Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1339: Never expected it


"Are they really Death Eaters?"

Looking at the two dark wizards who were attacked as soon as they showed up and fell to the ground, Lee Jordan couldn't help but complain.

"Hey, leave one for me too!"

"Stop talking nonsense and get rid of the enemy quickly."

Angelina's voice came from the darkness ahead, and from the sound of it, it seemed that she was planning to go around and attack them by surprise.

With the help of other members to attract fire, she was able to perfectly avoid the dark wizard's attention by hiding under the Disillusionment Spell, and easily knocked him down by attacking from the side.

"The defense here is weaker than expected."

Shanna took the Marauder's Map and observed the situation in the castle to make sure no other enemies were left behind.

"The main reason is that we have more people and we launched a sneak attack in a shameless manner."

Albert never let his guard down. He helped everyone keep an eye on the situation inside and outside the castle. He was responsible for grasping the overall situation to prevent any Death Eaters from suddenly reinforcing the castle or any mysterious person from suddenly appearing.

Although the possibility of this happening is extremely low, we still need to be prepared. Once any unexpected event occurs, both sides attacking the castle may be caught off guard.

Albert knew very well that the reason why they could break in so easily was not because the dark wizards here were really weak, but because they had never expected to be attacked at this time, and the protective magic that originally protected the outer perimeter was easily torn apart like thin paper.

The dark wizards finally realized that the situation was not good and rose up to resist, but they did not expect that the enemy was not only the group of people in front of them, but there were also several more insidious guys hiding and attacking them.

The battle outside the castle lasted only a few minutes, and Lee Jordan led his men to clear the obstacles outside and knocked down all the guys who could move.

“Are you taking pictures?”

After picking up the brooms thrown by others, Hesjia hurriedly approached Albert. Looking at the young wizard who was taking pictures of the phoenix mark above his head with a camera, she was stunned for a moment, not understanding what the other party was doing.

How can you still have the energy to take pictures during such a tense moment, and make mistakes from time to time

“It will be used in magazines and can inspire people.”

Albert turned his head and asked Hesjia, who had just recovered her flying broom and came to help, "What are you going to do with these people?"

"I don't know either."

Hesjia was a little confused. As enemies, she thought it would be best to kill them all, but she couldn't say that.

"Then leave them here!"

Albert walked over to finish off the knocked down dark wizards. He did not kill them, but instead chanted a spell to cripple the dark wizards' arms.

"this… "

Hesjia was stunned by Albert's behavior.

"If we don't kill them, then we'll completely destroy them. At least we can't let them become our enemies for a short period of time." Albert took out his pocket watch, checked the time and said, "Three minutes left. Get ready to evacuate."

"Just leave them alone."

Hesjia was stunned for a moment and turned to look in the direction of the castle.

"You should trust them. With all the advantages at their disposal, the Order of the Phoenix will not lose to the Death Eaters."

In fact, Albert was right, the Order of the Phoenix did have the upper hand.

There are not many Death Eaters left in the castle. Only the real core of Yaxley are qualified to stay in the castle, help him do things, and share some of the benefits.

"Are we really not going to help them?"

Harry looked back from time to time. Moody had just led his men to block the Death Eaters at the stairs, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

"Follow my command, Harry. Our mission is to rescue the others." Sirius waved his wand, used the unlocking spell to open the iron door of the dungeon, and then rushed in with everyone, scaring the unlucky guys who were trapped in the dungeon and half asleep.

“It went better than we expected.”

Ron half-crouched on the ground and opened the suitcase. Dobby the house-elf walked out of the suitcase.

"Take them down, quickly."

Sirius had the experience of the last rescue and knew very well what to do more efficiently.

So, without giving others time to react, they waved their wands together and used stunning spells to knock down the unlucky guys trapped in the dungeon one by one.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry and move them into the boxes." Sirius untied the prisoners' shackles and urged Harry and the other two who were in a daze.

Dobby held a wand and helped to guard the surroundings. He would be responsible for leading everyone away from here later.

"I didn't expect it to be so simple and crude. I've always been curious about how the rescue mission can be completed within ten minutes." Ron couldn't help muttering after moving the person into the box.

"Olivander's not here," said Hermione suddenly.

"Don't worry, someone has gone to rescue him. Dobby, how are Moody and the others doing now?" Sirius urged the others to get into the suitcase and wait while asking Dobby about his current situation.

"Mr. Moody is leading his men here. As for Mr. Ollivander, Mr. Weasley and his colleagues have already found him." Dobby handed the map to Sirius and was ready to pack up and take everyone away. Dobby had done similar things more than once.

It can be said that he is experienced.

On the other side, the Weiss twins successfully found the imprisoned Ollivander. The old wizard was in a much better situation than the others. Although he was forced to help make wands every day, at least he had an independent and comfortable room.

When George used the Unlocking Charm to open the door next to the workshop and let out Ollivander who was trapped inside, Fred had already rudely barged into the workshop and swept away all the wands and wand materials in the room, leaving Ollivander, who had not yet fully woken up, stunned.

"Resources should be used rationally. It would be a waste to stay here." George explained to Ollivander with a smile, then took out a tattered hat from his pocket and called to his twin brother, "Hurry up Fred, the time is running out."


Fred tightened the rope, stuffed the bag with the traceless extension spell into the inner pocket of his cloak, and said to the elderly wizard next to him with a smile: "Mr. Ollivander, you should not mind using the portkey to leave here!"

"Oh, of course I don't mind. As long as I can get away from this damn place, it'll be fine. I regret not following Mr. Anderson's advice and hiding." Ollivander reached out and grabbed the tattered hat, listened to George's countdown, and then disappeared together.

Compared to the smooth operations of others, the group of Truman and Kenneth was not so smooth.

They did find the place where Yaxley stored his money in the master bedroom of the castle, but the things inside were far less than they expected, and it should even be said that there were very few.

"I dare say Yaxley must have separated the valuables. Otherwise, with that guy's greed, there must be more than just these things." Kenneth looked very annoyed. Apart from some silver items that didn't look very valuable, the box in front of him had very few Galleons in it.

"Don't be silly. If I were him, I would definitely put most of the valuables in the Gringotts vault." Truman felt that Kenneth was too greedy.

"Maybe we should go somewhere else. If Albert sees that this is all the loot we got, he'll probably go crazy and even suspect that we've embezzled some of the loot."

"Albert is not as greedy as you. We are running out of time." Truman was speechless. He actually felt that the things in the box were enough.

"You are stupid. Do you really think it doesn't cost money to maintain the defense association? Do you really think the money you donated is enough to cover the living expenses of those expelled children? Don't be stupid, Truman. There will never be enough money. You can't rely on Albert for everything. Otherwise, what do you think we are doing here today?" Kenneth was amused by Truman's naivety. The other party had been working for several years, so how could he be so stupid.

"Of course I know there are many good things in this castle." Truman curled his lips and took out the door key that Albert had prepared in advance from his pocket. "But if we miss the door key, we will be really finished. Or do you want to stay by yourself?"

Kenneth suddenly stopped talking.

Considering what they did tonight, they probably wouldn't be able to escape if they stayed.

This is Yaxley's lair. If it is destroyed, there is no way he would not react. The Death Eaters' reinforcements might arrive soon.

Moreover, not all the wealth stored here belongs to Yaxley. If one wants to control that group of dark wizards, he must give them enough benefits.

In fact, Kenneth was right. Not long after they retreated, Yaxley and other Eaters hurried over.

Looking at the ruined castle and the phoenix symbol floating above his head, Yaxley raised his head and roared angrily: "Damn the Order of the Phoenix!"

“This is such a terrible feeling!”

Ollivander struggled to get up from the wet ground. His poor physical condition made it difficult to use the Portkey.

"This isn't safe here. We'll have to Apparate again."

Although Fred and George didn't think that any Death Eaters would chase them, they never forgot Albert's warning.

Only when you enter a safe house protected by the Fidelius Curse can you be truly safe.

So, Fred and George each held one of Ollivander's shoulders, helped the old man up from the ground, and Apparated away with him.

"Where are we going?"

As soon as he finished Apparating, Ollivander leaned over and retched. He was already in poor health, and now he could faint at any time.

Both of them regretted not knocking Ollivander out first and then taking him away. Perhaps that way Ollivander would have suffered less.

"Hold on a little longer, we're almost at the safe house." George patted Ollivander on the back and looked at Fred beside him.

The latter raised his wand and fired green sparks into the sky.

"A safe house?"

"It's a shelter protected by the Fidelius Charm. Those unfortunate children who were expelled from school also hide here temporarily." George raised his wand vigilantly and detected the pocket watch to remind them that there were dark wizards around.

Now they could only hope that Tonks had brought people to deal with the guy guarding here.

After seeing sparks of the same color light up in the sky, Fred and George breathed a sigh of relief and walked across the street towards the shelter with Ollivander.

Perhaps seeing Ollivander's confusion, George explained with a smile: "The sparks mean there is no danger around. If different colors or other colors appear, it means it is not safe here, and we have to move to other backup bases."

"How was the action tonight?"

Several figures emerged from the dark street. It was Mr. Tonks, accompanied by several senior students.

"The rescue plan went smoothly." Fred said with a smile: "Albert is leading the team personally this time, so there will be no problems."

"Where are the others? Why are there only three of you?" Tonks asked confusedly.

"The other people who were rescued probably won't be transferred here. The Order of the Phoenix has other arrangements for them," George explained with a smile.

This rescue plan started a long time ago, and the Order of the Phoenix has naturally made arrangements. Those who are rescued from the dungeon will be properly resettled if they are willing to join the great cause of fighting against the mysterious man.

However, the results are often regrettable.

Among the few people who were rescued from the castle dungeon, not one of them had the courage to participate in the great cause of fighting against the mysterious man. Even Ollivander did not have that courage.

Harry felt extremely depressed when he learned about this, and even began to doubt his own appeal.

"Those people are all cowards, no wonder they were thrown into prison by the mysterious man." After Ron learned about this, he felt that they should not have been rescued from the dungeon.

"Okay Ron, some things can't be forced." Although Hermione was extremely disappointed with the choices made by those people, she also knew that such things could not be forced.

Lupin noticed the depressed Harry and the other two and said to them in a soothing voice, "Don't forget, our goal is to rescue Ollivander. The others are just incidental."

"I suddenly understand why Albert asked the house-elves to send people to that shelter. He probably expected this result!" It would be a lie for Harry to say that he was not disappointed. He was more impressed by Albert's accurate vision of people.

"Where's Ollivander?" Ron couldn't help asking, "He should join us, right?"

"He, I think, has agreed!" Sirius's expression was very strange. "Ollivander has been tortured by the Cruciatus Curse and is in poor health. He has nowhere to go, so he had no choice but to accept the shelter provided by Albert and provide us with wand support."

Otherwise, Ollivander wouldn't have had much courage to confront Voldemort.

Of course, there aren't many areas where Ollivander's help is really needed. The main thing is to protect people so that they don't fall into the hands of the mysterious man again.

Ollivander was also aware of his situation. He had to agree even if he didn't want to, as he was dragged into this trap.

At the simple celebration party, Kingsley raised his glass and said to the members of the Order of the Phoenix: "We have saved a group of people and defeated the Death Eaters again. And with Harry's joining, I believe that more and more wizards will bravely stand up against the You-Know-Who and the Death Eaters. This is our greatest victory."

When the members of the Order of the Phoenix raised their glasses to celebrate this great victory, the Defense Association also raised their glasses to celebrate this victory, but there was not much of a lively atmosphere here. After knowing that the people who were rescued were all cowards, many people felt that it was not worth saving them at all, and they were extremely relieved that Albert asked Dobby to throw them into that terrible shelter. "

In their view, standing up against the mysterious man does not necessarily require fighting with the dark wizards. There is always something they can do. However, that group of people are unwilling to even make a contribution to defeating the mysterious man. Naturally, everyone feels uncomfortable and looks down on them for their hard work in rescuing people.

You have to know that those who were rescued from that dungeon were all wizards who had been persecuted by the mysterious man and the Death Eaters.

"You don't mind if I record this in the book, do you?" Sana asked Albert secretly.

"It's up to you to decide. When you finish the book, remember to show it to me first." Albert believed that this book, which recorded the Second Wizarding War in detail, would definitely give British wizards an unexpected surprise.