Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1332: Mr. Anderson


“Procrastination is never a good habit.”

In the hallway, Moody turned his magic eye and stared at Ron, expressing his dissatisfaction with his procrastination.

"Isn't it Albert who will teach us the Fiery Curse today?"

Ron took out his pocket watch from the inside pocket of his cloak and checked the time. He muttered, "Besides, there are still ten minutes until the agreed time. That guy is always punctual. What are we going to do in advance?"

"Of course, we went there in advance to make sure the surroundings are safe." Moody seemed to have heard Ron's complaints and suddenly asked, "I remember you want to be an Auror in the future."

Ron pursed his lips and stopped talking.

He actually wanted to remind Moody that they had all dropped out of school and their grades could not meet the admission requirements of Aurors, but he felt that there was no point in arguing like this, so he chose to shut up and give in.

"There are no Death Eaters around. It seems that those guys have finally stopped wasting time." After Sirius and Lupin came back, they told everyone about the situation outside and were very happy that the dark wizards who had been monitoring them all day had gone away.

No one likes to be watched all day, even if the people watching them can only wait outside.

"I think it's because it's raining heavily outside, and no one would be stupid enough to stay outside in the rain."

Ron put on his hood and followed Harry into the rain ahead.

The six of them quickly held hands and formed a circle, then Apparated away in the heavy rain.

When everyone regained their vision and came to the base where they used to practice the Fire Curse, they found that it was still raining.

However, the rain was not as heavy as at the shelter.

The group of people who showed up unexpectedly didn't care about the rain above their heads. Instead, they raised their wands and looked around vigilantly. After making sure that the surroundings were safe, Moody took out his pocket watch and checked the time: "There are about five minutes left until the agreed time. Let's check the surrounding defensive magic first."

Sirius and Lupin left the crowd to check the protective magic around them to make sure that no one would disturb them when Harry was practicing the Fiery Blaze Charm.

Moody waved his wand and a huge umbrella appeared out of thin air, providing everyone with a place to shelter from the wind and rain. It was really stupid to stand in the wilderness and get wet in the rain.

“I hate the rain.”

Ron lowered his hood and turned to look at Harry. He actually felt that it would be more appropriate to practice magic at the headquarters on such a nasty day, and it was not necessary to practice the Fiendish Flame Curse.

"I heard Neville was in trouble at school."

Harry took off his glasses, cast an invulnerability charm on the lenses, and then talked about something he had heard Fred and George mention recently.

"Don't worry, Neville will be fine." Hermione said soothingly.

"No, you know I'm not going to say that."

Of course Harry was not worried about Neville's safety. Since Albert asked Neville to go to school to form Dumbledore's Army, there must be a way to ensure his safety.

But once Neville leaves Hogwarts, the newly formed Dumbledore's Army is likely to disband, which is a result that Harry does not want to see.

"Here he comes!" Ron said suddenly.

Harry and Hermione looked up at the same time, following the direction of Ron's finger, and found a figure wearing a cloak and holding an umbrella coming towards them.

"I thought you would be here on time."

Harry put away his pocket watch and stepped forward to shake Albert's hand.

"I've never been here," Albert explained.

"Didn't you meet Sirius and Lupin?" Moody asked vigilantly. Sirius and Lupin went out to strengthen the defensive magic, and actually they wanted to find Albert.

"Lupin and Sirius are reinforcing the outer protective magic." Albert put away his umbrella, looked at Harry and asked, "How is your practice of the Fiery Blaze going?"

"The Fiery Curse is really hard to control. Once you use fire, you'll quickly lose control." Harry looked at Albert expectantly. "Do you have any good ideas?"

"What about you?"

Albert was not surprised by Harry's answer. He turned around and asked Hermione and Ron about the progress of their spell-breaking practice.

“There has been some progress.”

"It's a bit of a stretch. We can't put out the Fiendfyre yet." Hermione mastered the spell-breaking process faster than Ron.

"That's normal. Your own magical power has not been fully tapped. If you want to become more powerful, you should work harder in this area." Albert stopped talking nonsense. He waved his wand, and the big umbrella above everyone's head disappeared. Then he signaled Harry to use the Fiery Blaze Charm on the fire pit next to them. He needed to find out the learning progress of the three people first.

Harry took a deep breath and began to concentrate on the spell.

Black magic flames spurted out from the tip of the wand and instantly ignited the fire pit. Although Harry had been trying his best to control the flames, the result was still the same as before. The Fiery Flame Curse was out of control in a few seconds.

Moody just raised his wand, ready to suppress the devil's flames, but someone was faster than him. The surging devil's flames were about to show their power when Albert lightly waved his wand and suppressed them, leaving only flames as big as a fist.

"Generally speaking, once Fiendfyre is separated from the wand, it will be much more difficult to continue controlling it. Moreover, once the opponent is an extraordinary dark wizard who has studied Fiendfyre in depth, it is easy for him to take control." Albert said calmly: "Well, you are right, I am talking about the mysterious man."

Everyone in the group was dumbfounded.

"Most people who use the Fiery Flame Charm will not leave it alone. They usually extinguish it quickly after using it to prevent the Fiery Flame from spreading out of control."

As Albert spoke, the devil's flames in the fire pit went out.

"Are we teaching Harry the Fiery Flame Charm in the wrong way?" Moody couldn't help but interrupt.

"The exercise method you use is safer, but I have a quick way here." Albert waved his wand, conjured up a log out of thin air, threw it behind the fire pit, and said to the bewildered Harry.

"Burning that wood in your mind," Albert said to Harry, pointing at the log.

"What difference does it make?" Harry asked, even more confused.

"You must have heard that using black magic requires evil power. This is why the more evil the black wizards are, the better they are at using black magic." Albert suddenly said.

After Harry raised his hand to stop the others, he couldn't help but ask: "Do you think I can't master the Fiery Curse because I'm not evil enough?"

"Of course... No. This statement is only half true." Albert explained to everyone, "The more evil the wizard is, the more reckless they are in using black magic, and the more they can unleash their potential magical power."

"When wizards are afraid to use the Unforgivable Curses to kill people, it is usually difficult for the spell to kill people directly. This is because people will subconsciously control their own magical power, just like people are afraid of pain, so they won't use their full strength when punching a stone."

"No one is stupid enough to throw a fist at a rock."

After being looked at by Albert, Ron shut up obediently.

"Think about the magic that got out of control due to anger, and think about how many spells can be used smoothly after using the Felicity Potion. In fact, they are all caused by similar reasons."

"Your situation is similar to this. You are worried that the Fiery Blaze will get out of control. This anxiety prevents you from performing at your normal level, and makes you make no progress in the Fiery Blaze." Albert easily saw through Harry's current problem. "Of course, the training method you used before was safer, but it takes more time to enhance your own magical power and control over magic."

"What should I do?" Harry asked bluntly.

"I'm standing here now. You don't need to worry about anything. Take a deep breath and calm yourself down before trying to cast the Fiery Blaze on the log." Albert guided Harry in a calm tone. "You don't need to worry about anything. Just stare at the log and cast the Fiery Blaze on it."

Harry took a deep breath, raised his wand, pointed it at the log and chanted a spell loudly. Flames flew out from the tip of the wand again, like a flamethrower, directly igniting the log.

"Don't be anxious. Mobilize your consciousness, concentrate your attention, control the devil's flames to engulf the wood, and don't let the flames spread randomly." Albert continued to give guidance in a calm voice.

The next moment, the wood was surrounded by black flames and quickly turned into a black pillar of fire, but the flames unexpectedly did not spread to the surroundings.


When Harry's emotions fluctuated violently, the devil's fire that had been under control immediately went out of control.

"Yes, you succeeded."

Albert waved his wand, suppressed the surging black flames again, and cut off the connection between the tip of Harry's wand and the devil's flames.

"You guys come and try it too!" Albert said to Hermione and Ron who were watching nervously beside him, "Try to extinguish the devil's flame, you go first."

Ron pointed his wand at the suppressed black flames and chanted the spell to break it aloud.

However, the black flame only fluctuated slightly and there was no other reaction, as if a gust of wind had just blown by.

Instead, Hermione's spell-breaking technique successfully extinguished the devil's flames.

"If you want to help Harry, you'll need to put more effort into removing the curse." Albert turned his head to Ron and said, "It won't do you any harm."

"I will." Ron's face looked grim.

Albert didn't have time to care about Ron's feelings. He waved his wand and conjured up a big umbrella to shield everyone from the rain.

"this… "

When a cup of hot cocoa was stuffed into Harry's hands, he felt a little confused.

Didn’t you say you were going to practice the Fierce Fire Curse? Why did you suddenly start to rest

Albert took a sip of hot cocoa and said to Harry with a smile, "Think carefully about the experience just now. Rest for a while and we will continue training later."

"Starting to rest now?" Harry was even more confused.

"Combining work and rest, being too anxious can easily lead to mistakes. You need to concentrate on effective special training, at least until you have completely mastered the Fiery Blaze." Albert waved his wand and conjured up a few chairs for them to sit and rest. "First, let me briefly explain the information and application of the Fiery Blaze. This will be of great help to you in using this dangerous black magic."

They were all confused by Albert, but they still sat down and listened to him explain the Fiery Curse.

From how the dark wizard who used the Fiery Fyre for the first time burned himself to death, to how dark wizards usually use the Fiery Fyre, to how powerful wizards apply this spell in actual combat.

"Harry, I feel..."

Sirius was hesitant to speak. After listening to Albert, he really wanted to persuade Harry to give up learning this dangerous spell.

At least, after listening to Albert's explanation of the Fiery Curse, he also realized how dangerous this spell was.

Harry shook his head, signaling Sirius to stop talking.

He learned the Fiery Curse not for fighting, but to ensure that nothing could go wrong when destroying the Hufflepuff Cup. If they went through so much trouble to break into the Strange family vault, but couldn't find the cup among everyone's treasures, they could just burn the things in the vault.

Harry would never allow his plan to fail, and he must not fail.

Once Voldemort knew that they were targeting the Horcruxes, he would definitely hide them again, and then they would have no chance.

"You can consider becoming a professor at Hogwarts in the future. I think you will be very popular with everyone."

To be honest, Moody is a bit withdrawn now. He also taught Harry the Fiery Flame Curse for a long time, but Harry made no progress after more than a month.

"I haven't considered that yet. I have a lot of things to do." Albert waved his wand and made the empty cup disappear. He listened to the sound of rain around him and asked in confusion, "If you don't choose a sunny place, wouldn't it be better to stay at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix to train other magic?"

"Sometimes you can master a spell faster by continuing to practice."

Moody pulled a bottle of wine from the inside pocket of his cloak, took a sip and said, "Besides, this weather is nothing. Just like when you practice Quidditch at school, they will definitely encounter various difficulties in the near future."

"Using Auror training methods?"

Albert didn't think there was anything wrong with using the formal method, the problem was that Harry was still in the stage of learning magic and had not fully grown up. Starting Auror training now would be bound to take a long time to make up for the shortcomings.

"You don't seem to agree."

"Everyone has his own training method. What's most important is what suits you." Albert said without comment. Although he did not agree with Moody's training method, he would not deliberately deny it.

That would undoubtedly be a very stupid thing to do.

"Have you heard about what happened in Hogsmeade?" Lupin changed the subject.

"I heard that the Death Eaters plan to turn it into a gathering place for dark wizards." Albert was of course very clear about what was happening in Hogsmeade. Not only did the house-elves often report the situation to him, he had even been there in person.

"What are you talking about?" Hermione interrupted after finishing her hot cocoa.

"As for Hogsmeade, I heard that it has become a den of dark wizards." Albert explained with a smile, "I'm afraid Hogwarts students can't go to Hogsmeade for the weekend."

"Do you know anything about Neville?" Harry asked suddenly. "I heard he got into some trouble."

"They made too much noise a while ago."


Harry felt that Neville would be extremely depressed if he heard Albert's comments.

"I've asked Dobby to take in Neville. He will stay in the shelter for a while and then receive formal training." Albert was of course aware of Neville's situation and had made appropriate arrangements for him.

"What are your plans?" Harry asked again.

“Not yet.”

"I heard that after the Death Eaters took control of the school, they even used the children who were in detention as candidates to practice the Cruciatus Curse." Ron also supported driving Snape and the Death Eaters away.

"They are Death Eaters, it's not surprising that they would do anything." Albert said self-deprecatingly, "What are you expecting? It's probably the greatest mercy that they didn't kill those children."

"No, you obviously don't understand enough. Using students to practice the Cruciatus Curse is nothing." Moody's eyes flashed dangerously: "Albert is right, 'It's probably the greatest mercy they didn't kill those children.'

You probably don't know how many Muggles have been ruthlessly slaughtered recently, and how many wizards have been threatened and killed for opposing the Death Eaters."

"This war is more brutal than that of a decade ago." Sirius frowned and said, "You need to adapt to this brutal war as soon as possible."

"There's nothing we can do about it." Albert's tone was calm. "Since Dumbledore's death, the situation has been completely out of control. Besides, it was foolish to pin our hopes on Harry from the very beginning."

"Don't you think Harry will win, too?" Ron retorted.

"Yes, but no one knows how long a war will last." Albert said meaningfully, "One year, two years, or even longer. Don't forget that the last wizard war lasted more than ten years."

"I thought you said it was short," said Harry.

"Yes, but the future is uncertain. Unless you work hard and close the loop of prophecy, the predicted result will happen." Albert clapped his hands and said, "Okay, now that you have rested, let's continue practicing!"