
Chapter 33: I want to touch it rebelliously


In a blink of an eye, one semester is over, and the final exam is over.

On the day of the exam, the students in the school swarmed out. Song Xiaobao's skirt was accidentally caught by a little boy who ran over shouting and yelling. Long mouth.

Xiaobao frowned fiercely, but the little perpetrator who didn't know anything about it had already disappeared, and she couldn't help it.

When Wei Zhiyuan arrived home, Mrs. Song hadn't come back yet. He saw Song Xiaobao sitting on the sofa, with Mrs. Song's usual sewing box beside her legs, tearing off all the rotten lace under the skirt, and bowed her head. , carefully fold up the hem of the skirt, and clumsily hold the needle thread to lock a crooked edge.

Wei Zhiyuan asked: "What are you doing?"

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He suddenly made a sound, and Song Xiaobao was caught off guard, and her hand was pricked. She shook her hand and complained grinningly: "Oh brother, you scared me. Tear it off and sew it back on."

She paused, then tilted her head to take a look: "Yes, it seems a little crooked."

Comrade Xiaobao's handicraft ability can hardly match the basic level of the working people. He has always been clumsier than his hands and has never sewed clothes by himself. Given the current economic conditions of his family, famous brands are unnecessary, but buying a little girl A new dress is nothing.

But Song Xiaobao, a coquettish person who "acts like a baby if you have the conditions, and acts like a baby if you don't have the conditions to create the conditions", didn't even mention it.

Only then did Wei Zhiyuan realize that the disappearance of his elder brother caused more than just pressure on him.

Xiaobao's sewing was crooked, so he had to cut the thread with small scissors, take it off and re-do it, but it didn't take long for it to crooked again.

She sighed unbearably, threw the needle and thread back into the sewing box, probably felt aggrieved, and sniffled, but she looked up and found that only herself and Wei Zhiyuan were at home, so she held back her tears— She just looks small, but in fact she is not small. In her heart, Wei Zhiyuan is different from her eldest brother and grandma. The eldest brother is more like a powerful father with a deep generation gap. Wei Zhiyuan is a younger brother of the same generation. She is embarrassed to behave in front of him. So ignorant.

After a while, Xiaobao came over and took away Wei Zhiyuan's ruler: "Second Brother, lend me your long ruler."

Said, she bent over, lay on the table, pressed the edge with a ruler, and walked the needle with difficulty to avoid crooked sewing again.

Wei Zhiyuan lowered his head, as if he was reading a book, but the book in front of him hadn't turned a single page. Several times, he wanted to raise his head and say to Xiaobao, stop sewing, and I'll buy you a new one tomorrow.

But he dared not.

Even though the family is well-off at the moment, losing the eldest brother is equivalent to almost losing the source of income. Money without sources will be spent one day.

Both of them harbored the same fear in their hearts, and they seemed to be tacitly not to expose each other.

At this moment, San Fatty came.

San Pang always looks beaming, this guy can be happy day after day, it seems that there is something not to be happy about, in Wei Qian's words, that is, his "face always glows red like he just drank a wedding wine".

San Pang looked around the room, and asked suspiciously: "Hey, that unlucky kid of your brother hasn't come back yet? Where did he get snatched to be a door-to-door uncle, is he going to be happy?"

At Wei Zhiyuan's request, no one told San Pang that Wei Qian and his group lost contact, and San Pang is still optimistically kept in the dark.

Wei Zhiyuan said: "It's been about a week or two. Yesterday I heard that I went back."

"Oh," San Pang saw that his face was calm, but he didn't take it to heart. He lowered his head to look at the work in Xiaobao's hands, "Bao'er, are you going to be a tailor?"

Xiaobao raised her head, and her eyes met Wei Zhiyuan. She couldn't read people's faces when she was a child, but now she didn't know why, and she suddenly evolved to a new platform - she could understand other people's eyes, and Xiaobao cooperated with him. A bad lie: "I don't like this lace anymore and want to get rid of it."

Sanpang took it for granted: "I don't like asking your brother to buy you a new one, why bother?"

Song Xiaobao is an honest child, she never made up nonsense, she didn't know what to say for a while, she quickly lowered her head, suspecting that she would reveal her truth soon.

After a long while, she pursed her lips and choked out a sentence: "I want to save it."

San Pang was taken aback, and said heartlessly: "Look at our sister, she is so sensible, if your brother's grandson hears it, he will really be able to rest in peace."

He was joking, San Fatty is a big-mouthed gun without smoke, and he is not shy with Wei Qian. He is full of "saucy words" and has no taboos, but when he said these words, Xiao Yuan and Xiao Bao suddenly raised their heads to look at him together. Both children's faces were extremely ugly, but they were ugly, but neither of them said anything.

San Pang reacted very quickly, and after being taken aback for a moment, he immediately slapped himself lightly on the side of his mouth: "Bah, look at San Ge's stinky mouth, he's talking nonsense, it's okay, don't take it to heart. "

After a while, Wei Zhiyuan forced a smile at him, but Xiaobao didn't have the city, so she couldn't smile at all. She grabbed the clothes and sewing box, and said in a low voice: "I can't see it, I went back to the house to do it." .”

Then turned around and left.

At this point, no matter how blind San Pang was, he understood that something was wrong.

But he opened his mouth to Wei Zhiyuan, and when he was about to ask, he saw the child's stubborn eyes, and knew that he couldn't ask anything.

San Pang finally understood that the two children felt uncomfortable, but because of their presence, they tried their best not to show it.

"Yes," San Fatty said heartily, "I'd better go, if I stay here any longer, I'll definitely suffocate the two cubs."

He bid farewell to Wei Zhiyuan and left, and decided to confront Mrs. Song at night to ask her clearly.

And Wei Zhiyuan always remembered that he still had one thing to do.

The next day, he chose a quiet afternoon to go out. Before leaving, Wei Zhiyuan took out the money that Wei Qian gave him for the summer camp, looked at it, and stuffed the envelope into his schoolbag.

This is something left by his brother, Wei Zhiyuan wants to take it with him, so that he can feel at ease.

After doing that, Wei Zhiyuan decided to use the money to buy a new dress for Xiaobao. Anyway, if his brother really doesn't come back, he won't go to the summer camp, it's pointless.

At this time, those who went to work had already gone to work, and those who did not go to work also took a lunch break in the hot summer.

Wei Zhiyuan has figured it out, that pervert was married once, and then divorced, and now he lives alone. He has the other party's entire duty schedule in his hand, and he knows that this pervert is on duty from noon to midnight. at home.

Wei Zhiyuan has been around the house four or five times even following him and stepping on the spot.

He nimbly climbed up the wall near the tube building, kicked and climbed with both feet, and jumped to the balcony on the second floor.

Wei Zhiyuan used the knife he carried with him to cut a slit in the screen window of the man's house that was big enough for him to put one hand in, then retracted his hand into the long-sleeved jacket that he wore on purpose, and stuck it through the screen window through the jacket. , Pulled the latch inside, and turned in through the window.

Before he did this, he had carefully considered every detail, including which link would encounter any accidents, and he was almost confident.

Wei Zhiyuan seemed to be very gifted in being a thief, for the first time he did it like a habitual offender, quietly and in one go.

But until this time, he still had a rigorous attitude, with the idea of bold assumptions and careful verification, first visited this person's home.

Soon, Wei Zhiyuan knew that his cautious verification was unnecessary.

He found a large number of pornographic posters and pictures in the dirty and messy bedroom, most of which were children as the protagonists. Judging from the pictures, this person seemed to be interested in little boys between the ages of six and eight or nine, who had not yet developed Especially fond of little girls. Since he lived alone, this guy didn't even bother to hide, so he posted it all over the wall.

Wei Zhiyuan didn't want to leave traces of himself, through his sleeves, he looked through those things, thinking about the feasibility of reporting.

Immediately, he rejected the idea.

Wei Zhiyuan only heard that this pervert seems to have killed a little girl in a few words from his brother and third brother, but it was several years ago, the little girl died long ago without proof, and even the family members refused to call the police. There is no evidence that this person did it.

As for the time I met, it can only be said that it was an attempt. If the other party insisted that he just wanted to steal the child's pocket money, it seemed to make sense.

As for hiding child pornography at home, even if it would bring some trouble to this person, so what? What do people hide in their homes, what does it matter to others

He won't be sentenced for this, but Wei Zhiyuan's series of things from stalking to breaking into private houses are all unspeakable.

He was already troubled enough, and he couldn't get into more trouble because of this matter.

Finally, Wei Zhiyuan opened another drawer and found some things that obviously belonged to children in it—the little girl's cartoon card, the buttons of their school uniform that he was familiar with, and even a few pieces of children's underwear.

Beside it is a dozen videotapes.

Wei Zhiyuan took out the top one and put it in the old VCR next to it. After the noise and white spots passed, a pornographic video featuring a ten-year-old girl appeared on the screen.

Wei Zhiyuan had no interest in this, he frowned and fast-forwarded the tape, and realized that there are still such absurd things in the world—the whole video tape, there was that little girl back and forth, back, back and forth It's all that little content, and even switched several clumsy themes in a rather performative manner.

Wei Zhiyuan didn't feel that he was doing harm to the people, but that there was such a person living in the world, which made him feel a little disgusted.

He had learned enough, and was ready to exit the tape, leave quietly, and carry out his next plan.

Just a second before he was about to press the pause button, the fast-forward video jumped to the next clip.

These tapes are all shoddy pirated tapes, and the person who recorded them probably accidentally mixed in another video. The first few scenes flashed quickly under the effect of fast forward. Wei Zhiyuan took a look and felt that the background The style seemed to have changed, and the hand that was about to press down couldn't help but pause.

Then, suddenly, his eyes widened in amazement.

He saw two tall and burly European and American men, both dressed very coolly, and said two lines that didn't match the preamble, and then hugged each other in an ambiguous manner, and rolled into each other after kissing each other .

Wei Zhiyuan stopped fast-forwarding at some point, staring intently at the two people on the screen. The two male protagonists are both slender and powerful, with angular muscles.

And those two incomprehensible male protagonists seem to be doing it with great relish!

Wei Zhiyuan stood there dumbfounded, his outstretched hand froze in mid-air, he completely forgot to retract it, just when the two men in that area were groaning and cursing and went straight to the subject, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

Wei Zhiyuan quickly turned off the video recorder as if struck by lightning, and held his breath and stood motionless in the unfamiliar and messy living room.

Someone yelled outside: "Charge for electricity? Is anyone there?"

Wei Zhiyuan closed his eyes, clenched his fists and placed them by his side, silently counting his thunderous heartbeats.

He took a deep breath, and the structure of the entire room flashed in his mind, and he selected several evacuation routes in an instant—if someone outside suddenly opened the door or

Fortunately, the person outside waited for a while, and cursed: "Once the money is collected, no one will be there, who is it, bah!"

Then it seems to be gone.

Wei Zhiyuan heaved a sigh of relief.

His back was drenched with sweat, but his actions were methodical. He first ejected the videotape, then carefully restored the moved things to their original state. Finally, he found a place for cash under a small cabinet and pulled out the cash from it. Three hundred cash.

His heartbeat had calmed down a little, but his face was still flushed. He turned his head and flattened the screen window that he had cut open, and then looked through the "cat's eye" on the door for a while, making sure that there was no one empty in the corridor, and that it was time for the pervert to leave. The door was not locked, so I carefully opened the door, turned around and took it, and walked out of the corridor without a sound.

Wei Zhiyuan felt that there was a fire in his heart, burning his mouth dry, as if something sticky and sticky was entangled in his body, he suspected that it was out of righteous indignation and disgust, so he bought a bottle of panacea on the side of the road In the icy Arctic Ocean, three mouthfuls were poured into the stomach to extinguish the fire.

Wei Zhiyuan returned home calmly, wrote a note to Xiaobao, saying that he went to the city library to borrow materials, and he didn't have to wait for him to eat at night, and then he went straight to the factory where the pervert worked.

On the last page of his secret diary, the words "Qiu Jianguo" were written, and then a big cross was drawn with red water.

Oh, Qiu Jianguo is the name of that pedophile.

Qiu Jianguo ate in the cafeteria as usual that night.

He recently had his eye on a little boy who looked like a little girl. Boys of this age are playful and run around at home during summer vacation. Their parents are also more careless. It is very easy to find opportunities, but it is easier to succeed than girls.

While he was eating, the guard came over with a few bottles of wine: "You bought it, and it was delivered just now."

Qiu Jianguo was taken aback: "Me? I didn't buy it."

The guard vaguely knew that this person was abnormal. Although he didn't know what kind of abnormality he was, he was reluctant to have more contact with him, so he just glanced at him indifferently, and put the wine and the signature list on the table. In front of him: "It's yours, your name—it's not you who bought it. Who bought it? I've already given you the money. It's more than three hundred. It's quite expensive."

The doorman said that he didn't want to pay attention to him, and only ordered him to send the signature slip to the reception room before he got off work, and left.

Qiu Jianguo checked the list and found that it was a delivery note from a nearby tavern he frequented, and it was indeed in his name, no problem.

He thought to himself, maybe he misremembered the name of the person when delivering the goods. The people who usually go to the tavern are regular customers. He just pushed two five six, anyway, the problem was caused by a mistake in the tavern.

So he accepted the wine with peace of mind and stayed to drink it. With a small plate of peanuts, he went down with three bottles of wine, and his whole body was drunk to a pool of mud, and he was lying dead on the deck chair in a pile, not at all. The consciousness of being at work, dereliction of duty is simply a matter of course.

While he was half asleep and half awake, the man heard a "click", he ignored it and just turned over.

After a while, he heard the little girl's crisp voice.

It's that kind of undeveloped voice that is so tender that water can be squeezed out.

He was intoxicated as if drunk, but he reacted all of a sudden, his eyes were red, and he sat up suddenly.

He heard the voice coming from outside the door. The little girl seemed to be talking to herself, sometimes humming a few songs by herself, accompanied by the sound of small, bouncing footsteps.

He knew that in the dormitory for the workshop staff in front, there was a female worker living here with her eight-year-old daughter. Every time he saw the little girl, he felt itchy in his heart, but he was very careful and didn't do anything to those around him. Has been simmering.

But right now it was the dead of night.

The brain heated by alcohol "boomed" and exploded.

The man's fine hair stood up excitedly, he licked his lips thirsty, reached out and rubbed his crotch impatiently, and then got up, he was drunk, his eyes were white, and he followed the distant and suddenly Hearing the sound of approaching, he walked forward lightly.

As he walked, he felt a chill all over his body. The man shivered and became somewhat sober. He frowned and realized that this was a low-temperature freezer for storing meat products, and there were rustling sounds coming from inside.

The man regained his wits and said to the inside: "Hey, you can't just enter the cold storage!"

The little girl seemed to be muttering something, but the voice was too low for him to hear clearly. The man's throat rolled up and down wretchedly, his reason struggled with desire for a moment, and desire won.

He glanced at the big clock at the door of the warehouse. At this time, there was more than an hour before the shift change at twelve o'clock at midnight. He knew that the cold storage would receive new inventory at any time during the day, and the door was not locked with a "big lock", only a "small lock". All internal personnel have keys, and only when the shift changes in the middle of the night will the shift change personnel increase the lock and lock it, and it will be opened on time at six o'clock in the morning the next day.

More than an hour is enough to do a lot of things.

He softened his voice: "little sister, you can't mess around here, come out with uncle, uncle will take you to eat something good"

He went straight in without seeing that the clock at the door of the cold storage had already stopped.

He followed the girl's voice, walked deeper and deeper, and finally caught the voice—behind a wall! The man licked his lips and took a sudden step forward: "Catch it"

There was no little girl there, only an old mobile phone that he had discarded two or three years ago, which was playing a ringtone repeatedly, and the ambiguous child's voice kept ringing.

Suddenly, seemingly out of battery, the ringing stopped.

The entire cold storage was silent.

The man was startled, and at this moment, there was a loud bang behind him—the sound was very familiar to him, it was the sound of his colleague closing the outer door and the big lock falling!

etc! It's not time to change shifts, how could someone lock it at this time!

The man hurried to the door and shouted hoarsely: "There are still people inside! Let me out! Let me out!"

Wei Zhiyuan waited past twelve o'clock, burned his secret memory, and went straight home, spread out the thick dozen calculation papers he had written before on the bed, and pretended to be working very hard—Grandma and Xiaobao didn't go Passing the library, no one knows what time the library closes.

His body was covered with dew from the outside, thinking that he would not be able to sleep if he became such a bad embryo, but as soon as his head touched the pillow, he immediately felt the relief of his limbs and limbs. He placed Wei Qian's pillow By the side, as if the big brother is by the side to accompany him

Wei Zhiyuan fell asleep in this kind of comfort mixed with guilt and hidden worries. He had a dream in a daze. He dreamed that his brother was wearing only an unbuttoned shirt, lying on the bed and looking at him. Himself, with so many scars on his body, they didn't destroy the lines of that beautiful body at all.

Wei Qian's eyes resembled his mother's, but there was clear sharpness in them, his nose was straight, but there was an indescribable smile on his lips that Wei Zhiyuan imagined.

When Wei Zhiyuan saw his naked body, the sticky feeling in his heart seemed to be entangled again. The young man walked over like a maniac, and suddenly he was obsessed and wanted to touch him rebelliously.

The elder brother in the dream just glanced at him lazily, and even touched him casually. Wei Zhiyuan became excited uncontrollably, and couldn't help feeling a stranger and deeper longing.

Wei Zhiyuan was awakened by a series of phone ringtones, he sat up abruptly, his expression was blank for a second, and his heart was as violent as a tsunami.

His lower body was cold, he hesitated for a moment, got off the bed awkwardly, and picked up the phone.


"Me." A familiar voice came hoarsely from the receiver, "Did you wake up? There was something wrong with my brother before, and the phone was temporarily unavailable. Tell grandma not to worry, I'll be back in two days. "

Wei Zhiyuan didn't know how he answered the phone call, he felt numb all over his body.

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