Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 13: Platform nine and three quarters


On September 1st, Albert woke up early, got out of bed, put on his clothes, and moved his body a little to make himself fully awake.

Today, I am finally going to Hogwarts, and I can’t help but feel a little excited.

After washing up, Albert began to check his luggage.

"Are you awake? Then come downstairs to eat." Daisy, wearing an apron, pushed the door open and said to Albert who was checking the luggage, "By the way, put your robe and peaked hat on the top of the luggage so that it will be easier to find when you change clothes in the car."

"Albert, are you really not taking Tom to school?" Nia, in her pajamas, hurried into the room holding a short-haired cat.

"Let Tom stay with you," said Albert.

"Where's Sheila?" Nia asked again.

"It will fly to Hogwarts to find me by itself. I've asked, and there's an owl shed near the school. It will live there." Albert didn't want to take an owl to King's Cross Station, as that would attract a lot of people's attention.

Breakfast was simple as always, and Daisy also prepared a ham sandwich and a can of soda for him to eat when he was hungry.

Of course, food was sold on the train, and Daisy was not worried that Albert would go hungry. Herb gave him all the remaining Galleons, which was a considerable amount. They were not worried that Albert would spend money recklessly because there was no similar precedent.

Albert cast a levitation spell on the heavy suitcase and lifted it into the car easily.

"Did you bring your camera?" Herb asked. "The one your grandfather Luke bought you?"

"Yes, I write to my family every week and send back photos." Albert said he didn't forget this, he would take pictures of some things in Hogwarts and share them with his family.

"That's good." Herb nodded and said, "Let's go."

The family arrived at King's Cross Station just before ten o'clock, and Herb helped Albert put the suitcase on the trolley.

Albert pushed his luggage to the gambling wall between Platform 9 and Platform 10. He made a gesture to keep quiet, casually reached his hand into the wall, and sure enough, he was able to pass through.

Albert breathed a sigh of relief, returned to Herb and said, "OK, I'll go in by myself then."

"Remember to write letters," Herb said, "and take photos."

"I know." Albert looked at his sister. "Nia?"

"How cunning! I want to go too." Nia reached out and gave Albert a hug.

"Don't make trouble at home and don't cause trouble for others." Albert warned.

"I won't." Nia turned her head away and pretended to be angry.

"See you during the winter break, son." Daisy gave Albert a farewell hug, kissed his cheek and said, "I'll take you skiing then."

"I know. See you during the winter break." Albert pushed the cart, looked around to make sure there was no one around, and then trotted towards the gambling wall.

"Disappeared." Nia pointed to the place where Albert disappeared.

"Magic is always so magical. Let's go back." Herb put his arms around his wife and daughter and said, "Don't worry, Albert will take good care of himself."

On the other side of the brick wall, Albert found himself at another station. A crimson steam locomotive was parked beside the platform. A sign on the train read: Hogwarts Express.

There were not many passengers at the platform. The train was due to depart at 11 o'clock, and it was not yet ten o'clock, so he arrived an hour early.

After entering the platform, new prompts will appear on the panel. Find Platform Nine and Three Quarters and get a 100 experience reward.

Albert had experience in exploring maps, but it was very little. He didn't pay much attention to it. He seemed to have thought of something and quickly made way for the entrance to avoid being hit by the people behind him.

The original ticket gate has now become an archway with a sign hanging on it that says: Platform 9 and 3/4.

Sure enough, it was almost the same as described in the book.

By the way, this is Albert's first time riding on this old-fashioned train. It's really an antique.

I strolled around the station with my luggage, found an empty compartment at random, used the levitation spell to move the suitcase in, found a place to put it, and closed the door. Then, I started to change into wizard robes.

Not long after Albert opened the window, Sheila flew over and landed on the table. It seemed that it was not planning to fly to Hogwarts by itself, but was planning to hitchhike.

"What a smart little guy." Albert touched the Snowy Owl's head, took out owl nuts from the box, and poured some for Snowy Owl.

"By the way, take pictures. I almost forgot about this." Albert returned to the platform with his camera and took some close-up photos of the Hogwarts Express.

Unfortunately, his photography skills are really not that good, and the photos he took are only average.

Fortunately, Luke probably anticipated this situation and prepared a lot of negatives for him.

"This one's good." Albert picked out a photo with a train head, nodded with satisfaction, and returned to his carriage.

He sat down by the window, half-covered and half-covered, looking at the platform. After a while, there were more and more passengers on the platform, and it started to drizzle.

"I always feel like it will rain every time I go to Hogwarts." Albert couldn't help but complain, feeling that it was right for him to come early.

The wizards on the platform were holding umbrellas in their hands and hurriedly saying goodbye to their families in the rain, looking a little embarrassed.

I don’t know, how many familiar people can I meet

Albert didn't expect to meet the protagonist now. He entered Hogwarts earlier than Harry Potter, and he should be in the same class as the Weasley brothers and Cedric Diggory.

Fortunately, he is not in the same class as the Savior. Albert doesn't want to have too much to do with Porter at all.

After all, he is the savior, born with the aura of a protagonist and the aura of a suicidal person. If an ordinary person is affected by him and does not have the aura of luck to protect him, he might be doomed. Cedric Diggory is an example.

The rain outside was getting heavier, so Albert made the gap in the window smaller. After Sheila had eaten, she began to take a nap. Owls are nocturnal birds after all.

Albert took out a chocolate candy from his pocket, opened the bag and put it in his mouth, listening to the sound of rain outside. He was in a good mood.

As long as he doesn't get wet in the rain, he doesn't hate the rain.

The corridor of the carriage gradually became lively, but Albert closed the door of the compartment, so the noise in the corridor did not have much impact on him.

He opened "Dark Power: A Guide to Self-Defense" and slowly flipped through it, using reading to kill time. Albert had read this book more than once, and he had tried some of the spells in it.

In fact, throughout the summer vacation, Albert tried all the magic he knew except the Unforgivable Curses, even the Patronus Charm, but naturally failed.

"Hurry, hurry, the train is about to leave."

On the platform, a group of people caught Albert's attention. They were a family saying goodbye in a hurry, and among them were a pair of red-haired twin brothers.

"Is this the Weasley family?" Albert looked at the group of celebrities and felt that they were quite funny. Especially Ron Weasley, who looked a little silly now. There was a girl next to Ron, probably Ginny, who followed Mrs. Weasley closely and seemed to be sad about not being able to go to Hogwarts.

Albert compared Ginny with his sister. Well, his sister was indeed cuter.

The Weasleys looked a bit hurried, probably having been delayed by something before arriving at the station.

Albert looked away because someone was knocking on the door.

There was a black guy standing outside the cubicle door.