Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 37: Summoning spell


Professor Flitwick had rich teaching experience, and he also knew that most students had limited patience. After teaching the spell theory for a while, he began to teach everyone how to use magic. The first spell the freshmen learned was the Light Spell.

The Luminous Charm is one of the greatest magics invented in the eighteenth century, and it is almost the simplest and most practical of all spells.

"Come on, read it after me, Lumos!" Professor Flitwick said as if he were teaching a kindergartener to read.

"Lumos," they actually chanted.

"Very good, just raise your wand and tap it, then say the Lumos spell." Professor Flitwick gave the class a practical demonstration, and he repeated again: "It is important to remember the way to wave the wand and the correct pronunciation of the spell."

"Well, why not give it a try now?"

The sound of chanting spells was immediately heard in the classroom, and Albert naturally pretended to practice the Glowing Charm. Although he had mastered the Glowing Charm, he couldn't just watch while everyone was practicing. How unsociable that would be!

"Look everyone, Mr. Anderson has succeeded. He has successfully mastered the spell." Professor Flitwick shouted, "Very good, five points for Gryffindor."

Everyone looked over at once. Albert felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by so many people. He turned his head and glared at Lee Jordan who was patting his shoulder hard.

In fact, there are many students who can light up their wands immediately, but they just can't keep it up for too long, and the light on their wands will go out.

The twins and Lee Jordan still hadn't mastered the spell before the end of get out of class, and Diggory managed to light his wand, but it went out shortly afterwards.

Of course, there was still a small accident in the spells classroom. A Hufflepuff student swung his wand hard, and flames came out in front of the wand, setting the robes of the unlucky guy in front of him on fire.

The guy was punished by Professor Flitwick to copy the sentence: I am a wizard, not a baboon waving a stick.

Sana, who had chatted with Albert in the morning, was also in a bad condition. She tried several times but failed. As a result, her wand emitted choking black smoke. It was Professor Flitwick who used magic to roll the black smoke out of the classroom.

"I can't learn it at all." Shanna looked desperate.

"Don't worry, everyone still has time to master this magic." Professor Flitwick comforted the students who failed to light up their wands and continued, "You need to keep your mind calm and concentrate."

Before get out of class ended, Professor Flitwick gave everyone homework.

"Your homework is to practice the glowing spell. In the next class, we will continue to learn this spell and its counter-spell."

Of course, for Albert, his homework was already done.

After class, Albert deliberately stayed at the end of the team. He planned to ask Professor Flitwick some questions.

Well, the magic of how to use a magic wand to conjure an umbrella.

"Mr. Anderson, you used the Copying Charm quite well." Professor Flitwick smiled and looked at the student in front of him. "You are very talented in spells."

"Thank you for your compliment, Professor Flitwick." Albert accepted the compliment with pleasure. "I would like to ask you for advice on a kind of magic."

"What magic?"

"How can I make an umbrella appear from my magic wand?" Albert asked his question. He planned to take this opportunity to learn the magic.

"Produce an umbrella?" Professor Flitwick was puzzled. "Why would you want to produce an umbrella from your wand?"

"Ahem, look, it's been raining for the past two days, and I thought, if I could conjure up an umbrella, I wouldn't have to worry about getting wet!" Albert said seriously.

Professor Flitwick couldn't help laughing. Some people learn spells just to "save trouble", and Mr. Anderson in front of him was undoubtedly such a person.

"Mr. Anderson, do you know what the spell is?" Professor Flitwick asked with a smile.

"A spell is a charm that adds specific properties to an object or creature." Albert read out the spell theory he had just learned in class. In other words, conjuring an umbrella from a magic wand does not belong to the study of spells

"It seems that you have understood." Professor Flitwick nodded and said, "What you said about conjuring an umbrella from a wand is actually a branch of the summoning spell in Transfiguration."

"Summoning spell?" Albert had only heard of the flying spell.

Flitwick raised his wand and conjured a flower out of thin air.

"This is the Summoning Spell. This spell doesn't conjure things out of thin air. No one can conjure things out of thin air." Flitwick handed the unknown flower to Albert and continued, "I just summoned the flower from somewhere."

"Well, I kind of understand it. It's like the Descaling Charm. It just moves things away? It doesn't really disappear, it just disappears from our sight."

"Yes, it seems that you have reviewed the books well." Flitwick was very happy that Albert understood. He added: "The Summoning Spell is owl knowledge, and its counterpart is the Vanishing Spell. The Vanishing Spell is relatively simple. If you want to learn more about this knowledge, I suggest you ask Professor McGonagall. She will definitely be happy that you ask her for this knowledge."

"Of course, if you don't understand spells, you can also come and ask me." Flitwick raised his hand and pointed at the three people waiting at the door. "You still have classes later, don't be late."

"Professor, I have another question."

Professor Flitwick said nothing, waiting for Albert's next words.

"Can we store the light from the Luminous Charm? I mean, be able to use it when we are not adapting to magic." Albert raised his own question. He thought it might be related to the principle of Dumbledore's Deluminator.

"It's an interesting idea. As far as I know, it should be possible, but it's a little difficult for you because it involves a lot of things." Professor Flitwick was surprised that Albert would ask such a question. "I'm curious, why do you have this idea?"

"In the Muggle world, there is something called a flashlight. A flashlight is like a glowing spell. It can turn on or off the light as you wish."

At this point, Albert paused, because he found that a new task appeared on the panel.

Inventor of the magic lamp.

As a young person, you seem to have accidentally touched upon a certain field. Why don’t you carry forward your ideas

Research and create a magic lamp.

Reward: 3000 experience points, Lighting spell level +1, Extinguishing spell level +1, Title: Inventor of Magic Lamp.

After Albert left the classroom, George hurried forward and asked curiously: "What question are you asking Flitwick?"

"What's the problem? How to use a wand to conjure an umbrella, of course."

"What's the result?"

"Professor Flitwick said that is the knowledge of owl transfiguration." Albert was a little depressed. He wondered if he should think of a way to learn the summoning spell.

"It seems that you won't be able to conjure up an umbrella in the short term." Fred couldn't help laughing.

The four of them walked together towards the History of Magic classroom on the second floor.