Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1381: concern


Compared to the celebration party held by the Defense Association afterwards, the atmosphere at the Order of the Phoenix was much worse. They were holding an emergency meeting to discuss the rescue operation last night.

There was no way around it. George's use of the door key made by Albert to send the five family members away still came as a big shock to them.

With the experience of the last wizard war, the members of the Order of the Phoenix knew very well that they could not expect all wizards to bravely stand up against the mysterious man, but they had never thought that there would be people as unbearable as those five family members. It was completely beyond their expectations and made everyone who went to rescue them feel uncomfortable.

"That is the true situation. You who have experienced the First Wizarding War should know it very well. Most wizards cannot be relied upon. It is good enough that they do not become our enemies." Moody was very dissatisfied with the depressing atmosphere around him.

The actions of those five people did affect everyone's emotions, making people wonder: Why am I trying so hard to defeat the mysterious man and restore peace to the British wizarding world

It's certainly not for those traitors, cowards and fugitives. They don't deserve it.

"You don't have to comfort us. The behavior of those people is really disgusting. To be honest, I even suspect that they are controlled by the Imperius Curse." Di Ge said with disgust, "I don't think they are worth our risk to rescue. If I had known that they were that kind of people, I would have given up directly."

"Okay Digo, they are not warriors, you can't..."

"No one is a warrior from the beginning, Lemus." Sirius interrupted, "I dare say that if those five people were really abandoned by Albert, they would die miserably in some dark corner in no time."

"He did it on purpose."


"I mean Anderson did it on purpose." Moody said very firmly, "He seems to want to drag more people into this. You should have heard the broadcast tonight. Those five people have become negative examples to remind everyone not to believe the lies of the Death Eaters."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with that?" Hermione interrupted. "He just doesn't want us to fight alone. It's hard for the Order of the Phoenix to defeat You-Know-Who alone. We need more like-minded partners."

"We do need more partners." Sirius agreed with Hermione.

"Albert succeeded. More and more wizards are willing to join us. Otherwise, taking what happened last night as an example, we wouldn't even be able to do anything about it."

Arthur didn't think there was anything wrong with that, because he knew very well that the Order of the Phoenix alone could not fight against the Death Eaters. Instead, it was the emergence of the Defense Society that gave them the power to fight against the Death Eaters.

"Those students adore him," Hestia Jones said suddenly.

"I don't think it's a big deal. Like Anderson said, no one can sit out and watch." Sirius didn't want Harry to fight alone. Why should Harry have to shoulder the responsibility of maintaining peace in the British wizarding world alone while others can safely watch the show from the sidelines.

Are those people really worth risking their lives to save

Sirius didn't think he was that great.

"I really don't understand what you are trying to say." Mrs. Weisley was confused.

"His approach was too radical," Moody said.

His words attracted a lot of surprised looks, and apparently no one expected the word "radical" to come out of Moody's mouth.

"That would probably kill a lot of people, a lot of people."

Everyone looked at each other and fell into a brief silence.

The topic of death is always very heavy.

"Isn't it the most important thing to defeat You-Know-Who and win this wizard war?"

Hermione pursed her lips, and finally couldn't help but speak.

"There are always casualties in war. We have paid almost everything for this. Anyway, I don't want to be imprisoned in the damn Azkaban by the Ministry of Magic just because I am a so-called Mudblood. You have all been to Azkaban, and you know better than anyone how many Muggle wizards died in that damn prison before they could be rescued."


Ron looked uneasy.

"Yes, winning this war is the most important thing. From the time Dumbledore formed the Order of the Phoenix to now, countless people have sacrificed their lives for it. We must win!" Kingslai was in a very complicated mood. He knew more than most people here.

Originally, Kingsley was one of the core participants in Scrimgeour's plan.

He also knew why Moody reminded everyone, but they didn't have much choice. Defeating the mysterious man was the most important thing. As for whether they were being used by others, he didn't really care.

After all, the level of trust between the two parties is not high, and there is nothing that can be done about it.

"We can't assume that everything is Anderson's plan. Those who think they can stay out of it will also be dragged into it when the situation escalates." Kings said, "I think when necessary, we can convince those Aurors that they are not actually joining the You-Know-Who. They are just affiliated with the Ministry of Magic to get a good salary."

"Would they be willing? If I were them, I would definitely not want to be involved in this war again."

"They will be willing to do so. Don't forget how many Death Eaters the Aurors have killed. Do you really think those Death Eaters won't bear a grudge? They have no choice." Kings also suspected that this was also Albert's plan to win over the Aurors to his side. Having such reliable teammates really makes people feel at ease.

"What if they don't want to?"

"If they are unwilling, we can try another way of persuasion." Kingsley's eyes flashed dangerously.

"this… "

Everyone knows what method of persuasion Kingsley said, but do they really need to do it that way

"As for this matter, I think we should publicize it well so that others can give up their unrealistic fantasies." Kingslai gritted his teeth and continued, "I don't know what else the Death Eaters will do that goes beyond the bottom line, but I believe that something like this will definitely not be the first time."

He hesitated, then stated Scrimgeour's original intended course of action.

Everyone present was stunned.

Mobilize the entire Ministry of Magic to fight against the mysterious man

If that kind of thing really happened, the Death Eaters would probably become rats crossing the street.

"This was the idea that Anderson originally proposed to Scrimgeour," Moody recalled. "Dumbledore thought that this method would probably kill many wizards, so he didn't actually agree with it."

"In fact, that plan was ruined when Scrimgeour was murdered shortly after Dumbledore's death, but now I doubt it..."

"That was Scrimgeour's own thought. I was there at the time, and perhaps Mr. Anderson did give him some help, but Scrimgeour is not someone whose judgment is easily influenced by others, not to mention that he is already the Minister of Magic." Kingsley couldn't understand what Moody was worried about.