Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1338: Invade the castle


After Albert announced tonight's rescue plan to everyone, whispers suddenly broke out in the conference room, and the noise became louder and louder. Everyone was complaining about assisting the Order of the Phoenix, believing that the Defense Association was capable of completing this rescue operation alone.


Albert tapped the table with his fingers, quieting the noisy conference room again.

"We need someone to help drive away the large number of Dementors outside the castle and stop the dark wizards who may come to reinforce us. We need to prevent the team from being attacked from both sides, and buy enough time to rescue Ollivander and others." Albert explained slowly while everyone in the conference room was staring at him. "Moreover, it is obviously more appropriate for the Order of the Phoenix to pull those people captured by the Death Eaters into the team against You-Know-Who."

"We are fully capable of rescuing those captured by the Death Eaters on our own." Lee Jordan raised his hand to express his opinion.

Everyone felt that if they launched a sneak attack, the defenseless Death Eaters would not be able to stop their attack at all, not to mention that Albert was present. They never doubted that Albert alone could easily deal with the group of Death Eaters.

However, after being stared at by Albert for a while, Lee Jordan shut up obediently.

"This has never been a game. I need to be responsible for all those who are willing to trust me, and not increase the risk of possible accidents due to impulsiveness." After Albert asked Shanna to announce the list of members participating in tonight's operation, he began to explain tonight's operation.

"As far as I know, that old castle is Yaxley's secret base. Maybe it has other uses besides being a prison for important people." Albert said to Kenneth, "I need someone to help me search the castle. If there are any valuable herbs, raw materials or items, take them all away. Remember to bring your dragon leather gloves."

After the meeting, Kenneth laughed and quipped, "Looks like we're running low on funds again."

"We will never have enough funds. Think about the free items provided to official members. You can't expect me to pay to fill this bottomless pit. Even if I have more money, it won't be enough. As for asking other people to pay for it, you can't expect it even more." Albert shook his head. Although the four of them did make a lot of Galleons during this period of chaos, with the expansion of the Defense Association, the consumption of Galleons has gradually increased. This money will not come out of thin air. Using the enemy's wealth to fill this hole is undoubtedly the best option at present.

"Leave it to me!"

Kenneth didn't mind doing this, and he knew how hard it was for Albert to maintain the Defense Association, but he still asked casually, "But how do you plan to turn those things into Galleons?"

“There is always someone who can help us solve our problems.”

"Mundungus Fletch?" Kenneth guessed who Albert was talking about and shook his head. "That guy is not reliable."

"A thief has his uses, and he can also contribute to defeating the mysterious man." Albert said calmly.

"I can help you... keep an eye on him." Kenny thought about taking this lucrative job.

"You should look further." Albert shook his head. "It's just a small amount of money."

Kenneth was speechless, as if he had heard this sentence more than once.

Well, he seemed to have said something similar to his father at the beginning.

Why is it my turn now

Finally, Kenneth shrugged his shoulders and gave up the idea of making money for himself.

Since this matter was finalized, the entire association has become extremely excited.

If they could successfully destroy the Death Eaters' secret prison and rescue the captured Ollivander and his gang, they would have a lot of added help. Especially after the loss of Ollivander, it would be difficult for the dark wizards whose wands were taken away to get a reliable wand in a short period of time.

That was undoubtedly another great victory.

If you want to completely defeat the mysterious man, you need to accumulate advantages through victory after victory, and by the way, weaken and suppress the number of the mysterious man's minions.

While Albert was making plans and mobilizing members of the Defense Association, the Order of the Phoenix ran into some trouble.

Harry also wanted to take part in the rescue operation.

Most members of the Order of the Phoenix were unwilling to let Harry take the risk, but Harry's reasons made them unable to refute.

“Wizards throughout the British wizarding community need to boost their confidence. My participation in this operation can enhance everyone’s confidence and make everyone realize that I am leading everyone to fight against the mysterious man.

Moreover, I also need to let the mysterious man know what I have been doing recently, so as to conceal my true purpose and reassure him."

Harry really didn't think there was any danger in this operation. At present, the mysterious man was still abroad. Even if he received the news and rushed back from abroad, it would take time. As long as they could complete the rescue mission within the time set by Albert, they would not have to bear much risk at all.

"Okay Harry, but it's important that you follow instructions." Sirius nodded in agreement.


Mrs. Weasley frowned deeply, very unhappy with Sirius' decision.

"Harry knew exactly what he was doing."

Kings hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed.

As long as they followed Albert's plan, they usually wouldn't encounter too much trouble. Moreover, as Harry said, his participation in this operation could invisibly increase everyone's confidence, which was especially important when calling on everyone to stand up against the mysterious man.

Kingsley was not the only one who thought so. Other members of the Order of the Phoenix also agreed. The only requirement was that Harry must obey orders.

Mrs. Wesley was very unhappy about this.

After the meeting, Sirius called Harry to stay alone.

"What is it, Sirius."

Confused, Harry followed Sirius into the room.

"This is for you. Remember to wear it under your clothes." Sirius handed Harry a leather jacket.

"What's this?"

Harry looked at the leather jacket in his hands curiously.

"I asked Anderson to make a dragon leather jacket for you." Sirius patted Harry's shoulder and said, "Remember to follow the instructions for tonight's operation. Anderson will ask the people from the Defense Association to buy us time. We must complete the mission and rescue the people within ten minutes."

"Is it really necessary to rush like that?" Harry raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he remembered the reason why Albert asked them to finish it within ten minutes. "Is it because you are worried that the mysterious person will rush back from abroad?"

"Yes, no one can be sure whether the You-Know-Who will suddenly appear. It is unwise to confront them directly now. We are just going to rescue people. The success of the operation is more important." Sirius continued to explain to Harry, "The reaction speed among the Death Eaters is very slow. If they are attacked late at night, they will definitely not be able to react in a short period of time. Besides, not all Death Eaters have the courage to use the Dark Mark to summon the You-Know-Who. Once things go wrong, the dark wizard who uses the Dark Mark to summon the You-Know-Who will be severely punished. The most important thing is... the You-Know-Who will not be able to figure out what happened in the UK and rush back from abroad in ten minutes."

This is the advantage of a surprise attack. No matter who encounters it, the reaction is actually similar.

Having said that, this was actually a trick that the Death Eaters used in the past, but Albert took it and developed it further and used it against them.

It can be said that you can give them the same treatment in the same way.

"Harry, what do you have in your hand?"

Ron, who had just returned to the bedroom and was discussing the content of the meeting with Hermione, noticed the leather jacket in Harry's hand.

"Dragon leather jacket," Harry explained to the two, "Sirius just gave it to me."

"This thing is very expensive, a few hundred Galleons." Ron took the dragon leather jacket from Harry with envy on his face. "Fred and George also have similar clothes. It is said that this thing has a strong defensive effect. It can easily block ordinary spells and weaken the power of dark magic."

"Can it only defend against ordinary spells?"

To be honest, Harry didn't care much. In his opinion, this thing was only slightly better than those defensive props.

"No no, Harry, believe me, this dragon leather jacket is definitely worth the money."

Harry didn't know whether the dragon leather jacket was worth the money. He only knew that it was very expensive, which made him want to return it to Albert, but this kind of custom-made product obviously did not have a return policy.

In the following time, everyone was studying the rescue plan, observing the number of Death Eaters and the location of the hostages in the castle through the Marauder's Map, and proposing and analyzing how to solve the problems encountered.

"I'd say Anderson has planted a spy among the Death Eaters."

Ron whispered to Hermione after seeing the Marauder's Map.

If there were no people planted inside the castle, it would be impossible to accurately obtain the castle's structural diagram, let alone create this active point map.

"He probably used the Imperius Curse to control a certain unlucky Death Eater and made him provide him with information. I remember that the You-Know-Who killed Avery not long ago. It was said that the guy was a traitor."

Moody didn't think there was anything wrong with this. Instead, he admired Albert's ability very much. Not everyone could place people among the Death Eaters without being discovered.

As for using the Unforgivable Curses

Let's win the wizarding war first, then discuss this.

What's more, they had no evidence to prove that Albert used the Imperius Curse on the Death Eaters.

After a simple dinner, everyone took sleeping pills and went back to rest.

In the darkness before dawn, almost all the spirited members of the Order of the Phoenix went out.

However, their luck was not very good, as they ran into bad weather as soon as they Apparated.

It was raining heavily in the dark night sky. The icy rain hit Harry's face, making him shiver.

“I hate the rain!”

Harry tightened his rain cloak around himself and moved closer to Ron and Hermione.

"Should we wait here for them?" Ron asked in a low voice.

"No, we have to meet up with them at the agreed meeting point. Everyone follow and don't be left alone."

Moody mounted his broom and flew into the air, motioning for everyone to follow.

A group of flying brooms flew through the dark wilderness and headed to the back of a hill not far away under Moody's guidance. When they hurriedly arrived in the heavy rain, they were shocked to find that the Defense Association had already been waiting for them here.

"Harry, I didn't expect you to join the rescue operation tonight." Angelina took the initiative to greet Harry.

"Long time no see Angelina, I heard they said you joined the Quidditch Club." Harry was a little surprised to see Angelina here. By the way, it seemed that the Gryffindor team had bravely stood up to resist the mysterious man.

"Okay, quiet down."

Albert stood out from the crowd and used magic to make his voice ring in everyone's ears, suppressing the sound of rain and noise.

"I don't think I need to repeat our respective tasks. If you really have any questions, please raise them now. Once we start the action, we will have to race against time."

Albert looked around at everyone present, and after making sure that everyone was okay, he waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

Their destination was an ancient castle not far from the meeting point, on another hillside, and it would only take a few minutes to fly there on a broomstick.

As he approached the castle and sensed the increasingly biting cold and the presence of Dementors, Albert raised his wand and took the lead in summoning his Patronus.

The members of the Defense Association following behind Albert also raised their wands and summoned their respective patron saints to clear the way.

This group of guardian gods were like sharp blades, tearing open the night sky ahead.

The small number of Dementors that were originally responsible for guarding the area around the castle were immediately dispersed by the large number of guardians.

"All master the Patronus Charm!"

Kings was surprised to find that this group of young people demonstrated superb skills in defense against the dark arts, and seemed to be better at cooperating than the Order of the Phoenix.

He had only seen this level of skill on the Auror team.

With a large group of patronuses helping to clear the way, the entire team was not harassed by the Dementors. The Dementors, which Yaxley had placed high hopes on, were directly shattered by the impact of the patronuses.

Who would have thought that someone would dare to forcibly invade the castle that was heavily protected by a large number of Dementors.

"They've discovered us. You'd better hurry."

Albert quickly landed on a hillside, raised his wand and swung it forward in the air, like a knight wielding a sword, and actually forcibly tore apart the ancient magic that enveloped the castle, completely exposing the entire castle to everyone.

"Ron," Moody called.

"What, oh, okay."

Ron, who was shivering with cold, reacted immediately after being reminded by Hermione and turned on the light extinguisher, sucking away all the light sources in the castle, plunging the surroundings into darkness again.

"Follow me."

Several people led by Kingslai rushed forward with a thick iron plate on their backs. They all wore glasses specially prepared by Albert. Even though it was pitch black around them, it did not have much impact on them.

"I still think it would be better to sneak in quietly using the Disillusionment Charm."

"Don't be silly. If we get close to the castle, the alarm will be triggered. The people here must have noticed the enemy invasion."

After the Order of the Phoenix poured into the castle, the Defense Association also began to act according to the original plan.

"Cedric, take your team to keep the Dementors outside. If there are enemy reinforcements, fire flares." Albert raised his wand, released the Order of the Phoenix's phoenix mark into the sky, and then took others to clean up the dark wizards stationed near the castle.

After all, this was the nest of the interest group organized by Yaxley, so naturally there were many dark wizards gathered here. After the invasion of the crowd, it was like stirring up a hornet's nest, waking up the dark wizards who were still resting in their beds. Except for the night watchmen, most of the dark wizards were still confused and could not figure out the situation. No one thought that this castle would be invaded one day.

You should know that ancient wizard families usually have very strong defensive magic protection, and it is almost impossible for them to be invaded.

However, this kind of thing actually happened.