Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 187: Potion of Luck


In the auditorium, the twins playing and fighting with each other caused a lot of laughter from the people.

Albert just looked up and glanced at them, then quietly moved to the empty seat next to him, pretending that he didn't know the two idiots in front of him. He turned over the notebook in his hand and felt the benefits brought by the increase in potion mastery.

Li Jordan glanced at the twins who were still playing, sat next to Albert, and asked, "What were you thinking about just now?"

"I returned the gold card. I wonder what thank-you gift Hetok will give me." Albert flipped through his notebook and said casually, "I'm a little looking forward to it."

"I thought you didn't care about the other party's thank-you gift." Li Jordan was very surprised when he heard Albert mention this. In his impression, would Albert care about other people's thank-you gifts

Obviously not!


Li Qiaodan suddenly came to his senses and realized that this guy was trying to change the subject!

Just then, a long-eared owl flew over and threw a small package into Albert's arms.

Albert smiled and said, "Look, here it comes."

Lee Jordan: "…"

Albert was just talking about the thank-you gift, but unexpectedly an owl brought the thank-you gift in the blink of an eye.

"What's coming?" Angelina also sat down and happened to hear Albert say that something was coming, so she asked casually.

"Thank you." Albert shook the package in his hand. He naturally knew what was inside, but he still opened the package on the spot. Inside was a folded parchment and a glass medicine bottle with a golden liquid in it.

"What is this?"

Seeing the golden liquid in the glass bottle, Li Jordan couldn't help but widen his eyes. He had never seen a potion of this color before.

"It should be the lucky potion." Albert said without hesitation: "It is the so-called lucky potion. There are about two spoonfuls in it. The effect of the medicine should last for a whole day."


The twins who were originally wrestling with each other stopped playing and came over, wanting to see the legendary lucky potion with their own eyes.

"What is the Felicis?" Angelina asked in confusion, looking at the glass bottle containing the golden liquid.

"Is this the legendary lucky potion?" Fred took the lucky potion from Lee Jordan, looked at it carefully, and made a drinking gesture, "I really want to take a sip and try it."

"Who gave it to you?" George couldn't help asking.

"Hetok. I sent the things back to him. This is his thank you gift." Albert explained simply.

"How enviable! You're already so lucky. After drinking this bottle of Felicis, your luck will explode!" George took the bottle from Fred, took a look at it, and then returned it to Albert, who took the bottle of Felicis and put it directly into his pocket.

"The Felixir doesn't bring real luck. It can greatly improve the drinker's abilities, making him think more actively and do things more smoothly." Albert explained as he read the letter, "To some extent, its effect can also be considered as bringing luck. Unfortunately, this stuff is poisonous if you drink too much."

"Drunk? You still want to drink more!"

Several people couldn't help but stare at Albert, feeling that this guy was too bold and even wanted to drink too much

Your luck is obviously good enough. It is a very lucky thing to receive this bottle of blessing potion as a thank you gift.

As a result, this guy actually wants to drink the Foling potion frequently

"It's just a small bottle!" Angelina reminded.

"There's no need to drink it all at once. A small sip can probably last two or three hours. Besides, I'll make it myself in the future," Albert said. "Once I'm done, you'll have a chance to try it."

"He won't be poisoned to death directly." Li Qiaodan pinched his neck and pretended to be dead from the poison. "Didn't you say that the Fuling potion is difficult to brew? If it's not done properly, it will become highly toxic."

"You have to believe me." Albert said with a smile, "If you can drink a little every six months, life will be better."

"That's all very well," George muttered, "but I thought you were going to say sell it for money."

"Come on, stop thinking about Garlon all the time." Albert stood up and prepared to put the Felixir back into the dormitory. If he accidentally broke or lost the thing he carried with him, he would probably cry in the toilet.

"By the way, do you think it's possible to use the Felicis Felix to find... the secret treasure hidden in the Forbidden Forest?" Fred was talking in a low voice about what happened a few months ago in the empty corridor.

"Why haven't you given up on this yet?" Albert frowned and glared at Fred, warning him, "Have you forgotten that you almost fell into the stomach of the giant eight-eyed spider?"

"Last time, our luck wasn't very good. But this time, you have the Felicity Potion, and if we are well prepared." George also had some ideas, "Also, as long as we can learn the spell to deal with spiders, the three of us..."

"You three? Bastards, you are planning to exclude me." Li Jordan waved his fist in dissatisfaction, and was so angry that he wanted to beat someone up. "Besides, didn't you say that the treasure map was thrown into the Forbidden Forest by Albert? Without the guidance of the treasure map, how can you find the secret treasure?"

"You believe what Albert said. Even if he really threw the treasure map into the Forbidden Forest, there must be a way to find it back." Fred looked at Lee Jordan as if he was a fool.

"What are you looking at?" Li Qiaodan said dissatisfiedly.

"Look at the fool," Fred said honestly.

"Alas, you've been living in the same dormitory with Albert for a semester, and you still don't understand his character?" George added.

What Albert said might be true, but it is unknown how much truth there is in it.

Because what he is best at is creating so-called facts.

"No, I want to live a few more years, but I don't want to take risks in the forest again. What if I get dragged away and eaten by a giant eight-eyed spider?" Albert shook his head and refused.

"You're lucky you didn't catch them and sell them for money." Fred looked like you were kidding me.

"Is the treasure map really still in your hands?" Li Qiaodan suddenly asked.

"I said I threw it in the forest." Albert said.

"You must have found it." Fred curled his lips. "Just use the Summoning Charm."

"I can't do it." Albert spread his hands to show that he couldn't do it. In fact, he really didn't know how to cast the flying curse.

"You can't?" The three of them looked at each other, but no one believed his nonsense.

When the few of them passed the corner, they stopped talking about this topic. Someone was walking towards them from the corner. It was Professor Smith.

When Smith saw Albert, he said, "Anderson, I just happened to have something to talk to you about."

"What's the matter, Professor Smith?" Albert asked.

"There are some results in the research on Boggart." Smith said with a little excitement, "Come with me, I'll show you the photos. This is a major discovery. Why hasn't anyone thought of using this method to explore the form of Boggart before?"

"See you later." Albert said to his roommate.

The three of them looked at each other, watching Albert and Professor Smith leave. The topic turned to the Boggart research that Professor Smith had just talked about, and they speculated about what the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor had discovered.

Albert followed Professor Smith and asked curiously: "Did you capture the Boggart entity?"

"Yes, I took it." Smith reached out to open the wooden door and invited Albert into his office.

"I captured the Boggart's true form through my camera. It was a ball of swirling mist. It turns out that the Boggart itself has no real entity."

Professor Smith took out some photos from a drawer. The photos showed a rotating mass that looked a bit like fog. He announced, "I'm going to publish this major discovery in the magazine Unbelievable."

"Congratulations, Professor Smith." Albert said with a smile.

"No, no, congratulations to you, Anderson. You also contributed to this." Professor Smith said with a smile, "This is the method you came up with. Without you, I would not have discovered this secret. So, I plan to write your name on it as well."

"No need, professor. This is your achievement." Albert shook his head and refused. "If you think you are taking advantage of me, you can teach me some useful spells or alchemy."

"Well..." Smith looked a little strange, nodded and said, "Your alchemy level is only average, but I can give you some help in this regard."

"That's great," said Albert. "It's a shame that alchemy isn't taught at Hogwarts."

"This subject requires a high starting point." Smith explained: "In the UK, not many people pay attention to alchemy, and the books on alchemy in the Hogwarts library are not very useful. Generally, you need to wait until you graduate to slowly study it on your own."

He suddenly said: "I still plan to put your name on it. It's not a good idea to monopolize other people's achievements."

Albert was very surprised, but he no longer rejected Professor Smith's decision.

"By the way, I just heard you wanted to enter the Forbidden Forest? And what secret treasure?" Professor Smith suddenly frowned and warned, "This is not a good idea. The Forbidden Forest is very dangerous. And don't be fooled by any treasure map."

"Uh, I know." Albert nodded.

"And what are the Weasley gentlemen talking about?" Professor Smith asked suspiciously.

"Last semester, Fred and George were lured into the woods with a treasure map. I will make them give up this idea and not be fooled again." Albert said briefly.

"That's good." Smith nodded. "Although the outer part of the Forbidden Forest is not dangerous, the depths are very dangerous. Don't be foolish and take risks. No matter how many lives you have, they are not enough to lose."

"I know. I'll be leaving now." Albert said hello to Professor Smith and was about to leave when he suddenly turned around and asked, "Can I have this photo?"

"Of course." Professor Smith did not refuse. There were several such photos on the table.

Albert put the photo in the pocket of his robe and turned to leave the office.

"Secret treasure?" Smith looked at Albert's departing back, with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

Albert left the office and took a few steps when he saw a boy walking towards him, and the other boy also glanced in his direction.

Then, he walked to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office and knocked on the wooden door.

"That person seems to be... Smith?" Albert retracted his gaze and muttered, "Do you really know him?"

However, it is not surprising that they know each other. Britain is so small, and wizards named Smith are probably all relatives.

When Albert returned to the common room, he did not find Fred and the others. He put the Felix Felicis in a wooden box and put the box in his drawer, and cast the Anti-Aracho Opening Charm on it to ensure that no one could open the drawer.

At least, most students can't do it.

Inside the drawer were some personal notes, his camera, a previously made protective bracelet, and... a treasure map to a secret treasure.

Into the Forbidden Forest

Albert did have this idea, and now with the elixir, his chances of success are better.

However, he did not plan to go now as that would be too risky. He had to wait until he became stronger and his life was no longer in danger before going in.

Although exciting adventures are fun, life is undoubtedly more important.

Just as Albert was about to put the map back into the drawer, the door was suddenly opened. Three people walked in smiling and happened to see Albert holding the map.

"See, I told you, the map must still be in Albert's hands." Fred had an expression that said, "I knew it."

Albert calmly put the map back into the drawer, still casting a spell on it, shrugged and said to the others, "Don't venture into the forbidden forest until you are fully prepared. I will go with you when I am ready."

The three of them looked at each other, and then couldn't help laughing.

"See, I told you that Albert also likes adventure." George patted Albert on the shoulder and said, "When will you teach us the spell to deal with spiders?"

"If you want to enter and exit the Forbidden Forest safely to search for treasure, the Optical Spider Repellent Charm won't work." Albert shook his head. "Even if you learn that spell, you will be eaten by spiders sooner or later."

"Why?" Li Qiaodan looked puzzled.

"Because the Acromanthus' most powerful ability is sneak attacks," Fred explained. "In the forest, if you get sneaked by an Acromanthus, you're done for."

"Then why are you still alive now?" Li Qiaodan said unhappily.

"Last time, those giant spiders didn't intend to kill us right away," George explained, "but that may not be the case this time."

Then he pointed at Albert and said, "Last time, when Albert saved us, he knocked down a large group of eight-eyed giant spiders. I think those giant spiders will definitely hold a grudge."

"Holding a grudge?"

"I've looked up information about Acromantulas. They can talk and have intelligence," Fred explained. "Next time they see us, they'll probably... kill us straight away."

"It seems that you are not just impulsive and want to go into the forest to die." Albert was quite satisfied. If Fred and George just wanted to go into the Forbidden Forest for adventure, then he would have to think carefully about it.