Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 130: Alchemical theory is inadequate


Does Nia have similar pressure

Albert had never really thought about this question.

In the past, even though people around him thought Albert was a genius, he never thought that he was really a genius. It is important for people to know themselves.

But after seeing Katrina's condition, he became a little worried about Nia's condition

If it were me, growing up under the aura of someone else's genius, I would probably be very depressed.

The next day, Albert put the matter behind him. Sheila came back and brought him the herbs needed for the imaging potion.

Before fully engaging in the preparation of the developing solution, Albert habitually wrote it down in his little notebook to avoid forgetting it when he was busy.

The ingredients for the developing potion have been gathered, but the preparation of the potion is still a problem. There are two suitable places to brew the potion, the abandoned classroom, or the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor of the castle.

Without a doubt, the latter is the best option, and no one will disturb him while he is preparing the potion.

On the weekend, Albert got up early in the morning and quietly came to the entrance of the Room of Requirement with the newly purchased herbs and crucible.

I need a room for making potions, I need a room for making potions, I need a room for making potions.

After wandering around the entrance, the entrance to the Room of Requirement opened, and the layout inside was a bit like the Potions classroom they often used.

There is a cabinet next to the wall that seems to be used to store potions.

Albert put his things on the table, walked quickly to the cabinet, opened it, and saw that it was empty.

However, there are quite a few books about potions on the wooden bookshelf against the wall.

Albert raised his hand and stroked the thick spine of the book. He returned to the table, opened "Simple Pharmacy", turned to the method of making the developing solution, read it carefully several times again, and then started to brew it.

The difficulty of the developing potion is not high, otherwise it would not be classified as a simple potion.

Although the developing potion is a simple potion, its configuration still took Albert a lot of time.

It took several and a half hours just to process the materials.

Albert handled every step of the medicinal materials carefully, and the result was not too bad, the developing solution was successful, but it was not as clear as described in the book.

Albert scooped up a spoonful, put the developing solution into the test tube, shook it gently a few times, and observed whether the solution changed.

"It's not clear enough, but it's barely passable." Albert put a label on the test tube, put it in the medicine box, and then began to observe his skill panel. Some changes had occurred on it, and there was an additional developing potion.

"I wonder if it will work?" Albert muttered. He took out a photograph from his pocket, dripped developing solution on the photograph, and then used a small brush to evenly spread the liquid on the photograph. Then he raised his magic wand and chanted a spell on the photograph: Develop and reveal.

"No effect?" Albert looked at the photo suspiciously and raised his eyebrows slightly, but soon he knew that he had succeeded. After the developing solution gradually dried up, the characters in the photo began to move.

When Albert saw the people in the photo laughing and playing, he knew he had succeeded. He had never felt so happy.

After Albert succeeded, he continued to create two more magic photos, then nodded with satisfaction, and then glanced at his task panel.

The task of "Magic Moving Photos" is shown as completed.

In the completed tasks column, there are other tasks that have not yet been claimed, such as the tasks he completed when he first entered school.

Wizard blood is a good thing.

Unfortunately, skill points are such a rip-off. Otherwise, if he could upgrade that skill to level four or five, his own magical power would become even stronger.

Albert chose to receive the reward for the "moving magic photo" immediately, and then... that was it. There was actually no special feeling of completing the task.

If I have to say it, it's excitement.

Albert opened the skill panel and began to look for the alchemy he had just learned.

By the way, I now have quite a few skills, a lot of them, and it took me a lot of time to find alchemy.

Albert immediately used the experience pool to upgrade his skill to level one. Then, he sat in the armchair and carefully read the information he had obtained after upgrading his skill.

However, what puzzled Albert was that his understanding of alchemy was almost the same as what he learned from books.

But... Albert hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and upgraded his alchemy to level 2.

It takes 2000 experience points to go from level 1 to level 2.

For Albert, who has tens of thousands of experience points, this experience still makes him feel a little painful.

"I hope it's worth it," Albert muttered quietly.

After his alchemy reached level 2, Albert realized a serious problem.

My own alchemical theory is insufficient!

It was a really bad feeling, like knowing how to make an alchemical item but not having the blueprint.

However, Albert still guessed the problem with making the protective bracelet himself.

To some extent, creating a powerful alchemical item usually requires casting a spell on the item.

The Gublai Fairy Fire is the best example.

When you use a fairly advanced magic to create a magic item, its durability and protective effects become stronger.

Alchemical props all have similar problems. If used normally, the magical power will be consumed quickly, and the reason why one's wooden bracelet loses its magic so quickly is actually related to this. This means that it has reached its limit.

Items with protective magic are particularly effective in this regard.

The best solution is to give it a break and restore the magic power on the item, just like there is a cooldown when using magic props in the game.

Most defensive magic items are consumable. After the magical power gradually disappears, they will become ordinary items.

Albert took out a small notebook and wrote down his feelings, and planned to find some time to improve the protective bracelet next time.

"But now I'm lagging behind in alchemy theory," Albert muttered. "It would be great if I could get in touch with Nicomel. Nicomel will definitely be able to help Albert fill in the gaps in this area."

As for the magic lamp.

Albert also had some inspiration, but he just wrote it down hastily without thinking about it. When preparing the developing potion, the high concentration made Albert very tired.

As for whether these ideas will be overturned in the future, Albert doesn't really mind. His knowledge is still increasing and improvements are slowly being made, just like software. There will be version 1.0, version 1.1, and even later version 10.1.

After collecting the remnants of the developing potion, Albert came to the exit, took out the Marauder's Map from his pocket, and placed his wand against the parchment and read: "I solemnly swear that I have done no good."

After making sure that there was no one at the entrance of the Room of Requirement, Albert erased the traces on the map, quickly left the Room of Requirement with the cauldron and medicine box, and returned to the Gryffindor common room.