Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 69: Tired players


Sunday morning, the weather was sunny.

Albert sat in the auditorium and ate, humming an unknown tune while putting the cut black pudding into his mouth with a fork.

Sheila flapped her wings and landed between the salad and sugar bowl, placing a thick letter within Albert's reach.

"Thank you for your hard work." Albert moved away several plates of food around him, reached out and stroked Sheila's back, took out a piece of owl nut from his pocket and placed it in front of Sheila, then picked up the envelope and opened it. Inside were letters from Luke, Herb and Daisy, and a letter from Nia. There was also a photo in the envelope. It was Nia blowing bubbles with the Super Bubble Gum.

"What are you looking at?" Alia came over, sat down opposite and asked curiously.

"A letter from home." Albert folded the letter and put it in his pocket. After eating the nuts, Sheila flew back to the Owl Shed to rest.

"By the way, Albert, are you going to the stadium for training this morning?" Angelina also came over and sat down next to Alia, and continued, "Charlie said that there will be Quidditch training this morning. Well, he asked me to tell you that it doesn't matter if you can't become a regular player for the time being, the team also needs substitutes."

"Oh, it seems I have no reason to refuse." Albert nodded and said, "I will go wake up Fred and the others after I finish eating."

"Don't... We're already up." Fred held back a long yawn with his hand and greeted everyone: "Good morning, everyone."

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Albert." Charlie followed George and the other two and greeted him with a smile.

"You don't know, Charlie is simply possessed by the devil. How could he start training so early in the morning?" George secretly made a face at Albert.

Charlie sat down next to him and asked, "Will you go together later?"


"Charlie, it's only seven o'clock now." A sturdy young man couldn't help but complain, "Are you sure we should start training now?"

“The early bird catches the worm.”

"Isn't it good to eat meat?" Lee Jordan sat down on the other side of Albert, put two pieces of fried meat on his plate, took a bite, and muttered, "What's so good about bugs?"

Albert quickly covered his mouth with his hand to prevent the food from spitting out.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" Li Jordan looked at Albert puzzledly, blinked and asked in confusion.


"Ahem, this is Wood, our goalkeeper." Charlie patted a young man beside him and introduced him, "Fred and George, my younger brothers. This is Albert. You didn't see him flying on a broom last time. He is a genius. You will never believe that this is Albert's first time riding a broom. He is so light... so agile..."

Albert turned his head away. Even though it was someone else who was praising him, he felt awkward for some reason, especially when people around him were looking at him.

Angelina was smiling, opening her mouth and saying silently: I didn't expect you to be so awesome!

"Ahem." Albert coughed lightly, interrupted Charlie and asked, "What should we do if we don't have a broom?"

"I've already told Professor Hooch to borrow a few old brooms from the school for you to use." Charlie did not forget to remind him, "Of course, don't expect the brooms to be very useful."

After breakfast, everyone left the castle in groups, walked across the dewy grass and along the grass slope to the stadium.

Along the way, Charlie introduced the old Gryffindor Quidditch players to Albert and the other newcomers.

Gryffindor's Quidditch team consists of six men and one woman. Everyone gets along well with each other. It is said that the two Beaters are a couple.

Charlie pointed to the only girl among the regular players and said, "This is the violent hitter Irene."

Irene was a lovely girl, not as violent as Charlie said. She smiled at everyone and introduced herself: "Mark and I are the batsmen on the team. This is our last year at Hogwarts. And don't listen to what Charlie says. I'm not violent at all."

"Hehe... I haven't forgotten who was the one who used a bat to knock someone off his broom last time. Professor Hooch banned him from the game and caused us to lose the game last semester."

"No, it was just an accident. I used a little more force and accidentally hit his leg..."

"You almost broke someone's bones." Charlie complained weakly, "Otherwise why would Professor Hooch suspend you directly?"

“There’s a big difference between a broken bone and a nearly broken bone,” Irene protested. “Besides, he was the one who tried to knock me off the broom first.”

"Humph." Charlie sneered at this. He didn't forget the conflict between the two of them and continued, "The man next to Irene is her boyfriend, the sinister Mark."

"Hey, Charlie, when did I become sinister?" Mark coughed lightly and reached out to shake hands with Albert. "Don't listen to his nonsense. By the way, the dull Wood next to him is the goalkeeper of the team."

"I'm not dull at all," Wood couldn't help but protest.

"During the second game against Ravenclaw last term, you just stood there stupidly and missed several balls. You were like a piece of wood, and yet you said you were not stupid." Mark cleverly used Wood to divert everyone's attention.

"Ahem, at that time..." Wood coughed lightly and said, "At that time... I was just watching you elbow someone in the face, okay?"

"Was it? Well it was just an accident. Even Professor Hooch thought so."


Several others scoffed at this.

"Well, that guy Kula was so arrogant, he looked like he was going to defeat us," Mark said with an unhappy face. "Besides, he was only slightly injured from the fall at that height. I remember the last time the Slytherin Beater was even worse, he hit the Hufflepuff Seeker with a stick and made his nose bleed, and the bastard was only given a light warning."

Albert seemed a little confused. Is this still the Quidditch I know

This is actually violent Quidditch!

"Charlie, has anyone ever died in Quidditch?" Albert asked cautiously.

"Basically none. At most they are seriously injured, and usually they can get timely treatment." Charlie realized that something was wrong and quickly changed the subject: "And then, these are our three chasers, Mario, Danny, and Jack."

"It's the acrobatic trio," Erin added.

“Don’t call us the Acrobatic Trio.” The three complained in unison, “Also, don’t think we can’t hear what you’re saying.”

"If you guys hadn't caused trouble, our chances of winning last semester would have increased by at least 20%." Charlie felt a little tired. He had just taken over the position of Quidditch captain, and he really hoped to achieve some results.