Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 147: Rescued


At this moment, Albert was running for his life in the blazing flame tunnel, with Yaya following closely behind him.

The eight-eyed giant spiders were made very anxious by the sudden flames. They instinctively moved away from the wall of fire to give Albert enough time and space.

Albert hurried to the guardian tree and, without even taking a breath, immediately waved his wand and used the fire spell again.

A circle of fire began to burn in the direction of Albert's wand, burning fiercely ten feet away from the guardian tree.

The fire looked fierce, but there was no combustible material to support it. The rotten soil and fallen leaves on the ground could not keep the fire wall burning.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Albert waved his wand and used a levitation spell on the hound Fang, making Fang float.

The latter was greatly frightened and whimpered in fear, with its four legs sliding around in the air as if it were swimming in the water.

"Hurry, give me a hand!" Albert also started to climb the tree. Fred and George reached out and pulled him, which allowed Albert to quickly climb up the tree.

The levitation spell was soon lifted for Yaya, and she huddled trembling on the wooden platform created by Albert using the Transfiguration Spell.

"Why are you here?" Fred and George had come back to their senses from their trance and looked at Albert in shock. They had never thought that the person who came to rescue them would be Albert.

"Who else do you think it could be?" Albert had just recovered and glared at the Weasley brothers unhappily. "Professor McGonagall? Or Professor Dumbledore? By the time they found out you were missing, you would have been torn to pieces by the giant eight-eyed spiders and become food for those monsters."

Both of their cheeks flushed red, feeling a little ashamed, but they had to admit that Albert was right, it was Easter!

If Albert had not discovered the two missing people at the first time, if it was a little later, Hagrid might have come to collect their bodies tomorrow, and even their bones might not have been found.

"What should we do now?" Fred moved aside to make room for Albert.

"Wait for rescue. When I came, I asked Li Jordan to find Professor McGonagall." Albert was calming his breathing and comforted him, "The professors should be here soon. You continue to shoot red sparks into the sky to guide them."

"You, you went into the forest alone?" George suddenly realized something and looked at Albert in amazement, unable to believe this fact.

"How on earth did you do it? You actually found us in the Forbidden Forest." Fred also realized what George meant. After reacting, he also looked at Albert in amazement.

They simply couldn't believe that Albert had entered the forbidden forest alone in the middle of the night and successfully found them.

"What else?" Albert didn't care about the shock on the twin brothers' faces, because he noticed that the circle of fire below had been extinguished, and the surrounding army of spiders surrounded them again.

"How did you provoke these eight-eyed giant spiders? Did you poke their nest or steal their eggs?" Albert frowned slightly, raised his wand, and knocked to the ground an eight-eyed giant spider that tried to approach the guardian tree.

"No, we met a few big spiders on the road, so we ran to the nearby area to seek shelter from the guardian tree. We didn't expect the number of these big spiders to increase." Fred's face looked a little confused.

“And that’s what you see here,” George added.


Another spider was knocked down by the spell. Looking down from the guardian tree, there was a dense group of big spiders below, which looked very scary.

"Keep shooting red sparks, don't stop." Albert warned.

"Oh!" George continued to shoot red sparks into the sky and secretly looked at Albert again.

To be honest, it was really hard for the twin brothers to imagine how Albert managed to walk through the forest and find them in the middle of the night. Even for a professor, it probably wouldn't be that easy to find someone in the depths of the dark forbidden forest!

"Protect them all! Protect them all! Protect them all!" Albert released three defensive spells in succession, completely covering the guardian tree.

The big spider outside hit the magic barrier head-on, just like hitting a wall of air, and was blocked abruptly.

"What kind of magic is this!" George's eyes widened in surprise as they saw the spider rushing up and crashing into the wall.

"We should be safe now!"

"Don't think too much. If the professors don't come soon, you'll be eaten!" Albert took a breath and shook his head to remind them, "Don't you find that these big spiders are getting more and more anxious?"

Fred and George looked at each other and soon realized that Albert was right. At first they did not dare to approach the guardian tree.

The two of them couldn't help but secretly feel lucky. If Albert had been a little later, they might really have been eaten by those giant spiders.

"Why didn't you come with the professors?" Fred couldn't help but ask the question in his mind. According to Albert's character, he would not rashly go into the forbidden forest alone in the middle of the night.

"I originally planned to ask Hagrid for help, but Hagrid was not in his hut, so I could only bring Fang to find you. Thanks to Fang, I was not attacked by the eight-eyed giant spider." Albert touched Fang's head.

This timid hound has had enough tonight.

"So, you went into the forest by yourself." Both of them opened their mouths wide.

Now, Fred and George finally understood why Albert was sorted into Gryffindor. With the courage and bravery he showed, even all the students in Gryffindor combined might not be able to match him.

"Okay, take it out!" Albert said suddenly.

"Take out what?"

"Of course it's the map, the map of Gryffindor's secret treasure." Albert looked at the two of them, shook his head helplessly and said, "You actually believed that kind of nonsense. Didn't I remind you a long time ago? The depths of the Forbidden Forest are very dangerous, but you didn't listen. Now you almost become food for spiders. Don't you learn your lesson?"

Fred and George thought about it carefully and realized that this was indeed the case.

At the beginning, Albert reminded them that there might be a breeding farm for eight-eyed giant spiders in the Forbidden Forest, and told them to be careful about being eaten by eight-eyed giant spiders.

This almost came true!

By the way, George still remembered that when the two of them went out for a night out for the first time, Albert reminded them to be careful not to be locked out of the lounge by the Fat Lady... and that came true.

Aren’t your words poisonous

Whatever you say will come true!

"How do you know there is a farm for eight-eyed giant spiders here?" Fred asked curiously. He really wanted to know who was raising these dangerous monsters in the Forbidden Forest.

"I heard what Professor Brod said." Albert saw through their thoughts and sighed, "But don't be silly, this is probably not a breeding farm, otherwise these giant spiders wouldn't attack you."

"But what about these giant spiders? Don't tell me these monsters originally lived in the Forbidden Forest."

"I guess someone released giant acromantula into the Forbidden Forest. There are almost no natural enemies of the giant acromantula here, and the food is sufficient, so these giant spiders can reproduce so much." Albert looked at the giant acromantula below and muttered, "Maybe this is Hagrid's fault."

Albert was of course well aware that the so-called eight-eyed giant spider breeding farm was a pure joke. Hagrid simply released a pair of eight-eyed spiders into the Forbidden Forest, and after decades of reproduction, they formed the current huge spider colony.


As the few people were talking, the protective barrier created by Albert began to collapse. This was the disadvantage of being too large in size. It was far from being as strong as the smaller version. After being continuously hit by the eight-eyed giant spider, cracks gradually appeared in the defensive barrier.

"What should we do?" Fred looked at Albert anxiously.

"Keep firing red sparks to push back those approaching giant spiders."

After the defensive barrier was broken, Albert immediately used the fire spell to drive back all the giant spiders that tried to approach the guardian tree.

The situation is not optimistic.

However, Albert was not worried about his own safety, he was still using the Spider Repel Spell towards the spiders below. Since there were so many big spiders, basically every shot could knock down one, no need to aim at all.

"What spell did you use to knock down the spider in one go?" George couldn't help but ask. The spell Albert used was very powerful, and each strike could cause great damage to the big spider.

Albert didn't have time to answer the twins' questions, he was trying to gain experience.

The professors were probably coming soon, so it was better to gain as much experience as possible before they arrived. After all, two of them would give 100 experience points, which meant level one magic.

If you want to initially master a magic, you need to waste a lot of time practicing.

This deal is a good deal.

After an unknown amount of time, most of the giant spiders surrounding the guardian tree were knocked down. These big guys actually felt afraid, and no stubborn giant spider dared to attack the guardian tree anymore.

Fred and George were completely dumbfounded when they saw the giant spider knocked down by Albert below. They had never thought that Albert was so brave!

One man takes on a large group of spiders.

"I feel like my tongue is about to get tied." Albert was tired from casting spells frequently, and he was stuffing chocolate into his mouth.

"The spiders are retreating." George shouted excitedly, "Can we go back now?"

"It's better to wait here obediently. If you leave the protection of the guardian tree, you will be easily attacked by spiders." Albert reminded unhappily: "Also, think carefully about how to deal with the professor later, and there is also the map."

"What do you want the map for?" George asked suspiciously.

"Of course it will be confiscated. Do you think I will let you take risks again next time?"

"We won't."

“People always like to repeat themselves.”

"We don't understand human language."

"I know you will try to find the so-called secret treasure of Gryffindor again, so give me the map. Without the map, you won't have any stupid idea of looking for any treasure." Albert reached out to Fred for the map.

"Come on," George muttered, "We won't."

"Do you believe this?" Albert glared at George and reminded him maliciously, "I think you'd better think about how to explain this to Professor McGonagall when you go back. She will probably tell your family."

"Oh, no!" Fred screamed in horror and almost fell from the tree, but Albert was quick-witted and reached out to pull him up.

George had no such luck. He was farther away from Albert and fell out of the tree with a painful whine.

"Are you okay?" Albert leaned over and asked.

"Something's wrong, it hurts!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and give me the map!" Albert warned, "Next time, you will probably go straight into the nest of the Acromantula. It's enough to make such a stupid mistake once."

Fred reluctantly handed the map to Albert, who stuffed it into his pocket without even looking at it. Then, he reached out and pulled George up the tree. Although the spiders had retreated, it was still not safe here.

Nearing three o'clock, a professor finally arrived.

What surprised Albert was that the person who came to rescue them was not Professor McGonagall, but Professor Broad.

The old man was wearing a dark purple robe, but it was a little torn, probably because it was scratched by branches when he was walking in the forest.

"It seems that you are all right." Professor Broad's eyes flashed with a strange light in the darkness. He looked at Albert with a smile and reminded him, "Mr. Anderson, I have to remind you that your actions are too reckless. Of course, I have to admit that you did a good job and surprised me very much!"

"Good evening, Professor Broad." Albert greeted the old man with a smile: "I didn't expect it would be you who came to save us. I originally thought it would be Professor McGonagall."

"What a coincidence! I was about to go to the bathroom to relieve myself when I ran into Mr. Jordan." Professor Brod said as he walked towards the three of them. "He told me everything, so I hurried over. I was just worried that you wouldn't be able to find the two Mr. Weasleys, so I sacrificed myself first."

"I've brought Hagrid's hound with me. With it here, no creature in the forest can hurt me." Albert used Hagrid's words to stop Professor Broad.

"Do you believe this?" Professor Broad looked around and asked with a smile.

Albert was a little embarrassed, and he just said this to fool others.

"By the way, what spell did you use to defeat these Acromantulas? These monsters are really dangerous."

In fact, Professor Broad came here to track down Albert.

On the way, he was very surprised to find the knocked down eight-eyed giant spiders, and there were quite a few spiders knocked down by the spell.

However, none of those combined could shock Professor Broad as much as the scene before his eyes. There were no less than a hundred eight-eyed giant spiders fallen here, the number was truly astonishing!

It was simply impossible for three first-year students to do this. The spells they learned in the first year were not enough to fight against an eight-eyed giant spider.

However, hundreds of them were knocked down here, not one, not ten, but hundreds. The number is really horrifying.

These knocked down eight-eyed giant spiders undoubtedly proved Albert's strength.

"Look out!" George screamed.

"Alanya~Etmi!" Albert raised his magic and cast the Spider Repelling Spell on the big spider that was struggling to get up. He didn't know how many times he had used it, he was very skilled at it.

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Anderson. If I were bitten by a big creature like this, I would probably have to resign early." Professor Broad turned his head to look at the eight-eyed giant spider that was knocked away by the spell, and the surprise on his face quickly returned to normal.

Professor Brod walked towards the three people. After seeing the guardian tree, he understood how Albert defeated the eight-eyed giant spiders. He said to them, "Let's get out of here as soon as possible. Let me see if there is anything suitable as a temporary door key."

"Use this!" Albert handed Fred's hat to Professor Broad.

"Why do you carry a hat with you?" Fred looked at the hat that Albert took out curiously. He felt that it looked familiar.

"This is your hat. I originally gave it to Yaya to help find you." Albert said unhappily.


The wizard hat immediately emitted a blue light.

"Okay, you use the portkey to go back. It may be a little uncomfortable, so be patient!" Professor Broad said gently.

"What about Yaya?" Albert asked.

"Don't worry, I'll Apparate it back." Professor Brod said, "Okay, get ready. I'll count to three, and then we'll all reach out and grab the hat."

"One..." Professor Brod whispered, "Two... Three..."

Albert and the other two reached out and grabbed a corner of the wizard's hat. It seemed that an invisible force sucked the three of them in and carried them flying. They flew forward like a gust of wind and could not see anything in front of them.

A few seconds later, Albert fell heavily to the ground. Fred and George fell even worse than him, and their faces came into close contact with the soil.

The wizard hat that served as the portkey slowly fell from the sky and landed right on Fred's head.


Fred and George stood up and began to retch, apparently fainting.

Albert was a little better than them. After all, he had used Apparition before and was more resistant to the discomfort of using a Portkey than the other two.

"Don't worry, this is the key to the coma." Professor Brod looked at the two people who were retching and shook his head, "Madam Pomfrey will heal them. We'd better send them to the school hospital. Help me help one."

"I hate this feeling!" Albert muttered. As he reached out to help Fred, he heard hurried footsteps coming towards him.