Dai Junchoo

Chapter 3: Determination


Feng went out to find Zhu Wu. The bullshit in these streets.

The gangsters don't dare to come out with a big fanfare during the day, but at night they are concentrated in a few places, such as pubs, mahjong rooms, and hair salons with pink neon lights. Feng didn't want to go to the mess. He went to the mahjong room first and found Zhu Wu who was playing cards.

Feng stretched out his hand and patted Zhu Wu on the shoulder, "What are you doing? I'll talk about it later, I have a good hand." Zhu Wu's cards are very smooth, and the all-in-one tube has four Hu cards. Winning this one can make a lot of money.

"Ahem, Zhu Wu, it's me, something is up." Feng had no other choice but to speak out.

"This is Brother Feng"

"Why did Feng Brother come here?"

"What is he looking for Zhu Wu, is Zhu Wu committing a crime?"

"Where is the boss? You haven't come out to greet Brother Feng."

Zhu Wu heard that it was Feng's voice and buckled the card. "This one counts me as a loser. I will pay for three." After dropping the money, rubbing his hands on his body, he asked, "Brother Feng, what's the matter? Go out and say: "

Zhu Wu and Feng were sitting at a barbecue stall on the side of the street, and the boss was naturally acquainted. In these streets, there were few people who were not familiar with Feng.

"I heard that someone was eating at Lao Luo's a while ago, so you can clean up." Feng said lightly.

"Well, it's not easy for Lao Luo. I'm dragging the family away, and my daughter is going to school. Those green skins didn't open their eyes. They muddled under my eyelids. Bah, they committed things under Feng Ge's eyelids, and let me clean up. Zhu Wu took a sip of beer, "I haven't collected money from Lao Luo in the past few months. I want to save him a little bit. We don't want him alone."

"You have a heart." Feng said a little compliment.

"Following Brother Feng, you, assholes like us, will gradually get better, hehe"

"Don't talk about yourself like that, everyone has their own responsibilities."

"Brother Feng came out to find the little one at night. If you have anything to do, the little one has to handle it for you while holding his head."

"Are those Qingpis locals? Do you know them?" Feng asked.

"No, it sounds like an eastern accent."

"Eastern? Are you sure?" Feng was startled, but he was a little skeptical.

"What's up? Do you dare to move Feng Ge with those bastards? I did them!" Zhu Wuyi became excited and his voice became louder.

"Be quiet, afraid that others won't hear it?" The owner of the barbecue stall put down the lamb skewers and exclaimed. The owner of the barbecue stall is surnamed Yang. Lao Yang has been a night watchman for the bank for 30 years. He has trained a pair of good ears and a pair of enthusiasm, so Feng likes to talk about things at his barbecue stall. Yang's ears are the guarantee of safety. Although the lamb skewers he grilled are really mediocre.

"No, no, I haven't seen them, Zhu Wu, there may be some people making trouble in the street recently, um, I mean maybe, you can be more careful, the key is to figure out their details. Understand? "

"Brother Feng, you can think of us as a vulgar person. What else can you say? Even if you don't eat or sleep, you have to find that bunch of bastards." Zhu Wu raised his head and drank the wine, and Feng did the same, "Brother Yang, check out ."

"How can I still let Brother Feng pay? I'll give it." Zhu Wu rushed forward.

"Tonight, such a good card disturbed me, and if you ask you to pay for it, I won't be able to sleep at night." Feng blocked Zhu Wu's hand and paid the money.

Looking at the figure of Feng going away, Zhu Wu's eyes suddenly turned red. Feng did not give Zhu Wu any benefit, but Feng gave what others could not give, trust and respect for a rascal.

"Drinking?" Lin asked.

"Yeah." Feng thought, how did Lin's nose work so well, put down the things in her hands, a box of yogurt, and a big bag of biscuits.

"With whom?"

"Zhu Wu."

There is something really wrong, Lin thought. "Buying so much yogurt is to let me live."

"I can't ask for it." Feng chuckles.

"The beauty of thinking."

Looking at Lin who was sleeping on the side, Feng couldn't sleep, put on his clothes and went to the rooftop.

"Well, who?" Feng brightened the lighter in his hand, showing Lin's pretty face.

"Seeing you have been upset for a day, what's the matter?" Lin asked cautiously. Lin is not the kind of girl who doesn't understand the world. On the contrary, Lin was originally a person with the potential to become a strong woman. It was only because she met Feng that she was willing to be a cashier.

"Someone has declared war on us and wants to rewrite the order of this city, but I can’t make up my mind whether to go to war or not. If I fight, then countless people will be involved in this dispute. If I should not fight, I would sacrifice. But the entire coal industry and prices are rising. I am not sure of winning, let alone you." Feng did not intend to hide from Lin, Lin is his think tank, and there are few people who can calm him down. .

"Maple, what attracted me at the beginning was not your appearance, nor your ability, but your belief. You are called Daijunchoi by them. Isn’t it your belief: Give me a hero and act for the king. Peace of the world. Could it be that your beliefs have changed today?"

"Of course not." Feng's eyes lit up, and he already had the answer in his heart. Yes, isn't his belief just to protect the peace of one party, "But, you really are not from the Appearance Association? You are not attracted by my handsomeness? "Feng smirked.

Feng is really handsome.

"The world is peaceful. When has the world been peaceful?" Feng muttered, looking at the four handsome characters in the middle hall of Feng Siye.

"The world is not benevolent, and everything is a dog. Little Brother Feng figured it out?" Feng Siye was not surprised by Feng's arrival. Young people always have a righteousness, just like the self back then.

"Four masters, what should come will come after all. The kid is not talented, I would like to help Fourth Masters."

Feng Siye's hands were really strong, and Feng left Feng's house and went straight to find Liangzi. Ryoko runs an outdoor supplies store, and the shop is deserted on weekdays. No one would have thought that the seemingly lazy boss was a retired special forces captain.

"It's about that you are coming. No, I just cooked a pot of peanuts. Let me have a drink." Liangzi is delicious, good wine, so helpful. Cooking peanuts is Liangzi’s unique skill. Liangzi’s peanuts are boiled in chicken bone broth, supplemented with pepper and star anise, cinnamon and bay leaves, a handful of salt, a cup of flower carving, fresh and spicy, and even more delicious, although it is meat, you can eat it. But no oil. Liangzi always said that he couldn't hold it tightly if he had oil in his hand. We can’t grasp happiness, faith, justice, and ourselves.

The wine is also good, the green bamboo leaves, from the hot throat to the arms, aroused a wave of pride.

"Let's talk, what do you want?" Liangzi raised her neck for another cup, still peeling peanuts in her hand.

There was a warm current in Feng's heart, and Liangzi never asked what he wanted to do. What you want to do, what you want, a word difference, a thousand miles away. "People, equipment."

"Mr. Liang?" Liangzi asked faintly, but couldn't hear the tone.

Feng was frightened secretly, thinking how Ryoko knew about this, she could only say "um", but listened to Ryoko's explanation, "The news from the comrades in the east says that there is restlessness here, let me go over and play. A few days, I went to Feng's house with you that day, so I guessed it."

"I've always wondered if you were a staff member before, or else you were a cook." Feng joked and said with a serious face: "This time the Liangzi knot is so big, so let's show you any family background, old rules. , The information and logistics belong to me, you can take care of the rest."

"Are there a salary?"

"White strips all right."

Since Dai Junchoi dared to pick up the job, the tricks in his hand are naturally not soft. Apart from the intricate network of relationships in the city, Dai Junchoi has his own team, there are not many people, twenty-eight, and he has no reputation. They are all honest and ordinary people, and people who have met will forget their looks after a long time. It's really uncharacteristic. These 28 people cover all walks of life, and they all have little rights at the grassroots level. Twenty-eight people were standing on the rooftop at the moment, without saying a word.

"Twenty-eight nights at the gathering, going over the river and the sea at will." Someone in the dark shadow groaned lightly.

"Twenty-eight nights here, subject to the instructions of the master."

"The Canglong tribes listened to the orders, and the princes went to the east to explore the enemy's rear, lurking and standing by."

"Baihu's ministries listened to orders, collected information on Liang thief, analyzed and planned actions."

"Suzaku's ministries follow orders to purchase food, grass, medicine, spare equipment, and set up supply stations and medical stations."

"The Xuanwu tribes listened to orders to restrain the local Xiaoxiao and protect the safety of the tribes."

Feng came to his "Respect and Cherish Writing Paper" early, but found that Liangzi was waiting at the door with a smile, and Feng couldn't help but his eyes lit up, "It's done?"

"At any rate, there are more than a thousand gangsters. I can't do business as a student. It's okay to fight in a group and stand on a private field. There are still seven good players coming." Said these seven good players, Ryoko couldn't help being a little proud.

"Who can make you a good player?" Feng secretly wondered, Liangzi has always had a very high vision, who can get into his eyes, and there are actually seven at once!

"My soldier." Liangzi was proud of You Capital. His soldiers are all the best.

"I don't know what happened to Fourth Master Feng?"

The two were talking, when Feng's cell phone rang, it was Feng Siye's text message, Feng's old house, who wanted to discuss matters.