Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1361: In the name of revenge


The Leaky Cauldron, United Kingdom.

The Leaky Cauldron hadn't had so many customers in a long time since the rise of Voldemort.

But the bar owner, Old Tom, was very unhappy. He was wiping his wine glasses carelessly and secretly observing the foreigners in the store out of the corner of his eyes. He seemed to be worried that these outsiders would cause him trouble.

Old Tom really wanted to find an excuse to drive all the customers out of the store, but his years of experience in running a bar told him that it was best not to do that, otherwise he would definitely get into trouble.

Although what happened in Hogsmeade village the night before did not appear in the Daily Prophet, Old Tom knew about it.

Like most wizards, he was secretly listening to the broadcasts from the Wizard Lookout Station, so he could naturally guess that the group of people in front of him were all dark wizards from abroad.

Seeing how angry they were when they spoke, it was not difficult to guess how much they hated the Death Eaters.

It’s best not to offend them now, especially since most dark wizards are not reasonable people.

But Old Tom was really worried that a Death Eater would suddenly show up in the store, which would surely lead to something terrible.

However, sometimes what you fear will come true.

Just as he handed a glass of hot whiskey to the old French man who spoke broken English at the bar, he saw a familiar figure appear at the door, and Old Tom's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

The man who came was a bad guy named Rudolph.

It is said that because he is a pure-blood, he was invited to join the Death Eaters as an exception.

Ever since Rudolph joined the Death Eaters, he would come here to drink whenever he had free time, and he wouldn't pay.

I don’t know if Rudolph is crazy. How dare he come here at this time? Is he trying to kill himself

If those people knew that he was a Death Eater, he would be killed by these outsiders.

Under Old Tom's uneasy gaze, Rudolph actually used a sticking spell to stick an advertisement with unknown content on the wall of the bar.

After pasting the advertisement, Rudolph used the tip of his wand to make a sharp sound, attracting the attention of all the guests in the bar.

Then, under Old Tom's gradually growing mouth, he cleared his throat and said to everyone present: "Everyone, there is good news recently. Hogsmeade will be reopened to the public, but please remember that it is a black market opened by the Dark Lord. No one can enter without the Dark Lord's permission..."

Before Rudolph could finish his words, he seemed to be punched hard in the stomach, and he curled up on the ground in pain like a boiled shrimp.

The next moment, a sharp scream rang out in the Leaky Cauldron.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect his reaction to be so violent. I thought Death Eaters would be tougher."

The blond French old man spread his hands helplessly to everyone, then moved the tip of his wand towards the fallen Death Eater.

The shrill scream rang out again.

"What a beautiful song. It reminds me of mermaids leaving the water." Another middle-aged wizard kindly helped him close the bar door.

All right!

The Leaky Cauldron suddenly became lively. Everyone had been accumulating a lot of anger, and now they finally had someone to vent it on.

Seeing Rudolph, who was so high-spirited just now, now screaming like a pig being slaughtered, Old Tom behind the bar felt his hands and feet go weak. He didn't dare to deliver the letter to the Death Eaters, let alone leave the bar.

Old Tom knew very well that doing so would bring him terrible consequences, so he had to put on a stern face and act as if nothing had happened. He continued to wipe the wine glasses behind the bar and occasionally handed a glass of mixed drink to this group of lawless guys.

Looking at the annoying guy being tortured to death by the Cruciatus Curse, Old Tom felt an indescribable pleasure in his heart, but he was also worried about the trouble that might be caused by Rudolph's death in the Leaky Cauldron.

"What on earth is going on in Yaxley's head?"

Ever since the Death Eaters attacked Hogsmeade village at night, their credibility among foreign dark wizards has been completely ruined.

He actually thought that there would be a dark wizard going over there. Did he think everyone else was a fool

In fact, not only Old Tom thought so, but also foreign dark wizards thought so. They had already learned what happened that night from certain channels.

The famous Percival is dead.

It is said that it was besieged by a large number of Death Eaters and Dementors.

Many dark wizards who remained in Hogsmeade village also lost their lives. Even those who surrendered to save their lives were controlled by the Death Eaters using the Imperius Curse. Not only did they become the Death Eaters' lackeys, they were also required to hand over half of their wealth to save their lives.

This is simply blatant robbery.

For the dark wizards from various European countries, this is absolutely unacceptable.

They didn't care who was killed, after all, it had nothing to do with them, but the actions of those Death Eaters really disgusted them.

What’s even more ridiculous is that with such a bad reputation and such ridiculous practices, they actually hope that they will join

Could it be that he joined because he was under the control of the Imperius Curse

I really think they are all idiots.

This incident became a laughing stock among everyone.

"I intend to leave the UK in the near future."

The blond wizard from France took a sip of hot whiskey and calmly talked about his plans with several colleagues at the same table who he had met some time ago.

"That group of Death Eaters cannot be trusted at all. You should have heard that they took a lot of people's things for themselves. If they do it once, they will do it again. God knows when they will be short of money again and will secretly attack us."

"We came to the UK to make money, not to be robbed by those despicable and shameless people." A middle-aged brown-haired wizard gritted his teeth and said, "I am planning to leave too, but I can't swallow this breath. The good black market was ruined by those rubbish."

Everyone was silent.

If the black market was still under their control, it would be a paradise for all the dark wizards in Europe. Unfortunately, that paradise only existed for less than a week.

It was even more impossible to retake the black market, after all, this was the lair of the Death Eaters, and there was also the famous Voldemort. Especially after what happened the night before, no one would do such a thing.

"I plan to make the last profit before leaving England, and teach those losers a lesson." A younger black-haired wizard at the table next to me suddenly said, "Since they dare to attack in the middle of the night, why can't we?"

"That's a good idea!" The blond French elder agreed. "We'll leave England overnight anyway. Even if the Death Eaters keep shouting, they won't have the courage to leave England and go abroad to cause trouble for us. Besides, do they know who attacked the black market?"

"Count me in. I can't swallow this humiliation if I don't take revenge." The brown-haired wizard said murderously.

"Just a few of you?"

"Any questions?"

"No, I think we should act in a planned way." Another young wizard also sat down and joined the conversation.

"For example..." asked the blond French man.

"For example, we can torture the shit-eater first and find out the situation in the black market, or we can pretend to go back to the black market and continue trading there, and then get up at night..." The young wizard stretched out his hand and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Since the shit eaters have done that, we don't need to be polite to them. Anyway, we will leave the UK after this time, and I need to make up for the losses."

The dark wizards around looked at each other in bewilderment. If they really wanted to leave Britain, they could indeed make one last fortune before leaving.

Since the Death Eaters had already attacked them, there was no need to be polite.

As more and more dark wizards came to think of making a quick buck before leaving, many people gathered at the French table. Seeing so many of their peers joining in, many dark wizards naturally wanted to come and get a piece of the pie.

No one would miss such an opportunity to teach those unruly Death Eaters a lesson and make some money at the same time.

"How about, if we have a chance, we can rob the Death Eaters as well." Someone suddenly suggested, "If too many people get involved, I'm worried that there won't be enough stuff on the black market to share. But I heard that those who can join the Death Eaters are pure-blood wizards, and their families are usually richer. Since we're doing it, it can be considered as revenge for those dead friends."

"That's right, revenge, revenge for Percival!"

They quickly found a suitable excuse for their subsequent robbery.

Old Tom behind the bar stared at the scene in amazement. Suddenly he had a bad feeling and saw a spell flying towards him.

"Don't kill him. Don't kill the Death Eaters over there either. Just use the Imperius Curse to control them. It's best not to alert the Death Eaters before we act."

An action called revenge but actually a robbery, a detailed robbery plan was soon formulated in the Leaky Cauldron, and all the dark wizards were very patient about it.

Because their goal is no longer limited to robbing the black market, they also plan to rob wealthy Death Eaters. Even though most of the Galleons in the homes of pure-blood wizards are kept in the Gringotts vault, it does not mean that there are no valuables in their homes.

No, on the contrary, no one keeps all their wealth in the vault.

When all the foreign dark wizards gathered in the Leaky Cauldron dispersed and went back to make final preparations, the young dark wizard who had just been the focus of the crowd sneaked into a remote house.

“It went better than expected.”

Another voice was heard from the living room. It was the French old man who had just started the commotion. Surprisingly, he spoke English quite fluently.

The most incredible thing was that the dark wizards who had originally proposed to plunder Hogsmeade village were all gathered here, and it seemed that they knew each other.

This can't help but make people smell a conspiracy.

"We all took Felicis, after all."

"But I never thought that there would be a day when we would go to Azkaban to break out of the prison." Sirius, whose appearance had returned to normal, couldn't help but sigh.

"I'm more worried about the You-Know-Who." Lupin frowned, "Although it's not just us, but..."

"According to Albert's latest news, Yaxley did not tell You-Know-Who what happened in Hogsmeade, and he obviously did not want You-Know-Who to know, at least before things were handled, otherwise he would appear very incompetent in front of You-Know-Who." Kings explained. This was one of the reasons why he was willing to agree to the action. As long as Voldemort did not get involved, the remaining Death Eaters would be able to stop them. What's more, the Death Eaters would be busy enough by then, so how could they care about what happened in Azkaban

"What about Hogsmeade?" Arthur asked his own question, "If we don't participate in the operation, will those outsiders suspect it is a trap and abandon the plan directly?"

"Just use the Imperius Curse to control a few dark wizards and do that. We have the Polyjuice Potion anyway," Moody said as a matter of course.

Since rescuing Hagrid, everyone realized that the Imperius Curse is really useful when fighting against the mysterious man.

"Anyway, those dark wizards from foreign countries are not good guys. Let them fight with the Death Eaters!" Sirius had no psychological pressure at all. Instead, he thought Albert's proposal was very good. Moreover, if Azkaban could be captured and those innocent guys who were imprisoned were released, it would be an unprecedented feat for the entire British wizarding world and would also be of great significance in combating the mysterious man.