Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 158: The heroes of Slytherin


It is said that after Easter, the final exams will soon arrive, and this is absolutely true.

Hogwarts' exams are held in mid-June, and the exam times for each grade are almost the same. Of course, the written exams are staggered and supervised by the school's professors.

The weather in June was extremely hot and humid, and it was even more unbearable for everyone to be crowded in the classroom for the exam.

The written test started at 9:30 in the morning. The first subject was Charms. Students needed to take their seats according to their assigned numbers. By the way, the invigilator was Professor McGonagall.

Everyone looked very nervous, but Albert didn't care much. He just felt it was very novel. The exam at Hogwarts reminded him of his college exams in his previous life.

On the table were new quills, ink bottles, and parchment that Hogwarts had given everyone for the exam. It was said that anti-cheating spells were spelled on the quills, ink, and parchment, but the so-called anti-cheating spells were just that in Albert's opinion.

As the biggest cheater among this year's candidates, these things will definitely not work on him.

When everyone was seated and quiet, Professor McGonagall announced the start of the exam. Then, she turned a huge hourglass on the table upside down and placed it next to it.

The moment Albert opened the test paper, he found a new task on his panel:

In the name of genius.

You are a recognized genius student among this year's freshmen. Since you are a genius, you should produce results that match your genius to prove your strength. You should obtain excellent scores in all exams and use facts to tell everyone that the so-called exams are nothing more than this.

Reward: 1400 experience.

Albert couldn't help but curl his lips, his eyes fell on Katrina who was sitting in the fourth seat in the third row on his right. After reading the questions, that guy started writing the answers.

He looked down at the first question on the test paper:

a) Write a spell that can make objects fly;

b) Describe the action of waving the magic wand.

"Well, it's easier than I expected."

Half an hour later, Albert wrote all the answers on parchment, then spent another five minutes checking them again. After making sure there were no mistakes, he fell asleep on the table.

There is no way, who made the exam last for two hours

However, the Slytherin student behind Albert was a little surprised when he found that the guy in front of him actually started to sleep.

Even the Slytherin students knew a little about Albert Anderson. He was said to be a genius, very good at studying, and good at Quidditch. He caught the Golden Snitch in the match against Slytherin, which made countless Slytherin students grit their teeth. It was said that many people wanted to make trouble for Anderson, but all of them failed. He even made big news a while ago.

No one believed him when he said he couldn't do the test, so the only explanation was that the guy had already finished it.

Already completed the exam

Is this exam really that easy

The Slytherin student looked at his own test paper, then raised his head to look at the guy lying in front of him, and began to wonder if their test papers were different.

Perhaps sensing someone approaching him, Albert raised his head, and what he saw was Professor McGonagall, who had a stern look on her face.

Albert picked up the upside-down parchment and pointed at it, indicating that he had finished the test.

Professor McGonagall picked up the test paper, glanced at it, put it back on the table silently, and said nothing more, letting Albert continue to lie down.

As for submitting the paper early

That will affect other people's exams, which is impossible unless there are special reasons.

"You actually slept for more than an hour? Are the test papers we used different?" After the test, Fred and George each wrapped their arms around Albert's neck and couldn't help complaining.

"Here, the test paper." Albert handed the test paper to George. "It seems quite simple."

"Simple?" Li Qiaodan said weakly.

"As long as you listen carefully in class, take notes in class, and review the material several times after class, you will definitely get an excellent grade easily." Albert gave a look that must be because you didn't review seriously.

"Shut up and don't mention this again." The three of them reached out and covered Albert's mouth to prevent him from saying something hurtful.

There was also a practical exam for Charms in the afternoon. Professor Flitwick called them into the classroom one by one in alphabetical order, so Albert was the first one again. The content of the exam was to cast a spell on a pineapple and tap dance across a desk.

In fact, it was a test of the dance spell and the control of the spell. Of course, this was not difficult for Albert, and he did it easily.

The Transfiguration exam was held the next day. The written test was also not difficult. After Professor McGonagall saw Albert easily transform a mouse into an exquisite silver snuff box with the Hogwarts emblem, she did not pursue the matter of him sleeping during the exam.

The more exquisite the box, the higher the score; Albert's artwork got full marks, of course, full marks means excellent.

If there were whiskers left on the box, points were deducted, and Fred complained that his ashtray had faint traces of whiskers on it, which was deducted points.

What Albert found most interesting was the practical exam in potions.

The assessment requires you to prepare a potion of forgetfulness within two hours.

This wasn't a difficult task, since there were only a few potions mixed throughout the school year, but... it was not easy to mix with Snape standing closely behind him.

Whenever Snape appeared behind a student without warning, he would add a negative buff to the other student, causing the student's heart rate to speed up, his hands and feet to become flustered, and sometimes even operational errors.

The last exam was History of Magic, which was a rather boring exam. Albert even went through the so-called key points before the exam, and there were no surprises in his answers, so he passed the exam with ease.

When Professor Binns asked them to put down their quills and roll up their answer sheets, the classroom erupted in cheers.

After the exams, they were finally free and could relax and have fun for a whole week until the exam results were announced.

"Come on, I'll treat you to some butterbeer to celebrate." Albert asked his roommates to leave before Katrina came over.

"Going to Hogsmeade?" Lee Jordan asked in a low voice.

"No, I've already sent an owl order."

"Owl, do you mean that one?" Fred pointed to an owl flying towards them, and it threw the package it was holding in front of Albert.

"What is this?" Fred picked it up puzzledly, took out the card on it and handed it to Albert.

"It must be books," George said confidently.


"Any package of this shape usually contains books."

"Can you open it?" Fred looked at Albert.

"Open it." Albert glanced at the card and George really guessed it right. The book was called "Complete Solution of Basic Magic Runes" and was sent by Mr. McDougal. It was said to have been published not long ago.

After the final exams, everyone spent their time leisurely on campus before summer vacation.

The Slytherin team eventually defeated the Hufflepuff team, but even though the victory was a crushing victory, they still missed out on the Quidditch trophy.

Who made the Slytherin team lose to Gryffindor

The culprit behind all this was a freshman, which made most of the Slytherin students furious.

And, worst of all, they might not only lose the Quidditch trophy, but also the final house cup.

Currently, Gryffindor House still leads Slytherin House by a slight advantage of fifteen points, and there are only a few days left until the year-end party.

Albert didn't pay much attention to these things. He was reading a book under a tree on the lakeshore. Not far away from him, the Weasley brothers and Lee Jordan were using branches to poke the giant squids lying in the warm shallow water basking in the sun.

During the period before the holidays, the four of them often came here to kill time, and occasionally discussed how to take revenge on Filch and those guys who wanted to cause trouble for them.

"Something?" Albert closed the "Complete Explanation of Basic Magic Runes" and looked up at Katrina who appeared in front of him.

"I'm ready." Katrina glanced at the book in Albert's hand and asked in confusion, "Why don't you go to Ravenclaw?"

"Why should I go? I have friends here and I'm living well." Albert nodded to the three people by the lake. "At least, I'm living better than you."

"I have friends too." Katrina understood the meaning of Albert's words and glared at him with dissatisfaction, as if she had no friends.

"Are we going to the Ravenclaw Tower now?" Albert changed the subject. Just as he was about to stand up, he noticed four Slytherin students walking towards him not far away. After meeting their eyes, Albert knew that these four guys had bad intentions.

Katrina noticed the change on Albert's face for a moment, turned her head to look at the four senior students walking towards them, and frowned slightly and said, "You seem to be in trouble."

"Trouble, I didn't see any trouble." Albert said lightly.

While the two were talking, four Slytherin students were already walking towards them.

"Look, who we meet, the famous Mr. Albert Anderson." A Slytherin student grinned maliciously.

"If I were you, I wouldn't start trouble at this time." Albert raised his hand and pointed behind several people.

"Who are you trying to fool with this trick? Do you think we are idiots?" Someone stared at Albert and sneered disdainfully.

"Maybe we should cooperate with him." Someone rubbed his fists, ready to fight.

"That would make you even more stupid." Someone had already drawn his wand.

"I have practiced before, so I can beat you guys with my bare hands." Albert motioned Katrina to stay aside, and besides, I am not alone."

"You actually plan to bully the freshmen in front of Professor Babeling." Katrina couldn't help but frowned, and suddenly felt that these four people were a little stupid.

No, it should be said that Albert was deliberately using words to induce them. He wanted these four guys to take action so that Professor Babel would happen to see four Slytherin senior students bullying a Gryffindor freshman.

What will be the result

Katrina didn't have to think to guess.

George and the other two on the lakeshore also noticed the changes here and had already drawn their wands to help in the fight.

However, the three of them slowed down, hid their wands behind their backs, and prepared to watch a good show.

The four Slytherin students obviously did not believe Albert's low-level nonsense. They probably thought that Albert wanted to distract their attention and take the opportunity to attack them.

So, they took action.

One of them rushed directly towards Albert, ready to use his size advantage to pin Albert to the ground and give him a severe beating.

The latter simply dodged to the side and raised his foot to trip the other person.

The other one who was holding a wand and preparing to cast a spell was disarmed by Albert first. The wand flew high and happened to land in front of Albert, who caught it with his hand.

"Stop, what are you doing?" Professor Babel was stunned and then angry when she saw this scene.

The two men who had already drawn their wands and were ready to cast a curse on Albert were frozen in place.

"Professor... we just came to..."

"Do you think I'm blind?" Professor Babel stared at the four people and coldly pronounced the final verdict: "Twenty points will be deducted from Slytherin for each person. I will tell Severus that maybe he should give you a few days of detention to prevent you from bullying freshmen in school right after the exam."

The four people's faces suddenly turned gloomy.

"Good morning, Professor Babeling." Albert greeted Professor Gu Mowen with a smile.

"You probably didn't receive my note?" Professor Babel looked at Albert and nodded. "Come with me. I have something to tell you."

"Okay, professor." Albert spread his hands helplessly towards the four Slytherin students, "I told you."

Before Albert and Professor Babel left, they turned to the girl and said, "By the way, Katrina, let's postpone that matter for now!"

"Asshole, give me back my wand." The Slytherin student was so angry when he saw Albert actually left with his wand.

"Oh my, what did I just hear?" Fred looked at the gloomy Slytherin students in a sarcastic tone, "This time, Slytherin is directly at the bottom."

"You bastards, just wait."

"Let's go back and tell everyone the good news." Li Jordan laughed happily, "Slytherin House is completely doomed now."

"Yes, go back and tell everyone!" Fred said, and returned to the common room with his roommates, leaving Katrina with a stunned look on her face and the Slytherin students with distorted expressions.

In the afternoon, students passing by the entrance hall quickly noticed the change in points. Slytherin House was deducted 80 points at once, instantly becoming the last in the house. Add to that the publicity from Fred and others, and the four Slytherins instantly became celebrities. They made trouble for the freshmen in front of a professor, and of course, they were deducted points as a result.

The four Slytherin students suddenly became "heroes" in the eyes of countless people, and the Slytherin students naturally did not look at the four "traitors" well. Because of their "brainless behavior", Slytherin lost the chance to compete for the final house cup.

Of course, Snape's face was also very black. After all, a professor directly pointed out that several senior students in his college were actually bullying a freshman. Didn't they have any shame