Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1349: Voldemort had not expected this


Voldemort's stress reaction was not unexpected to Albert. After all, this was the aftereffect of using terror to rule.

When the impression that Voldemort is invincible is shaken, wizards who are oppressed to the limit will rise up and resist, unless they want to die a cowardly death.

Perhaps, no one has the courage to be the first to suffer misfortune, but with the Defense Association and the Order of the Phoenix taking the lead, more and more wizards will eventually stand up to resist.

This will certainly cause the British wizarding world to plunge into unprecedented turmoil, but now is the Wizarding War, and it is the most turbulent era.

How long can that false peace last

The greedy and brutal Death Eaters will only make everything worse, not to mention the dark wizards at the bottom with ulterior motives. If they want to fill their bottomless appetites, they can only plunder from other wizards.

However, wizards are not leeks.

What's worse is that most of the richest guys are Death Eaters, and the result is predictable.

As his power was gradually being eroded, Albert felt that he should explode all the hidden problems and solve them all at once through this damn war.

And what Voldemort did was undoubtedly pushing many wizards who tried to remain neutral to his other side, making it impossible for them to remain neutral.

In fact, this is what Albert wanted to see. The method of winning students over to his side and forcing other wizards to get closer to him did not seem to work as expected. Perhaps it would take a longer time to complete, but Albert could not guarantee when the final decisive battle would come.

The embarrassing situation where the other side has a bunch of enemies but has few helpers on our side must be reversed.

What's more, sometimes we can't solve the problem, but we can solve the person who created the problem.

There are many similar cases in history.

In Albert's opinion, now is the era of change in the British wizarding world, and it was initiated by Voldemort. Instead of defeating the mysterious man and suppressing the problem again, and waiting for the day when the problem will erupt again, it is better to solve the problem and the person who created the problem at once.

Change requires bloodshed, and war ultimately results in death.

Anyway, as long as it wasn't him who died, Albert wouldn't feel sad at all.

The happy endings in novels are, after all, just fairy tales.

Albert certainly hoped that the ending would be as beautiful as a fairy tale, but he would never pin all his unrealistic hopes on it.

Of course a savior can save the world, but it would be ridiculous to place all hopes on the savior.

At least compared to the savior, he was more willing to believe in himself, and more willing to believe in the experience and strength he had gained from panel missions over the years.

He never lacks the courage to face challenges, and is more willing to believe that he can correct the future that has been led astray.

"What were you thinking about?"

Yin Zebel noticed Albert's terrible expression and looked at the densely packed notes. She began to suspect that her husband was plotting something.

Albert looked at the newspaper next to his notes, which looked as if nothing had happened, and said softly, "I wonder how many people will be brave enough to stand up."

"Probably... not too much."

Yin Zebel had read Shanna's rescue mission report. In her opinion, the problems encountered in the rescue operation were enough to explain many problems.

Most wizards were reluctant to be dragged into this wizarding war, which was completely understandable to her.

Although her husband seemed to be one of the culprits who completely triggered this disaster, in her opinion, this kind of thing would happen sooner or later, and no wizard who stayed in Britain could stay out of it.

Are we counting on the savior Harry Potter to solve the problem

It's unclear whether they believe Harry is the savior.

"By the way, when did you become interested in goblin stuff?"

Yin Zebel inquired, looking at the fairy silverware in the room.

She was indeed a little curious. Could soaking unicorn horn powder with distilled water essence in a fairy silver cup really create a wine glass with a detoxifying effect

"There is something hidden in the vault of Gringotts. That thing is related to the final direction of this wizard war." Albert closed his notebook, hugged Yin Zebel, let her sit on his knees, and continued, "Harry Potter and his friends will try to break into Gringotts, steal and destroy that thing, but I can't pin all my hopes on them. After all, it is related to the direction of the entire war. I need to add an extra layer of protection to ensure that the mysterious man is completely dead."

"Why don't you go by yourself?" Yin Zebel asked.

"I thought you didn't like me taking risks?"

"No, from what I know about you, you won't give the opportunity to others."

"Some things are better left to Harry," Albert explained. "After all, he is the savior and has always had good luck."

"You mean to say he's the hero of the story?"

"You are so clever."

"But I think you are more like the savior." Yin Zebeier said with a strange expression, "If you didn't have the lightning scar on your forehead, I would suspect that you are the savior."

"I remember you said something similar." Albert said with a smile, "But I don't want to be a savior. I just need to make sure the final outcome is what I want."

"It sounds like the boss behind the scenes."

Yin Zebeier reached out and picked up the notebook. Looking at the densely packed foreign characters, he nodded again and said, "It is indeed very similar."

"I only learned the basics from Dumbledore."

"So what are you going to do next?" Yin Zebeier asked, closing his notebook. "Like what's written in the notebook?"

"Well, it's time to detonate the time bomb in Hogsmeade. Too many dark wizards have come to Britain recently. We can't let them unite around the mysterious man, otherwise it will be troublesome again." Albert did not deny it. He also planned to take advantage of this wave of chaos to complete all his arrangements.

He never expected to defeat Voldemort in one fell swoop, but he could gradually weaken his power.

"The Imperius Curse?"

Yin Zebel knew that Albert didn't like using black magic, and even less liked killing people, so there was only one way.

The method he is best at.

Last time, many dark wizards lost their lives because of this.

"Yes, ever since it was discovered that the Order of the Phoenix used the Imperius Curse to control the Death Eaters, the You-Know-Who has probably begun to doubt whether the Death Eaters under his command are being controlled." Albert chuckled. This was the result he wanted, although it was accomplished in a way he had not expected.

"Explode from the inside?"

Yin Zebel felt that the Death Eaters could not afford such a hassle, and they probably didn't expect that such a thing would happen to them.

"After all, using the Imperius Curse to control and make the enemy suspicious and fearful has always been their usual method." Albert sneered, "It's time to let them have a taste of that themselves."

Voldemort probably didn't expect that Albert had already dug a trap for him. If he did something at that time, the situation would become very delicate.

Albert is looking forward to that day, just as he is looking forward to the day when the mysterious man and his supporters completely exit the stage.

And he, Albert Anderson, will be one of the final winners of the Wizarding War.