Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 15: The wizard's taste is a bit strange


"You... you really bet?" George Weasley swallowed and said, "That's 25 Galleons. What if... what if..."

He never dared to say out loud the words he had guessed wrong, for fear that he would say them out loud.

"I believe in my luck and intuition." Albert said calmly, "Why don't you give it a try? If you guess it right, you can make a lot of money."

"We don't have any money." The twins looked at each other and shook their heads. The Weasley family was relatively poor, and even if the twins had some savings, they would not waste it on guessing.

"Don't look at me. I want to save some money to buy other things." Li Jordan shook his head repeatedly. He just thought Albert's behavior was crazy. If he really had the money, he would never use it like this. "

While the four were talking, the train had already left London and was speeding along the meadows and fields.

Albert was reading a newspaper while listening to the three people chatting about Quidditch. He had no say in this matter. Even if he knew the rules, he had to pretend that he didn't know.

After all, Albert came from the Muggle world, so it shouldn't be possible for him to know anything about Quidditch.

"By the way, have you heard about Gabriel Truman?" George suddenly brought up what happened a while ago.

"Nutley was nearly fired from the Ministry of Magic," Fred whispered. "Later, he went to apologize to Gabriel Truman in person, and the matter was settled."

"I heard that, too. But Mom said Rita Skeeter's articles are not to be trusted," Lee Jordan said. "That woman likes to exaggerate."

"Most newspapers are like this, but the content must be true to a certain extent." Albert closed the newspaper and said. As one of the culprits of all this, he naturally knew what happened.

"I went to Truman's compartment before and heard him talking about this with others. He said that during the summer vacation, he met a new student at Hogwarts who was practicing magic, and then he received a letter inexplicably saying that he was expelled from Hogwarts." Fred suddenly said. "At that time, Dumbledore and a staff member from the Ministry of Magic came to the door. The staff from the Ministry of Magic had a very bad attitude and didn't even apologize, so he..."

Albert raised his eyebrows when he heard this. He could only say that Westerners were more flamboyant. He had reminded Truman to keep it secret, but he had obviously forgotten. However, he did not speak out about his own affairs.

Albert's soul is that of an Oriental after all. His inherent modesty and reserve have not disappeared, and he doesn't like to show off.

"By the way, do you know how the school is divided into houses?" Albert changed the subject.

"I don't know. My family didn't tell me." Li Qiaodan shook his head.

"Percy said there was a test," George said, a little irritated. "They never told us about it. They thought it was a funny thing."

"What is wizard life like? Is it interesting?" Albert thought for a moment and then said, "When I first received the letter, they were all very surprised. My mother didn't even welcome Professor McGonagall. She was worried that I wouldn't be able to find a job after graduation."

"That won't happen. Both of my brothers have graduated." The twins said in unison.

"Bill's in Africa working for Gringotts."

"Charlie is in Romania studying dragons."

"Where is your father?" Albert asked knowingly.

"He works for the Ministry of Magic," the twins looked at each other and said in unison.

"I think after I graduate, I'll probably stay in the Muggle world."

"Why?" the three asked in confusion. In their opinion, this was something that was difficult to answer directly.

"I came to Hogwarts mainly to learn magic and how to use it. Professor McGonagall said that if I don't learn magic, it may get out of control in the future."

"But in the Muggle world, we can't use magic at will, and we can't let Muggles know the existence of magic, otherwise we will get ourselves into trouble."

"By the way, what do you want to do in the future?"

"I don't want to work for the Ministry."

"Me too." The twins looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"It would be nice to be a Quidditch player. Charlie is the Quidditch captain. I think I'm a pretty good flyer, but it's a pity that I have to be in my second year to join Quidditch." George said regretfully.

"I haven't thought about it yet," said Lee Jordan.

"What about you?" All three looked at Albert.

"Me? Find a simple, easy job that makes easy money."

"Is there really such a job?" The three of them couldn't help but look at each other again. If there was such a job, they would also want it!

"There should be one, I'm looking for it." Albert said with a smile. He was curious about when the twins came up with the idea of opening a joke shop.

"If you find it, remember to tell me." Li Jordan patted Albert's shoulder seriously and couldn't help laughing.

"You don't mind if I take a picture of you?" Albert took out his camera and said.


"Yes, my family wants to know about the wizarding world." Albert asked the three of them to sit together and raised his camera to take a few pictures of them.

"Why don't the photos move?" Li Qiaodan raised his hand and poked the photos, probably trying to make them move.

"Muggle photos don't move." Albert explained, took the photo and looked at it. He was quite satisfied with it. "It seems that my skills have improved a bit."

"What's the point of a photo that doesn't move?" The three of them quickly lost interest in the photo.

Near noon, there was a noise in the aisle of the train.

After a while, a witch pushed open the compartment door and poked her head in to ask, "Dear, do you want to buy some food?"

"I'll have a Beebe's Every Flavour Beans," said Lee Jordan, who had brought his own food. The twins also brought sandwiches, but they didn't have much money, so they didn't buy anything.

"Give me some of all the food." Albert said to the witch with a kind smile.

Having just seen Albert's lavish gambling, the three men had become numb to his lavish spending habits.

For this, Albert paid one Galleon and bought a bunch of things on the table.

"I dare say your family must be very rich." Li Qiaodan muttered.

"They're not very rich." Albert opened the Bibi Multi-Flavor Beans and ate one, which was bean sprout flavored. "They are all lawyers."

"What is that?" None of the three understood Muggles.

"You also think that people who file lawsuits for others are legally exploiting legal loopholes." Albert said after thinking for a while.

"Legally exploiting legal loopholes." The three were a little confused after hearing this. What does it mean to legally exploit legal loopholes? How can exploiting legal loopholes be legal

What kind of a trick is this

"Please introduce what these foods are." Albert made a gesture of invitation. He didn't want to eat something strange. Wizards have strange tastes. Besides, this is an opportunity. Friendship is something that needs to be managed and maintained.