Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1405: The power of love


Ever since she overheard their brief conversation, Ginny had been in a state of confusion.

Although she told Harry at that time that she had no regrets, Ginny was obviously not mentally prepared to endure all of this.

She was crushed by the cruel truth.

The relationship she had with Harry wasn't even enough to support her to get back on her feet.

Ginny liked Harry, there was no doubt about that.

But when she learned that Harry was likely to die in the near future, she really couldn't accept it for a moment, and she couldn't understand why things turned out like this.

Ginny had wanted to question Harry loudly, asking why he was the one to die.

But Harry's indifferent look made Ginny swallow all her words.

For the first time, she hated the savior so much, hated that damn title.

Once upon a time, Ginny admired Harry immensely because of his identity as the savior, but now this identity has brought Harry death.

All of this was so hopeless that it nearly drove Ginny crazy. The happiness she had grasped with such great difficulty slipped away from her fingers inadvertently.

"Ginny, I'm in!"

Hermione knocked on the door and looked at the red-haired girl sitting on the bed, hugging her legs and crying. She took out a handkerchief and handed it to her, then reached out and gently patted her back, trying to provide her with some comfort.

"Why did it turn out like this?" Ginny looked up at Hermione, her face full of tears.

"I'm sorry, I know this news is hard for you, but I thought you would want to know." Hermione murmured.

"Does anyone else know?" Ginny asked as she took the handkerchief and wiped her tears.

"They don't know. Harry never intended to tell anyone about this." Hermione shook her head. "He wanted to bear it all alone. I know he has already made up his mind to drag the You-Know-Who down with him."

"and you… "

"I asked Albert, and he told me directly without hiding anything." Hermione said sadly, "I was not much worse than you at the time, and the cruel truth crushed me."

"But why does it have to be like this? Why does Harry have to be sacrificed?" Ginny looked at Hermione stupidly and said, "You know the reason, right?"

"I can only say that this matter is related to the mission left by Dumbledore and the elimination of Voldemort." Hermione did not tell Ginny the most desperate reason.

If Ginny knew that in order to completely kill Voldemort, Harry had to die first, it would be too hopeless for her.

Ginny's mouth opened slightly.

"Dumbledore knew that already, he..."

"He left the choice to Harry, but there is no doubt that Harry also noticed it and made his choice silently while completing Dumbledore's task."

They all knew Harry's choice.

"Is that really the only way?" Ginny asked again.

"That's a knot that can't be circumvented." Hermione smiled bitterly, "However, Albert said that Harry still has a chance to survive, but the chance is slim."

These words were like a voice from the sky, causing Ginny to look up suddenly and stare at Hermione.

"He didn't tell me why, because he himself wasn't sure." Hermione poured cold water on Ginny again, extinguishing the glimmer of hope that had just risen in her mind.

"Divination, isn't Albert good at divination?" Ginny seemed to have thought of something and asked tremblingly.

"He didn't tell me the result of the divination, but I think that should be the result of the divination." Hermione looked at Ginny and said with trembling lips, "I hope you can awaken Harry's desire to survive. If he faces the You-Know-Who with the awareness of his certain death, I am very worried that he will perish with the You-Know-Who."

"What should I do?" Ginny asked, staring at Hermione. "I don't think I can stop Harry."

"No, it's about what you plan to do." Hermione's lips trembled. She hoped that Ginny could use the power of love to give Harry a glimmer of hope.

Ginny was stunned.

This was a question she had never thought about.

"What am I going to do?"

It took Ginny several days to think this through.

No, she actually thought about it a long time ago, but she was just a little scared.

She wanted to be with Harry, to be his girlfriend, or even his wife.

Yes, if she didn't have such strong feelings, Ginny wouldn't have confessed her love to Harry when he was in the worst situation.

But what if Harry died and she was left alone

Ginny was terrified that there would come a day like that!

What should she do

Finally, Ginny made a decision and told Hermione that she needed Hermione's help.

Not long after, Ginny, with the help of Hermione, successfully ambushed Harry.

"I feel like I was having a dream, a sweet dream." Looking sideways at the girl lying beside him, Harry felt extremely complicated.

After a long while, he sighed softly, "You shouldn't have done that. You still have a bright future."

At this moment, Harry felt like a bastard and that he might have let down a girl who liked him.

"Anderson will definitely defeat You-Know-Who." Ginny whispered, "You don't even need to risk facing You-Know-Who."

"I have a special connection with the You-Know-Who," Harry murmured as he recalled. "On the day he killed my parents, that magic caused some sequelae. The lightning scar on my forehead caused our fates to be firmly linked together. If I wanted to kill him completely, I would die because of that connection."

Ginny froze again.

"So some things are simply unavoidable. This is probably fate." Harry said self-deprecatingly, "Dumbledore originally wanted Albert to tell me in the final battle, but I had already discovered it in advance."

"Speaking of which, the You-Know-Who was really a fool. That idiot didn't even realize this. He didn't even notice that killing me was actually an attempt to murder himself. This is probably one of the reasons why I survived."

"But didn't Albert say..."

"Yes, he said I have a chance to live on, but that's just a possibility. Rather than pursuing that illusory hope, I prefer to drag the mysterious man to die together." Harry smiled and shook his head, "I don't regret it, nor am I afraid of death."


"What's up?"

"Let's have a baby!"

Ginny rolled over and pinned Harry down.

Harry looked stupidly at the girl who said such ridiculous words, I want to be your wife, just like Albert and his wife.

Harry moved his lips, but before he could open his mouth his mouth was blocked.

In the next room, Hermione sat in an armchair, staring at Ron, who lay unconscious on the bed, and murmured, "I can only help you so far."

Hermione also knew that it was ridiculous to do so, but she really had no better way. As long as Harry could survive, they would be able to have a good result.

Ginny finally got married to Harry as she wished.

As for Ron, Hermione knew that Ron would probably not agree to such a ridiculous proposal, and would not want Ginny to put her future on Harry.

So, she could only say sorry to Ron.