Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 35: Muggle wizard


On September 3rd, the first day of school at Hogwarts, the gloomy rainy day suddenly cleared up.

Albert just opened his eyes and woke up from his deep sleep. He slowly got up from the bed, walked barefoot to the window, opened the window and let the cool breeze of the morning blow into the room.

The three roommates were still sleeping. They had spent the entire night chatting about the Quiet World Cup in front of the Daily Prophet and had fallen asleep very late, so Albert had no intention of waking them up now.

After all, classes don't start until nine o'clock, and getting up now would be too cruel for those who stay up late.

After a simple wash, Albert glanced at the schedule, checked the books, quills, ink and parchment in his bag, then carried his bag to the Gryffindor common room.

There were already people in the lounge, and they were students from the same class.

"Good morning, Wilson." Albert greeted the girl of the same grade, who was flipping through Miranda Goshawk's "Standard Book of Spells, Elementary", probably preparing for the first spells class in the morning.

"Good morning..." Shanna Wilson looked a little embarrassed because she didn't know the name of the boy who greeted her, although she knew that he was a freshman in the same class as her.

"Albert Anderson. You can call me Albert." Albert saw Shanna Wilson's embarrassment and introduced himself to her casually. He then said, "Would you like to go to the auditorium for dinner together?"

"Oh, okay...Okay, Albert!" Sana hesitated a little, picked up the books and quickly followed Albert out of the common room.

Along the way, Sana didn't say a word, but just followed Albert closely, seeming to be looking around, trying hard to remember where she had been.

Albert noticed Shanna's movements and couldn't help but think to himself: "Could it be that she doesn't know the way?"

This is really possible.

In the past, I almost went to the wrong place for my first class in college.

Hogwarts is undoubtedly more complicated, and it is normal for people with poor directionality to not find the way.

As Albert expected, Sana really didn't know how to get to the auditorium, so she waited in the lounge for others to go to the auditorium together.

To be honest, Gryffindor students are not that keen on showing others the way, and a large number of senior students like to watch the anxious looks of freshmen. This bad habit comes from the fact that they had similar experiences at first, and over time, they have developed this bad taste of watching others suffer misfortune.

Yesterday, when Albert came back from the kitchen, he saw several senior students watching the freshmen fall into the stair trap, and finally walked away laughing, with no intention of stepping forward to help.

Of course, these are just some special cases!

Most students would be willing to lend a hand, at least Hufflepuff students would do so.

Arriving safely at the auditorium, Shanna Wilson looked relieved.

Albert sat at the Gryffindor table, poured himself a glass of milk, and drank it in one breath. He looked up and found that Shanna was staring at him with her mouth slightly open, as if she wanted to say something

He asked, “What’s wrong?”

"Nothing, Albert likes to drink milk?" Sana was trying to communicate with the boy in front of her.

After all, no one wants to be without any friends, and Albert seems to be the type who is easy to talk to.

"Like it?" Albert shook his head. "I can't say I like it, I'm just used to it. I started drinking it when I was seven, one cup every morning. I got used to it after drinking it for a while."

Sana opened her mouth, but suddenly didn't know what to say. She actually admired Albert very much. She would definitely not be able to do it if it were her turn.

Albert spread jam on the bread slice and took a big bite. Shanna opposite him was eating a fried egg, the kind that is boiled, peeled off the shell, coated with flour, and fried in oil until the surface is golden brown... a British fried egg.

Well! Albert thought it might be more appropriate to call it golden fried eggs. He himself was not interested in this unique British fried egg at all, and ordinary boiled eggs tasted better than it.

After finishing the slice of bread in his hand, Albert prepared two more slices of bread, sandwiched some vegetable salad, and put some bacon and sausage on top to make a sandwich.

And, of course, there was a small bowl of hominy, which is basically corn soup, made by boiling ground corn with water and a little milk.

The school's hominy was only so-so compared to Daisy's corn chowder, which was not surprising, since Daisy's corn chowder was one of her best dishes.

After finishing breakfast, Shannah and Albert talked about spells.

"I heard from Angelina that you have mastered many kinds of spells. Is that true? How did you learn those magics in such a short time?" Shanna spoke slowly, as if she was carefully considering her words.

"This... mainly requires that you have an interest in it first, and then..." Albert thought for a moment and said, "... you also need to spend time studying and practicing."

He thinks interest is actually very important. Only if you are interested will you be willing to spend time and study a subject seriously.

"Interested?" Shannano thought.

In fact, students like Shanna who come from Muggle families never thought that they would become wizards or witches, and are still confused about many things. After all, Muggle wizards have so much to learn.

Without a doubt, students from wizarding families were ahead of them.

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much. Everyone is only fifty or a hundred steps behind. If you spend more time on the courses, you will be able to catch up with them soon." Albert suddenly felt that what he said was a little ridiculous.

I actually made Gryffindor students love learning

Not every student is Hermione Granger, and that one almost got sorted into Ravenclaw.

"The same to you?"

"Of course, what else do you think?" Albert answered as a matter of course.

However, when I said this, I always felt a little guilty for some reason. After all, Albert was different from others. He had a panel. If he wanted to learn a certain knowledge, in addition to mastering it through his own learning, he could also master it through the panel upgrade skills.

If Albert had maxed out his wizard bloodline, his speed in learning magic would be far ahead of other people, but he didn't do that, and he even never accepted any quests on the Wizard's Path.

Albert is still considering whether to wait until the level of his wizard bloodline is raised before claiming the mission reward. This is undoubtedly the most cost-effective method.

But the problem is that Albert is still struggling with his future career, and he doesn't really want to stay in the wizarding world.

If he decides to develop in the Muggle world in the future, he must reserve a large amount of experience and skill points for himself to upgrade various economic skills in the future.

Forget it, let’s not think about these issues anymore.

Albert shook off these distracting thoughts and slowly flipped through the "Selected Spells of the Nineteenth Century". He was actually quite satisfied with the current situation. As for the stored experience and skill points, he could use them when needed in the future.