Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 137: Worth a try


In McDougal's original plan, the book consisted of three parts, and the parchment he had just taken out was the second manuscript.

Albert pulled out a few sheets of parchment from the pile and began to read them carefully. He also used a feather pen to help correct the loopholes in the language and occasionally talked to the two about possible problems in the article.

Isobel was undoubtedly the most depressed person here, because she couldn't understand anything at all, let alone join in the topic of discussion.

I could only stay by and help organize some things, or flip through the parchments and try to decipher the contents.

"How on earth did this guy learn ancient magic runes?" Isobel muttered softly.

"Yes, he is better than Mog at reading." Professor Brode nodded. "Based on his current level, in a few years, he may surpass 99% of wizards in ancient magic runes. After he grows up, I will recommend him to publish a book on ancient magic runes."

Isobel opened her mouth and swallowed back the words she was about to say.

"Don't compare yourself to him. Sometimes there are geniuses like this. It's really unbelievable." McDougall nodded and said, "Are you talking about Mr. Albert?"

"Write a book? I'll talk about it after I graduate from Hogwarts. I haven't considered it yet." Although Albert said that, he was really considering whether he should write a quick introduction book. There are already books like "Ancient Magic Rune Simple Introduction", but this book is not simple for Albert after reading it.

I can make a quick start version of ancient magic runes based entirely on the knowledge I gained when upgrading ancient magic runes, just like Miranda's standard spells.

Isobel's facial muscles twitched when she heard this. In fact, she wanted to say that Albert was bragging, but thinking of his attainments in magic runes, it was really possible for him to do this.

Everyone was busy until the afternoon and had lunch in the office. The house-elves brought them a sumptuous lunch.

After eating, they sat on the sofa and talked about the contents of the manuscript.

Now, Albert understood McDougal's idea. This guy planned to first make a book that was difficult for others to understand, and then compile several complete explanations to help everyone interpret the book.

As for Isobel, that guy had sneaked away after lunch, and it was only thanks to her that she was able to hold out long enough to find an excuse to leave.

After all, the three people in the office had no intention of talking properly and directly communicated using ancient magic words, which made Isobel look confused and she couldn't understand what they were saying at all.

"Isobel is gone?" Professor Broad suddenly said, "She lasted longer than I expected!"

Albert said he didn't want to talk and continued to help McDougal find problems.

"If she wants to understand, or even participate, she will definitely need to improve her level of ancient magic runes," McDougal said softly, "Isobel really needs some stimulation."

"Exciting?" Albert's mouth twitched slightly, and he changed the subject. "I feel like I still can't reach that hurdle. I always feel like something is missing, but I'm not sure what it is."

"Don't worry, once we finish writing this book, I believe you will be able to master its secrets," McDougal assured.

"I hope so." Albert sighed softly, took out his pocket watch and checked the time. It was almost half past three in the afternoon. "I'll be leaving first. I'll have an Apparition class later."

"I think you're wasting your time." Professor Brod shook his head. "It's too early for you to Apparate now."

"Listen more, learn more, it will always be useful!"

As Albert was about to leave, McDougal called out to him.

"What's the matter, Mr. McDougal?" Albert stopped and turned to ask.

McDougal put a small black notebook into Albert's hand and said softly, "I believe this notebook will be helpful to you."

"Thank you." Albert put the notes in his pocket and turned to leave the office.

"You are quite optimistic about him." Professor Broad looked at his old friend with a smile, "Is he more suitable than expected?"

"It's indeed an unexpected surprise. He's talented and has a good personality." McDougal nodded. "But it's too early to say that now. We can talk about other things when he's an adult!"

Albert was unaware of the brief conversation between the two men. He was on his way to the auditorium, and when he arrived, Tycross was waving his wand and conjuring an old-fashioned wooden circle for each student.

Albert quietly moved to the corner, not disturbing anyone else, and listened to the other person's lecture quietly.

"The most important thing to remember when Apparating is the three Ds." Tekros once again emphasized the importance of goal, determination, and calmness. He always mentioned them before starting each practice.

"Now, please focus on your goal..."

"Determine to occupy the space you want." Albert murmured, "Let yourself enter the void state, and move calmly."

Albert always wanted to try it himself. It didn't matter if he was split into two. At most he would be scolded by Professor McGonagall and lose a few points. If he could master the skill of Apparition, it would be totally worth it.

Because of the experiences from previous times, everyone stared at the wooden circle and quickly did what Tekros asked.

"one two three"

The "pop" sound of the Apparition echoed in the hall.

Only a few people succeeded, and the landing position was not accurate enough, and some people even lost something on their body, such as a piece of nail or a few hairs.

Of course, more people just spun on the spot and fell to the ground, making the other audience members laugh.

There is also an unlucky guy with a split body.

A Hufflepuff boy was suspended in mid-air, with the lower half of his body appearing a few feet in front of Albert.

The deans immediately gathered around him, and after a loud bang and a puff of purple smoke, the body of the unfortunate guy was pressed back on.

Just as the Head of House and others focused their attention on the Hufflepuff students, Albert also began to try to Apparate, his target being an empty seat a few meters away.

Without rotating, Albert focused his attention on the target, imagined himself appearing at the target, and put himself into a state of emptiness.

There was no snapping sound, and Albert remained quietly where he was, knowing that he had failed.

However, Albert didn't care much about it, because he knew that failure was a normal thing and no one could succeed at once.

Without the help of the panel, he naturally didn't expect this.

Albert secretly glanced at the skill panel and still didn't see the Apparition, which made him a little depressed, although this was within his expectations.

"Oh, this might work!" Albert suddenly thought of a bold idea. If he could experience Apparition himself, maybe he could gain some skills from the panel.

"It's worth a try, but I don't know if anyone is willing to help me." Albert muttered softly. Although the chances were not high, he was still prepared to give it a try.

He immediately turned and headed towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.