
Chapter 46: Brother, can you stop digging into my heart?


"No," Wei Qian said with some uncertainty, "Brother Xiong, you slow down, what do you mean? It's okay, don't use this to scare people, okay?"

The old bear didn't answer, he just got up and took the project proposal, and put it in front of Wei Qian in a stable manner: "You take this back and have a look, this is the material for tomorrow's meeting."

Wei Qian has never successfully read the eyes of the old bear—of course, apart from the fact that the old bear is more powerful, it is also because his eyes are too small, and he can't see where his eyes are without touching his face.

But Lao Xiong has always been cheerful and easy to get in touch with. Most of the businessmen who come here travel widely. Except for Mr. Zhang who has a good background with a spoon, there are few who have a particularly weird personality.

However, at this time, for the first time, Wei Qian felt the rejection that was about to fill the air from him. Old Xiong sat back on the sofa cushion on the ground, crossed his legs with some difficulty, and crossed himself against the Buddhist scriptures all over the wall.

He seemed to be trying to look irrational, trying to look a little crazy.

Sometimes it's good to be crazy.

Wei Qian hesitated for a while, picked up the proposal, got up and left without saying anything.

The business proposal is full of gimmicks, which may impress people, but it cannot impress Wei Qian.

Because they didn't have so many people in the early projects, San Pang didn't have a good education, and his writing was not fluent, and the old bear was responsible for getting money and negotiating. Nine is from Wei Qian's hand.

How these smokeless things were blown out one by one, he knew everything in his mind.

But gimmicks aside, this is just an ordinary villa project, and Wei Qian really can't tell what's wrong with it.

On the way back, he held the project proposal and thought about it all the way—the scene of the three of them looking down at the economic forest below when the three of them followed Mr. Zhang up the hillside that day still always appeared in Wei Qian's mind.

What's wrong with that scenario? Wei Qian pondered over it several times, but couldn't figure it out.

. .

After all, he is still young and his experience is too limited.

In the end, there was only a light shadow in Wei Qian's heart. He couldn't tell where the shadow was, but there was a kind of resistance in his heart, and he felt that if he could not do this project, it would be best not to do it.

but the old bear

Before going out the next morning, Wei Qian finally managed to block Sanpang, and Sanpang went to the company together in his car.

"Cough, don't mention this matter." San Pang waved his hands in displeasure, with displeasure written in every crack of fat.

"Didn't you leave in a hurry at the time, so you just left a sentence saying let me stop him, and you didn't explain how to stop him—I usually don't have much contact with business. It’s such a big task, I’m so stupid—yes, I stopped it, but Brother Xiong asked, and I couldn’t tell that I was ugly, and I couldn’t stop it at all. At that time, I thought I couldn’t do it, so Something went wrong. I called my sister-in-law. I thought, wouldn’t this have the same effect as Shangxitian’s invitation to the Tathagata? Cried."

Wei Qian: "Who? Sister-in-law is crying?"

Sanpang grinned and nodded: "Isn't that right, our sister Chen Lu is the master of Tathagata Palm, okay, she is crying? When I heard it, it must be the sky falling, but it scared me It was broken, so I asked what was going on, and it turned out that it was really "

Wei Qian stopped the car and waited for the red light, and asked slowly, "What's wrong with her?"

"Co-author, do you know?"

Wei Qian: "I heard a sound, but the old bear didn't explain it clearly to me."

Sanpang sighed: "The two of them have been married for so many years, and they have never had children. It's not that they don't want to have children. My sister-in-law has never been able to conceive. She may be born with tumors in her stomach since she was very young. Do you know the place where the baby was born? I had two or three surgeries before and after, but they couldn’t stop the recurrence. Of course, the safest way is to cut it off, but she doesn’t agree, and she still wants to have a baby.”

No wonder

"Didn't my sister-in-law dance before? It looked easy, but it actually took a lot of energy. She also had the kind of aggressive personality. She couldn't hold on anymore, so she had to resign. Brother Xiong said at that time, It was cut off, it’s nothing special, she asked her to cut it, but she refused. In the end, the two agreed to raise it for two years. It would be best if they could have a child. If they don’t, it’s their life, so they don’t plan to have it. , let her go for an operation. As a result, I went to the hospital for an examination a year ago, and the doctor said that it might be cancerous."

When the red light passed, the car behind impatiently honked its horn, Wei Qian came back and drove the car out: "Have you been diagnosed?"

"Diagnosed, or why did the old bear cry like a real bear that day?" San Pang's voice dropped, and he paused for a long time before continuing, "Some people won't die after 20 or 30 years after getting this disease. , It’s the same as nothing, some people may spread in a month or two, Chen Lu belongs to the kind of unlucky-Qian’er, anyway, it’s just such a thing, what do you say? This project will pass in a while, are you To sign or not to sign?"

Wei Qian knew that he had no reason not to sign this letter.

Bereavement of a father in a young age, loss of a wife in middle age, loss of a son in old age—the three major sympathies, Wei Qian himself catches up with one, Mazi's mother catches up with one, and sees that Lao Xiong may soon catch up with the other.

Is it not easy to live, or is their life more difficult? Wei Qian really didn't want to know the answer.

When he was a child, he thought that he could not live without his parents. If he didn't even have this little emotional sustenance, he might as well die.

After a few years, he thought, he couldn't live without money, if he didn't even have the basic living security, he might as well die.

Later, he thought, there can be no dignity, if everyone looks down on him, it would be better to die.

Yet one by one he lost them, some were found later, and some were never found, and yet he lived.

Probably because the atmosphere in the car was too depressing, San Pang glanced at him, tried to liven up the atmosphere, and said, "Two days ago, I heard Mr. Zhang talking about pseudoscience with me. He said there was such a rumor, People with low body temperature are prone to cancer, and people with high body temperature are prone to cardiovascular disease. The two major killers of human beings, we have to fall into the arms of one of them sooner or later. When I heard this rumor, in principle, it doesn’t suffer anywhere. But in theory, it’s really the same thing, if you’re alive without any disasters or illnesses, let’s think about it as soon as possible—is your old lady okay?”

Wei Qian didn't answer, and after a while, he answered irrelevantly and said, "If I have such a day, I will go to a place where no one can find me and wait to die by myself."

San Pang didn't take it seriously, and laughed: "Of course you say that now."

"It will be the same in the future." Wei Qian smoothly slid his car into the company's garage, "The two children will grow up in the future, and they should get married and work at that time. Why do I hate others? Embarrassing things , I will let them all come to an end in my lifetime."

San Pang looked at him sideways, in the dim garage, he felt that there was some kind of deep self-mockery on Wei Qian's face.

Wei Qian stopped the car, turned off the engine, and sighed: "But that's for the future, and now I have to earn money for them."

Sanpang suddenly felt that what he said was wrong. He considered that his younger siblings would form their own families in the future, but he pulled himself out and put him in a position of watching coldly and alone, as if he had never thought of himself subconsciously. Will marry a wife and have a child.

"Qian'er," San Pang couldn't help asking, "Shouldn't you also consider starting a family, or at least find a girlfriend?"

Wei Qian was taken aback.

"You can't always be alone. Xiaobao and Xiaoyuan are already grown up. You don't have any burdens now. Shouldn't you just find one? Besides, like your old lady, she will need multiple people to help you take care of her in the future. "

Wei Qian frowned quickly, still resisting psychologically, but then, he thought again, this is also true.

Everyone has to have a home, right

You can't be the only one at home, can you

This day's meeting went smoothly, Wei Qian's silent connivance cleared away the last obstacle for Old Xiong, and Old Xiong's proposal was quickly passed.

Lao Xiong made great progress. Within half a month, he signed a framework agreement and a cooperation agreement with Mr. Zhang. One month later, the project company and management team were formally established. Exploration, planning, land acquisition, etc. All preliminary work has been carried out in an orderly manner.

City C is getting busy. There are too many places where people need to be in charge in the early stage of the project. On the general operational level, San Fatty doesn't intervene much. It's Lao Xiong and Wei Qian who are running. Right now, neither of them is better than the other. Each family had one patient and one patient, so they had to take turns running around.

Fortunately for Old Xiong, Mrs. Xiong is willing to use a nanny, but for Wei Qian, fortunately, there is Wei Zhiyuan.

On the day Mrs. Song was discharged from the hospital, Wei Qian came back from a meeting and saw a taxi parked downstairs. Xiao Yuan picked up Mrs. Song on his back, and Xiao Bao was carrying things behind, calling the elevator to open the door for them.

From a distance, each of them looks like an adult.

Even Xiaobao did what he said, and really tried to take care of Mrs. Song. Although she was clumsy at first, she gradually matured with experience over time.

What about Xiaoyuan

Xiaoyuan always seems to have a lot of energy. Wei Qian doesn't know if he's getting enough sleep or not, and his normal schooling will not be affected. He took care of it with both hands, at least in Wei Qian's eyes, Wei Zhiyuan was able to handle it with ease.

After another lengthy negotiation and tug-of-war with the local government, Wei Qian returned home after a two-month business trip.

The two children seemed to have gone to school, and Mrs. Song was dozing off in the room.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Wei Qian threw the suitcase at the door and started washing vegetables and cooking. Before the vegetables were cut, Wei Zhiyuan came back.

He walked in and said, "Brother, I'm coming."

Wei Qian: "It's okay, let me come. I just came back today, so you can take a day off too."

Wei Zhiyuan didn't argue with him, but stayed behind him for a while, then found an opportunity, reached out his hand from behind him unexpectedly, clamped his elbow, pinched the back of the kitchen knife, and snatched it over.

Wei Qian: ""

Wei Zhiyuan pressed close to his ear and complained in a low voice: "I've told you all."

Probably because they were too close, the voice penetrated into Wei Qian's ears all the way, he couldn't help being shocked, and quickly turned his head away somewhat uncomfortable.

Wei Qian wandered around a few times, compromised and said, "You can come if you come, do you have any eggs? I'll make some egg soup for you to drink, oh fuck, Wei Zhiyuan, are you going to rebel?"

Wei Zhiyuan hugged him from behind, staggered his feet off the ground, and invited him out of the kitchen involuntarily in the gesture of moving a large piece of furniture.

"I'm still planning to force the palace to usurp the throne." Wei Zhiyuan put him down and said proudly, "Let's start with the imperial dining room first."

This is not like Wei Zhiyuan's usual tone of speech, Wei Qian was taken aback, leaning against the door and looking at him.

When he came back from a business trip, some indescribable changes seemed to have taken place in Wei Zhiyuan's body. Wei Qian found that during the days when he was not at home, this boy who should be as tired as a dog seemed to have some kind of vitality.

He is not like before, he always seems to have something on his mind, although Wei Zhiyuan's lack of sleep can be seen on his face, but his energy is very good, and he even becomes a little cheerful.

"I don't think it's better to hire a part-time worker. Don't let grandma see it. Just cook and clean for you every day." Wei Qian paused, then asked, "How about the school, are you busy?"

"It's okay." Wei Zhiyuan said in a good mood, "Our association has been making some commonly used gadgets recently, and we got sponsorship last week."

"Sponsorship?" Wei Qian was taken aback, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Wei Zhiyuan looked back at him: "Then reach out and ask you for money?"

Wei Qian felt that what he said was too blatant, so he coughed dryly and said, pretending to be reserved: "That's not true, it depends on whether the things you make have investment value."

Wei Zhiyuan poured the chopped vegetables into the pot, and amidst the sound of "squeaky" from the oily flowers, he said, "No matter how busy you are, I can't always rely on you. A man has to go out by himself."

Otherwise, what will I do to take care of you in the future

Of course, Wei Zhiyuan swallowed the second half of the sentence.

"Come on, brat, you're still out of breath when you say you're fat." Wei Qian laughed, "Tell me, how did you find sponsorship?"

Wei Zhiyuan told him happily: "We tried to advertise at the beginning, but later found that the advertising cost was too high and the effect was not very good, so we stopped, and then tracked the contact information of the target investor on the Internet, and sent the advertisement directly to They also made non-reserved calls in their mailboxes for a while, but unfortunately the emails are often blocked, and most of the non-reserved calls are directly intercepted by the front desk of others. This is not possible, and in the end we will visit one by one."

Wei Qian couldn't help laughing—a few college students rashly came to promote their team and asked for sponsorship, how many eyes did they have to get

Not to mention the big bosses, but other people, they probably didn't even bother to raise their heads when they encountered this kind of situation, so they were blocked out directly.

"It's quite difficult to ask for help." Wei Zhiyuan said, "But the result is good, and I finally got it."

Wei Zhiyuan treated the various experiences in the middle with ease, and did not describe his own feelings. He has always been a very outstanding top student. He may have a high IQ, but his adversity quotient has not been very good. He is much smarter and calmer than his peers, but his ability to withstand setbacks does not match all of this—in this case In terms of respect, he is not even comparable to Xiaobao who was scolded by his elder brother since he was a child.

Wei Zhiyuan hated that feeling of powerlessness, the long days of going from door to door with the same set of things, trying to sell door-to-door to seek investment, almost reminding him of his wandering childhood that was buried deep in his memory. .

He was isolated and helpless, but he didn't tell anyone. He just submerged like a headless fly for nearly a year. During the period, their club activities had to stagnate due to various difficulties, and many people left one after another. Wei Zhiyuan bore the pressure alone. At the same time, there is a patient in his family, Mrs. Song, who needs to be taken care of.

He also had to be careful not to show his clues in front of his eldest brother—as long as he asked, Wei Qian would definitely give this sponsorship, and Wei Zhiyuan knew it well.

But what's the point

When all the negative emotions were aroused and piled up in his heart, Wei Zhiyuan wanted to give up several times. For the first time, he discovered that bearing this seemingly cowardly posture was no easier than anything.

But hasn't my eldest brother been enduring all these years

In those days, Wei Zhiyuan survived almost by relying on the yellowed old photo of Wei Qian's youth in his wallet.

Wei Qian felt indescribably distressed, just like the first time he saw Xiaobao wash Granny Song's urinal.

But he couldn't express it, and after being silent for a long time, he could only praise Wei Zhiyuan in a particularly obscure and incomprehensible way like praising Xiaobao without creativity: "You, if you are willing to find a girlfriend back, brother now You can rest in peace."

Wei Zhiyuan said calmly: "That's impossible."

"No drama at all?" Wei Qian looked at him almost expectantly.

Wei Zhiyuan avoided his gaze, put salt and seasoning, but his tone was firm: "Well, it's not possible at all."

"Because of your male fox." Wei Qian paused, and changed his words temporarily, "Sweetheart? Don't look at how difficult it is to get a sponsor now. If you really want to go this way, it will be harder than getting a sponsor." Much more difficult."

Wei Zhiyuan seemed to find the term "a man's sweetheart" very interesting, he thought of something, and raised his mouth uncontrollably: "I know, this is just the beginning."

Wei Qian paused, and changed his angle: "Then is he willing to accept you?"

Wei Zhiyuan glanced at him, and said hesitantly: "I don't know yet, maybe it might be unacceptable?"

Wei Qian seemed to have found a breakthrough immediately, he slowed down his tone, and put on a posture of patient persuasion: "When a man reaches a certain age, he will want to marry a woman as his wife. Even if you don't want to, others will. Little, don't think so far, if the person you like gets married in the future, what will you do?"

Wei Zhiyuan stopped all his movements, and after a moment of stalemate, he said, "Brother, can you stop digging into my heart?"

Wei Qian looked helplessly at Wei Zhiyuan who didn't get in, and thought of what Old Xiong said about himself - this is the bastard who eats the weight, and he is determined.

He couldn't help but think of Mrs. Xiong. Two months ago, Wei Qian found an opportunity to take Xiaobao to visit her once.

Sister-in-law Xiong refused to do chemotherapy, she somehow persuaded Old Xiong, but Old Xiong silently let it go.

Sister-in-law Xiong was finally satisfied to hear Xiaobao call her "godmother". When she looked at Xiaobao, she couldn't help thinking, if she could have a child, if she could live a few more years, wouldn't she? Can you also see your child grow up to Xiaobao's age

Looking at this heartless little girl, she couldn't help thinking about her illusory future.

Before leaving, Mrs. Xiong said to Wei Qian: "Some children are born to love beauty, and some children are born to not care about it. It's all innate. It's like cats eat fish and dogs eat meat. You only rely on your own preferences to force you to be beautiful." Asking a child who loves beauty to cut her hair is the same as forcing a child who doesn’t love beauty to get up an hour earlier every day to put on makeup—you think you’re right to kill other people’s nature, but do you know how cruel you are?”

Wei Qian knew that this was from her heart.

Ms. Chen Lu, she also loves beauty by nature, loves art by nature, loves her work, loves family and children, and loves life, but just halfway through, everything is forcibly interrupted and drawn to a halt.

When she said this to Wei Qian, her eye circles were clearly red.

That Xiaoyuan is like this, is it natural to like a man like this without looking back

Wei Qian didn't know, but his mood fluctuated several times, and finally he was above his bottom line, and gave Wei Zhiyuan a step back in a humiliating and humiliating manner.

He found sadly that his bottom line was like his pants, and one day these little brats would have all his pants left.

Wei Qian said: "Whatever love is, I don't care about you anymore, I've said what I have to say, don't regret it in the future. Your so-and-so-well, just so-and-so, you understand what I mean, it's Xiang I don’t know if it smells bad, let me meet you if you have a chance.”

Wei Zhiyuan immediately understood the meaning of his concession, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, he didn't know whether he should be happy or what. He struggled for a long time, and finally responded: "Hey."

Wei Qian wanted to say more, but at this moment, his topic was interrupted, and there was a knock on the door outside.

Wei Qian responded, and opened the door, only to see a strange middle-aged woman outside. She was perming a head of scorched curly hair, like a moving chicken coop, her eyes were cloudy, and there were many fine lines at the corners of her eyes. She is old, wearing a gaudy floral fir that doesn't match her age, and carrying a fake designer bag that can be seen everywhere.

Wei Qian asked, "Who are you looking for?"

When the other party saw him, he was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately said: "Oh, I may have knocked on the wrong door, so what, does Wang Xiuhong live in this building?"

"Wang Xiuhong" is Mazi's mother's name, Wei Qian frowned: "What do you want to do with her?"

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