Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 89: Planting garlic


Ever since Albert showed his talent in potions, Snape never bothered him again, or rather, simply ignored him completely.

In the morning, after the Potions class, Albert and George took advantage of the free time before lunch to go to the library, returned the book "Simple Alchemy", and then borrowed a book on alchemy.

The book was called Extractions, Separations and Potions.

Albert originally thought that this book was related to potions, but after reading the contents of the book, he was shocked to find that it was a book on alchemy, and the content introduced the relationship between alchemy and potions.

Although Alchemy is not the same as Alchemy, the two still have a great connection and some overlap.

Some potion raw materials need to be processed through alchemical methods, and some potions are even obtained directly through alchemical methods.

At present, the most representative one is white fresh flavor.

White fresh essence is something that is directly obtained by extracting a herb called white fresh. It is an effective medicine for healing wounds. Using white fresh essence to heal wounds is far more effective than using white fresh directly or using it to prepare potions.

In the book "Extraction, Separation and Potions", there is a detailed record of how to extract Dictamni, which reminded him of the making of Garlic Cross in "Simple Alchemy"... Ahem, Albert quickly shook off the weird idea in his head and put his thoughts back to the description of extracting Dictamni essence in the book.

Fred and Lee Jordan went to the kitchen and returned empty-handed. They sat listlessly on the chairs beside George and spread their hands helplessly towards him.

As Albert expected, the two found nothing, as the house-elves did not allow them to take the garlic from the kitchen.

This means that the twins' plan has failed before it even began.

"I have warned you a long time ago." Albert looked at the three discouraged people and suggested: "Maybe you can send a letter to your family and ask them to send you some garlic.

"Are you crazy?" Fred looked at Albert in disbelief, his voice rising a few notes, "If we dare to do this, we will be beaten with a broom when we return from Christmas vacation."

"No, I think Mom might ask you not to come to school and just stay at home and continue growing garlic." George couldn't help but complain.

Getting garlic from home is simply not an option, even for Defense Against the Dark Arts research.

"Do you have any good ideas?" The three of them looked at Albert, with hope in their eyes, as if that was their only hope.

"Give up!" Albert spread his hands and said, "Of course, if you really don't want to give up, I suggest you go to Diagon Alley to mail order some garlic."

The three of them immediately wilted when they heard this. If they had Garen, would they still need to worry about this

"So, let's just give up." Albert flipped through the books in his hand and said indifferently, "Whether it's potions or alchemy, they're all money-burning stuff."

"What happened to the three of them?" Shanna asked, glancing at the three listless people.

"Nothing, just a little depressed. Don't pay attention to them for now." Albert said.

"Don't bother with us unless you can get us some garlic," George waved at Sana.

Sana looked puzzled, so she ignored the twins and talked to Albert about the homework for today's Potions class. She asked him when he would be free to go to the library together to finish the paper on Aconitum.

The difficulty of most papers lies in finding information. It will be faster if more people work together to find information. As for how to piece together the found information into a paper, it depends on each person's writing skills.

Albert pulled out the homework sheet from his bag, agreed on a time with Sana, and then turned his attention back to the book.

To be honest, Albert hoped to find the method of making developing potions and photographs of the magical world from the book "Extractions, Separations and Potions".

In Albert's opinion, the magic photos were undoubtedly related to alchemy, and fortunately, he actually found some information about this in the catalog.

Just as Albert was looking for the formula and correct usage of the developing potion, he suddenly discovered that a new panel task had been activated.

Magic photos that move.

You have discovered the secret of moving magic photos and tried to learn how to make magic photos. Why not give it a try

Create three magic photos.

Reward: 500 experience points, gain skill Alchemy.

Until the end of lunch, Albert was still thinking about whether he should take the time to prepare the developing potion and try it out. The task did not give much experience, but it would be nice if he could directly gain alchemy skills. After all, the magic lamp task required the alchemy skills to be activated.

Just as he passed the hallway, Albert suddenly heard someone calling him. He turned his head and looked at the three people and asked, "What's the matter? I didn't hear it clearly just now."

"We plan to try our luck in the next village." The three seemed to have come up with a conclusion, which was to go to Hogsmeade to see if they could get some garlic, and then bring it back to grow themselves.

"Oh, then good luck to you." Albert patted Fred on the shoulder and said, "In fact, Hagrid must have it if you want..."

"What's going on?" a sudden voice asked.

"Nothing?" Fred couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. They were not familiar with Hagrid, so they didn't intend to disturb him in this regard.

Even if he had said that he would borrow Hagrid's vegetable garden to plant garlic, it was just a joke. Hogwarts is so big that it is not difficult to find a place to secretly turn the soil and plant some garlic.

"Garlic, we want to study whether garlic can resist dark creatures." Albert changed the subject and asked, "What's the matter? It's rare to see you enter the castle."

"I have something to ask Dumbledore." Hagrid looked at them suspiciously and walked towards the principal's office. Before leaving, he turned around and said, "If you need garlic, I can provide you with some."

The three of them looked at Hagrid's departing back and looked at each other. They didn't expect that they were still racking their brains, thinking about how to get garlic.

Albert solved the problem for them with just a few words.

"Isn't this a bad idea?" George said.

"Hagrid often cooks for himself, and he has a vegetable garden, so he must have no shortage of garlic." Albert glanced at the embarrassed three people and said, "This Christmas, just help me think of a Christmas present for him!"


Several people nodded and said they would help with ideas during Christmas.

"But I need to remind you that that amount of garlic is not enough," Albert said. "Take some time to grow it yourself. It's easy to grow garlic anyway."

This was originally their plan. As for where to plant them, the three of them had actually thought about it. It was not in Hagrid's vegetable garden, but at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, farther away from Hagrid's hut.

After listening to the three people's plan, Albert fell silent.

Actually, if you want to grow some garlic, you can just get a vase and grow it yourself. As for fertilizer, aren't the ashes in the fireplace the best fertilizer

However, Albert had no intention of reminding the three of them. Let them deal with this matter on their own!