
Chapter 47: Eye to eye seems not quite right


From the outside, Wei Qian certainly belongs to the kind of person who "looks like a dog".

He is tall and has long legs, and the airs he has practiced since he was a child has now reached the point where he can retract and put it freely.

Usually in the company, he looks too young, and he doesn't look like Sanpang, and he will mingle with others wherever he goes. He travels around on business all the year round, coming and going in a hurry is his normal state, and every time the buttons are fastened to the top one, he looks more serious. Even if he occasionally stays in the office when he has nothing to do, he still closes the door and stays by himself. He would rather draw turtles in the house and play like an autistic child than come out and joke with the young girls in the company.

After being perverted for a long time, a certain serious aura like no strangers are naturally refined from his body.

The strange woman at the door thought he was some kind of important person, felt cramped, squeezed her bag unconsciously, squeezed out a flattering smile and said, "Oh, I'm a relative in her hometown, the eldest aunt of their family."

Wei Qian frowned even tighter: "Auntie? Why haven't I heard that there is a big aunt in her hometown?"

The strange woman's complexion became a little ugly, but she couldn't figure out who Wei Qian was, and she didn't dare to get angry casually, so she kept smiling, as if she was used to humiliating, with a submissive face.

Wei Qian glanced at her, then went to the next door and knocked on Mazi's mother's door: "Auntie, it's me. Someone who claims to be a relative of your family has come. Come out and see if you know him."

Said, Wei Qian glanced back at the woman who was poking dryly in the corridor, his eyes were like knives, and he scraped a circle on her body meanly.

Even if she wasn't a fake, Mazi's father passed away for so many years, Mazi's mother set up a stall to sell fried dough sticks every day, when she was orphaned and widowed, where did her "big aunt" die

When Mazi's mother had an accident and a child as young as Mazi was lured by bad guys to sell drugs, where was she

As long as Wei Qian can remember, he has lived next to Mazi and the others, and has never met any living relatives of their family.

The woman met his cold scrutiny in horror, and unconsciously leaned against the wall.

Mazi's mother had trouble moving, and it took her a while to open the door, and a weak female voice came from inside: "Qian'er, when did you come back? Have you eaten yet?"

Only then did Wei Qian's expression soften, he bent down and said a few words to her, then turned around and pushed her out of the room: "This is the person looking for you."

The strange middle-aged woman first looked at Mazi's mother in shock, her eyes were about to fall out of their sockets, after a while, she covered her mouth suddenly, and said in shock, "Oh my god! Are you Xiuhong? Are you really Xiuhong? How did you become like this? My mother!"

Mazi's mother was stunned for a long time, her voice was so weak that it seemed to be squeezed out of her throat: "Are you the big sister?"

The woman took a few glances at Mazi's mother, but couldn't help it anymore, tears fell down like money.

Wei Qian pushed Mazi's mother back into the room, and put this "auntie" who didn't know where she came from, and the two of them hugged each other in the room and cried.

Wei Qian backed out quietly, but he was careful when he came out, he didn't close Mazi Ma's door, and left a gap open, in case something happened, he could hear it from the next door.

Even San Pang also heard the movement, came out to check the situation, and when he saw Wei Qian, he immediately ran to his house shamelessly to eat.

"Relatives? Don't mention you, I don't even remember that there are relatives in their family. What kind of relatives, haven't we seen each other for thirty years?" San Pang squeezed a piece of fried shrimp balls into his mouth, patting his mouth to savor the taste , "Oh, this is delicious! Your family's Xiaoyuan's craftsmanship is simply peerless, better than other young daughters-in-law's. I don't know who will be cheaper in the future."

San Pang's mouth is like a train, he can run about anything, no one will take him seriously.

But Wei Zhiyuan's sexuality problem has always been Wei Qian's heart disease. His compromise is really a compromise, and his heart is really bad. The latter cannot be controlled.

The three words "little daughter-in-law" stepped on Wei Qian's thunder without warning, and he immediately became angry: "Get lost, you are only a little daughter-in-law!"

As soon as he scolded, Wei Zhiyuan came out carrying dishes and wearing an apron before his voice hit his feet. He looked extraordinarily virtuous, and slapped his brother with practical actions.

The eyes of Wei Qian and San Pang fell on him at the same time, Wei Qian rolled his eyes helplessly, and said to Wei Zhiyuan, who was innocently shot, "I'll hire a part-time job tomorrow, I don't think there is an amateur in the club downstairs." Sanda team? You can exercise more when you have time, or you can go out and play a few more games, don’t keep going around the pot.”

Wei Zhiyuan regarded his words as an imperial decree, nodded in agreement without saying a word, then raised his head and asked him with a smile: "Brother, so you like men who practice Sanda and are in good health?"

San Pang remembered something wretched, covered his face and started laughing.

I don't know if this kid did it on purpose, anyway, no matter how Wei Qian heard this sentence, he felt something was wrong, as if he was being teased: "I like you, uncle! How do you talk, little bastard?"

San Pang was only interested in having fun, and didn't see the undercurrent in it at all, so he joked heartlessly to add to the chaos: "Stop making trouble, brother, with your bad temper, you must find a third brother who is as soft as you are!" Only by using softness can we overcome rigidity, and we can withstand his moths three times a day, with our body type."

He patted his overripe watermelon-like stomach: "At most, he was born in sumo wrestling."

Wei Qian stepped on it, and San Pang immediately avoided it in a well-trained manner, still holding his throat and disgustingly disgusting him: "Oh, what are you doing, Mr., if you don't agree with me, you will cause domestic violence? If you beat your wife to death, who will give birth to you?"

Wei Qian wanted to kill him from the bottom of his heart.

Wei Zhiyuan was still afraid that the world would not be chaotic, so he seized the time to take advantage of Sanpang's joke, half-truthfully took Wei Qian's hand, and affectionately pecked on the back of his brother's hand: "Then Kill him, don't be afraid, I will give you life."

Sanpang was so happy that his fat body trembled wildly.

Wei Qian withdrew his hand, feeling a real stomachache.

Wei Zhiyuan filled the food for Mrs. Song in the house, and after sending it over, he came back by himself and squeezed San Pang away abruptly, separating the two of them.

Wei Qian: "What are you doing?"

Wei Zhiyuan: "Strive for favor."

"Hey, you brat, you're addicted to bullying your brother." San Pang made room, patted Wei Zhiyuan on the back of the head, then stretched his neck and said to Wei Qian, "By the way, Qian'er, no , Mr. Wei, you are not at home on a business trip during this time, so I have to report something to you."

Without raising his eyelids, Wei Qian dragged his voice and said, "If you have something to say, you have to fart."

San Pang's expression was extremely wretched, "Scum—isn't there a beautiful girl in charge of salary and performance in our HR department, just Xiao Linqing, hehe, she is very nice, and she gets along with me more."

Wei Qian was stunned for a moment before he realized: "You beast, can you not pick the cabbage that is under your nose? Rabbits don't even eat the grass by the side of the nest."

"I just like her, and that girl is not a superficial woman who only looks at her appearance. I asked her the other day, and said sister, who is more handsome, me or you Mr. Wei? Guess what she said?"

Wei Qian: "I don't guess, don't come to our house for dinner all the time in the future, it's disgusting to see you."

San Pang patted his stomach, triumphantly, turned his head and said to Wei Zhiyuan: "Jealousy, brother, do you see that, this is the envy, jealousy and hatred of a shameful bachelor towards a man who is in sweetness and happiness."

Wei Zhiyuan asked with interest: "What did she say?"

"Our family, Lin Qing, said," Sanpang squeezed his voice, "'Just Mr. Wei's coffin face, I dare not look at him every morning when I say hello, what's the use of being handsome, it's not enough to accompany him every day. You are like a tiger in fear, unlike Brother Tan, who makes people feel very warm and safe. 'Listen, if you talk more about seeing the quality through the phenomenon, this is wisdom!"

Wei Zhiyuan glanced at Wei Qian with a smile, quickly snatched the last fried shrimp ball, and put it into Wei Qian's bowl: "Brother, you should smile more."

Wei Qian smiled back at him with a bland smile, but his expression was soft, and the corners of his eyes and brows were filled with some kind of helpless connivance.

San Pang didn't know if he was a little hypersensitive, anyway, his heart skipped a beat, for a moment, he felt that something was wrong with the flirting between the two brothers, especially Wei Zhiyuan.

San Pang couldn't help calling out: "Xiao Yuan?"

Wei Zhiyuan: "Huh?"

Wei Zhiyuan's eyes are really weird. It's normal for him to be more relaxed when facing his family than when facing outsiders, but he is not relaxed. San Fatty sees it for real. He thinks Wei Zhiyuan's eyes are like an artist Looking at a peerless painting, the collector looks at a piece of top-quality hot field, like a man looking at his lover, full of some kind of silent and fiery tenderness.

Was there too much trouble just now

San Pang hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "Oh, it's all right."

Then he casually found an excuse and said, "Did you leave food for my aunt? There are guests in her room today."

Wei Zhiyuan said with a normal expression: "I called and ordered takeaway. Since I'm a visitor, it's not appropriate to invite someone to have a potluck meal."

As they were talking, they heard the doorbell and the delivery man asked, "Has anyone ordered food here?"

"I'll go." Wei Qian got up, took some change from the coin purse, and went out to pick up the takeaway. He was about to push the door open and go in to Mazi's mother, but he heard the voice of conversation inside at the door.

Mazi's aunt has been living in a certain county in a neighboring province, less than five hours' drive from the city, which is not very close, but it is by no means thousands of miles away.

Mazi's father and his aunt are not biological siblings, they are siblings of different surnames who were forced together by Mazi's grandparents after they were widowed and remarried. They have no blood relationship and limited love.

When my aunt found out that she had a cheap younger brother, she was already an adult and married. The relationship between the two siblings was just a matter of face. The family has no contact with each other.

My aunt's man died early, and she brought her two sons alone. The elder son was already working in the county, and the younger son was only sixteen. He couldn't study well, and dropped out of school early. Said to go to work.

Xiaojiaoer was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and her aunt was of course reluctant to part with her, so she had to follow her all the way to "accompany her" like a student. Only when she arrived here did she remember that her youngest son had an uncle who was not close to him.

So he thought of running away.

She took the mailing address many years ago, and after inquiring for a long time, she learned that her cheap brother had died long ago, and Mazi's mother had also moved to the city center.

First, seeing Mazi's mother like this, Auntie almost didn't recognize her, and then she hugged her head and cried, and she was sincere. However, when they sat down together, reminiscing about the old days, and Mazi's mother began to tell the story of these years, Auntie's heart The sympathy that belonged to women was finally gradually suppressed by the cold shrewdness of middle-aged people, especially when she confirmed that Mazi was dead.

Wei Qian put his hand on the doorknob, just when he heard the aunt in the room lower her voice and say to Mazi Ma: "Big sister, are you stupid? They are all outsiders who have no relationship with you, and they have worked so hard for so many years. Serving you all over the place, you don't even think about it, what are they trying to do?"

Mazi's mother hasn't seen outsiders for a long time, and her reaction is somewhat slow: "Pictures, pictures of what? What good pictures can I have?"

The aunt held her haggard and burnt hand lovingly, and said in a loud voice: "What else can I figure out? Figure out your house, big sister, you are at home all day, and you don't know what's going on outside. , do you know how much your house is worth?"

Mazi's mother couldn't answer, and looked at her eldest sister in shock.

Auntie lowered her voice: "This location, this area—you don't even think about it. Even if you live to be a hundred years old alone, how much can you eat and use? Is there any comparison with the value of this house? You really don’t have a long heart, ah, no wonder, there is no one around you, I feel uncomfortable seeing you. Do you think this is good, big sister will bring your little nephew to you tomorrow, that boy is a tiger-headed tiger-brained , Okay. He just came over to look for a job. If you want, my sister will let him stay with you. We are all family members."

"A family with good abacus." Her voice was interrupted suddenly, the door opened, and Wei Qian was at the door with a few bags of takeaway.

The aunt couldn't hold back her face when she said that someone was heard, she could force her words and said: "You, why do you break into other people's houses?"

Wei Qian walked in, sneered, put the food on the table, and said mercilessly: "Eat it, eat it."

Mazi's mother carefully tugged at him: "Qian'er"

Wei Qian propped his hands on the table, looking down at the blushing and thick-necked aunt.

His nose bridge is high, his lips are thin, and the drooping eyelids accentuate the slightly raised corners of his eyes. When combined together, he is full of arrogance: "Where is my brother buried, do you know? Where is uncle buried?" Do you know? How did Mazi-Sun Shuzhi disappear, do you know? Do you know how to write the three characters of 'Sun Shuzhi'?"

When he slapped the table, the aunt shivered violently.

Wei Qian: "What kind of relative are you?"

The eldest aunt is not high enough, she has a face, she really can't bear this kind of way, she hastily escaped, when Mrs. Song heard the news, she struggled to hold on to the wall and walked out, her voice alarmed the people in the village She no longer has the ability to scold and fight, but she still has the ability to spit in a straight voice and express her heart.

San Pang hurriedly said: "Grandma, I know you are powerful, but the enemy's firepower is not enough, so you don't need to fight in person, you should go back and rest quickly—guard, why don't you take the chief away?"

Wei Zhiyuan helped Mrs. Song up and sent her back to the house.

Wei Qian carefully took out the tableware for Mazi's mother, and served Wei Zhiyuan's order for her to eat.

Mazi's mother didn't move her chopsticks, she grabbed Wei Qian and asked the question in her heart for the first time.

"Qian'er, why did Shu Zhi disappear?"

Wei Qian said softly, "I was killed by the bad guys."

Mazi's mother had tears in her eyes: "What about the bad guys?"

Wei Qian's palm lightly stroked the top of her gray head: "Go down and make a fool of my Brother Mazi, we have avenged him, don't worry."

Mazi's mother wiped away her tears and showed him an ugly and terrifying smile with difficulty.

At that time, this inexplicable aunt seemed to be just a small episode, but it seemed that a certain cruel movement had been activated somewhere.

Mazi's mother didn't feel sad, but a kind of indescribable joy welled up in her heart—she had found the reason why she had been struggling to survive, and she was worth a house.

To deal with Mazi Ma's troubles, San Pang followed Wei Qian into Wei Qian's room and talked about business.

Sanpang asked: "How about the pre-sale license, can you get it in the near future?"

Wei Qian lit a cigarette and sat on the edge of the bed: "That's not a problem, the relevant local regulations are very irregular, cut it first and play later—some of them start selling first and then apply for a license."

San Pang: "Wait, what do you mean 'some are'?"

Wei Qian took a puff of smoke and said irritably: "I think the local government is poor and crazy. On a big mountain, it has designated several plots of land for villas and sold them to several companies. I said that the mountain is full of economic forests. Why? There are not many farmers in the vicinity, and all of them have been cleared away."

San Pang: "What's the matter? Is it too late for us to retreat now?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Wei Qian waved his hand, "The bulk of the money in the early stage has been thrown in, and several hundred million are hanging there. How can we withdraw it? We are too hasty. There should be an agreement in the land use agreement at the beginning. It's too late to say this now." Yes, I have a hunch this is going to be troublesome."

San Pang: "What about Brother Xiong? Where's Mr. Zhang?"

Wei Qian shook his head and smiled wryly: "Those two, Zhang still thinks that his theme of health and recuperation is unparalleled in the world, and other competitors are no match. I will withdraw first this time, just to call everyone together for an urgent meeting , and see if there is anything that can be remedied."

The two were relatively silent for a long while, and San Pang suddenly leaned heavily on Wei Qian's desk: "Oh, I have a suggestion, do you think about it?"

Wei Qian pretended to be listening attentively, waiting for his insights.

Sanpang: "On Sunday, we can go to the temple to worship, and go to get rid of bad luck."

Wei Qian: ""

Half a minute later, San Pang was kicked out of Wei Qian's room. Wei Zhiyuan was holding a plate of fruit and was about to knock on the door. Seeing this posture, he hurriedly stepped back to the side to prevent the fish from being hurt.

San Fatty: "Why are you so unfriendly? I'm telling the truth, life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky, right? You have to think like the third brother and can't afford to file for bankruptcy. If you go bankrupt, we will go back and sell pork with my dad."

Wei Qian said, "Hurry up and get out."

"Oh, the young man has strong firepower, he has a quick temper." San Pang said, groping in his butt pocket, and found a photo of a girl, he raised his head and smiled at Wei Qian, "Yes, I just wanted to talk to Wei Qian As you were talking, I was interrupted by the aunt who came out of the crack in the ground next door. This is Lin Qing's classmate from our family. I just like the kind of man who doesn't answer. When I heard it, isn't this my brother you? Hurry up and ask for the photo and contact information. Take a look, third brother is thinking of you, right?"

As he spoke, he handed the photo to Wei Qian, but in the middle, he was blocked by a cold hand.

The backs of Wei Zhiyuan's hands were pale, and the tips of his fingers seemed to be covered with icicles. He turned his back to Wei Qian, and took the photo from Sanpang's hand. His voice seemed to be joking, as if it was relaxed and lively: "Third brother, My brother's volcano is about to erupt, and you still don't run away, are you planning to take a bath in the magma?"

San Pang's eyes just collided with Wei Zhiyuan, and he couldn't help being startled.

I saw the corners of Wei Zhiyuan's mouth moved to the sides unnaturally and mechanically, but there was no smile in his eyes at all, his dark pupils were like some kind of lifeless stone, with a cold streamer on the surface, revealing an overflowing gloom .

A corner of the photo was pinched and deformed by him.

San Fatty first felt that he was allergic, but now he couldn't help but start to think in a wrong way—is Wei Zhiyuan's attitude and expression a brother

San Pang's brain tensed, and he couldn't help but continue to probe: "The contact information of that girl is written on the back, Qian'er, if you are free, why don't you all come out for dinner this weekend."

Wei Qian didn't feel it, so he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Didn't Lin Qing find it hard to eat after seeing me?"

Sanpang raised her chest and said, "With my pagoda guarding you, a river demon, she can eat and drink with peace of mind."

Wei Qian hissed him, took the photo from Wei Zhiyuan's hand, and waved his hand indifferently: "Let's talk about it."

After he said that, he turned around and went into the room. Wei Zhiyuan turned sideways to San Pang, letting the photo be taken away by the eldest brother, looking at Wei Qian's back, Wei Zhiyuan's eyes were instantly obscured.

San Fatty observed this scene at close range, and felt that there was a "boom", and his "three views" of the whole person fell to the ground and could not be found.

After sending San Pang away, Wei Qian took a closer look at the photo of the young girl in his hand. The girl looked very clean, quiet and unassuming, not too conspicuous, nor too beautiful.

But it was just right—just enough to make Wei Qian pleasing to the eye.

Looking at the photo, Wei Qian was hesitatingly thinking at the time, what San Pang said was also reasonable, there are too many worries recently, he should go out on weekends to ease his mood, it is not impossible to make an appointment to have a meal together, and Wei Zhiyuan came in.

Wei Zhiyuan held an exquisite small box in his hand: "Brother."

Wei Qian turned around.

Wei Qian sat on the chair, and Wei Zhiyuan squatted down to a position lower than him, and opened the box to show him: "It's the first time I make money by myself, a gift for you."

It was a very expensive tie. It was the first time in Wei Qian's life that he received a gift. He was stunned for a moment before he realized: "Huh? For me?"

Wei Zhiyuan raised his hand, fastened the button on Wei Qian's collar, and put it on for him himself.

His fingers brushed against the bare skin on Wei Qian's neck intentionally or unintentionally, the feeling was always very strange, Wei Qian had an illusion, as if Wei Zhiyuan's touch was not accidental, but that kid had been deliberately rubbing his neck neck.

Wei Qian couldn't help but frowned and hid for a while.

Wei Zhiyuan raised his face innocently: "What's wrong?"

Wei Qian looked at him for a moment, and then dismissed the crazy thoughts in his mind just now, he felt that he was worrying about Wei Zhiyuan all day long, worrying so much that he was about to have hallucinations, full of random thoughts.

Wei Zhiyuan stepped back a little, carefully admiring his brother's ascetic attire, and felt his blood boil.

An irresistible urge and desire to tear this person's clothes surged in his heart, and the eyes that looked at Wei Qian were almost hungry.

"Brother," Wei Zhiyuan said, "Didn't you ask me today, what should I do if that person doesn't accept me and get married by himself?"

Wei Qian was a little palpitated by his gaze, and the young man's gaze made him tremble.

"I don't know what to do." Wei Zhiyuan smiled, and continued, "But I'm probably going crazy, right?"

He said, brought the fruit that had just been put aside and put it in front of Wei Qian, put on his gentle expression like that of a caring little padded jacket again, and said to him, "Brother, eat this, supplement your vitamins."

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