Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 134: If self-awareness is to be useful, it must be…


Since meeting McDougal, Albert couldn't believe how his campus life had changed dramatically.

Digging too deeply into the secrets of magic runes has put a considerable burden on Albert's brain. The most direct manifestation of this is that Albert's spirit has been a little sluggish in recent times.

However, this high-load situation does have some benefits.

Albert's magic skill experience increased rapidly at an incredible speed. In less than half a month, it had soared by nearly 1,000 points.

The most important thing is that Albert felt that he was about to get in touch with what he wanted, the real method of using ancient magic runes as mentioned by McDougal.

If the magic rune skill is upgraded to level 3, perhaps he can master that part of knowledge in a short time, but Albert would rather spend more time on this. Even if the skill is upgraded directly to level 3, the knowledge obtained will still take a long time to digest.

Moreover, using too much experience at one time to upgrade skill levels would be a huge burden on the experience pool, and Albert would not risk doing so.

For him, upgrading a skill directly to level 2 is within his current capacity, and he would only do so if the skill was practical.

The experience in the experience pool is not only reserved for upgrading the economy and finance, but also Albert's greatest backup and guarantee.

If there is only outflow and no inflow, it is undoubtedly not a good thing.

"What's wrong with you lately? You seem very tired." George said.

"It's okay, I'm just a little busy. Please, pass the orange marmalade over there to me." Albert was putting two sausages, a fried egg, and half a chopped fried tomato on his plate.

"Here." George looked at Albert suspiciously and didn't ask any more questions.

Taking the orange marmalade handed over by George, Albert spread a thick layer of it on the bread slice, put it to his mouth and took a big bite, then casually took out the diary from his pocket and began to look through what he had recorded before to see if there was anything he had forgotten.

It's true that Albert has a good memory, but when he gets serious about something, he tends to forget about other things.

"Looking at your little notebook again?" Fred said with a smile. "By the way, there is an Apparition class this afternoon. Do you want to go?"

"I remember that in the last Apparition class, a Hufflepuff boy was dismembered." Lee Jordan laughed as he talked about the interesting things that happened in the Apparition class.

"It's dismemberment, not dismemberment." Angelina on the opposite side glanced at Li Jordan with disdain and corrected him, "Don't use such a terrible word in the wrong place."

"I remember that man's name seemed to be Fig." said Li Jordan.

"It's Figo." Albert took a bite of the fried egg and weakly corrected the other party's mistake.

"How do you know?" Li Qiaodan asked unconvincedly, "I remember..."

"Last time, I met a Hufflepuff friend in the library... cough cough." Albert took a big gulp of pumpkin juice, glanced at the fried egg on the fork, put it aside for the time being, and prepared to eat it later.

"You have any Hufflepuff friends?" Alia was very curious that Albert actually knew Hufflepuff students. This guy has a wide range of friends!

"Who doesn't have a few friends?" Albert disagreed.

"I remember it was... the tough guy who punched the Ravenclaw prefect last time. I think his name was..."

"Truman," Fred reminded. "I realize you have a terrible memory."

"Who would go out of their way to remember these things?" Lee Jordan argued.

Speaking of Truman, the Weasley brothers suddenly looked at Albert and asked in a low voice: "Last time, was it you who gave Truman the idea?"

Albert didn't answer, pretending not to hear, and continued to flip through the small notebook. His eyes fell on a record, and he looked up at George and asked, "I couldn't repair the last copy of "Biography of Yurik". But you seem to have taken the book away. Have you repaired it and returned it to me?"

"It wasn't repaired, but it has been returned and Madam Pince didn't notice." George's face looked a little unnatural.

"At the time, we made a bold decision," Fred explained. "We tore that page completely off. As long as we didn't turn to that page, we wouldn't be discovered."

"You are lucky." Albert was speechless. He thought the twins would repair the book and return it, but he didn't expect it to be like this. Anyway, as long as Madam Pince didn't find out, it would be fine.

"I don't know which unlucky guy will take the blame for you."

"Ahem, that has nothing to do with us." The twins looked a little embarrassed.

George quickly changed the subject: "By the way, are you going to the Apparition class this afternoon?"

"Go, it's not bad to listen to the class for a while, you can always learn something." Albert nodded. He wanted to see if he could add Apparition to his skill list in this way.

Basically, every time Wikki Taikros came to Hogwarts to teach Apparition, Albert would go to watch and record some knowledge that needed to be mastered. In his little notebook, there were the three Ds (three precautions) mentioned by Taikros.

It would be nice if I could try it myself.

It's a pity that first-year students cannot sign up, otherwise they would be able to practice Apparition under the guidance of someone, which would undoubtedly greatly improve the safety and learning efficiency of Apparition.

"What are you thinking about?" interrupted Shanna.

"I guess he's worried about why lower grade students can't sign up for the Apparition class." George looked as if he had seen through Albert.

"This kind of opportunity is rare. However, Apparition is still too difficult for lower grade students, and we don't have enough magical power to support ourselves to complete this magic." Although Albert said this, he was actually very depressed. Unlike others, he did not have such troubles. As long as he could master the skill, he could master Apparition immediately by adding experience points at any time.

"You can use the Disillusionment Charm!" whispered Fred.

"Don't be silly, do you think that thing can surpass Professor McGonagall?" Albert rolled his eyes at Fred.

"Even if you learn it, you can't use it. You are not allowed to use magic during the summer vacation." George said seriously.

"Why?" Shanna asked in confusion.

"Anyway, this is the rule of the Ministry of Magic. It is said that the first time you do it you will be severely warned, and the second time you may be expelled. Even if you are lucky enough not to be expelled, you will be fined a large sum of Galleons." George reminded seriously.

"How did you know?" Sana frowned and asked, "I used it at home during the Christmas holidays. I was not warned?"

"That's because you haven't received the official notice yet." Percy sat next to George and answered Zanna's question for him. "After receiving the official notice from the Ministry of Magic during the summer vacation, you can't use it unless you turn 17 and become an adult."

"As far as I know, there will be no warning for using magic in a wizard-heavy area like Diagon Alley. It should be fine for pure-blood wizards to use it at home." Albert said softly, "The Ministry of Magic has no way of figuring out who used it."

"How do you know?" Shanna stared at Albert curiously, while Percy next to her was a little embarrassed.

"Ever since that unlucky guy Truman was almost expelled for this shit." Albert curled his lips in disdain, "I've paid special attention to this issue. Later, I asked some senior students and learned that the Ministry of Magic uses something called trace to locate and monitor our surroundings. As long as you use magic in a Muggle area, the Ministry of Magic can send you a warning letter in minutes."

"If magic is used in Diagon Alley or where wizards live, the Ministry of Magic won't be able to figure out who used it?" Shanna asked tentatively.

"Yes, that's right." Albert nodded.

"It's so unfair," Shanna said indignantly.

"A wizarding family needs conscious supervision by family members." Percy explained with a dry cough.

"If self-awareness is really useful, why would the Ministry of Magic have to make so many laws?" Shanna sneered.

"I like what you said." Albert couldn't help laughing. "How philosophical, don't you think?"