Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1342: Save Hagrid


After leaving the Defense Association's headquarters, Albert went directly to the shelter, where he met with the Order of the Phoenix to discuss a plan to rescue Hagrid.

“I don’t know how this matter will end.”

Although Hagrid's incident did provide him with a fairly good panel task, Albert would rather it had never happened.

Maybe it’s because of his marriage, he now hates unknown risks more and more.

"If Nelson doesn't mind, I'd like to talk to him before the Order of the Phoenix arrives." Albert casually looked at the changes in the shelter and said to Hannah who was following him with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm just trying to enlighten him a little."

"What he did really made everyone..." Hannah hesitated.


Albert knew what Hannah was thinking and asked, "What about you?"

"If it were me, I would probably do the same." Hannah joined the Defense Society just to seek revenge on the Death Eaters.

"They are still young, and this is indeed too cruel for them, but this is war," Albert said without comment.

The two turned into the second to last room in the corridor on the second floor, which was relatively clean. After a while, Hannah came with Nelson Tobin.

"Sit down, don't be nervous, I don't mean to blame you."

Looking at the uneasy boy in front of him, Albert spoke in a calm tone, as if both parties were just chatting about some trivial matters.

At least, it wasn't a big deal for Albert.

"You have no objection to my revenge?"

Nelson Tobin raised his head suddenly and stared at Albert with wide eyes.

"I don't support it, but I don't oppose it either. Because everyone has the right to revenge." Albert crossed his hands on the table, looked at the young man in front of him, and said gently: "I came to you to tell you that revenge only occupies a small part of a person's life, and it should not be the whole life. You should think about what you will do after helping your family to get revenge. This is the most important thing."

"After the revenge is over?"

Nelson Tobin's eyes were confused. He had never thought about this question before. He vaguely remembered that Albert had said something similar to him that night.

"Yes, after everything is over." Albert suggested tentatively, "Become an Auror to fight against dark wizards, or go out and relax."

"I don't want to be an Auror. Look at what the Aurors in the Ministry of Magic have done!" Nelson Tobin couldn't suppress his anger when he heard Albert mention the Ministry of Magic. He trembled and said, "It was the Ministry of Magic that betrayed me and my family."

"Although you are right to think so, to be more precise, the misfortune of you and the students hiding here is actually caused by Umbridge and Yaxley." Albert looked at Nelson calmly and guided him, "I think you should know what kind of person Umbridge is. As far as I know, Umbridge tried her best to get the living address of Muggle wizards, and Yaxley was the executor of the whole plan. They tried to clear out wizards through the search team in order to gain the trust of the mysterious man."

"Umbridge and Yaxley."

Nelson repeated two names in his mouth, and the expression on his face suddenly became extremely ferocious.

"Although I can understand your eagerness for revenge, your current level is not good enough. Any risky behavior may result in you losing your life."

"Can I join the Defense Society?"

Nelson asked expectantly. He had heard from Hannah and Bones that after joining the Defense Association, they would be able to learn more advanced magic and become more powerful.

"Not yet." Albert shook his head. "You still have traces on you, which will expose our location. If you want to join the association, at least wait until you are an adult!"

"My 17th birthday will be coming up soon," Nelson Tobin said expectantly.

"Then let's wait until you come of age. I suggest you lay a solid foundation first, practice your magic, and don't let hatred cloud your mind." Albert was still a little surprised by Nelson Tobin's hatred for dark wizards.

"Remember, don't be anxious. There are many opportunities for revenge. Even if you want to seek revenge on the dark wizard, you must first ensure that you are alive." Albert's gaze suddenly drifted to the door and reminded again.

"Remember my words, hatred is not everything. If you still can't let it go after you have taken revenge, you can consider my suggestion and become an Auror who fights for peace and villains."

"Thank you."

Nelson Tobin was a little impatient, but he thanked Albert anyway.

There are three reasons:

Albert saved him.

Albert did not stop him from seeking revenge and provided him with help.

Albert hopes that after he completes his revenge, he can find his own life.

He's such a good guy, just like Dumbledore.

Although Nelson Tobin, like most Slytherin students, dislikes Dumbledore and thinks he is hypocritical, he does not rule out the possibility that Dumbledore is a good person.

Albert is not hypocritical at all, he is very real and a good person.

Albert had no idea that he had just been given a nice guy card. When he got up and pushed the door to leave, he saw Harry and others waiting for him in the corridor outside. The three of them had obviously eavesdropped on his conversation with Nelson.

“This is not a good habit!”

Albert looked at Hermione who was hesitant to speak and said, "You want to ask why I didn't stop him from taking revenge?"

"I heard that..."

Hermione was silent for a moment before she spoke.

"Harry, will you give up your hatred for the mysterious man?" Albert stopped and turned to ask Harry behind him.

"No." Harry said bluntly, "Death is impossible. One of us must die."

"That's right," Albert said calmly, "If it were me, I would go crazy too. Hatred is not so easy to let go, Hermione."

"But didn't you give him the chance to take revenge himself?" Hermione had heard about this from Fred.

On the night Nelson Tobin was rescued, Albert allowed Nelson Tobin to kill the two knocked down Death Eaters and avenged his family personally.

"In fact, the culprits of the whole thing are Umbridge and Yaxley. Perhaps after he has completely completed his revenge, he will truly let go of his hatred."

Albert was never so arrogant as to think that he could persuade others to let go of their hatred, and he had no intention of letting Umbridge, the toad, go.

If Nelson really couldn't let go of his hatred for dark wizards, he wouldn't mind providing him with some help.

Someone has to do something.

Since someone is willing, he will not stop him and will be happy to help him.

Although he thought so in his heart, Albert would not say it out loud.

"I hope that after Nelson completes his revenge, he can do what he wants to do." Albert smiled and looked at Harry and asked, "After you get rid of the mysterious man and take revenge, what are you going to do

"I haven't decided yet."

"Then think about it carefully. This is very important. Hatred is never everything in life." Albert reminded like a caring older brother. Sometimes he felt that he was hypocritical, but that's how people are.

"Will he seek revenge on Umbridge and Yaxley?" Ron asked suddenly.

"I don't know, maybe he will, maybe not, but I think Nelson will definitely cause trouble for the dark wizards." Albert pushed the door open and walked into the room. He looked at Moody and the others who were waiting for him inside, nodded slightly at them and said, "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

"We just arrived too." Sirius nodded at Albert.

"Let's get straight to the point." Moody took a sip of wine from the bottle and pointed to the Daily Prophet in the middle of the table. "I'm sure you've read today's newspaper."

"This is a premeditated trap and also a revenge against us." Albert sat down opposite Moody.

"According to reliable information I received from the Ministry of Magic, Yaxley sent Aurors deep into the Forbidden Forest last night to capture Hagrid's brother Grawp." Kingsley handed Albert a piece of parchment.

"Why Hagrid?" Harry asked suddenly.

"Because Hagrid is your good friend." Albert reminded, "Not only do they want to retaliate against us, they also want to lure you out and kill you, so don't act rashly."

"He's right. Let us handle this matter," Moody said to Sirius. "You will be responsible for keeping an eye on Harry and don't let him do anything stupid."

Sirius didn't respond, but smiled bitterly at Albert and said, "We only learned about this recently."

They had heard that Hagrid had a giant brother, but they didn't pay much attention to it. Who would pay special attention to a giant hiding in the Forbidden Forest

Moreover, since Dumbledore's death, Hagrid has been on the periphery of the Order of the Phoenix. He cannot participate in many plans and his presence has always been relatively low.

"Actually, I'm more curious about who told Yaxley about Grawp. Normally, Death Eaters wouldn't pay special attention to Hagrid, let alone know that he has a giant brother?" Albert looked at Kings, who shook his head. "Someone who has a grudge against Harry, and he's an acquaintance."

"It must be a Slytherin student, maybe Malfoy, Goyle or Crabbe. I bet they will all join the Death Eaters." Ron was sure that this matter was related to these three people.

"The most important thing now is to rescue Hagrid." Hermione interrupted, "Albert, do you have any plans?"

"My suggestion is to use the Imperius Curse to control a Death Eater, and have that Death Eater give Hagrid a portkey, so that Hagrid can escape from Azkaban using the portkey." Albert spoke of his plan lightly, and did not forget to analyze it for everyone, "The entire Azkaban is a trap now. I think the You-Know-Who is probably watching there, so a direct jailbreak is definitely not an option."

"It's no use running to rescue someone when they're on the execution ground. They must have made all the necessary preparations. So I think the best way now is to send Hagrid away directly using the portkey."

"If the plan fails."

Harry always felt that the plan was a bit unreliable. If he wanted to rescue Hagrid, it would be best for Albert to go to Azkaban himself and get him out of prison.

"You can send a few more portkeys," Albert said without hesitation. "If it still fails, then I don't have any better solution. Anyway, I don't support direct confrontation, and I don't agree to let others pay for Hagrid's own choice."

"You think Hagrid deserves it." Ron thought Albert was very cold-blooded. He didn't believe that the other party didn't have a better way.

"I have advised Hagrid many times, and I think you have advised him too. Staying at Hogwarts was Hagrid's own choice." Albert's voice sounded a little cold. "If Hagrid had not stubbornly chosen to stay, but was willing to listen to our advice and find a place to hide, perhaps the situation would have been different, and his brother Grawp would not have died. It's meaningless to say these now. There is no regret medicine for some things."

"I agree with Anderson's plan. Those Death Eaters probably didn't expect anyone to do that." Moody raised his hand to interrupt the others and said to Albert, "But we need your help."

"You need to find a wizard who will go to Azkaban, otherwise it will be conspicuous for other Death Eaters to go to Azkaban rashly. Even if you can't find such a person, you need to pick a suitable candidate." Albert gave them ideas.

"It may be a bit difficult to find a suitable candidate in a short time." Kings looked at Albert. There was no doubt that using divination directly would be the fastest.

"Who will execute Hagrid?" Albert asked suddenly.

"The current head of the Auror Office is Walton McNeill." Moody knew what Albert meant, but the problem was that it was a bit difficult to deal with Walton McNeill.

"I heard that he took the initiative to apply to personally execute the person." Kingsley frowned slightly and said, "That guy was originally the executioner of the Committee for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. He has a special hobby in this area."

"Harry, you remember that in the third year, it was him who almost cut off Buckbeak's head." Hermione reminded.

"That guy is absolutely nuts," muttered Harry.

"Most Death Eaters are lunatics."

Albert took out a prophecy ball from the bag, squinted his eyes and stared at the picture in the crystal ball, and said to the people who leaned over.

"Walton McNeill is indeed a good candidate. You can find him at his home tonight."

"You really don't want to come with us?"

"You can't rely on me for everything." Albert was speechless. "That's not good. It's easy to become dependent."

"But this concerns Hagrid's life." Ron reminded. People who didn't know would think that he and Hagrid were very good friends.

"People now rely on the Savior for everything." Albert looked around at everyone present, then stopped his gaze on Ron again. He said self-deprecatingly, "That is not only a sign of weakness, but also extremely irresponsible to push the task of defeating the You-Know-Who to Harry."

"Besides, I have my own things to do?"

"What's that?" Harry asked.

"Attract the attention of the mysterious man directly to prevent him from staring at Azkaban all the time, as that would make it easy for him to see the flaws," Albert corrected again: "I say again, this has never been a direct battle. Our goal is only to rescue Hagrid."