Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1409: Hypocritical people


"My bounty is higher than Harry Potter's again."

While flipping through the latest issue of the Daily Prophet, Albert stared at the bounty list on the front page for a long time and jokingly said, "150,000 Galleons. I didn't know it was so valuable. I can't help but want to collect my own bounty."

As he spoke, he turned his head to the people around him and said, "Tell me, if I come to them myself, will they give me the reward money?"

Albert has said similar things more than once.

There is no way I can avoid mentioning this again today, as the association is very short of money recently.

"If we could capture ourselves and collect the bounty, we would have gone there ourselves long ago," Fred and George also had bounties hanging above their heads, but not as exaggerated as Albert's.

"If the bounty is small, it is still possible to collect it. For someone like Albert, he is just put up for show. Even if you really catch Albert to collect the bounty, the Ministry of Magic will find all kinds of reasons to perfunctory you. It would not be surprising if the procedure drags it on for several years."

Cedric, who had worked in the Ministry of Magic, knew only too well how ugly the Ministry of Magic was, let alone a Ministry controlled by Death Eaters.

Instead of offering you the bounty, it would be better for them to divide it among themselves.

"I remember we have a more professional person we can consult." Lee Jordan suddenly reminded.

Everyone knew he was referring to Percy.

"That bastard may not be reliable."

Fred and George still don't like Percy very much, because they both know what kind of person Percy is.

"I think it's difficult, but you can try." Albert actually nodded in agreement.

"Are you really going to do that?"

Everyone looked at Albert in shock, finding his decision incredible.

"Who made us poor? It's also good to let the Death Eaters pay to help us maintain the normal operation of the Defense Association. At least everyone's life will become better."

Albert never expected to get many Galleons from the Ministry of Magic, he just wanted to find something for everyone to do so that they wouldn't be idle and always want to cause trouble.

When it comes to getting things done, not only are everyone very enthusiastic, but their efficiency has also clearly improved a lot.

Fred and George even held their noses and took the initiative to find Percy to inquire about the feasibility of the Ministry of Magic collecting their bounties.

"It's difficult. The people in the Ministry of Magic are not idiots. They will definitely find a way to find out who was arrested. Besides... the Ministry of Magic is now... I think they would be happy to... take the credit for someone else's work."

Speaking of the Ministry of Magic's dirty laundry, Percy's face didn't look very good either. He knew too well what the current Ministry of Magic was like.

However, Fred and George both felt that this was not a problem. If they really wanted to impersonate others in exchange for the bounty, there would definitely be a way to deal with these problems.

For example, the Imperius Curse.

Using the Imperius Curse to control those guys could easily solve many problems, and there was no need to worry about the condemnation of conscience. It could also be used to send dark wizards to Azkaban prison. Even if those vicious dark wizards were eventually killed by their own people, it would still be a great thing for the Death Eaters to eliminate harm to the people.

After Fred and George returned with the information they got from Percy, they discussed the matter with everyone. After Albert's supplement, they found that the method they proposed was not bad.

As for the issue of deaths that occurred during this period.

In fact, it is just like that. From the Second Wizarding War to now, no one knows how many people have died. What's more, those who died were all damned dark wizards. By then, the ones who took action would only be the dark wizards controlled by the Imperius Curse. It would be a dog-eat-dog situation. It has nothing to do with them. There is no need to feel guilty at all, and no one may even care.

After all, they were just making some extra money to maintain the normal operation of the association while fighting against dark wizards.

The twins' discussion with Percy was not hidden from other members of the Order of the Phoenix, or rather, Percy leaked the news to his family.

“It’s just a bold idea!”

Faced with the stern gazes of the Weisleys, Fred and George denied it. After all, they had not yet had time to take action.

"We can't always pay money to subsidize the normal operation of the association. Besides, I think it is the most correct approach to throw those werewolves who like to bite people and dark wizards who like to kill people into Azkaban Prison. Even if they are killed by people from the Ministry of Magic on the way, they deserve to die. It is good for both wizards and Muggles. Otherwise, what is the point of Azkaban?"

Fred and George actually guessed what their parents were thinking, so they went straight past them and found Sirius. Then the entire Order of the Phoenix knew about this and even held an emergency meeting for this purpose.

Fred and George's whims were soon mentioned at the impromptu meeting.

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment. Although they were a little disgusted with doing such things, it was not all bad. After all, most dark wizards did enjoy killing people, and such guys did not deserve to die. What Fred and George did was just a waste of resources. There were not many good people in the Ministry of Magic anyway, and making their moral bottom line more flexible would undoubtedly help them defeat the mysterious man.

Of course, the main reason why this matter was brought up at the meeting was that the Order of Phoenix was also broke, and was even poorer than the Defense Association. The Defense Association at least had Albert who could get them funds, but the Order of Phoenix was in a very difficult situation. They did not have much funding for activities and could only subsidize themselves, and there were not many rich people in the entire Order of Phoenix.

We can't always ask Sirius to pay for the subsidies. The Black family's inheritance is not much!

At the beginning, Mundungus did not stay with them in the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. In fact, it was not only because the people of the Order of the Phoenix did not like him very much, but also because he did not want to pay money to the Order of the Phoenix.

Especially after Dumbledore's death, he no longer felt much of a sense of belonging to the Order of the Phoenix.

This plan still did not pass within the Order of the Phoenix, the main reason being that everyone wanted to save face. Even if they really wanted to do that, they would not discuss it openly, but would only discuss it privately. This was not difficult to see from the fact that Sirius expressed his willingness to help Fred and George after the meeting and was the first person to be killed.

The bounty on Sirius is one thousand, which is not much, but not less either. If everyone can get the bounty, it will allow them to live a relatively comfortable life in the next few months.

"I thought Percy was hypocritical enough, but I didn't expect there were so many hypocritical guys in the Order of the Phoenix!" Lee Jordan couldn't help but complain after listening to Fred and George talking about the negotiations with the Order of the Phoenix.

It was obvious that those guys also wanted to do that, and they even agreed to adopt their method, but they even pretended to do so, which made Lee Jordan despise them even more.

"Some things can only be done in private, they can't be brought to the table, and they can't be known to other people." Albert was not surprised at all.

"I'll leave this matter to the three of you for now, Cedric. You'll be in charge of training the others. They're all still a little behind."

"I think it would be best if you teach them yourself." Cedric really didn't want to be a coach because it was a hard job.

"The basic knowledge is just that little bit. It will be the same even if I teach them before they learn it." Albert didn't mean to be lazy; that was indeed the case.