Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 36: Spells Class


At about 8:30, Albert's three roommates walked into the auditorium with sleepy eyes.

"Good morning!" Lee Jordan, who was sitting next to Albert, stuffed a big bite of sausage into his mouth and muttered, "I feel like my legs are going to break."

"It's not as exaggerated as you say!" Albert closed the "Selected 19th Century Spells" in his hand and put it back into his backpack. He reached out and patted Li's shoulder. "You just over-exercised. How about I take you to the school hospital and let them give you some medicine?"

"Forget it!" When Li Qiaodan heard about the school hospital, he suddenly became weak, fearing that the other party would really pull him over.

The twin brother sitting next to Lee Jordan couldn't help laughing. Fred, who was eating a golden fried egg, suggested: "I tell you... slapping your legs hard a few times can greatly relieve the soreness."

George then said, "I can help you, for free."

"Are you guys still human?" Li Qiaodan glared at the twins in dissatisfaction and started eating breakfast by himself.

"Stop messing around and eat quickly. The first class is about to start, and I don't want to be late on the first day of school." Albert reminded

While they were eating, a sturdy red-haired man came over, sat down next to the twins, and asked with a smile: "Are you still used to school life?"

"Charlie, the Quidditch team is going to start practice so early in the morning?" George looked at the other party's dress in disbelief.

"It's just a simple warm-up. After all, no one has touched a ball for the whole summer." Charlie said as a matter of course, "This year, we must win the Quidditch trophy."

Albert, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but shake his head when he heard this. "Young man, you are really too young. Don't you know that you will die quickly if you set a flag?"

"By the way, Charlie, is the team still short of people? Can we join the Quidditch team? George and I can be beaters. You know our level."

"Don't even think about it. You've just entered school and you can't join Quidward until your sophomore year." Charlie said seriously, "If you can pass the assessment next semester, I will allow you to join the team, but not this semester."

"There are always exceptions, right?" The twins winked at their second brother and continued, "First-year students can also join, as long as they perform well enough in Quiet World."

"Who said that!" Charlie Weasley asked back unhappily. Even if he was the captain of Quigley, he couldn't act so recklessly.

After all, the Quidditch captain is responsible for the entire Gryffindor student body. Losing the game is fine, but if he loses badly because of selfish motives, he will definitely not be able to hold his head up in the academy.

The twins suddenly looked at Albert.

"Why are you looking at me?" Albert asked puzzled.

Charlie followed the twins' gaze and looked at Albert. Then he became even more confused. He had no idea what these two weird guys were doing.

"The player selection ended yesterday. You can wait until next year to try to join the team. Well, you can be a substitute for the batsman this year, but don't expect to play in the game." Charlie Weasley coughed lightly, indicating that he would not favor his guys in this regard.

In fact, the batsmen in the team will graduate next year, so early training is a good idea. Charlie is also very clear about the level of George and Fred, at least they have a better foundation than others.

"Then can we also participate in the training?" The twins' eyes were full of excitement that could not be concealed.

"Today... You should be free this afternoon, right?" Charlie thought for a moment and said, "In the afternoon, let me see... Go to the Quidditch field at 4pm, I'll give you a glimpse of the situation first, and don't cause any trouble for me."

"We know." The twins nodded in unison.

Before the bell rang, the four of them left the hall in a hurry and headed for the spell classroom on the fourth floor. Since they had been there once before, they found the spell classroom easily this time.

Gryffindor had their Charms class with Hufflepuff students, and when they walked into the classroom, quite a few students were already there.

Sana and Angelina also arrived early and were sitting at the table in the front row chatting with others.

The good seats in the front row of the classroom were all taken, so the four of them could only choose seats in the back row. Albert didn't care. He sat with Lee Jordan, and the Weasley twins sat next to them.

Professor Flitwick entered the classroom at the second bell. This Charms professor was indeed surprisingly small in stature, and he should have some goblin blood as rumored.

Due to his short height, Flitwick had to stand on a pile of books to reach the desk during class, but no one cared, and no one laughed at his short height.

Of course, everyone will be more or less curious about the professor's height.

Before the class started, Professor Flitwick took out the roster and began to call the roll, which gave Albert an instant sense of calling the roll in college.

In the first period of the Charms class, the short Charms professor showed everyone the magic of Charms by making several books on the table tap dance happily, then jump higher and higher, forming a row in front of everyone, dancing to some rhythm, all that was missing was some beautiful music.

When everyone's attention was attracted by the books dancing in the air, the books returned to their original shape and fell neatly back on the desk in front of Professor Flitwick.

Warm applause broke out immediately. All the students were attracted by this magical scene and couldn't wait to start learning spells.

"If you want to achieve this level, you still need to learn a lot." Professor Flitwick said after the applause. "Now, open the textbook to page 3. You need to master some theories of spells first. This will help you better master and use spells in the future."

Professor Flitwick spent most of the next hour explaining the theory of spells, and after having the students take a lot of complicated and difficult notes, he repeatedly emphasized the importance of how to wave the wand and the correct pronunciation of spells.

While Albert was concentrating on taking notes, he felt Lee Jordan next to him nudging him a few times with his elbow.

"What's wrong?" Albert turned his head helplessly and asked in a low voice.

Lee Jordan pointed to the twins at the next table, who were pointing at Albert's quill.

Needless to say, Albert already knew what they meant.

Those two guys didn't even bring their quills to class. I really admire them.

Albert placed his quill on the table and whispered the copying spell.

"Give me one too." Li Qiaodan said, shaking the back of his head.

"You didn't bring it either, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Li Qiaodan laughed and said, "I'm just afraid of disturbing you while you're taking notes. When you've finished taking notes, just lend me a copy."

Not only did Albert's mouth twitch, but even Angelina and Alia in front of them looked at them with strange eyes.

Of course, Professor Flitwick at the podium also noticed it, but he didn't say much and continued to explain to them some spell theories that were not in the book.