Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 90: Benefited a lot


The weekend is undoubtedly a good day for students living at Hogwarts.

On weekends, no one has to worry about being late for class, and they can sleep until they wake up naturally. After waking up, they don’t need to think about problems encountered in class. They can have a good time and relax from the stress accumulated during the week, allowing students to take a break from their busy study careers.

Early in the morning, the Weasley brothers' beds were already empty. They got up early and went out, planning to plant garlic in an open space on the edge of the Forbidden Forest where sunlight could reach.

This was a location they had found with great effort. It was sparsely populated and they didn't have to worry about being discovered.

Honestly, Albert couldn't understand what Fred and George were thinking. Did they really spend so much time and energy growing garlic just to make that ridiculous amulet


Anyway, they both have unique ideas, so nothing they do is strange.

Fred and George came back before Albert finished breakfast. Their robes and hands were covered with mud. They hurried to the bathroom to wash them and then talked to him about growing garlic.

Listening to the two people's endless chatter, Albert had actually wanted to complain in his heart for a long time. Didn't they have the concept of planting garlic in pots

Albert politely declined Lee Jordan's invitation to go to the Quidditch field for training. As soon as the hand of his pocket watch reached ten o'clock, he reached out and knocked on the wooden door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts Office on the second floor of the castle.

By the way, the last time I entered Professor McGonagall’s office, I took down the wooden door of her office

At that time, they were not punished by Professor McGonagall. Thinking about it now, it’s a bit unbelievable!

The wooden door was opened from the inside. Professor Badbrod looked at Albert standing outside the door and invited him into his office with a smile: "It's just ten o'clock. You're really punctual!"

"I hope I didn't disturb you." Albert walked into Professor Brod's office and looked around the extremely comfortable room. There were several soft sofas and bronze carpets underfoot. There were several bookshelves neatly placed along the walls, filled with all kinds of books, and the number must be over a hundred. There were blue silk curtains hanging by the windows, and looking out from the windows, you could see the courtyard of the castle. Now, some students were walking, chatting, and basking in the sun in the courtyard.

"What would you like to drink?" Brod asked.

"Milk tea." Albert asked curiously, "Professor, excuse me, are you a graduate of Ravenclaw?"

"Yes, that's not hard to guess, right." Brod winked at Albert. He raised his wand and tapped the empty teacup in front of the two of them. The cup immediately exuded the fragrant smell of milk tea.

Albert put a few sugars in his milk tea and stirred it slowly with a spoon. After a while, he picked up the teacup and took a sip. "I heard that Ravenclaw's eagle-shaped bronze door knocker is very interesting."

"Yes." Professor Brod nodded, "As long as you can answer the questions on the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker, the Ravenclaw common room will be open to you."

Albert smiled but said nothing, shaking his head imperceptibly.

Although Professor Brod said so, he did not think that Ravenclaw students would welcome a stranger into their common room.

People are always xenophobic, and if students from other houses run into the Gryffindor common room, the consequences are not difficult to guess.

Professor Brod pointed to the dessert on the table and said, "Freshly baked pumpkin pie, maybe you'd like it."

"I like pumpkin pie, too. It tastes great when eaten hot!" Albert took a piece of pumpkin pie that was still steaming, and talked about the book he had read a while ago: "By the way, professor, I just finished reading Simple Alchemy. The feeling that book gave me... is very special."

He organized his words a little, hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "It's hard to imagine that what is described in that book is the so-called alchemy. Do you know anything about it?"

"I don't pretend to be an expert in alchemy. On the contrary, my knowledge of alchemy is limited to what I have read in books." Professor Broad shook his head and said, "I don't think you came here today to discuss alchemy with me, right?"

Albert knew that he should end the topic of alchemy, so he turned the topic to "Dark Power: A Guide to Self-Defense", talked about some of the doubts he had after reading the book, and mentioned the spells described in the book.

"I'm glad you talked about this topic." Professor Brod said happily, "Yes, that's right. As you can see, there are indeed not many useful defensive spells recorded in "Dark Powers: A Guide to Self-Defense". But do you know why this book has become a must-have book for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class?"

"I know." Albert nodded and said, "This book can help us understand the dark creatures that exist in this world, and teach us how to deal with them when we encounter them."

"Yes, you are right. In fact, this book is indeed not enough for a talented student like you." Professor Brod put down his teacup and said, "However, the Ministry of Magic does not like to let students come into contact with moderately offensive spells."

"Yes, it's not hard to see." Albert picked up another piece of pumpkin pie, took a bite, and continued, "If I want to learn more about Defense Against the Dark Arts, I wonder if you have any good suggestions."

"I recommend you read the book 'Practical Defensive Magic and Its Control over Dark Magic'." Professor Brod took a book from the bookshelf and handed it to Albert, saying, "However, this set of books is a bit expensive and the school library doesn't have it yet. If you want to read it, I can lend it to you."

"Oh, what a coincidence! I just happened to buy this set of books. I think the Armor Charm and Disarming Charm are quite useful." Albert quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe his greasy palms, and reached out to take the book handed over by Professor Broad. "Of course, the Stunning Charm and Obstacle Charm are also good. Unfortunately, I don't know much about removing the curse."

"No, no, Mr. Anderson, it's already amazing that you can master so many spells in a short time." Professor Broad's surprise flashed across his eyes, and he asked with a smile, "I heard that Professor McGonagall is very optimistic about your attainments in the Transfiguration Spell."

"I think I have a pretty good talent for magic, and if I practice magic well, my speed won't be too slow." Albert thought for a moment and said, "It never hurts to learn more. Maybe it will come in handy in the future."

"Being greedy for knowledge is not a fault." Professor Brod suddenly showed an exaggerated expression, "Merlin's beard, to be honest, you are more like Ravenclaw than Ravenclaw. The Sorting Hat must have let you choose!"

"Yes, the Sorting Hat thinks I am suitable for all the other houses except Slytherin." Albert blinked and said, "Actually, I don't have any particular prejudice against other houses, but because I met my current friends on the train, I chose to go to Gryffindor."

"Yes, yes, it is a good thing to be free of prejudice. It is difficult for many people to do this." Professor Broad's eyes showed an appreciative smile.

"One day, when you finish learning Practical Defensive Magic and Its Control over Dark Magic, your level of defense against the dark arts will be able to reach the level of Owl." Professor Brod said to Albert with regret: "Because this course was cursed by a wizard, the obviously important defense against the dark arts course has become dispensable. Most students are not good at this aspect."

"Professor, is the person who cursed the Defense Against the Dark Arts class still alive?"

"I'm afraid so." Professor Brod nodded. "Otherwise, Dumbledore would have tried every possible way to lift the curse. After all, it would be quite tiring to find a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor every year."

"I heard from my roommate that the Ministry of Magic has a profession called Auror, and they are all experts in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Why doesn't Headmaster Dumbledore invite Aurors to teach students?" Albert asked curiously.

To be honest, this was also Albert's doubt in his previous life. Retired Aurors are undoubtedly very suitable to become professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts. They have rich experience, and just a little bit of experience can benefit the students of the school.

"Many people are afraid." Professor Broad blinked. Albert patted his chest and guaranteed that he saw contempt in Professor Broad's eyes just now.


"They think this profession is unlucky and are afraid of curses. Very few professors can leave this position safely." Professor Brod did not worry about his safety at all because of his position. "Besides, the Ministry of Magic is actually not very willing to see this happen."

"Professor, I have another question." Albert said again.

"What's the problem?"

"Has Headmaster Dumbledore ever thought about... stopping the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, choosing a new course, or even renaming it?" Albert said what he thought in his previous life. Since Voldemort had cursed the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, as long as the class disappeared, the curse might disappear as well.

As for the name of the class, you can change it to defense class, self-defense class, etc. It's just a name.

Professor Broad laughed, and laughed happily, as if he had heard something interesting.

"What you said makes sense. Defense Against the Dark Arts is just a name after all. It's not impossible to abandon it when necessary." Professor Broad nodded in agreement with Albert's point of view. "I think Dumbledore should have thought about this, but the wizard who cursed the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is not dead yet. After abandoning this name, maybe he will curse the new class again."

Although this explanation was reasonable, Albert felt that it was an excuse. However, he did not ask any more questions and ended the topic.

"If you learn the spells in 'Practical Defensive Magic and Its Control of Dark Magic', you can borrow 'Defense and Deterrence Spells' from the library. This book introduces many powerful defensive spells, which should satisfy you." Professor Brod continued, "However, there are some things you need to know. What you see is only the surface of magic. The magic of magic lies in the fact that it will undergo some subtle changes with your imagination. Powerful spells do not represent everything. Sometimes a small spell can easily solve the problem."

While Albert was still pondering the meaning of this sentence, he heard Professor Broad say, "Well, lunch time is coming, you'd better not miss it. It's a pleasure to chat with you. Most students are in awe of professors, and it's difficult for them to sit down and have a good chat like you and I."

"I have benefited a lot from it, and I look forward to our next chat." Albert nodded slightly to Professor Broad, then turned and left the Defense Against the Dark Arts Office.