Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 87: What a shame for alchemy


"Does Mars have no satellites?" Fred was doing his homework. Not long ago, he found that he had forgotten his astronomy homework and now he had to rush to do one.

"Mars has two satellites, but they are relatively small." Albert answered Fred's question while flipping through the book: "The closer you are to the sun, the less likely it is to form satellites. Mercury and Venus don't have satellites."

"Then... Mercury and Venus, which one is closer to the sun?" Fred continued to ask.

"Mercury is closer to the sun."

"Finally caught up. Help me check where the mistake is." A few minutes later, Fred stretched and handed the parchment across the table to Albert.

The homework for the astronomy class is to draw a map of the solar system. The map needs to show the major planets in detail, and also needs to mark the names of the planets and the number of satellites.

Albert glanced at the star map on the parchment and saw the problem with Fred's homework. He reminded him, "The positions of Saturn and Jupiter are wrong."

Fred took the parchment and changed the positions of Saturn and Jupiter.

After finishing his homework, Fred stretched, turned his head and looked at George next to him and asked, "Are you done?"

George said as a matter of course: "It was done a long time ago."

Fred pretended to be angry and said, "Traitor, you actually did your homework secretly without telling me."

"I asked you to do it, but you didn't do it. Who can you blame?" George rolled his eyes at Fred. "I still remember what you said..."

"When you're done, lend it to me to copy." Li Qiaodan said with a grin.

"Yes, that's what you said at the time."

"You didn't even lend it to me to copy."

"You didn't say you wanted to copy!"

The twins started their daily bickering again. In fact, they were just too bored. If they were very busy, they would not have time for such things.

"What book are you reading?" Li Jordan asked curiously. He was doing today's homework. They always had the habit of doing homework with Albert. The advantage was that they could ask questions immediately if they had any, and usually they could get answers, which was much faster than doing homework alone.

"Alchemy for Dummies." Albert turned the book over and showed the cover to the other person. This book was "Simple Alchemy" introduced by Professor Broad.

"There doesn't seem to be any alchemy in school." Angelina walked over here, holding a monocular telescope that would be used in astronomy class, and stood behind Albert and asked, "By the way, when are you going to the astronomy tower? Class time is almost up."

"Wait another ten minutes." Albert took out his pocket watch. "I don't want to stay in the tower and get blown by the wind."

He put the pocket watch aside and continued to flip through the book in his hand. Unfortunately, this book was a bit thin, and even if he finished reading it, it couldn't be counted as one of the hundred books.

The author of "Simple Alchemy" is Zuko.

Yes, that's the Zonko from Zonko's Joke Shop in Hogsmeade.

To be honest, Albert was a little surprised when he first saw the name of the author of this book.

Of course, it is not difficult to guess what the content of the book written by the owner of the joke shop would be.

This book actually tells us about the relationship between spells and alchemy.

The invisibility cloak that originally sounded so high-end becomes a cloak that casts an eye-catching spell in this book.

That’s right, this thing becomes a so-called alchemical tool.

The Spell of Disguise can disguise an object so that it appears to be just an inconspicuous stone on the roadside, or something else.

However, in the eyes of some wizards, using an illusion spell on a cloak is undoubtedly unnecessary, and they can use it on themselves.

Albert flipped through it and actually found the method of making the amulet.

However, the book does not describe using the guardian tree to make amulets, but using an expelling spell.

This amulet created by this spell can repel some dark creatures, but it will also bring trouble to the wearer.

When you carry this amulet with you, it is very difficult to receive owl mails, and the repelling spell on the amulet will also repel owls.

Usually, wizards who use this method to make amulets usually have a very ordinary level of spell application and cannot make further use of the exorcism spell.

"Simple Alchemy" also records the methods of making some prank props. However, these weird things are not welcomed by most alchemists.

After reading the whole book, Albert felt only one word: speechless.

The most shameful thing is that at the end of this book, there is a record of an alchemical item called the Garlic Cross that claims to be able to drive away vampires.

When Albert saw the name, he almost burst out laughing.

It's almost the same as the name, it uses the principle that vampires hate garlic to create a cross that smells like garlic.

The simple method of making garlic crosses is as follows:

Make a wooden cross, use alcohol to extract garlic, mix the extracted liquid with beeswax or essential oil in a hot water bath, and apply the mixture thoroughly on the cross to make the cross full of garlic flavor...

There's something inexplicably funny about carrying a garlic-smelling cross with you.

Well, this book is a disgrace to alchemy!

"Is alchemy interesting?" Fred asked curiously.

"Interesting? No, alchemy is not interesting, but this book is interesting." Albert closed the book, handed it to Fred and said, "After reading this book, my understanding of alchemy has changed a lot."

"Let me see..." Fred flipped through a few pages and said regretfully, "This book is still too advanced for us. We can't understand it at all."

"If there was alchemy, it should be an elective course for third years. Unfortunately, Hogwarts doesn't have it." Fred said regretfully.

"Let me see." George took the book and suddenly screamed, scaring the people around him.

"What are you yelling about?" Lee Jordan glared at George unhappily.

"Look, you definitely didn't find out who the author of this book is."


"Zokko." George was already deeply attracted by the method of making joke props above.

"Zokko from Zokko's Joke Shop." Several people asked curiously.

"Yes, that's him." Albert ignored George's resentful look and stuffed the book into his bag. "Let's go. It's almost time. If you are interested, there is still a lot of time. Anyway, the book is there."

"By the way, why are you interested in this?" George asked curiously while climbing the spiral staircase.

"I happened to talk about Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Broad, and he suggested that I read this book, so I borrowed it." Albert looked helpless: "But I didn't expect that the content of this book was indeed a bit beyond my expectations."

After reading "Simple Alchemy", Albert's understanding of alchemy was distorted. Can the things in the book really be considered alchemy

In this regard, Albert reserved his doubts.