Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 185: Silent spell


Over the next half hour, the members of the Charms Club worked hard to practice silent spells, and several of them had already succeeded in casting spells without making any sound.

Of course, there are a few who choose to cheat, chanting incantations quietly so that others will think they have succeeded as well.

However, nothing useful can be learned by doing this.

Albert succeeded several times, but he also realized that it was difficult for him to successfully complete the glow spell with just a thought and a swing of the wand.

The magical power enhanced by the wizard's bloodline cannot increase his chances of success in this regard, and even the silent spell cannot be found on the skill panel.

Silent spells are a spellcasting technique, not a talisman. If you want to learn and use it skillfully, you need to practice it well, which is a rather difficult process.

One's own will is the key to whether the silent spell can be successful, and this process requires the user to concentrate highly.

Some people say that magic is idealism, which is actually not wrong.

"Magic is the miracle created by the distortion of reality by will."

Albert still remembers that he had seen such a statement on the Internet in his previous life, and he himself also tends to agree with this point of view.

From today's perspective, this statement still makes some sense.

Albert wasn't sure if his willpower was strong enough, but he felt that as long as he tried harder, he would be no worse than anyone else. After all, he had successfully used the glow spell silently several times.

At least, one thing is certain, my situation is much better than that of the friend next to me.

Truman's face was flushed red, his mouth was tightly shut, and he looked constipated, which would have been even more so if he had hunched over slightly.

“Why don’t you start with a simple spell?” Albert really couldn’t understand the other party’s idea. Everything needed to be done step by step. It was obviously unrealistic to want to become a fat man in one bite. Didn’t the person next to him understand

"Alas!" Truman sighed helplessly, like a deflated ball, "Silent spells are too difficult for us now."

"After all, it's a sixth-grade advanced class course. It's not surprising that it's difficult." Albert nodded in agreement. Although he said this, he felt a little disapproving in his heart.

After all, he has a cheat, so he is naturally confident. Even if he doesn't have a cheat, he is still confident that he can master the silent spell, it just takes more time.

Albert could understand Truman's idea. Once one fails too many times, it is easy for one to lose confidence. Without confidence, it would be more difficult to succeed when trying to cast a silent spell. Albert's advantage was that he believed he could succeed.

Seeing that everyone had almost finished practicing, Professor Flitwick spoke up to attract everyone's attention.

"I never expected you to be able to successfully master the silent spell in this gathering." Professor Flitwick said to everyone, "Today, it is just a simple attempt. I believe everyone has realized that the silent spell is actually a relatively advanced spellcasting skill. It can give us an advantage in a duel. This is very important. Wizards who master the silent spell can seize the initiative and prevent the opponent from making corresponding counterattacks based on your spells. I have already mentioned this once just now. Why do I repeat it again? Because this point will definitely be tested."

"Of course, I think what you are more concerned about now is how to master silent spells." Professor Flitwick said with a smile, "I have noticed that some students can use spells silently, but you should also find that you are not proficient in using it. Without making any sound, you are unable to use some spells that you are not proficient in."

It was right.

Everyone listened to Professor Flitwick quietly, hoping to learn something useful from him.

"Not all wizards can cast spells silently. I don't deny that, but most wizards can master silent spells after a certain degree of training. The only difference is the degree to which they can use them." Professor Flitwick looked around at everyone and suddenly asked, "Mr. Anderson, can you share with us what is the key to your successful use of the silent luminous spell?"

Albert was stunned when he heard this. He had never expected that Professor Flitwick would suddenly ask him to speak. After a moment's silence, he concluded: "First, you need to concentrate highly when casting a spell; second, try it on the spell you are best at; third, believe that you will succeed."

"That's about it." Professor Flitwick nodded with satisfaction. "You need to succeed first to give yourself confidence. The more difficult the spell, the harder it will be to succeed using a silent spell. This is not a strange thing, just like wandless casting."

When the Charms professor was talking about wandless spellcasting, he raised his hand and made a few gestures, and a piece of paper was cast with a levitation spell and floated into the air in full view of everyone.

"Even Headmaster Dumbledore can't cast difficult spells without a wand." Professor Flitwick ignored the floating papers and continued, "Silent spells are simpler than wandless spells, but to use them on complex spells, not only does it require strong willpower, but it also requires a lot of practice. After the Christmas holidays, we will further study silent spells, and by then I hope everyone will be able to master it."

"Professor, isn't it too early for us to learn silent spells now?" asked a Hufflepuff student.

"Too early?" Professor Flitwick repeated with a strange expression, "As far as I know, African magic students used to cast spells without wands, so... do you think you are learning silent spells too early?"

Everyone looked at each other and discussed the matter in a low voice.

"Students from the African School of Magic can cast spells without a wand?" someone asked in disbelief, "How do those students do it?"

"Because they don't have wands, they naturally cast spells without wands." Professor Flitwick said as a matter of course, "Of course, without a wand, it is more difficult for them to learn magic than for us."

Now, they all knew why Professor Flitwick had said that most wizards could master silent spells after a certain degree of training.

Africans can master the more difficult wandless spellcasting, so why can't they master the silent spell

"As long as you are willing to take the time to practice, you will basically be able to master the basics of silent spells." Professor Flitwick continued, "I hope you can give me a surprise by then."

After saying this, Professor Flitwick asked everyone to take out the "Spell Innovation" magazine and prepare to start discussing the topic of this gathering.

Albert's "Innovations in Spells" was temporarily lent to him by Professor Flitwick.

In the remaining time, everyone continued with the previous content and discussed an innovative spell in "Magic Innovation".

Albert, a transfer student, said he was a little confused.