Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 70: Quidditch training


"Their biggest wish is to form their own circus and then tour around the world." Mark smiled as he introduced Mario, Danny and Jack to Albert and the others, explaining why they were called the acrobatic trio.

"This is a very good ideal." Albert looked at the three people curiously, then raised his hand and made a ball-throwing gesture towards them.

"This is easy, look!" Mario got a few small balls with cloth strips from somewhere and threw them as he walked. The small balls moved up and down like swimming fish, forming a circle. This was much more pleasing to the eye than the Muggle way of throwing the ball.

"Very cool." Several people stopped to watch Mario's performance and couldn't help but applaud.

"That's enough for you guys." Charlie shouted at them, "Go to the stadium first."

Mario grinned at Charlie, threw all the balls into the air, then opened the pockets of his robe and let all the balls fall into his pockets.

This move once again brought him applause.

At Charlie's stern urging, everyone trotted into the Quidditch field. They first went to the locker room next to the field and changed into the protective gear they would use in the game, which felt a bit like the protective gear used when roller skating. The training Charlie arranged for Albert was flying, to adapt to flying on a broomstick.

After all, Albert had just started using a broom and needed to get familiar with using it to fly in the sky.

Most pure-blood wizards start flying broomsticks when they are young. George and Fred are the best examples. They both fly broomsticks very well.

In fact, it's not just Albert, all the newcomers need to learn how to fly, adapt to flying first, and train their reaction speed when riding on a broom.

Albert looked at the broom that was given to him. It was old and torn, with some twigs sticking out of it. It was obvious that it had not been well maintained.

He stepped onto his broom and waited for Charlie's instructions.

"Let's fly around the court and get airborne!"

Charlie took the lead and began to fly around the court.

After Albert was airborne, he found that his broom was a bit like an old bicycle. Not only did it fly very slowly, it was also difficult to control.

However, Charlie was flying neither too fast nor too slow, so it was no problem for him to keep up with the team. The only one who fell behind was Lee Jordan. After all, he had only been on a broom a few times and was a complete rookie. Although his broom riding skills were considered very good among rookies, the problem was that he had Albert to compare with!

There is no harm without comparison!

This shows that Li Jordan cannot keep up with the team's flying rhythm.

“Nice flight.”

After flying five laps around the court and finishing the warm-up, everyone else was generous with their praise. You have to know that Albert is only a freshman, and the fact that he can keep up with their pace shows that he has a certain foundation in flying.

Moreover, everyone noticed that Albert flew very steadily and turned very skillfully. He really didn't look like someone who had never ridden a broom before.

After this circling flight, it is not difficult to understand why Charlie is optimistic about Albert.

After the flight around the court, the regular players began training, while the newcomers had to continue training their flying abilities. However, this time the difficulty was slightly increased, and two Bludgers were released from the box by Charlie. The Weasley twins' task was to hold the bats and stand by Albert's team, flying with the team while preventing the Bludgers from attacking Albert and the others.

Of course, this is actually a simple training for batsmen, and their task is to protect their teammates with the bat in their hands.

Of course, after releasing the Bludgers, everyone has to be vigilant to avoid being hit by them, and the pressure suddenly increases a lot, but as a qualified Quidditch player, adapting to these pressures is a process that must be experienced.

Fortunately, the Bludgers didn't often cause them trouble, and George and Fred were able to knock the attacking Bludgers away effectively.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Halfway through the flight, Li Jordan suddenly descended. Albert, who was leading the circle, also noticed it. He lowered his body and quickly landed next to Li Jordan.

"Nothing, I suddenly found that I couldn't keep up with everyone else's progress, so I decided to give up." Lee Jordan saw clearly that Fred and George had been exposed to brooms for a long time and flew better than most people. Albert had been exposed to brooms at the same time as himself, but there was a reason why Charlie called him a genius. He had mastered flying very skillfully after just a few times. Although Angelina didn't fly as well as the other three, she also flew very well, and she was also practicing hard.

What about yourself

Li Jordan didn't think he was a bad flyer, but he knew he couldn't keep up with the four of them. He also didn't forget what Albert said, it's impossible for all the people in a dormitory to be Quidditch players... that would make people hate him.

"I'm planning to quit," said Lee Jordan.

"Actually!" Albert reached out and patted Li Jordan on the shoulder and said, "I never expected to become a regular player. Do you know why I stay here?"

"Why?" Li Qiaodan asked stupidly.

"Because the game is fun only when everyone plays together." Albert raised his head and smiled at the three people who were descending behind him. "Just think of it as accompanying them in training. Besides, I actually quite like the feeling of flying. This has nothing to do with whether or not I participate in Quidditch games."

"You should like this feeling too." Albert smiled at Li Jordan and said, "Okay, let's continue!"

"The feeling of flying?" Lee Jordan murmured. It was undeniable that Albert was right. He really liked the feeling of flying on a broom. This was also one of the charms of Quidditch.

The flight practice continued. Albert didn't know how long he had been flying, but around the fifteenth lap, he began to let himself go.

Try to make the broom fly faster and challenge yourself to perform some more difficult moves.

Unfortunately, if this broken broom flew too fast, it would start to tremble, as if it might disintegrate at any moment.

"It seems... broken?" Albert found that even after slowing down, the old flying broom was still shaking. Did he break it

He landed on the ground without hesitation. If the broom was broken, it would not be fun to fall from it. He had not yet learned the shock-absorbing spell.

"What's wrong?" George asked puzzled.

"My broom is shaking and feels like it's going to break." Albert said helplessly.

"Maybe the broom is too old. My broom will tremble when I fly too high." Fred looked at George helplessly.

"Mine will be slightly to the left." George also said something about the broom.

"I won't fly for now," Albert said. "I plan to take a look at that first."

He pointed to the book "The Origins of Quidditch" in the locker room, which Charlie had specially borrowed for a few people to read. In Charlie's words, as a Quidditch fan, how could he not have read this book