Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1397: A natural born leader


With the participation of members of the Order of the Phoenix, the preparations for the Christmas party at the shelter were much faster than expected. When Albert was talking to Harry, the hall had already been cleaned and decorated, and it looked no less beautiful than the party at the association's headquarters.

Sure enough, it’s more lively when there are more people.

The Christmas party should be held in a sheltered area from the beginning.


A slightly hoarse voice interrupted Albert's thoughts. When he turned his head, he saw a young man with a slightly pale face trying to talk to him.

"Tobin, what's up?"

Nelson Tobin.

Albert still remembered this unfortunate Slytherin Muggle-born student.

"Sir, I heard..."

"Yes." Albert looked Nelson Tobin in the eyes, nodded and said, "Just as you thought, we will eventually fight the Death Eaters."

"I want to go," Nelson Tobin said firmly.

"Because of revenge?"

Albert easily saw through the other party's little thoughts.


"It seems that you haven't let go of your hatred yet."

"I think it is necessary to resolve the hatred personally." Nelson Tobin's tone was firm.

"Of course you can participate." Albert looked at the young man in front of him who was blinded by hatred again, and said softly, "As long as you are willing, no one will stop you, but you need to know that it is a life-and-death fight. You may lose your life. Death Eaters are more dangerous than you expected."

"I'm not afraid."

"Maybe... Never mind, anything else?"

"I want to become stronger and more powerful. I have already learned everything in your Self-Defense Guide. I hope to learn more..."

"It's not that the more spells you master, the stronger you will be." Albert interrupted directly, "You need to practice and practice more with other members, because your enemies won't just stand there and let you cast spells. In a while, I will popularize basic training in the shelter... If you want to become stronger, then try to master silent spells. As long as you can master silent spells and use them in combat, you will find the magic of silent spells."


Nelson Tobin bowed slightly to Albert to express his gratitude, then turned and walked away, as if he had no intention of staying for the party.

"That kid was blinded by hatred."

Mr. Tonks appeared from Albert's side at some point and looked at Nelson Tobin's departing back with him.

"I know that Nelson Tobin's family was killed by Death Eaters." Albert turned around and said, "If I were him, I would also want revenge, so I have no right to ask him to give up his hatred."

Mr. Tonks choked and didn't know what to say.

"That sounds like something you would say."

Sirius' voice suddenly rang out, and when Lupin appeared, Mr. Tonks disappeared without a trace.

"You too, don't you?"

"Yeah, me too." Sirius did not deny his hatred for Peter, "Channel talk?"

Albert was suddenly speechless. When did he become a caring uncle

"About Harry?" Albert asked.

"Yes, Harry seems to be..." Sirius paused for a moment, considering his words.

"Preoccupied," Lupin added.

"Well, Harry probably... thinks too much. I suggest you spend more time teaching him defense so that he won't have the mind to think about those messy things." Albert made a seemingly good suggestion.

"Is that really the case?"

The two looked at each other and thought this method was feasible.

At least strengthening the combat training of Harry and the other two would help them better complete the tasks assigned to them by Dumbledore.

Albert found that he really had the potential to be a confidant uncle, so he stayed in the shelter for a while, and quite a few people came to him to discuss things.

"You doubt that Dumbledore was not killed by Snape?"

Albert looked at Moody with strange eyes, and was surprised that the other party would come to discuss this matter with him.

"I just think there's something odd about Dumbledore's death." Moody shook his head. "Besides, Mundungus, you know him, right?"

Albert narrowed his eyes and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

"He just got out of Snape's control, and something weird happened anyway."

"I can probably understand what you mean, but I'm actually more curious. Even if Snape was wrongly accused, so what? Or do you hope to gain something from him?"

"We all don't think Dumbledore will be easily killed by Snape. That guy is smarter than anyone else. It's unlikely that he will be... Do you know why?"

"Yes, I know what happened, but there are some things I won't tell others without Dumbledore's consent." Albert shook his head. "If you really want to know, ask Dumbledore's portrait. Also, Dumbledore was indeed killed by Snape. There is no doubt about that, so you don't have to have any expectations of Snape."

"Of course, I don't think you expect anything from Snape either."

When Abel returned to the hall, the Christmas party had already begun.

There were a few couples dancing to the music, but more people were sitting in their seats enjoying their food.

After all, it was rare to have a good meal, and the food in the shelter was really average.

"Muggle food is really good, don't you want to eat it?"

Ron passed another serving of fried chicken thighs onto Hermione's plate.

"Thank you," Hermione muttered.

"Are you okay?" Ron asked anxiously. "You've been looking worried for a while."

"I'm fine."

Hermione picked up the chicken leg and took a bite, then changed the subject, "I haven't eaten Muggle food in a long time."

"I thought you were going to dance."

Ron looked at Hermione expectantly, and Hermione looked at Harry and Ginny dancing on the dance floor, shook her head and said, "No, I don't want to dance now."

After the song ended, Harry took Ginny's hand and left the dance floor and sat down next to them.

"You don't want to eat?"

Harry handed the burger he had just taken to Albert.

"No, I've already eaten, and... you can't eat too much of this." Albert declined the burger that Harry handed over.

"By the way, thank you." Harry looked around and said to Albert with a smile, "I think this should be the best Christmas gift for us."

"It's Christmas after all. It's more fun to have more fun, and..." Albert said meaningfully, "It helps to unite everyone."

The atmosphere of the banquet was very harmonious. Everyone was happily enjoying the delicious food on the table. Some members of Dumbledore's Army also took the opportunity to contact members of the Order of the Phoenix.

"Are you leaving?"

"Yeah, I'm leaving first." Albert smiled, raised his finger, and left quietly.

After all, there are people at home waiting for him to return.

"That guy is really a thorough leader!"

Sirius whispered to Lupin beside him after Albert's back disappeared.

"Yes, a very reliable and charming one." Lupin agreed with Sirius. He actually didn't mind letting Albert take control of the situation. It should be said that they needed Albert to take control of the current situation and lead everyone to fight against the mysterious man.

"More charming than Scrimgeour." Tonks also spoke highly of Albert.

"Maybe some people are born to be leaders." Even Kingslai had to admit this. Albert always handled things well, just like this Christmas party and the current good situation.

In fact, just think about the half-dead Order of the Phoenix and the Ministry of Magic controlled by Voldemort, the situation is simply desperate.

However, Albert single-handedly reversed his side's huge disadvantage.

"I'm actually looking forward to the day when he becomes the Minister of Magic. Maybe then the entire Ministry of Magic will be different!" Tonks whispered.

"You're probably going to be disappointed. That guy doesn't seem interested in becoming Minister of Magic."

"Really? That's a shame."