
Chapter 3: The brain is hot, the heart is cold


Wei Qian was afraid that "Gui Guixiong" would die, so he thoughtfully repaired it several times with bricks, until the dog's head was smashed to pieces, then panted heavily, threw down the brick, and wiped his hand on the wall. The dog blood on it.

Only now did he have a chance to look up at the little cub who caused him trouble, but the little white-eyed wolf snatched the bucket of canned food while he was beating the dog, hugged it in his arms, and started to gobble it up.

Probably Wei Qian's eyes were too murderous, the boy visibly trembled, and looked at Wei Qian with his big black eyes. A line of canned soup dripped from the corner of his mouth, and he immediately reached out to catch it in fear, He licked his hands clean.

The ignorance in Wei Qian's heart became even more intense, and he wished he could step on this brat's head and let him lick his shoes until he had enough.

Seeing his horrific gaze, the little guy thought he was going to grab his own can, so he immediately became vigilant, hugged the can tightly, stood up and leaned his back against the corner, and assumed a heroic posture to defend the territory to the death.

Wei Qian was discouraged all of a sudden, thinking what could he do with such a little thing

He then spat on the ground boredly, turned and left.

During the few days of waiting for the results, Wei Qian did not waste his precious vacation time. During the day, he went to practice stalls with Mazi Sanpang to sell pornographic videos, and at night he found a job in the billiard hall, earning ten yuan a day as a viewing fee.

He found that the little brat he met that day seemed to have settled down in an alley full of trash, and every time Wei Qian went out, he could be seen looking for his dinner in the trash.

When Wei Qian passed by, if he was in a good mood, he would occasionally throw a steamed bun to that brat.

Wei Qian has always been hostile to his biological parents. Children first learn how to get in touch with other people in the world from getting along with their parents. Therefore, it is difficult for him not to hate the society. His love is more limited than the spring rain in the north. Well, the reason why he occasionally looked at the little guy differently was because he had observed the kid.

He found that the little boy had complete arms and legs, no physical disabilities, and not only no problem with intelligence, he might even be taller than ordinary children. His appearance was unrecognizable, but his eyes were dark and bright, so he shouldn't be much different. If his parents were really dead and no one was taking care of him, he should be sent to a social welfare institution. With his age and conditions, he would definitely be rushed for adoption.

The little boy was wandering outside. Wei Qian guessed that either he had a guardian, but the guardian abused him and he escaped by himself, or he was kidnapped and trafficked since he was a child and managed to escape.

Either way is running away, because others treat him badly, and they run away when they really can't survive. Wei Qian understands that feeling, and he even feels a little bit of sympathy.

Of course, even if we feel sorry for each other, Wei Qian only feels sorry for the little things when he is in a good mood occasionally. Most of the time, he maintains his indifferent and bitter heart very well.

But it was his sporadic kindness that caused trouble.

That day, Wei Qian's high school entrance examination results came down. He did well in the exam, 20 points higher than the admission cutoff of the best high school in the city, and could be ranked in the top ten in the district. Putting it on someone else, the parents are probably going to treat him Yes, Wei Qian had no guests, so instead of buying steamed buns for dinner, he bought a bag of meat buns as a celebration.

Wei Qian thought he should be happy, but he wasn't. He seemed to be blocked by two big stones, one stone was the high cost of high school, and the other stone was the anguish that no one could talk about no matter how good he was.

He tried his best to ignore those, so he was in a very strange state - his mind was hot, and his heart was cold.

When passing by, he threw a meat bun to the little boy next to the garbage dump, thinking to himself: This is the meat bun beating the dog, and he never returned.

Unexpectedly, that little thing didn't let his steamed stuffed bun go away forever, he stuffed the steamed stuffed stuffed bun into his stomach in two or three bites, and then chased after him relentlessly.

Just like a little stray cat, he will recognize whoever feeds him a sausage.

Wei Qian looked back and was surprised, thinking that the big thing is not good, this is still buy one get one free!

He was blocked in his heart and impatient with being followed. He turned around several times and cursed viciously. He even pushed the little boy, pushed the little boy to squat, and even pretended to hit him, but the other party still followed persistently. Followed them all the way to their house.

The house of Wei Qian's family originally belonged to his grandfather, that is, the father of his dead mother. Grandpa was pissed off by his mother, so the house belonged to Wei Qian's mother. Now that she is dead, it is passed to him. Here, it has been a certain age.

Old Tongzilou, a typical urban shantytown, the downstairs is a garbage dump, messy, the quality and economic ability of the neighbors are generally below the average level, and many people living here are not very friendly.

Righteousness and selfishness, warm-heartedness and unfriendliness, they coexist with the poverty and backwardness of this residential area without any contradiction, and they are strangely harmonious.

For example, the single old woman living opposite the door is not friendly. Every time she sees Wei Qian, she will start to roll her eyes from a distance, and then slam the door as if she saw something unclean. Trash is thrown in front of his house.

At first, Wei Qian was too lazy to know her as well. He was an older child with a small child, and his daily worries were not enough to worry about, so he didn't bother to pay attention to these trivial matters.

Furthermore, why should the poor embarrass the poor

Later Wei Qian understood that the poor can only embarrass the poor, and they can only embarrass the poor, otherwise what should they do

His mother is a bitch, and he is a son of a bitch. In principle, what the old lady scolded is actually true.

But today is different.

He didn't do anything wrong, even according to traditional eyes, he is better than anyone else, why is it that he is the only one who has such a difficult life

His excellent high school entrance examination results pulled his upper body into another world, while his lower body was still sinking in the boundless swamp, which not only allowed him to see the boundless world, but also made him unable to break away from his inherent identity and class .

Even if he was a purebred social dregs like Sanpang and Mazi, he wouldn't be in such pain.

+ + +

Wei Qian's overheated mind and overcooled heart finally pushed him to a critical point. He lowered his eyes to stare at the stinking garbage in front of his house, veins popped out on his arms, his eyebrows resembled his mother's, but Far from being as beautiful as her, the hatred and gloom that shrouded him all year round has almost become his natural temperament, he is so handsome and so gloomy.

The young Wei Qian squatted down silently, picking up the rotten leaves of the fruit at the door of the house bit by bit and throwing them away.

The little boy who came back with him didn't know what happened and watched from the side.

Wei Qian walked two steps silently carrying the garbage, and suddenly he didn't want to do it anymore, he threw the garbage in his hand at the door of the opposite door, turned his head and yelled loudly at the boy: "What the hell are you looking at?! "

The little boy was taken aback and took a step back involuntarily.

Wei Qian said viciously, "You little bastard!"

The little bastard leaned against the corner of the wall, cautiously looking at him with his big eyes open.

Wei Qian took a deep breath, he wanted to try his best to suppress the evil fire in his heart, as an "adult", he didn't want to lose his composure in front of the kid.

However, at this moment, he found that he couldn't restrain himself, even his eyelids kept twitching. After all, he wasn't really an adult.

Without any warning, Wei Qian turned around suddenly, picked up a big stone from the ground, and smashed it on the window of the old woman opposite with a "bang", the broken glass fell to the ground with a "crash, clatter", and there was a scream from inside the room.

Wei Qian: "You old man, listen to me, I didn't care about you before, it was because you were seventy or eighty years old, and you didn't have a few years to live. If you come to my misfortune in the future, I'll fucking kill your whole family! "

The old woman's sturdy shouting came from the room, and the other party obviously didn't take him seriously.

Without further ado, Wei Qian turned around and came out with a kitchen knife, and kicked her door, directly breaking the lock of her house, leaving only a precariously connected metal chain. He slashed at the door of that house with a kitchen knife, his face was pale, his eyes were red, he looked like a mentally ill murderer, and frightened the cursing old woman to tears.

From then on, the old woman began to avoid Wei Qian and spread rumors that he was a murderer, but the old woman never dared to curse in front of Wei Qian, and never threw rubbish at their door.

It seems that bullying is in nature.

But at that time, Young Master Wei's appearance of a ghost threatening his life frightened the old woman to tears, but failed to scare the little boy to tears. The little boy still persevered at the door of his house.

Wei Qian became his threat, and with a "bang", he slammed the door of his house in front of the little boy and locked him out. The little boy wandered outside alone for a while, finally, he bent down and took Wei Qian The sporadic garbage left at the door was picked up, packed up and thrown away.

He even picked up a few twigs, tied them together, and swept the ground.

Then he curled up at the door like an unwanted puppy, and slept like that all night.

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