Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 39: Boring History of Magic


"Well, there is another explanation..." Albert said with a strange expression: "Among Muggles, a group of professional scientists discovered a substance, which is a protein that can catalyze the formation of eggshells, and this protein is only found in the ovaries of chickens. In other words, if there were no chickens, there would be no such protein, and it would be impossible for eggshells to form. The formation of eggshells can protect chicks from being successfully hatched, so their conclusion is that chickens came first and eggs came later."

After these words were spoken, everyone froze, even the young wizards from the Muggle world were no exception.

"I know you don't understand, but the answer that the chicken came first has been verified by someone," Albert explained.

"So..." Katrina asked tentatively, "You think the phoenix came first and then the fire?"

"No, the magic world is different from the Muggle world." Albert shook his head. "The phoenix and fire, I think it should be a cycle. After the phoenix dies, it will be reborn from the ashes. Its life will just cycle forever. I think it is meaningless to explore the starting point of the phoenix."

Katrina raised an eyebrow. Albert's answer wasn't bad.

"Amazing! Even among Ravenclaw students, few can answer the question right the first time." The Ravenclaw boy behind Albert couldn't help but praise him. "By the way, my name is Roger Davis, nice to meet you."

There is no choice but to admit it.

Roger Davis actually faced questions about the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker, but he answered all of them incorrectly.

Most of the freshmen of Ravenclaw cannot pass the questioning of the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker. If they want to enter and exit the common room, they always need to be led by senior students of Ravenclaw, which is very inconvenient.

"I'm curious, why were you sorted into Gryffindor?" Roger Davis asked what everyone was curious about.

"Who knows?"

The conversation ended here, as Professor Binns walked through the blackboard into the History of Magic classroom. This way of entering was really eye-opening.

Ten minutes later, all the students in the classroom looked drowsy.

There is a reason why History of Magic is considered the most boring course. Professor Binns always reads the contents of the book in a monotonous voice, and everyone just writes down important names and dates. Even Ravenclaw students cannot resist this hypnosis.

Albert was the only one who was still alert in the classroom. He had a candy in his mouth.

I am reading a book seriously and occasionally taking notes on another book.

"It's unbelievable that you can resist Professor Binns' hypnosis!" After class, the Weasley twins looked at Albert with admiration, and each put a hand on his shoulder, "Please lend us a copy of your History of Magic notes."

Lee Jordan had already taken the History of Magic from Albert's hand with a smile.

"What do you think?" Albert rolled his eyes. In the History of Magic course, he was trying to do two things at once, reading and taking notes.

To this end, Albert even upgraded his multitasking ability to level 2.

However, it is indeed very useful to use it to get through History of Magic, after all, there are still five years of history classes to take.

"You know what? The rumors about Professor Cuthbert Binns."

"What rumor?" The three people's attention was immediately attracted.

"According to a record in Hogwarts history," Albert whispered, "Professor Binns did not notice that he was dead, at least at the beginning."

"One day, Professor Binns stood up to go to class, but accidentally left his body in an armchair in front of the fire in the staff room. Of course, he was quite old at that time."

"Wow!" The three of them were very surprised. They didn't expect that this professor of magic history would become the history professor of Hogwarts forever.

Before eating, the three of them had copied a copy of History of Magic.

"Do we have classes this afternoon?" George asked. He couldn't wait to take a ride on Charlie's comet.

"There is another class in the afternoon, which is the Transfiguration class." Li Jordan said regretfully.

Albert muttered, "I bet this is the easiest course ever!"

How can it not be easy to have only three classes a day

By the way, the British people, who don’t attach importance to lunch, just eat something casually at this time.

Albert gave up the idea of preparing a sandwich for himself. He hated eating sandwiches all day long. He finished his lunch hastily after drinking some pumpkin juice and a few pieces of stewed potatoes.

The twins planned to take advantage of this time to go out for a walk, but Albert thought they should go after the Transfiguration class, after all, that was when they would have plenty of time and energy. As for the time between lunch and class, Albert planned to go to the castle courtyard to rest and read a book.

The courtyard was full of students, who gathered in groups to chat, or brought their lunch here to eat.

Hogwarts in September is no longer as hot as it was in summer, not to mention that it had just rained yesterday and the breeze brought the coolness of autumn.

"It would be nice if I could conjure up a cushion." Albert sat on the lawn and couldn't help but sigh, "I suddenly feel that it is very important to learn Transfiguration well."

"No, no, this is definitely not a reason to learn Transfiguration well." Li Jordan couldn't help but complain.

"What do you think is in that forest?" Fred suddenly asked while looking at the forbidden forest in the distance.

"Dumbledore said there were werewolves in there."

"And the centaurs."

"There may be other magical creatures," Albert continued. "Perhaps the game ranger will also keep some strange creatures in the forest."

For example, thestrals, eight-eyed spiders, giants...

"By the way, how's your Disillusionment Charm going?" George changed the subject. He had no plans to go to the Forbidden Forest for the time being. They liked adventure and excitement, not seeking death. Besides, werewolves were notorious in the wizarding world and a bite from them would be the end of them.

At present, their biggest concern is when they can start night tours.

"So fast! It's not easy to master the Disillusionment Charm." Albert took out his wand, recited a spell, and tapped lightly on a fallen leaf.

The color of the leaf surface began to change, as if blending into his palm.

"It feels different from what I imagined." Li Qiaodan scratched his head.

"You may not be able to see it from a distance, but actually..." Albert shook his head helplessly and said, "You will notice it immediately if you look closely."

“Kind of like a chameleon.”

"Its principle is similar to the protective color of a chameleon." Albert did not directly use the experience pool to upgrade the Disillusionment Spell. He planned to spend time to slowly explore it on his own. He would feel a sense of accomplishment only when he had mastered it thoroughly.

The learning process is still very important. Only in this way can one feel like studying at Hogwarts. He doesn't want to miss this experience.

Albert was ready to spend two months teaching himself the Disillusionment Charm.