Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1343: Malfoy's revenge


In the living room of Parkinson Manor in Berkshire, England, Draco Malfoy put down the Daily Prophet and discussed dropping out of school with Professor Parkinson opposite him.

"You really won't reconsider it?"

Professor Parkinson looked at the pale Draco and said softly, "Severus has always hoped that you could return to Hogwarts to continue your studies."

"For me now, whether I continue my studies or not is no longer a big deal." Malfoy looked up at Professor Parkinson opposite him, slightly pulled the corner of his mouth, and said self-deprecatingly, "Letting the Malfoy family continue is what I should do most."

Yes, Draco Malfoy is married.

Just half a month ago.

The bride is his ex-girlfriend: Pansy Parkinson.

Their wedding was a quiet one, with only a few acquaintances present on the wedding day.

Such a wedding would definitely be unacceptable to the Parkinson family, but Severus Snape helped Malfoy convince old Parkinson.

After old Malfoy lost his life inexplicably, Severus Snipes, his old friend, went to discuss the marriage of Draco and Pansy with Mr. Parkinson in person.

Originally, Snape was not qualified to represent the Malfoy family to discuss this matter with the Parkinsons. However, Lucius Malfoy had already fallen, Narcissa Malfoy was also missing, Bellatrix Lestrange had disappeared, and the remaining Andromeda Tonks was obviously not suitable after being expelled from the Black family. This resulted in Draco Malfoy becoming a lonely man, and in the end Snape, who was entrusted with the important task by Lucius, had to handle the matter.

It was also thanks to Snape, who was Voldemort's right-hand man and the current headmaster of Hogwarts, a tough guy that everyone had to give some face to, that the young couple was able to get married successfully.

The marriage between the Malfoy family and the Parkinson family can be considered a good match, so they actually encountered little resistance.

Pansy Parkinson was originally Malfoy's girlfriend. After receiving Draco's proposal, although she felt it was a bit too early for them to get married, she still agreed to marry Malfoy without hesitation and even dropped out of Hogwarts.

For the two who inherited a large inheritance, a Hogwarts certificate was not an indispensable thing.

Old Parkinson was quite satisfied with the Malfoys. The only problem was that Draco was the only one left in the Malfoy family. He was actually worried that Draco would lose his life as a Death Eater, leaving his daughter alone.

There is a reason why Lucius was worried that the Malfoy bloodline would be cut off because of this.

The Dark Lord didn't seem to like the Malfoy family, which was why Lucius hoped that Draco could be protected by the Parkinson family.

Perhaps this is the result that Lucius wanted to see.

Noticing the look from old Parkinson, Professor Parkinson sighed softly and stopped forcing Draco.

He actually knew what Draco was worried about. The Dark Lord really didn't like him, so it couldn't be said that Draco's choice was wrong. At least he would have his own heir as soon as possible and he wouldn't have to worry about the Malfoy family bloodline being cut off.

"I heard that the Ministry of Magic recently planned to use that big guy to crack down on the Order of the Phoenix?"

Old Parkinson picked up the newspaper on the table and changed the subject.

As a pure-blood family that supports Voldemort, the Parkinson family is living a more comfortable life than usual. Naturally, they hope that the annoying Order of the Phoenix will disappear completely.

"They hope to use this to get rid of Harry Potter." Professor Parkinson seemed to be worried that others would hear him, so he lowered his voice deliberately.

"Get rid of Harry Potter?" Old Parkinson was surprised. "Didn't the Dark Lord..."

"The Dark Lord suddenly allowed others to kill Harry Potter. That big guy is Potter's good friend, and Mr. Yaxley believes that Harry Potter will take action for him." Professor Parkinson suddenly turned his head and said to Malfoy, "This matter is really thanks to Draco. Mr. Yaxley is very satisfied with the information you provided."

"Although I also hope that the plan can succeed, I'm afraid this matter may not go as smoothly as I imagined."

It is true that Malfoy intended to provide information to Professor Parkinson, largely in order to retaliate against Anderson and Potter.

Those two guys played an indispensable role in the Malfoy family's fate.

Of course, Malfoy didn't like Yaxley either. He was an extremely hypocritical guy and had taken advantage of him more than once.

"That Mudblood has a close relationship with that big guy Hagrid. I'm afraid he won't watch the Ministry of Magic execute Hagrid." Malfoy didn't actually care whether Yaxley could get what he wanted. He just deliberately revealed this matter to everyone.

"That mudblood is a real nuisance, but everyone thinks highly of him."

Professor Parkinson didn't know Albert very well, but he had heard some rumors among the Death Eaters. There were even rumors that the Death Eaters who had lost their lives in the past were killed by the Mudblood with the help of the Minister of Magic, which caused many Death Eaters to fear the Mudblood.

"Many people believe that the Mudblood is Dumbledore's most beneficial disciple, and even think that he will soon surpass Dumbledore."

Malfoy generously bought himself some food and started eating for the crowd. He would be happy to see whoever got into trouble in the end.

"Tell me his story." Professor Parkinson was very interested in Albert.

"When I first entered school, that Mudblood was already a famous figure in the school. He was recognized as a genius by everyone and almost nothing was difficult for him. Later, he showed extraordinary strength in the Triwizard Tournament. Many people believed that he was Dumbledore's favorite student. What impressed me most was that he defeated all the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic by himself."

"A tough opponent," Professor Parkinson muttered.

"No, he is more difficult to deal with than you think, because he is a prophet himself. And because he is good at prophecy, he has helped the Ministry of Magic predict our actions many times."

Speaking of this, Malfoy's face turned paler. If that guy was good at prediction, would he know that he had leaked the secret on purpose

Professor Parkinson didn't notice the change in expression on Malfoy's face and thought of another explanation.

The reason why the Dark Lord allowed the Death Eaters to kill Harry Potter directly was because he had a great enemy that he was very afraid of, and that great enemy was the Mudblood. That was why the Dark Lord couldn't wait to get rid of Harry Potter and put all his attention into dealing with the Mudblood, which led to this action.

After keeping this in mind, Professor Parkinson told Draco the reason why he came to see him tonight.

"How much do you know about Dumbledore's Army? Mr. Yaxley hopes to completely dismantle the resistance of Dumbledore's Army because there are rumors that members of Dumbledore's Army are candidates for members of the Order of the Phoenix."

"Dumbledore's Army originated from the Defense Association formed by Albert Anderson," Malfoy frowned deeply, carefully recalling everything he knew about the Defense Association, "Harry Potter used the DA to reorganize Dumbledore and resist Umbridge for many years."

"So, you think Dumbledore's Army is very likely a candidate member of the Defense Association." Professor Parkinson frowned even deeper. If that was the case, Dumbledore's Army must be completely dismantled at all costs.

Although Longbottom has disappeared, Professor Parkinson believes that the organization still exists because the Room of Requirement cannot be entered no matter what, which means there is someone inside.

However, Draco couldn't help much in the Room of Requirement.

The two sides talked for more than an hour before Professor Parkinson left with Draco's suggestion. After all, he didn't know much about Hogwarts, and if Draco returned to Hogwarts to continue his studies, he would be happy to let him help him solve the big problem of Dumbledore's Army.

When Draco returned to his dormitory with the newspaper, Pansy had finished her shower and was sitting at the bedside table combing her hair.

"I thought you would be happier. I remember that big guy once hurt you." Pansy put down the comb and sat next to Draco. After pulling the newspaper from his hand and throwing it on the ground, she put her hands on Malfoy's shoulders and pushed Draco directly onto the bed. "Maybe, we should do what we should do."

"I don't think things are going so well." Draco said suddenly.

Lucius had been humiliated countless times by Albert, so Draco naturally knew how terrifying that guy was.

He suddenly felt a little regretful, regretting why he had provoked that guy.

"Okay, honey, don't discuss other things while we're making love." Pansy stared at her husband with some dissatisfaction.

"Sorry Pansy, I'm just a little... scared." Malfoy said self-deprecatingly.

"That's not something you would say, dear." Pansy controlled her emotions and tried to calm Malfoy's mood.

"I actually hate him very much. I suspect that more than half of the Malfoy family's disasters are related to him. I even suspect that my mother was killed by that guy in some way." Draco no longer had any hope that his mother Narcissa was still alive.

"Not long ago, I provided Professor Parkinson with information about Hagrid, which led to the death of that big guy Hagrid."

To be honest, I'm a little scared. I'm afraid that the big guy will die, and I'm afraid that the mudblood will retaliate against me or even hurt you."

Pansy opened her mouth and looked at her husband in surprise, who had said such shocking words. She was really a little confused.

"Don't worry, Draco. The Dark Lord possesses power that we cannot imagine. He will completely destroy that Mudblood. I don't think anyone will tolerate the existence of such a guy." Pansy soothed.

Draco was actually right. The fact that he had revealed the news to Yaxley had already been known by Albert. After all, he was a true master of prophecy, and it was not difficult for him to find the target through divination.