
Chapter 27: All corpses


Around two or three o'clock in the afternoon, the restaurant is always sluggish. During that time, Wei Zhiyuan would have nothing to do as a waiter serving dishes, so one day, he asked the boss innocently if he could play the snake game on his mobile phone. At that time, the boss gave it to him indifferently.

Wei Qian studied the map and urban waste disposal system for a week, Wei Zhiyuan played Snake for a week and sent a few messages to San Fatty.

The first one is simple: third brother, help me, don’t reply to text messages, call my brother at nine o’clock in the evening, hang up after one ring—Xiaoyuan.

Second, Wei Zhiyuan left the city name and address, followed by a note: Don’t come back, don’t look for us, find a place to live by yourself, call my brother when you arrive, and hang up after two rings.

On the fourth day, Wei Qian received two bells from San Pang.

Wei Zhiyuan then followed Wei Qian's instructions and sent San Pang a third message: Get a big dog, call my brother when you get it, and hang up after three rings.

On the last day, Wei Qian adjusted his physical condition and prepared to go to the boxing ring.

He got up early, and before Wei Zhiyuan woke up, he used carbon to draw a little turtle on the back of the child's hand.

Wei Qian has gone through that old math lesson from beginning to end. At the same time, he also followed the original owner to draw a dozen small turtles on post-it notes. Be perfect.

After the painting, Wei Qian put on his clothes and walked away in an ethereal manner.

At the same time, San Pang took a big dog and searched the suburbs west of the city for a day and a night.

A pickup truck drove up, and Sanpang hurriedly dodged the headlights, pulled back the dog leash, forced the dog to hide with him, and waited vigilantly for the car to pass by.

The big dog stuck out its long tongue, seeing Sanpang approaching with a frightened fat face, so he licked him casually.

When the car drove away, San Pang yelled at the dog furiously: "Mom, you just ate shit!"

The dog obviously didn't think there was any hygienic problem, so it shook its head and said, "Wow!"

Sanpang looked at the dog worriedly. For some reason, it looked tall and handsome, but its IQ seemed to be significantly lower than the same level: "Honey, we've been here all day, and we can't find it anymore, that little bastard Wei Qian Maybe it’s time to blow out the lamp and pull out the wax.”

Let’s call the dog Gou Huanxi for now—the dog happily dragged him forward, barked again like a joy, as if saying happily: “Let that little bastard die!”

San Pang sighed: "Who says it's not? I want that little bastard to die too. He's like a troublesome guy with legs. I don't know what trouble he got into this time—looking for a dead body in the west of the city." , Alas, your third brother, I’m obviously a comedian, so I’ve come all the way to make a cameo in a horror movie!”

Gou Huanxi suddenly braked, and San Pang's nerves tensed up immediately: "What's wrong? Is it near here?"

As a result, the dog joyfully raised its legs and urinated under the tree.

Three fat: ""

Only then did San Pang realize that Gou Huanxi had pulled him to a place with relatively high terrain. When he looked down, he happened to be able to see the garbage incineration treatment plant, which stinks. With a nose that is so many times more sensitive, how can it maintain its cheerful heroic look under such conditions.

Sanpang squinted his eyes and looked down. He suddenly found that there were several large trash cans of different colors that had not been disposed of together with other trash. A man got out of the car and carried the barrels up and away.

Those few people are definitely not from the garbage disposal plant, and San Pang can see it clearly - most of the people who are willing to do this kind of work here are people of a certain age, and not many young people can endure this kind of hardship.

And the few people who got out of the car were young and vigorous, and all of them looked powerful, and they could easily lift the heavy-looking trash cans onto the car.


After a while, the pickup truck drove away again.

San Pang squatted down, took out the map, and whispered to the dog happily: "No, the map says there is nothing else over there, it's just a large open space."

The dog happily ignored him, and just wanted to pull him away.

San Pang: "Okay, then follow your orders, let's go!"

The three fat cats stooped, carefully dodging all the way, distinguishing the ruts and directions, and followed the pickup truck with the help of the dog's nose. It was almost dawn when he found a row of illegal buildings, which seemed to be that It is a private illegal iron-making small workshop. The pickup truck has already driven away, but several trash cans are lined up outside.

Sanpang poked his head out, carefully looked into the dumped trash can, and thought it was so clean it was ridiculous.

There is everything in the trash can, especially some soupy things. It can never be as clean as this bucket. It must have something else in it.

San Pang had an inexplicable hunch that he had found the right place.

Only then did he notice the abnormality of the dog's joy.

The dog's eyes were wide open, the fur all over his body exploded, and he bared his sharp canine teeth in the direction of the row of trash cans. His paws restlessly pawed on the ground, making a movement between fleeing and attacking— It must have smelled something and freaked out.

This morning, a strange guest came to the small restaurant where Wei Zhiyuan worked. He came in and ordered a bowl of noodles just after it opened.

Both the boss and the proprietress were a little scared, because most people would not come to eat a bowl of hot and spicy noodles at this hour when there is no breakfast and no lunch. The corner of the tattoo was faintly exposed under the short-sleeved vest worn by the customer , with yellow hair on his head, he doesn't look like a good person.

Wei Zhiyuan took Wei Qian's cell phone that day, turned it to silent, and waited for San Pang's news.

If he finds it, San Pang will ring the bell for him once, and if it is done, San Pang will ring him again.

The first bell in the morning has passed, but the second bell didn't come, Wei Zhiyuan finally couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

And just as he was looking down at his phone, that strange guest got up at some point and approached him quietly.

Wei Qian has already played the second match.

As soon as he got on stage, he noticed something was wrong. For a person who is used to being a thug like Wei Qian, as long as a person is in front of him, he can basically feel the threat of the other party immediately. In the second round, he was promoted to a level according to the rules, and the opponent should be stronger, but this person is not at all stronger than the opponent in the first round.

Wei Qian knocked the man down almost unharmed.

The audience booed in disappointment—because Wei Qian, the opponent, looked really tall and muscular to the layman.

But only those who participated in the field know that the man's muscles are too knotted, like the style of a bodybuilder. The large muscles like dead flesh severely limit his punching speed, and he is still resistant to punching. Other than that, it's pretty much useless.

Wei Qian wiped his sweat and prepared to go back to the locker room.

Just as he stepped off the stage, Zhao Laojiu ran in panting, grabbed his hand, and dragged him into the corner. First he looked him up and down pretending to be anxious, and then he breathed a sigh of relief , patted him on the shoulder and said: "Oh brother, it's fine, it's fine."

Wei Qian knew that the real thing was coming.

He kept his composure and pretended to be confused and asked, "Huh?"

Zhao Laojiu slapped his thigh: "Oh, what are you talking about raising these people? They got it wrong just now! Your opponent is not a low-level one like you. He is a middle-level one. That big guy , one person can weigh twice as much on you! Brother Jiu was afraid that something would happen to you just now."

Wei Qian sneered inwardly, but made a dumbfounded expression on his face in coordination.

As if Zhao Laojiu suddenly remembered something, he opened the leather bag and took out a thick dozen of RMB from inside—it looked really thick, and it was more than two bundles. Wei Qian knew it by flipping it lightly. More than ten thousand.

"This time, the appearance fee and the bonus for winning the game will be given to you according to that person's level, 10,000 yuan each, and the other 5,000 yuan will be posted to you by Brother Nine himself. Alas, Brother Nine is sorry. If I didn't pay close attention, I wouldn't let you suffer this."

Wei Qian pretended to refuse, and finally "failed" to live up to expectations, and put the money in his own pocket. Zhao Laojiu looked at him with satisfaction and kindness: "Young man, you have a future! Go, change clothes." Bar."

Wei Qian had already made predictions about various situations—of course, more than 20,000 yuan was a huge sum he had never seen in his life. As a qualified string of money, his liver trembled and his brain became hot. It was also very normal, but soon, it was pulled back by strong willpower.

He left the stage at a very slow pace, stopped halfway and looked back at Zhao Laojiu, and found that the man was watching him with an indescribably smug smile on his face.

Find a weak chicken who doesn't know where to get it, make him think that he has defeated the intermediate level, and then use money to make him self-inflated, so that he will willingly skip the next level

Impossible, the real thugs can tell who is the ruthless character and who is the vicious-looking ostentation. They will only think that the scene just now was a fluke. Desperate

Of course there are, but those people usually need big money, such as those who use drugs, usury or support serious patients, and they will not only sign three-game agreements.

For most of the low-level boxers who have three appointments, the income of this one has exceeded expectations, and there will definitely not be many who have the courage to fight again.

This is throwing money into the water, and beating a dog with a meat bun. It is impossible for Zhao Laojiu to be so stupid.

Wei Qian's mind was calmer than ever, and it turned almost at full speed. Suddenly, he stopped.

Zhao Laojiu's words "Go change clothes" suddenly echoed in his ears, and Wei Qian thought something was wrong - it was the dressing room!

From the very beginning, Wei Qian had a faint feeling that the stage setup was abnormal.

According to normal people's thinking, the stages of adjacent levels should be next to each other, so that the audience is also convenient. The stages of other levels are indeed lined up like this, but the lower levels are not.

The lowest level of the game table is near the gate, while the second level is the innermost.

In this way, if the second-level boxers wanted to go back to the locker room, they had to pass through a long and narrow aisle, where only one person could pass through. It was very narrow, and it was almost dark inside.

When the fighters enter the ring, they walk from the outside so that the guests can see clearly, but there are other regulations when they leave the ring. They are required to leave the ring in the boxer's tunnel, so as not to block the sight of the guests—the guests are not something they can afford.

That is to say, the second-level fighters have to go through that passage when they step down from the stage, and that dark and narrow path is already in front of Wei Qian right now.

Money and sex.

In the blink of an eye, Wei Qian figured out how Zhao Laojiu would handle this matter.

Imagine a poor boxer, out of luck, with a sum of money he has never seen in his life, walking ecstatically into this aisle, in the deepest place, what will happen to him if he is suddenly attacked by someone

What would happen to him if the visitor not only injured him with a ruthless hand, but also took away his money

Being caught off guard in the dark and being attacked by surprise has a great psychological impact on a person, but a person who has just won a game on the stage and his blood has not cooled down will never be afraid or frightened by being attacked. Anger, even hatred, out of control anger will ignite the rational controllable sense of expansion.

Not to mention money.

It's fine if you don't get the money, but if you get it and take it from him, everyone will be angered, let alone people like them, they will go crazy.

Simple and crude, but sure to be surprisingly effective.

Wei Qian's palms were drenched with sticky cold sweat.

At this moment, a person behind him asked in a low voice: "Why don't you leave?"

In the west of the city, San Pang felt that his body was about to explode from fear.

So far, San Fatty doesn't know what happened to Wei Qian and Wei Zhiyuan, but only knows that the two grandsons ran away without saying hello, making Mrs. Song so anxious that she almost climbed a tree. Instead of calling him a fat man, every day when I see him, I have to question him endlessly like Mrs. Xianglin.

San Pang was also in a hurry, the pockmarked incident happened once, although San Pang didn't say anything about it, he almost had a psychological shadow.

Coupled with being talked about by Mrs. Song every day, he almost collapsed.

Until he received a text message from an unknown number in Wei Zhiyuan's tone.

San Pang bought a ticket from the scalper and rushed over that day, and was extremely worried all the time, especially when he received the news that Wei Qian and the others asked him to find some corpse.

Of course, when the word "corpse" was on the paper, it could only arouse San Pang's worries and worries. When he really saw the real corpses, he was almost terrified without any buffer.

San Pang and Gou Huanxi sneaked into the illegal small workshop. On the way, Gou Huanxi seemed to feel the fear and caution of the human next to him. He didn't even bark. The others probably drove away, leaving only a middle-aged man inside. watch.

The middle-aged man was in a gloomy hut. Sanpang took a look, and saw that the hut was a simple ancestral hall, inside which was enshrined a Buddha statue. The man was burning incense and kowtow tremblingly. In the yard was a pile of scrap copper Rotten Tie, San Pang and Gou Huanxi carefully avoided the junk, and rushed to a place that seemed to store oil refining tanks.

Once inside, the timid can urinate on the spot—there is a row of troughs, full of corpses, with water facing outwards, eyes rolled, and mouths open. The outermost corpses are still stiff, and the innermost ones are already wet and warm in Guangdong. In the hot weather, there was a burst of rancid smell. The tank has not been filled, and it will be incinerated when it is full.

San Pang sat down on the ground on the spot, and at the same time, the dog let out a "bark" in extreme fear.

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