
Chapter 43: Brother, I like men


Wei Qian originally thought that when he got his university diploma, he would be so excited that he could not sleep all night, trying to get his dream. But the actual situation is that his life during that period was so chaotic, that he didn't realize until a full year later that he hadn't even been able to attend the graduation ceremony.

He thought he was crawling, but before he knew it, he was up and running.

Lao Xiong and the others have always had a company before, but it looks like a joke. They hired a lot of temporary workers. A foreign trade company named XX.

They have accumulated a batch of messy industries and a batch of even messier contacts like guerrillas.

And just after Wei Qian and the others completed the first project involving large-scale capital, the three of Lao Xiong and the others finally sat down, rented the first floor of an office building in the city center, wrote out the articles of association in detail, and revised several drafts After that, it was decided to set up a formal company, and changed the names of a certain tea company and a certain foreign trade company like those fake leather bag companies, unified the brand, and formed a group.

The earliest members were actually only Lao Xiong, San Pang and Wei Qian. Later, as they expanded, they recruited many people one after another. The whole company was like an inflated balloon, and began to have complicated internal organs.

The state of Wei Qian and his three brothers also gradually changed from "like a dead dog" to "the appearance is glamorous, but in reality they are tired like a dead dog."

The ship began to try to sail in the offshore.

In the second year, Lao Xiong and the others worked on two or three short-term and quick small projects. They were no longer invisible shareholders. They walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage openly.

Old Xiong's ambition is also growing day by day, and he seems to have vaguely seen the coming golden age.

This is public and private, Wei Qian's decision to get Wei Zhiyuan back is not just talking, he has always done what he says, as long as he makes up his mind, he will act immediately.

After many inquiries, Wei Qian contacted a seemingly formal psychological institution in private. Soon after making an appointment, he ran over wearing a pair of big sunglasses that could cover his face, describing his behavior as more than that of an underage girl. Abortion is also sneaky.

As a result, the white coat with a smiling face collected the consulting fee, and told him in a gentle voice: "Although homosexuality has not been recognized by law, it has been deleted from the list of sexual perversions in my country two years ago. What you said This kind of situation may be just a certain tendency in the process of growth and development of adolescents, which may gradually disappear as he matures physically and mentally. Of course, it is also possible that the other person is a real homosexual, and the causes may be very complicated. We will discuss it later, but the psychological pressure it brings to teenagers is great, and family members need to treat it scientifically, not to overreact, but to ease it slowly."

After hearing such professional words, Wei Qian immediately asked with a glimmer of hope: "What about after the counseling? Can you break it back?"

The white coat smiled and said in a tone of universal salvation: "Through patient counseling, children can build up enough self-confidence, calmly face their differences from others, and finally find their own path to happiness. "

Wei Qian looked at the counselor, then at the ashtray at the corner of the table, thinking carefully, what would happen if an ashtray was given to this kid.

After this experience, Wei Qian felt that these psychological counselors were purely half-baked and unreliable at all. He received this so-called "scientific" answer, but he still refused to give up. After a few days, he found a picture of a beautiful woman. The calendar is on the living room wall.

Wei Qian's taste is really worrying. He can't understand traditional oriental beauties, so he entrusts San Pang to search.

If San Pang is reliable, sows can climb trees.

He did not know where to get a set of wall calendars, in which there are a lot of blond girls with big breasts, all with bare breasts and backs, all with big eyes and double eyelids carved out of the same mold, and they greet the Chinese people with bright smiles. Congratulations on getting rich, life can blind people's eyes.

Wei Qian hung this picture in the living room, beautifully destroying the literary and artistic home atmosphere created by Mrs. Xiong, and immediately brought the taste to the level of the urban-rural fringe, and the whole house began to permeate the "Donkey Meat Fire Shop Opening" The "festive" scent of "Duck".

Wei Qian tried to awaken Wei Zhiyuan's interest in women with basic carnal desires, but before Wei Zhiyuan had time to express his opinion, Mrs. Song quit first, and she said angrily, "Oh my mother, how can these women Running out wearing a trouser top? Who hung it up? What? Your brother? I think your brother is full of food, and the more he lives, the more he goes back! It’s too shameful, take it off for me!"

When Wei Qian was not at home, they took off the calendar, and Song Xiaobao quickly took the opportunity to carry private goods, and hung up the newly popular Japanese and Korean male stars.

In the evening when Wei Qian came home and opened the door, he saw Wei Zhiyuan at the base of the wall, looking at the group of slick white faces on the wall, the elder brother was very angry at that moment.

He walked over with big strides, and asked with a sinking face, "Does it look good?"

Wei Zhiyuan turned his head with an ambiguous smile, and took a deep look at him: "It's average, I've seen better-looking ones."

Wei Qian was so shocked by the amount of information in his words that his gallbladder trembled, and he immediately rolled up and threw away Xiaobao's bad faces. At the same time, he decided to investigate who Wei Zhiyuan usually associates with, what is "" Ever seen a better looking one?"

Where did the vixen hook up with teenagers to learn to be bad

Still a male vixen.

What an ugly term that is.

Finally, the New Year's calendar is hung with the "Spring Flowers and Autumn Fruits" that conforms to Mrs. Song's aesthetics.

Still full of down-to-earth pastoral style.

The two attempts were declared fruitless, and Wei Qian paused for a while, and then he learned from some irresponsible research report that some gay men were caused by the lack of fatherly love and interaction with their fathers since childhood.

It is impossible for Wei Qian to conjure up a father for Wei Zhiyuan out of thin air, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and do it himself.

After the warm spring and the flowers bloom, Wei Qian took advantage of the weekend to squeeze out a day and decided to take Wei Zhiyuan to do some leisure sports for men—fishing.

It was not easy for Wei Qian to squeeze out a whole day. During that period of time, his life was quite chaotic. Every day was the rhythm of karoshi. There was no concept of overtime or not. From opening his eyes in the morning to closing them at night, Even shaft rotation.

He vaguely returned to the time when he looked at it every morning and started to think about how to spend the whole day.

The day before leaving, Wei Zhiyuan checked the things he was going to bring for the last time before going to bed.

He belongs to the kind of person who never needs an alarm clock. He usually has a biological clock to get up on time, and if there is something that needs to be woken up very early the next day, he will wake up very early spontaneously. His body seems to be filled with hair. strip.

Of course, this specialty also has its disadvantages, that is, if he thinks about getting up early the next day, he will easily fall asleep.

Wei Zhiyuan woke up once at three o'clock, then lay down again and began to dream.

His dream was fragmented, almost without a whole plot. He dreamed that he passed by many places, sometimes it was a speeding train, sometimes it was a dirty corner, sometimes it was a cramped room, all places had The lids all looked dark, monotonous and dull in color.

Wei Zhiyuan moved uncomfortably on the bed, but he didn't wake up. In his dream, there was no monster that suddenly appeared to scare him, nor was there a cliff that suddenly fell down, and he seemed to be trapped in such a long and real nightmare. I'm not excited or afraid, but I feel extremely depressed, which is as normal as being numb.

In the dream, he was always surrounded by all kinds of eyes. The faces of all kinds of people passing by him were all blurred, and there was only one pair of eyes on the flat faces of those people, and the gaze of each pair of eyes was different. Sinister bet on him.

Those sights were like little bugs the size of sesame seeds, not fatal, but they crawled slowly across his body non-stop, bringing an indescribable sense of trembling.

All the voices disappeared without a trace, all the tactile sensations were false and unreal, and everywhere he looked, there were only those malicious eyes, Wei Zhiyuan finally started to run.

He woke himself up by "running".

Wei Zhiyuan sat up from the bed dripping with sweat, and turned on the bedside lamp—it was four forty-five in the morning.

He paused, put his elbows on his thighs, wiped the sweat off his face, and sat there breathing calmly.

His chest seemed to be blocked by a ball of cotton, and his breathing was difficult. Wei Zhiyuan couldn't lie down anymore, so he got up and took a shower.

He saw his current appearance in the mirror, tall and handsome, with shoulders that had grown ahead of time like spread wings, full of a vivid sense of power when he moved.

Probably because he hadn't woken up from the nightmare, Wei Zhiyuan suddenly remembered a long time ago.

He was six years old then? He is seven years old, and he is still wandering aimlessly anyway. There seems to be a wall between him and the civilized society, which is transparent and untouchable, but clearly refuses him to enter.

One day, he was resting on a street corner, and saw a man coming out of a small restaurant with two boxes of food. The disposable lunch boxes were probably a little weak. I had to let go, and the whole box of meals was knocked over the floor.

The man turned around cursing and went to the restaurant guy to argue that the smell of the food was everywhere, and that the tempting aroma of vegetables was like a fatally attractive poppy to a hungry child.

Wei Zhiyuan couldn't help it, and finally mustered up the courage to walk over quietly.

He squatted on the ground and secretly picked it up with his hands to eat. The person who was arguing found him and was shocked immediately. His expression was vivid in my memory—the eyes were wide open, the hair stood on end, as if he saw a mouse in the gutter , disgusted and hated.

Immediately, the man shouted and cursed loudly, as if Wei Zhiyuan didn't pick up the food he dropped, but spoiled his appetite.

"It's disgusting!" Wei Zhiyuan remembered the person saying this, and then he was kicked hard and unceremoniously, the hot vegetable soup splashed onto the child's delicate skin, scalding the inside of his wrist, To this day, there is still a scar so small that it is barely noticeable.

This is the invisible wall - he is not a human being in people's eyes.

Those who pity him, pity him like a kitten or puppy, those who think he is dirty, hate him like seeing wild cats and dogs, those who have no good intentions for him, like those who want to eat cat meat and dog meat, have ulterior motives Estimate how many catties he weighs.

They may think that he is a little fool, or mentally abnormal, but no one will think that he has normal or even supernormal intelligence, and no one even knows that he has human emotions.

All the malice was calmly engraved on the surface of the earth, lying in front of Wei Zhiyuan word by word, growing into his own viciousness from within.

Difficult to annihilate, difficult to defeat.

Wei Zhiyuan thought he had forgotten it, but these memories at the bottom of the box always appeared at inopportune times. There was a small screening room in his mind, and some old movies would be shown from time to time, vividly in his mind, as if yesterday.

But it wasn't really yesterday after all.

Wei Zhiyuan stared at the scar on his wrist indifferently for a few seconds.

Until now, he still hates other people's gazes for no reason, but he is no longer afraid of those gazes. He still knows that he is pathologically pursuing power, but so what

The young man thought that one day he would have the power to flatten the world, and no one would be able to stop him at that time. He even wildly dreamed that he would be powerful enough to affect the rules of this world.

At this time, another person suddenly flashed in front of Wei Zhiyuan's eyes, and he was in a trance, as if he saw the face of the unknown pervert that he led step by step to the cold storage to freeze to death. It is said that the human brain will automatically block unpleasant memories, but Wei Zhiyuan's mind is like an indifferent hard drive, never letting him forget anything.

What did you suddenly think of him? Dead are dead.

Wei Zhiyuan laughed at himself, turned around and walked out of the bathroom, almost bumping into Wei Qian as soon as he came out.

Wei Qian's footsteps were almost staggering, the two of them made an appointment to get up at five o'clock in the morning and set off, but when Wei Qian returned home the night before, it was already two thirty in the middle of the night, he had to wash his hands hastily, and he was so sleepy that he couldn't fall asleep , I guess it will be after three o'clock at least after I finally close my eyes.

Wei Qian felt that as soon as he fell into a deep sleep, the sound of the alarm clock entered his brain roughly, annihilating his delicate sleep in one fell swoop.

It took him almost a drug-detox will to get out of bed.

Wei Zhiyuan saw his brother swaying left and right for a while like a tumbler, and accidentally hit the wall, Wei Qian almost slid down the wall and fell asleep at the bottom of the wall.

Wei Zhiyuan grabbed his shoulder to help him, and asked softly: "Why don't you sleep a little longer? Why don't you go today?"

Wei Qian waved his hands without saying a word, struggled to get up and walked into the bathroom.

It wasn't until he was shocked by the cold water that Wei Qian came back a little bit. Every cell in his body was screaming that he didn't want to go out and want to sleep, but he was still suppressed by the collective.

Wei Qian said in his heart, boy, brother will risk his life for you.

Fishing places are usually in the suburbs, and it takes nearly two hours to drive there. Wei Qian just got his driver's license and bought a mid-to-low-end family car to usually drive. He has some money in his hands these years, but he still doesn't spend much on himself. It's not that he is calm, not vain, and doesn't want to show off like a saint at a young age.

But he is not rich enough to make himself feel safe.

How much money do you have to feel safe

Wei Qian couldn't say it well, but he thought about it, with his low self-cultivation and shallow ideological realm, one day, he might really be able to do extravagant things like "drinking a bowl and pouring a bowl".

Poverty has been engraved on his genes, directly affecting the synthesis of every protein molecule in his body.

On the other side, Wei Zhiyuan didn't know whether he hadn't woken up or what, he kept propping his chin, staring out the window without making a sound.

Wei Zhiyuan had never fished before, and Wei Qian was still a child—when his stepfather and mother were still alive, San Pang's father took the three of them to play once.

At that time, San Pang’s father was still young, and he was carved out of the same mold as San Pang now. He was also good-tempered and glib, and he took three little boys with different heights, short, fat, and thin. While fighting, the three fat dads didn't care, and only occasionally turned around to maintain order to prevent them from falling into the river.

When sitting down and waiting for the fish to get the bait, the three fat father and three fat two people, you and I insulted the three fat mother behind the scenes together, just like two turned serfs who denounced the oppressive class together by the poor people who sang sir.

Fishing is sometimes more like a "gentlemen's tea party", where they can get together to discuss women, complain about life and the little boys who are always troublesome at home.

It wasn't too early for the two of them to arrive, and someone had already set up the fishing rod. They found a small pavilion by the water to rest their feet and shade, and sat on the steps, posing like a guy.

Based on his meager experience, Wei Qian taught Wei Zhiyuan how to put bait on the hook, how to see the float, and how to throw the hook.

Wei Zhiyuan wanted to play tricks and looked clumsy on purpose, so his brother had no choice but to pinch an earthworm and put his hand on the hook for him.

The earthworm that is dying is entrusted with the sweetness that falls from between the fingers, and Wei Zhiyuan seizes the time to enjoy every bit of it.

The float was quietly floating on the water, and the sun had not fully risen yet. Wei Qian remembered what San Pang's father said to them while squatting by the water, so he passed it on to Wei Zhiyuan: "The joy of fishing lies in the process of anticipation."

Wei Zhiyuan turned his head and looked at him: "I've been looking forward to it for a long time, but I can't catch any of them? I've been looking forward to it for nothing, aren't you very disappointed?"

Wei Qian choked up for a moment, no one among the three of them had ever asked such a sharp question back then.

He moved his brain that was rusted due to lack of sleep, and finally failed to think of a more instructive sentence, so he had to tell the truth frankly: "It's probably quite depressing, but it's unlikely. There is a fee, if the boss is so dishonest in his business, no one can catch any of them, and no one will come here in the future."

Said, Wei Qian stretched his waist and leaned on a stone pillar: "But I really didn't get anything, so you should just appreciate the scenery of the lake and mountains."

The sky was getting cloudy, and after a while, it started to rain. They were sitting in the gazebo, not afraid of being drenched by the rain. The light wind with water vapor was blowing from the lake. Wei Zhiyuan looked at Wei Qian's open eyes Little by little, I put my last hand on the fishing rod on the bracket, and fell asleep like that.

The sound of rustling rain gradually formed a line, the water surface of the fish pond was disturbed, and farther away was a piece of farmland, connected to the sky-like wilderness.

The rain curtain gradually covered the eyes, and the lake and mountains were blurred together.

Wei Zhiyuan withdrew his gaze a long time ago, turned his head and focused on Wei Qian's peaceful sleeping face.

After a while, he carefully stretched out his hand and tentatively touched Wei Qian's hair. Wei Qian didn't respond, and really fell asleep.

Wei Zhiyuan lowered his head, raised two fingers, put them lightly on his lips, and kissed reverently, then stretched his arms, and brushed those two fingers across Wei Qian's lips as if nothing.

His face was finally full of gloom, revealing a childish smile.

Wei Zhiyuan straightened his legs, and the gloomy darkness that had been trapped in his heart since the morning, seemed to be comforted for a short time, and obediently fell down.

At this moment, he felt the "happiness of anticipation" and saw the real "beauty of lakes and mountains".

Wei Qian was awakened by the sudden sinking of the fishing rod in his hand, and the tail was raised and hit his arm. He quickly grabbed the tail of the fishing rod, shook his wrist vigorously, got up, and retracted the fishing line round and round. A big fish weighing about two catties was dragged ashore by sinking and floating.

Wei Qian turned to Wei Zhiyuan and said, "Give me the fish basket, where is the fish basket?"

Wei Zhiyuan bent down and pulled out the fish basket stuck in the mud on the bank, caught it, and the fish fell into the fish basket as the hook was removed. After a few restless movements, Wei Zhiyuan soaked the fish basket back into the water When it was inside, its tail flicked a series of water droplets.

Wei Qian woke up and was in a very good mood. He also dreamed about the fish, and was awakened by the fish again, so it was a good omen.

However, just as he sat back down again, before he had time to summarize his staged victories, Wei Zhiyuan spoke.

He said in a flat voice amidst the pattering rain, "Brother, I like men, you actually know that, right?"

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