Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 50: On the self-cultivation of actors


"Do you really want to throw it here?"

In a corner of the corridor on the second floor, the Weasley twins were whispering to each other. After yesterday's efforts, Fred had successfully mastered the Unlocking Charm. The next morning, the two couldn't wait to find trouble with Filch, which led to the scene before their eyes.

"Yes, throw it here." George looked up at the end of the corridor and nodded. "Yesterday, William from the third grade threw the dung bomb here. I heard from others that it took Filch a long time to clean up the dung bomb on the ground."

"Okay, remember to cover me later." Fred looked ready to die. He saw Filch coming towards him, so he quietly reached into the paper bag and took out a dung bomb. Just as he was about to talk to George for a few more words, he suddenly found that his twin brother had disappeared.

"Damn it, you run away really fast." Fred took a deep breath, and when Filch passed by, the dung bomb in his hand fell to the ground.

With a puff sound.

A rotten smell spread from the ground, immediately filling most of the corridor. Filch lowered his head, his expression almost twisted together, he suddenly raised his head, looked around like crazy, and his eyes fell on Fred holding the paper bag.

"You nasty little brat, do you know how long I spent cleaning up that dungbomb yesterday?" Filch's face flushed red, his cheek muscles twitched, and he looked like he was about to explode with anger. He reached out and grabbed Fred's hand and raised it up.

Fred's hands were dirty from having just escaped from a dung bomb in a paper bag.

"The evidence is irrefutable. Come with me. This time, I'm going to put you in detention no matter what." Filch grabbed Fred with one hand and prepared to pull him into his office. "I should have persuaded Dumbledore to restore the old-fashioned punishment method. You guys should be hung from the ceiling for a few days, or be whipped to teach you a lesson."

After Fred was captured by Filch, George turned out from another passage. Looking at Fred being taken away by Filch, he swallowed and stared at his paper bag, then quickly followed them.

Fred glanced back and saw George following behind him, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his brother didn't back down, otherwise he would have been caught by Filch in vain.

By the way, there was a stench of rotten eggs under this guy's feet, and he was constantly muttering to vent his inner anger.

It wasn't long before Filch took Fred to his office.

"Don't even think about running away. If you do, you'll end up in trouble." Filch pointed at the chains hanging behind his desk with a gloomy face and whispered, "I oil them occasionally. Who knows, they might come in handy someday. I'll teach you little bastards a lesson. You'll think twice before breaking the school rules again, right?"

Fred paid no attention to Filch's nagging and looked around this place that most students avoided.

He began to look for his goal, the location of the drawer.

Filch took a roll of parchment from the drawer of his desk and spread it out in front of him. Then he picked up his long black quill, dipped it in the inkwell and asked:

"Name..." Filch found that the other party did not answer, so he raised his head fiercely and asked, "Your name."

"Fred Weasley." Fred answered a little casually. He had already found the exact location of the drawer.

"The crime..."

"Using joke props in the hallway."

"You're defiling the castle."

"Punishment and detention..." Before Filch could finish his words, a large dung egg was thrown into the office from outside, and a disgusting smell of rotten eggs instantly filled the entire office.

Filch's face showed a moment of surprise. He threw down his quill and rushed out the door like crazy, trying to catch the guy who dared to provoke him.

"I hope George can buy more time." After Filch chased him out, Fred immediately strode to the filing cabinet, took out his wand, pointed it at a drawer with the words "confiscated materials, highly dangerous" written on it, and gently tapped it, saying: "Aloho Open."

Fred had practiced this spell many times last night. He quickly opened the drawer, grabbed an envelope, put it in his pocket without even looking at it, and then closed the drawer again and returned it to its original position.

Outside the office, Filch's footsteps were approaching. He had already grabbed George and was pulling him into the office by the ear.

"Good, another little bastard." Filch panted, pointing at the traces left by the dung bomb, and said, "I will make you clean up the traces you made. I will keep an eye on you. No one can escape. No one can escape. Now, follow me to see Professor McGonagall."

A few minutes later, Filch knocked on Professor McGonagall's office and told her about the great achievements of the Weasley brothers. The expression on the face of the Gryffindor headmaster immediately fell. Professor McGonagall was in a bad mood because of William's incident yesterday. She didn't expect this kind of thing to happen again today.

"Twenty points from Gryffindor, Mr. Weasley. There will also be detention. I really don't know what you are thinking." Professor McGonagall nodded at Filch. "You will arrange their detention."

"I'll make them realize their mistakes." Filch had a victorious smile on his face and left Professor McGonagall's office with the twins.

"I think you should clean up your mischief before you put them in detention." Filch immediately went to Professor McGonagall's office and looked at the twin brothers with malicious eyes.

Fred and George looked at each other, and one of them muttered, "We have classes in the morning."

"Then I think you need to ask for leave. Follow me." Filch strode towards the first floor of the castle.

The twins had no choice but to follow Filch, and this scene attracted many curious looks and whispers.

Fred turned his head and winked at his brother, indicating that he had succeeded.

George couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Their adventure was not in vain, otherwise they would have really gotten themselves into trouble.

Sure enough, when causing trouble for Filch, he really couldn't be discovered by him.

The two were taken by Filch to the broom closet under a spiral staircase on the first floor of Hogwarts Castle, where Filch took out a bucket, mop and broom and handed them to the twin brothers.

"Well, start mopping the floor." Filch sneered maliciously at the two of them. "It's just right to show everyone what the punishment for being naughty is."