Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1375: We have a lot of people here


"Damn it, can't you guys just be quiet? This isn't a train station."

In the room inside the Hog's Head Bar, Aberforth, who had just finished a day's business and was about to take a break, was startled by a group of guys who suddenly appeared.

What annoyed Aberforth the most was that there were more than just the few uninvited guests in front of him. There were still a large number of young people who were vigilantly holding their wands and walking out of the room that Albert had cast a spell on.

Abuforth's intuition told him that the appearance of these guys here must be bad news, and something big was probably going to happen tonight.

"I'm sorry, Aberforth, we didn't want so many people to come at once, but something happened at Hogwarts, so we had to come." Lee Jordan hurried forward to negotiate with Aberforth, trying to appease the grumpy old man. After all, they had disturbed his life.

"What happened?" Aberforth asked curiously, "I thought you were sending out a large number of people to retake Hogwarts."

"Old Bat Snape has captured the families of a group of students who rebelled against him, intending to force other students to submit."

Cedric, who was observing Hogwarts Castle with a map in hand, had an expression of disgust that he could not hide when he talked about this.

“Those people are getting older and older.”

Aberforth's reaction was quite calm. After all, kidnapping relatives and threatening others has always been a common tactic used by Death Eaters. They are just using it in reverse now.

"Neville is here. We have to go. It's best not to keep others waiting too long." George interrupted the brief conversation between the few people and walked to Ariana's portrait.

"Why are you here? Where is Anderson?" Aberforth frowned and asked when he didn't find the familiar figure in the crowd.

"Of course, there are more than just us. People from the Order of the Phoenix will also come to support us." Fred smiled and patted the briefcase in his hand.

"I mean Albert Anderson, didn't that fellow come with you?"

Aberforth felt that it would be safest for Albert to organize this operation, just like his "unreliable" brother, who always made others feel at ease.

Without Albert, Aberforth was worried that these guys would accidentally step directly into the Death Eaters' trap.

This thing looks like a trap no matter how you look at it.

"We can't rely on Albert for everything. As long as the You-Know-Who doesn't show up at Hogwarts, those Death Eaters can't do anything to us!" George looked very confident and didn't take the Death Eaters seriously at all. "Even if this is a trap, we are confident that we can handle it calmly, so don't worry."

"I'm not worried about you, I'm just worried that you will implicate me." Aberforth poured himself a cup of hot drink, sat in a chair and looked at this group of chattering guys. He seemed to see the former Order of the Phoenix.

The original Order of the Phoenix was also formed by Dumbledore, who gathered a group of passionate young people who tried to resist the Death Eaters.

At this time, the portrait on the wall opened like a small door, and Neville appeared in the open door. He seemed surprised that so many members of the Defense Association had come.

"I think they will be happy to see you." He greeted everyone with a smile.

"No one should betray us, right?" George lowered his voice and said as he bent down and walked into the secret passage, "We don't want to be betrayed by stupid teammates."

"No, Hannah has been watching them over there." Neville was a little surprised that George would say that, but he still explained, "In fact, as long as there is a way to solve the problem, I think few people will be stupid enough to betray us. After all, the reputation of the Death Eaters is terrible. No one is willing to take the risk of betting whether the Death Eaters will abide by the agreement." Neville looked around carefully and frowned and asked, "Isn't Mr. Anderson here?"

"He will keep an eye on it, but we are the main force of the action tonight. This is a test for us."

Perhaps knowing Neville's worries, George reached out and patted his shoulder and said, "We can't rely on Albert for everything. We can handle some simpler tasks by ourselves. What's more, we have joined forces with the Order of the Phoenix this time, so we don't have to worry even if we really run into a trap."

"Albert can give everyone more confidence, you know." Neville smiled bitterly. Of course, he was willing to believe that the members of the Defense Association had such ability, but he was more willing to believe Albert.

At some point, Albert had quietly replaced the dead Dumbledore and became the pillar in the hearts of countless people.

"Don't worry. As far as we know, the You-Know-Who has already left the UK, so we only need to deal with a group of Death Eaters. We have dealt with them many times, and the current Death Eaters are just a bunch of trash."

Having followed Albert on so many missions, everyone was very confident in this rescue operation. Even if this was really a trap carefully set by the Death Eaters, what could they do

As long as the mysterious man doesn't show up, there will be no problems with this operation.

After walking in the secret passage for a long time, they finally arrived at the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts.

They actually thought about letting the house-elves use Apparition to lead them into the school, but after much consideration, they gave up the idea.

Because they are not only here to save people, but also to give confidence to the members of Dumbledore's Army, to let them know that there is nothing wrong with joining Dumbledore's Army and that they have never been abandoned.

Albert's failure to show up did cause some commotion among the members of Dumbledore's Army, but before the uneasiness spread, George lied without blinking, "Albert didn't come because he needs to help us contain the You-Know-Who. We are enough to deal with the Death Eaters."

"The situation is not as bad as you think. This is just a simple rescue operation, and we have a lot of people here this time." Fred tapped the suitcase, put it on the ground and opened it. The people who were originally in the suitcase walked out one by one.

Everyone opened their mouths in surprise, because many people from the Defense Society and the Order of the Phoenix had come, and those who didn't know thought they were planning to capture Hogwarts.

"Is this the headquarters of Dumbledore's Army? It looks really nice." Sirius looked at the decoration in the Room of Requirement and said to Lupin beside him, "We didn't even notice this place before!"

"Professor Lupin." Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Remus, it seems you are very popular among the students." Hestia Jones was also looking around, looking relaxed and not feeling stressed by the operation.

Lupin forced a smile; he didn't feel very popular as a werewolf.

After a burst of noise, Cedric cleared his throat and began to mobilize before the battle, "We all know that this is a trap set by the Death Eaters, but they probably never expected that there would be so many of us. Moreover, all ambushes only work when the enemy is unaware of it. If someone discovers it, it is not an ambush."

After saying this, he cast a searching look at Kingslai, who shook his head and asked Cedric to continue.

So, Cedric waved his wand and conjured a blackboard out of thin air, and introduced the next plan to everyone: "We are almost certain that the trick played by the Death Eaters is a trap to capture Dumbledore's Army. They probably guessed that you would not give in easily, but would try to rescue the captured family members at night. You have done similar things before, so the probability of doing it again is very high. It is not difficult to guess this from the Death Eaters they have placed in Hogwarts. Another evidence is that they have locked people in the school dungeons, basically saying to you... come and rescue them."

Seeing that many students suddenly realized the truth and had regretful expressions on their faces, it was obvious that they had also thought about rescuing people at night.

"We have a total of twenty-three enemies, twenty-four if Snape is included, five of whom are Aurors from the Ministry of Magic. However, the Aurors are not with the Death Eaters, but we are not sure whether they will become an obstacle, so we need a team to deal with them." Cedric deliberately paused for a moment after he finished speaking.

"Leave them to me. Aurors should not be underestimated. In some ways, they are more dangerous than Death Eaters."

Kings, who had been watching Cedric's command silently, was surprised that the other party could still control the situation well without Albert, so he took the initiative to step forward and accept the job.

"Then I'll go with you later." Cedric nodded and looked at Sirius and Lupin: "I'll leave Snape to you, is that ok?"

"No problem, we will deal with him." Sirius and Lupin happily took on the task of dealing with their old friend.

"We don't need to deal with him. We just need to make sure he doesn't cause us any trouble." George suddenly reminded, "Don't underestimate the big bat. Albert once said that Snape is a very powerful guy."

"We never underestimate him." Sirius and Lupin knew Snape too well, they were old friends.

Cedric looked back at Fred, George, and Lee Jordan.

"Leave the Death Eaters to us. They're just useless newbies, so they won't be a big problem." Fred said with a smile.


Mr. Wesley couldn't help but frown. It was a bad habit to look down on the enemy.

"My name is George," said Fred.

"Okay George."

"Just kidding, I'm Fred."

"Stop it."

Bill stopped his brother from trying to lighten the mood.

"There are also some members of the special operations team!" Cedric reminded, "There are probably a few of them, and they are all Slytherin students in school.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of them along the way." Lee Jordan raised his hand to take on the task.

"Well, I know this job will definitely fall to me." Dedalus Digo shrugged.

"What about us?"

When the distribution was completed, all members of Dumbledore's Army were very dissatisfied with it. They could also participate in the battle instead of waiting here like fools.

"You are with us, staying in the Room of Requirement as the final backup."

Shanna and Hestia Jones needed to stay and monitor the school through the Marauder's Map and pass on information to other teams, but he also knew that the others would probably not be too quiet, so he continued, "Of course, it is also our job to deal with the few people who are monitoring here outside, so don't worry, everyone has their own tasks."

"That's it. If everything is ok, start adjusting the time." Cedric held up his watch and started to set the time. "Get it done within half an hour. It's best not to alert anyone else."