where can I find you such instant fertilizer?"

The muscles on his arm trembled involuntarily, so that one hand was a little unsteady, Wei Zhiyuan hugged his neck in an able manner, and the next second, he retracted his hand embarrassingly—he suddenly felt a little ashamed of this action, as if it was just a blink of an eye By the time he was young, he had already grown to the stage where he couldn't adapt to this kind of childish intimacy.

Wei Qian turned off the light and soon fell asleep.

On the one hand, he was really tired, and on the other hand, he had obtained a certain sense of strength from his younger brother that belonged to a real adult, and this strength supported him calmly and calmly.

Want his life? It's not that easy, maybe Le Xiaodong hasn't had time to reincarnate yet.

Wei Zhiyuan closed his mouth. In the darkness, he opened his eyes and looked at his brother's blurred profile.

He closed his eyes gently, with a peaceful expression, the profile of the bridge of the nose and lips seemed drawn out, his hair was a little long, and a strand fell obliquely on his forehead, showing a vague childishness that was about to fade.

In Wei Zhiyuan's preliminary aesthetic view, he feels that there is no second person in the world who is more beautiful than his brother. Like the invincible sky, his brother has carried away all the suffering that should have fallen on him, and survived the wind and rain. A small pergola was erected.

The next day, Wei Qian still didn't dare to eat too much, and his stomach was still aching.

Wei Zhiyuan went to a small restaurant to ask for a day off. After he came back, he began to pester Wei Qian and strongly demanded to go home. The little thing tried his best to portray himself as a little man yesterday. Use other tricks to deal with his brother.

As a result of the struggle, Wei Qian stuck a cross on his mouth with transparent tape.

Wei Qian briefly moved around, then sat down and looked through the second-hand lessons he brought.

High school class is a very heaven-defying thing. In a word, it is as boring as possible, but Wei Qian doesn't think so, he reads it hungrily and relishes it.

Wei Qian has been away from school for too long, and he doesn't want to go back and can't keep up with the progress.

Every time he opens an old class, his heart will miraculously calm down. Besides, in his opinion, it is also quite interesting. The original owner of the book is a wonderful person who loves to express his feelings. He can even compile trigonometric functions into Each came up with a variety of small jokes, and this weird guy is also very good at drawing turtles. Except for the text and notes, every blank corner has been filled with all kinds of turtles.

Oh, by the way, the strange flower marked on the last page: "As soon as the tortoise comes out, whoever will fight for the front, if you want to succeed as a tortoise, you must first go to the palace."

I don't know what kind of realm this person has read.

Wei Qian remained calm until noon, when the food delivery person arrived.

The person who came brought two portions of food—Wei Zhiyuan usually works across the street, and he didn’t come back to eat at noon, so the person who delivered the meal only delivered it to him alone. On this day, because Wei Qian had no appetite, he didn’t even ask the other party to bring an extra portion here. It means someone is watching them.

The hotel was booked by Zhao Laojiu, and it might be their own property. In this case, even the room may not be safe, because there may be cameras.

As soon as Wei Qian thought of this, he immediately maintained his nonchalant expression, silently sat back on the small sofa and small table in the standard room, took out a piece of post-it note, and copied the "turtle" from the old class as if he was doing nothing. ", while sinking his heart and pondering carefully.

Wei Qian is used to guessing people's hearts. He knows that most of the boxers at the bottom are just like himself. That is, no one will die to win.

If they make it through Game 2, Game 3 is sure to come, but the chances of opting for doping are slim—because you lose, you lose, you beg for mercy, you take two hits, no big deal.

But if they were cornered in the second game, most of these people would not play in the third game.

Wei Qian didn't know how closely the other party was under surveillance. He could basically guess that the hotel belonged to the other party, but whether there was surveillance in the room, whether the mobile phone was tapped, and whether someone would follow him when he went out, Wei Qian couldn't be sure—maybe one or Two items, but it is unlikely to cover everything. It is unlikely that Zhao Laojiu and the others will have so much energy.

Taking ten thousand steps back, assuming that Zhao Laojiu can really cover everything, the entire urban area is in their pockets, these people have no way to retreat, at least they can pretend to be dead in the third game.

It's understandable to forcefully enter the field half-dead, and get slapped down, right

As soon as Wei Qian drew a playful bastard's tail, he tapped it, thinking to himself, how should we plan to let these poor thugs who are life-hating and greedy for money risk their lives regardless of their own lives

Poking according to the weakness? Like kidnapping your family

It seems unlikely. According to his understanding these days, many low-level boxers are homeless and single, and these people have different accents, and they come from anywhere. On one's own territory, accidents are easy to happen.

Therefore, Wei Qian concluded that the key factor is much simpler and straightforward—either money or blood.

He guessed that the time between the second and third games must be very short. It is even possible that those people will force him to play two games a day, but how

This specific method of operation must be very simple, but ingenious and effective.

Wei Qian sketched the bastard's tail over and over again, thinking that he could control his greed for money, and he would leave when he earned enough. And Wei Qian believes that many people, like him, have such a spectrum in their hearts. As for the blood nature, which of them has never seen the three religions, and some people are not young, and the blood nature is not so easy to be aroused.

He couldn't think of it for the time being, so he put it down, raised his hand and called Wei Zhiyuan: "Come on, come out with me, and send money to grandma."

Putting on his clothes, Wei Qian pretended not to be familiar with the surrounding roads, bought a map on the side of the road, took the map, and kept walking Wei Zhiyuan around, after two laps, Wei Zhiyuan understood.

The little boy was surprisingly sensitive, and immediately wanted to look back vigilantly, but Wei Qian put his hand around the back of his head and stopped him.

He took Wei Zhiyuan to the post office unsteadily, kept 500 for himself, and remitted the remaining 3,500 to Mrs. Song, then took out a handful of change, bought two ice creams on the side of the road, and bought one for himself. Wei Zhiyuan is one. The two of them walked to a relatively empty road with no one around, and then Wei Qian gently said to Wei Zhiyuan: "Don't talk nonsense in the future, and try to contact your third brother, but don't be seen by others, and tell him not to come looking for him when he arrives. us."

Wei Zhiyuan miraculously understood what he meant, and asked in a low voice, "What did you call him for?"

"I don't know yet, I'll think about it later." Out of the corner of Wei Qian's eyes, he caught a glimpse of a suspicious-looking person at the intersection, who seemed to be sizing up the two brothers, met his gaze, and quickly pretended to look elsewhere.

Not a very good stalker.

Wei Qian lowered his eyes calmly, raised his voice, and changed the subject, "By the way, I haven't asked you yet, how was the final exam?"

Wei Zhiyuan's eyebrows danced for a moment, and he said loudly, "Number one!"

Because he often deliberately switches quickly between expressing himself as "stupid and naive" and expressing himself as "smart and useful", he has rich experience in Jingfen, so Wei Zhiyuan's role changes so quickly that Wei Qian was taken aback.

Wei Qian paused for a moment, then asked casually: "Is there any parallel?"

At this time, the two of them had already passed the intersection and passed the stalker, neither of them seemed to notice each other at all.

And Wei Zhiyuan, like a real idiot, raised his head up and performed what is called a "good student's show off" without hesitation: "Our class has never been tied with me! Oh, yes, brother, I forgot Just to tell you, Xiaobao is the tenth from the bottom this time, the teacher criticized by name, and said that he will talk to you next semester."

"Really," Wei Qian laughed dryly, "Why am I so honorable?"

In such a crisis-ridden state, he put on so well that he still didn't forget to give Song Xiaobao eye drops by the way!

Wei Qian thought, this brat is truly peerless.

In the evening, Wei Qian received a greeting from Zhao Laojiu. Zhao Laojiu greeted him first, told him to buy whatever he liked, and gave him a week to adapt to the first fight. Going around the local area, you can ask the food delivery person to be a tour guide for them.

Zhao Laojiu also specifically mentioned Wei Zhiyuan: "Your brother, that kid, grows up really fast. I saw his pants, which were fine when he first came here, but they have shortened a lot in a blink of an eye. There's really nothing you can do about your age, it's just a waste of clothes."

It doesn't matter what he said, the person who delivered the meal that afternoon brought a set of clothes, which fit perfectly.

They have only been here for less than half a month, and Wei Zhiyuan neither ate high-efficiency chemical fertilizers nor turned into a genetically modified pea that went up overnight.

Wei Qian knew that it was Zhao Laojiu who was using Wei Zhiyuan to warn him.

In return, Wei Qian unceremoniously accepted the clothes, then consulted the food delivery boy for the best places in the city, finally chose a French restaurant, and took Xiao Yuan to open a meal of expensive foreign meat.

On the way, he acted like a road idiot who couldn't tell the difference between east, west, and north. He held up a map, kept asking questions, and occasionally asked a few questions that were extremely ignorant, trying his best to seduce the young man's chatterbox. .

Wei Qian didn't know if the French food was good or not. He chose this restaurant because he happened to pass by the underground boxing ring when he walked over.

When passing by, Wei Qian glanced over there, and at the same time squeezed the hand of Wei Zhiyuan who was holding him.

Wei Zhiyuan immediately understood, pretending to be stupid and asking in a daze: "Brother, what are you looking at? Where is that place?"

Wei Qian also pretended to glance at the young man leading the way in embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "Don't ask nonsense, that's where they work."

A mocking smile flashed across the face of the young man leading the way, but he restrained himself quickly, and said nonsense to Wei Zhiyuan following Wei Qian's voice: "Yes, little brother, only the most powerful of us can go to work, you have to grow up, grow up." I can go in when I'm older."

Just as he was talking, there was a stench in the damp wind, Wei Zhiyuan covered his nose, and said to the leading boy with straight eyebrows, "You two are fooling the children, it stinks to death, I don't think that place is bad at all! "

I saw a large garbage truck driving out of a very narrow intersection, with several large buckets of garbage and countless large and small garbage bags on it.

Wei Qian rubbed his nose, and his heart suddenly moved—yes, where did all those dead people go

Those who have relatives will naturally be taken away, so those who have no relatives, no reason, and no real names, where are their bodies

Wei Qian's thoughts turned sharply, and he pretended to be a country bumpkin and said fussily, "Hey, you have someone here to clean up the garbage, we don't have one over there, you have to deal with it yourself, there are several garbage piles, the smell is so bad that it can smoke down satellites. "

The young man who led the way didn't seem to be a core figure, so he told him casually: "Well, if you have a harvest, take it to the western suburbs of the city, sell cans and the like, and set the others on fire—hey, it's almost time to eat, Why are you talking about such a disgusting thing?"

West of the city

Wei Qian glanced at the detailed map, and saw that it was a large open space without any institutions or conspicuous buildings. It was probably a desolate area with few people. There was a small river nearby, winding its way from the city center.

In the blink of an eye, he had a guess in his mind.

And a week passed in the blink of an eye.

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