Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 3: visit


Herb called his father. The old man became very emotional and said he would come to visit his grandson in the near future.

Daisy was still angry, and only stopped quarreling with her husband after being comforted by Albert. The female lawyer could not understand why her husband, who had always been very smart, suddenly became so stupid that he would be deceived by such a boring joke and even planned to joke about the future of his beloved son.

In fact, everyone finds it very interesting. After all, magic only exists in legends.

Nia even pestered Albert to perform magic for her.

"I can't." Albert spread his hands helplessly.

In fact, Albert certainly knew some spells, such as the simplest shining spell.

But without the help of the magic wand, it would probably not work, so Albert didn't try.

At least, he wouldn't try it in front of other people, otherwise how could he explain it

"Nia, there is no such thing as magic in this world. It's all a hoax." Daisy said seriously. She didn't want her daughter's mind to be filled with strange ideas.

"Albert, the letter says that you can bring a pet to school. Are you going to take Tom with you?" Nia didn't care about her mother's words and picked up the short-haired cat and sat next to Albert.

"I won't consider this issue until I'm sure magic exists," Albert said seriously.

Of course, this was actually meant to comfort her mother, Daisy, who now looked like a time bomb that could explode at any moment.

An owl flew into the living room through the window and dropped a piece of parchment on the table.

The parchment reads:

I will visit Professor McGonagall at 3:20.

"3:20?" Albert took the parchment, looked at the clock and murmured, "One minute left."

"Very good, I will definitely expose the tricks of those liars."

At 3:20, the doorbell rang.

The Andersons looked at each other, and finally Herb Anderson, the head of the family, went to open the door, with Nia following behind.

When Herb opened the door, he found an elderly woman standing outside his house.

"Professor McGonagall?" Herbert looked at the woman in front of him suspiciously and said dryly, "Oh, well, please come in. Albert is in the hall if you can prove the existence of magic."

"Do you know magic?" Nia asked.

"That's why I'm here!" Professor McGonagall is very good at dealing with this kind of thing. She has experienced many similar things. "Some families from Muggles will have similar questions."

"What? Muggle?" Anderson's expression froze and he repeated what he had just heard.

The other party calls himself a Muggle

"Muggles are ordinary people who don't do magic." After McGonagall entered the living room, her eyes fell on the only boy in the room.

"Hello Mr. Anderson."

"Hello, Ms. McGonagall." Albert looked at the witch in front of him. Professor McGonagall's appearance was indeed different from the movie, although his memory of this aspect was very vague.

"We hope you can prove... the existence of magic." Daisy served Professor McGonagall a cup of unsweetened black tea.

"Of course, please look!" McGonagall took out her wand and lightly tapped the teacup, and the teacup actually turned into a little mouse.

This was the first time Albert had seen magic. He picked up the little gray mouse out of curiosity and said, "It's magical."

"Is this magic? I will never let Albert waste his time learning such boring tricks. Do I expect him to become a magician in the future?" Daisy said sharply, as if she were a lawyer. "Excuse me, I am worried about Albert's future. A diploma from a magic school should be no different from waste paper in the world of ordinary people. That is, if you really can issue diplomas."

"Every qualified graduate of Hogwarts can find a decent job in the wizarding world. You don't have to worry about that," Professor McGonagall explained.

After seeing magic, Daisy knew she couldn't deny its existence, but she still planned to make one last attempt: "Albert, I think Eton College is a better choice. You worked hard to get that place. If you want to develop in finance, it's best not to go to Hogwarts. Your talent will definitely not be brought into play there."

Herb looked at his wife and sighed helplessly in his heart. He knew that Daisy really didn't want Albert to go to Hogwarts.

"Son, make your own choice. We respect your choice."

"Excuse me." McGonagall cleared her throat and explained, "Hogwarts can teach underage wizards how to control and use magic. Moreover, once magic gets out of control, some bad things will happen."

"Well, it seems I have no choice!" Albert couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. In fact, he had already made his choice.

"But, Albert..." Daisy wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Nia.

"Ma'am, can I come to Hogwarts too?"

"Only children who are eleven years old and have received an invitation letter from Hogwarts can study there." McGonagall politely declined.

"Nia, you are not yet eleven years old." Albert touched his sister's head, looked at Professor McGonagall and asked, "Where should I go to buy things? And what about the ticket? Where should I go to take the train?"

Does this count as consent

Professor McGonagall couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and told Albert the approximate route to the Leaky Cauldron. "You will definitely be able to see it, even though the Muggles around you can't see it... Muggles refer to ordinary people who don't understand magic. By the way, the bar owner is Tom. As for how to get to Diagon Alley, you can ask Tom, he will be happy to help you find the way."

"As for Platform 9 3/4, it's in the wall between Platform 9 and Platform 10 at King's Cross Station. Just walk through it and you'll get there."

"It's ridiculous to take the train to wizard school. Are all your magic carpets broken?" Daisy said sarcastically.

"Daisy." Herb coughed lightly and handed the record to Professor McGonagall to avoid missing any key information.

"Then we'll see you at Hogwarts on September 1st, Mr. Anderson." Professor McGonagall prepared to leave.

"Professor, can you restore it to its original state?" Albert pointed at the mouse that the teacup turned into.

"Oh, of course!" Professor McGonagall waved her wand, and the mouse returned to the teacup.

After Albert sent the other person out, Professor McGonagall Apparated and disappeared.

"She disappeared?" Herb looked at the place where Professor McGonagall had just stood in disbelief.

"Dad, are we going to London tomorrow?" Albert asked.

"Oh, oh, I'm going to London to buy something tomorrow." Herb said dully.

"I want to go too." Nia grabbed her father's hand and said coquettishly.

"Wait until next time." Albert shook his head and said, "I'll go get familiar with the place first, and then I'll take you and mom there next time and buy you a gift when I come back."

"Hateful, Albert is so annoying." Nia left angrily.

Albert spread his hands helplessly towards Herb and turned into the living room. There were still two people, one big and one small, at home who needed to be comforted.