Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 152: Fake


It is said that Gryffindor can't keep secrets, and this is absolutely true!

The story of Albert going deep into the Forbidden Forest alone in the middle of the night and rescuing Fred and George from the Forbidden Forest has now been widely circulated among the students of Hogwarts.

It is said that on the way deep into the Forbidden Forest, Albert killed a large number of spider monsters, and finally with the help of the centaurs, he successfully found the Weasley brothers.

Anyway, this incident was spread very mysteriously and became a major legend of Gryffindor.

Of course, some people scoff at the so-called legendary story.

After all, you can never expect a freshman to break into the forbidden forest alone and successfully defeat a large group of terrible monsters. Maybe he hasn't woken up yet

No matter how fierce or outrageous the rumors were, Albert neither admitted nor denied them.

The next morning after the rumor spread throughout the school, a large group of students blocked Albert at the dining table and asked about this legendary adventure. Albert, who was eating, put down his fork helplessly, looked up and said to everyone: "Actually, that night, I defeated a large number of spider monsters along the way, and almost fought with the centaurs. Finally, after negotiation, the centaurs agreed to take me to find the red spark cast by Fred. When I dared to go, I saw Fred and George being blocked by a large group of spider monsters on a tree. In the end, I had to save the situation and finally defeated the spider monsters and drove away those big spiders to save the Weasley brothers."

The hall fell into an eerie silence. Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment. After a moment, someone couldn't help but sneer.

"You're right not to believe it." Albert sighed deeply and said to all the listeners in a helpless tone: "You believe in rumors and even ask me if it's true. I don't know if you think there are too few homework assignments during the holidays?"

Many people's faces suddenly turned dark. They all heard the hidden meaning in Albert's words: You believe the rumors and yet come to ask me, are you bored or mentally retarded

After all, since Albert, the person involved, said so, the matter naturally ended.

"Is this really false?" Shanna couldn't help but ask.

"Who knows?" Albert said disapprovingly, "Next time, don't believe in rumors. Mental retardation is a disease that can be spread everywhere. You need to judge for yourself whether some things are true or not."

"I believe you defeated more than a hundred spider monsters." Shanna suddenly said, "Gryffindor House has an extra sixty points."

"Just be happy!" Albert's mouth twitched and he replied helplessly.

"Of course this is true. I tell you, Albert..." Fred was about to tell Sana what happened when Albert glared at him.

"I remember that you still have one week of detention, right?" Albert suddenly interrupted Fred. "Filch told me to tell you to go to his office on time at six o'clock tonight for detention."

Solitary confinement

So, this thing is indeed true.

Shanna thought so as she looked at the dejected Weasley brothers.

Gryffindor's points suddenly increased by sixty, and that was not fake.

If the points had not suddenly increased a lot, people would not have believed the rumor, let alone wanted to hear the so-called truth.

This is really ridiculous.

However, the points are there, so the scene just now happened.

After all, this incident was so legendary that many people were unwilling to believe that a freshman could do it. When Albert said it was just a rumor, they would comfort themselves by saying it was fake and then disperse. As for mocking Albert with this incident

Didn't you see that he himself didn't say that this was true, but he just casually blamed all the onlookers for being mentally retarded? If you continue to care about this, won't you appear to be mentally retarded

"But what about the points?" Angelina asked curiously.

"Actually, Lee Jordan and I told Professor McGonagall about this in time, and used owls to help Professor McGonagall confirm that Fred and George had entered the woods, so the professor gave each of us 30 points." Albert gave a signaling look to Lee Jordan next to him, and the latter nodded repeatedly to indicate that this was the case.

Angelina looked at the two of them suspiciously and stopped asking questions.

"Ahem, let's go to the library to do our holiday homework!" Albert suggested.

Fred and George agreed wholeheartedly. Their homework progress was much slower than that of others, but Lee Jordan did not refuse. Only by finishing early could they have time to play.

"I suddenly feel that those people are so stupid that they actually believed your nonsense!" Fred muttered.

"That's because they don't want to admit it," a voice sounded behind Albert. The four of them stopped and turned to look in the direction of the voice. It was Isobel.

"Professor Broad is looking for you." Isobel said to Albert.

"Sorry, let's do our homework together another day." Albert gave his roommates an apologetic look and walked towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office on the second floor.

"Congratulations on becoming a celebrity at Hogwarts. Many people are discussing your deeds now. Perhaps you can record this in your notes, and in a few years, it will become a legendary story."

"No, thank you." Albert said unhappily, "Also listen to less rumors next time. If you listen to too much of that kind of stuff, you will become stupid and lose your most basic judgment ability."

"There's a special contribution medal for you in the trophy display room. If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself." Isobel glanced at Albert and reminded him indifferently, "Next time, when you're fooling others, remember not to reveal too many flaws."

"I'm just telling you what you want to hear!" Albert just shrugged his shoulders, not at all embarrassed by being exposed by Isobel. "Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth. They just want to hear the result they want. There's no need to confront them head-on. It's meaningless."

Isobel looked at Albert and suddenly said, "Next time you talk to me, remember to put away your bad taste. When you treat others as fools, don't you think you are stupid too?"

"I'm just stating the facts." Albert shrugged.

"So, that thing is true, you really..." A voice suddenly sounded, and when Albert stopped, he happened to see Katrina walking towards him.

"Fake." Albert answered simply.

"Do I look stupid?" Katrina looked at her sister Isobel, as if seeking an answer from her.

"It's fake," Isobel said.

Katrina: "..." Do you think I didn't hear your conversation just now

"Whether it's true or not, it's already fake," Isobel explained.

"Why?" Katrina asked in confusion.

"Because I, the client, said this is false!" Albert said as a matter of course, "So, this is naturally false."