Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 92: Searching for the crown


After several days of rainy weather, the sky finally cleared up and the temperature around the castle began to drop sharply. The Scottish winter arrived without warning.

In the dormitory, Fred, holding a small kettle and humming a little tune, was standing by the window, watering the garlic sprouts sprouting in the pots.

After everyone's careful care, the garlic finally sprouted in the flowerpot and has now grown to the height of a thumb.

"I don't understand, back then..." George was putting on a hand-knitted sweater, and he couldn't help but complain, "Back then, why didn't we think of planting garlic in pots?"

"Don't water and fertilize the garlic sprouts in the flowerpot all day long, or you'll kill them." Albert was buttoning up his robe, and reminded her, "Today is a rare good day, don't forget to take the flowerpot outside and let it get some sun. Plants won't live long without sun."

The weather is getting colder and colder now. It has been raining on and off throughout October. The weather is very bad and sunny days are rare.

The pot of garlic in the dormitory has almost no chance to be exposed to the sun. From the time it sprouted to now, the number of times it has been taken out to bask in the sun can be counted on one hand.

"What the hell are you doing?"

When they passed through the front hall, they were stopped by Filch.

"There's no rule against growing potted plants at Hogwarts, right?" Fred pointed to the flowerpot in his hand and said, "I don't think this should violate school rules, right?"

"This is grass. Do you think I'm blind?" Filch said, pointing at the garlic seedlings in the pot.

"Ahem, garlic was a weed not long before people discovered that it was edible." Albert raised his eyebrows and reminded: "Besides, it's not a dangerous plant."

"Hmph, you'd better not let me find out what you're doing behind my back." Filch glared at the four of them, then turned and walked away holding his cat.

"That guy is so annoying." George made a rude gesture towards Filch's receding back.

"You can wait until the garlic is planted and give him a few. Cats hate the pungent smell of garlic." The expression on Albert's face became very strange, as if he had thought of a bad idea.

During the meal, the senior students around were discussing Hogsmeade. Charlie also stopped the weekend devil training and gave the Quidditch players a holiday.

Percy was sitting not far from them, chattering with others about interesting things in Hogsmeade village.

No one knew that Albert and his group had already sneaked into Hogsmeade through a secret passage.

At nine o'clock in the morning, students planning to go to Hogsmeade began to gather in the entrance hall.

Filch stood in the middle of the gate, holding a long list, checking the names of the students going to Hogsmeade one by one. His wrinkled old face tried hard to read the list, and after reading each name, he would look at the other person's face with suspicion, guarding against any lower grade students taking the opportunity to sneak out.

The four of them returned to the common room, which was now mostly empty except for first and second year students. They were all very happy that no one was competing with them for the comfortable seats.

Of course, there were a few older students who had obviously been to Hogsmeade many times and no longer felt new about it.

"Still working on my homework?" George asked. "I'm still an inch away from my Transfiguration paper."

"I'm done," Albert said, patting George on the shoulder. "Keep yourselves busy. I'm going to go for a walk and take some photos."

As he spoke, he raised the camera in his hand and asked, "Anyone want to go with us?"

"I'd better give up!" Fred was a little depressed. He simply couldn't believe how Albert could complete the pile of homework assigned by the professors that he would never finish.

The others also shook their heads. They had not yet finished their Transfiguration papers, which were due next Monday. If they could not hand them in on time, they might be put in detention by Professor McGonagall.

Moreover, several of them have not yet mastered the levitation spell in the magic school, and they need to spend time practicing the spell.

"Forget it, I'll go by myself." Albert's roommates' answers were exactly what he expected.

"Let us borrow your homework... and learn from it!" Li Jordan said before Albert turned and left.

"Don't think about it. Do you think Professor McGonagall can't see it? Be careful or she will put you in detention." Albert waved at a few people, turned around and disappeared at the entrance of the lounge.

Today, Hogwarts Castle was mostly empty, with most of the senior students visiting Hogsmeade and the freshmen enjoying the exclusive use of the common room.

This was a good opportunity for Albert. He came to the tapestry on the eighth floor of the castle, where the giant beating Barnabas to death with a stick, raised his camera and took a picture of the tapestry. After looking around to see if there was anyone around, he closed his eyes and began to pace back and forth in front of the wall opposite the tapestry:

I need a place to hide my stuff… I need a place to hide my stuff… I need a place to hide my stuff…

When Albert walked past the empty wall for the third time, the pattern of a gate began to appear on the wall, and the door of the Room of Requirement opened for Albert again.

After making sure that there was no one around, he pushed the door open and walked in.

On the other side of the door was a spacious place like an auditorium. The windows above the room cast sunlight onto the hills of discarded furniture. It was not difficult to see that these hills were made up of items used by successive generations of Hogwarts students or professors.

"Success." Albert raised his hand and made a yes gesture. Even though he knew he could find this place, he couldn't help but feel a little excited when he actually entered the room where items were stored.

There's no way around it, since Voldemort's Horcrux is hidden somewhere here.

To find the Ravenclaw's crown, this is why Albert came here.

The protagonist of every Harry Potter fan fiction will try to enter the Room of Requirement to find Voldemort's Horcruxes, and regard the great task of destroying the Dark Lord as their own responsibility.

Well, the protagonist of Albert’s fan fiction in his previous life is no exception.

However, Albert did not intend to endow himself with such noble sentiments. It was obviously not something a rational person would do to fight to the death with the "noseless monster" with questionable IQ.

Besides, defeating the Dark Lord is the job of the savior Potter.

It's not fair to steal the limelight from the protagonist.

Moreover, the savior Potter is born with the aura of a protagonist. Dangerous things naturally require him to be at the forefront. Even when encountering life-and-death crisis, he can withstand it with the aura of the protagonist. He is not called "The Boy Who Lived" for nothing.

However, Voldemort is ultimately a problem that needs to be dealt with.

In Albert's eyes, the final boss was just a trouble. He didn't mind helping out from behind and adding fuel to the fire, so that the guy nicknamed "the noseless monster" could die faster.

The premise is that the death of the big boss in the Harry Potter novel can bring him enough benefits.

In fact, Albert never doubted it.

After all, he is a big boss after all, and you can extract enough benefits from him through the panel no matter what.