Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 103: Really slap your face


"Someone is dueling!"

At the side of the hall, someone shouted loudly, and the students who were having dinner rushed to the hall curiously to see what was going on.

"What's going on?" Albert asked, holding a homemade sandwich, following the Weasley twins and the crowd to the entrance of the foyer.

"On the lawn near the Black Lake, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students are dueling."

All of a sudden, Albert figured out what was going on. Truman's duel with Ravenclaw prefect Noch was brought forward

By the time everyone ran towards the lawn, the duel between the two sides had ended.

Ravenclaw's prefect, Notch, was knocked to the ground, with marks of being beaten on his face. Truman, the victor, was standing in front of Notch and reading something.

When Albert and his companions hurried over, the last scene they saw was Truman squatting down, stuffing a picture of a chocolate frog into Noddy's lips, and then leaving as a winner surrounded by several Hufflepuff students.

"What's going on? What happened?" Fred asked other people around him for information and soon found out what had happened.

In the duel, Truman took the initiative and used a full-body-binding spell to attack the Ravenclaw prefect. After succeeding, he put away his wand, swung his fist and beat Notch so hard that his face was swollen.

Before leaving, Truman held up a picture of a chocolate frog and read a story about Bridget Wenlock, saying that this famous 13th-century arithmetic fortuneteller was from Hufflepuff.

Everyone soon figured out the reason for the duel. Both sides were arguing over whether Bridget Wenlock graduated from Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, and the issue ended up being resolved through a duel.

"It's really refreshing. Not all famous experts are from Ravenclaw!" A senior Hufflepuff girl waved her fist and expressed her thoughts. "Nozzie must know that Bridget Wenlock is from Hufflepuff. She knows she is wrong but still refuses to repent. She deserves to be beaten in the face."

Of course, some people are also talking about Truman's sneak attack.

"Nochi is a class leader, and he has the nerve to duel with a third-grade student." Many people did not care much about Truman's sneak attack on Nochi.

After all, this duel itself is unequal. If I don't fight back, will I just stand there and get beaten

Especially after knowing the reason, more people cheered excitedly for Truman hitting Notch in the face.

"That bastard, despicable guy!" Nochi couldn't help cursing after he got up from the ground in a mess after the spell that bound his whole body was removed. The Ravenclaw prefect was so angry that he trembled all over. He took out the chocolate frog picture in his mouth and tore it into pieces.

Yes, it is not difficult to see that Notch does not care whether Bridget Wenlock graduates from Hufflepuff. His duel with Truman was only because of the other person's correctness and the other party's repeated provocations.

However, he was ambushed and beaten by the opponent, and his cheek was swollen and painful.

The students who were watching all knew why this guy was beaten. The teasing and gloating looks they saw made Nochi even angrier.

He refused to admit his mistakes and even wanted to bully others by taking advantage of his age. He deserved to be beaten, at least that's what many people think.

Before Notch had the chance to vent his anger, he was taken away by Professor Flitwick who had hurried over.

"That's so cool, this is something that people will talk about for years." Fred looked very excited, and his expression seemed to be asking why it wasn't me who went up to duel!

"But I'm more curious, why is their duel brought forward?" Albert ate the sandwich in his hand and said to himself: "Truman told me that his duel with the Ravenclaw prefect is on the weekend."

"How do you know?" The three of them looked at Albert, with a hint of surprise in their tone.

"Truman told me when I last met him in the library and invited me to come and watch the duel," Albert explained.

"You didn't even tell us." George complained unhappily.

"There are only a few days left!" When Albert and his companions returned to the restaurant, everyone was talking about this matter, especially Truman's final behavior.

As for whether the two would be severely punished for resolving the issue privately through a duel, no one would pay attention to this.

Anyway, as long as I'm not the one being punished, it's fine.

On Friday night, Albert met Truman in the library. Perhaps this guy was waiting for him here on purpose.

"Notch was given a week's detention by Professor Flitwick." Truman happily announced the good news to Albert. "I should have been given a week's detention. However, Professor Sprout only gave me a slight warning and a box of coconut ice cream."

As he spoke, Truman took out two packaged coconut ice creams from the pocket of his robe and placed them in front of Albert, apparently intending to share the snack given by Professor Sprout with Albert.

Truman seemed very excited when he talked about this, so... he was eventually kicked out of the library by Madam Pince with a feather duster.

Looking at Truman's running back, Albert suddenly felt like laughing.

Under Mrs. Pince's gaze, he immediately stuffed two pieces of coconut ice cream into his pocket, pretending nothing had happened and intending to continue doing his homework.

However, Madam Pince did not seem to intend to let Albert go.

Finally, under the gaze of the librarian, Albert had no choice but to pack up and leave the library. At least, he wasn't driven out with a feather duster.

“Really.” Albert stood in the corridor outside the library and took out a coconut ice cream from his pocket. After unwrapping the paper, he took a small bite. It was very cold and had a strong coconut flavor. It felt a bit like the ice mouse sold by Honeydukes, but not so cold, and... it tasted good.

"Did you give him the idea?" Suddenly, a voice came from the side. Albert turned around and saw a red-haired girl standing next to him.

"Good evening, Isobel." Albert greeted the red-haired girl. They were actually familiar with each other because they were in the same club.

"Gabriel Truman claimed that he was just looking for Nozzi to argue with him." Isobel raised her eyebrows and said, "But it seems that you gave him the idea."

"Here, this stuff tastes good."

"Are you planning to bribe me?" Isobel looked at the piece of coconut ice cream handed to her and her face became very strange.

"If you insist." Albert didn't want to talk about this topic. He just smiled and said, "I just told Truman never try to wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep, unless you use your fists."

After saying that, Albert turned and left.

"Unless I use my fists?" Isobel stared at the coconut ice cream in front of her, slowly unwrapped the paper, put the coconut ice cream into her mouth, and after finishing the pastry, she walked towards the library.