Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 96: Hot-Blooded Quidditch (1)


After entering November, snowflakes began to fall from the gray sky and the weather became extremely cold.

When Albert woke up from his dream, he found that the woods around the castle were covered with white snow, and the Black Lake was frozen into a layer of hard ice.

Everyone said that winter came particularly early this year, but Albert himself didn't care much about the weather changes. Before the temperature dropped, he had wrapped himself tightly with woolen clothes and scarves, and even went to Professor Flitwick to learn how to use the drying spell. He was fully prepared for the winter.

There's something more important than the cold weather that deserves everyone's attention: the start of Quidditch season at Hogwarts.

Every morning, Albert could see Hagrid holding a broom, clearing the road to the Quidditch field for everyone in the wind and snow to prevent the snow from completely covering the road.

Charlie, the captain of Gryffindor Quidditch, also entered a period of excitement at this time. He would seize the time in every training session to explain the tactical cooperation to everyone.

George and Fred escaped because they were not official players. They also told Albert that Charlie, when he got into the situation, was as strict as if he was possessed by the devil.

Fortunately, in recent training sessions, informal players have not been required to participate.

The first match was between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Charlie announced the result of the draw to everyone at the dining table. The match would be held this weekend.

All Gryffindor students hope to defeat Slytherin and win the Quidditch match. Professor McGonagall also exempts everyone from homework before the game, which shows the dean's desire for victory and love for Quidditch.

In fact, there is another more important reason why everyone is eager for a victory. Gryffindor is currently at the bottom of the House Cup points, and they urgently need to gain points through a Quidditch victory to reverse the embarrassing situation of being at the bottom.

If Gryffindor wins, they will surpass Hufflepuff in house points, move up to third place, and approach second place Ravenclaw.

However, the strangest thing is that Hufflepuff students also hope that Gryffindor can defeat Slytherin, and Ravenclaw students also support Gryffindor, which shows how unpopular Slytherin is in Hogwarts.

The weather was unusually cold over the weekend, with sleet and rain floating in the sky.

Albert stayed in his bed and took a nap, refusing to get up. Finally, Fred and George, who were full of excitement, lifted the sheets and pulled him out of the warm bed.

"It's so cold! I don't want to go outside to watch the game in this weather!" Albert wrapped himself in thick clothes as quickly as possible and hurriedly used a drying spell on himself, making the originally cold clothes immediately become dry and warm, as if they had just been placed in front of a blazing fire.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is a rare opportunity, let's go cheer for the Gryffindor team!" Fred jumped twice on the spot, trying to warm himself up.

"Stop jumping, you're making me dizzy." Albert raised his wand and poked Fred, casting a drying spell on him.

"Hey, what did you do just now? You're not cold anymore." Fred looked at Albert in surprise.

"Young man, magic is power. It never hurts to learn more spells." Albert patted Fred on the shoulder and said earnestly.

Fred was stunned for a moment, unable to adapt to Albert's painting style.

"Give me some, too."

Lee Jordan, who had just put on his clothes and winter cloak, also hurried over and asked Albert to help him dispel the cold.

"And me."

It's really cold today, the temperature in the room has dropped to eight degrees, and that's because there is a fireplace.

If you take the thermometer on the cabinet outside, it will probably drop directly below zero.

By the way, it was really interesting to see Fred and his friends being so surprised when they saw the thermometer for the first time.

Albert was thinking about Christmas gifts for the three of them this year, so he decided to give each of them an indoor thermometer.

Albert took a folding umbrella, put his binoculars in his pocket, wrapped a thick towel woven by Daisy around his neck, filled a small flat silver-plated water bottle with hot water and put it in his robe pocket as a cooler bag, then went to the auditorium with his roommates.

As soon as you enter the restaurant, you can smell the tempting smell of grilled sausages in the air.

People at the table were talking excitedly about the game, and everyone was looking forward to seeing an exciting Quidditch match.

However, there is a lot of tension between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

The two sides' tables were right next to each other, so verbal conflicts were inevitable. The fact that they didn't actually fight showed that everyone was restraining themselves and intended to save the real confrontation for the Quidditch field.

"Charlie, come on." Albert and his friends also gathered around Charlie and gave their blessings to this group of familiar friends.

"By the way, Charlie, have you found a substitute?" Mark suddenly asked.

"Substitute?" Albert asked doubtfully, "Could this game last a long time?"

"There are always exceptions. We have an old grudge with the Slytherin team. Even though some players graduated last year, the relationship between the two sides is still very bad. Some conflicts on the court are inevitable." Jack glanced at the Slytherin dining table and explained to Albert, "So, we need some substitute players. Of course, the other team needs them too."

Albert felt that there was something wrong with this statement. He remembered that players were not allowed to be replaced during a Quidditch game.

"I found it." Charlie patted Mark's shoulder and comforted everyone, "Don't worry, Madam Pomfrey will also go to watch the game. If you are injured, you will definitely be healed quickly."

Albert couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard this. Why did these words sound like he was going to the battlefield

Will the two teams fight on the court

At eleven o'clock, all the teachers and students in the school went to the stands of the Quidditch field with umbrellas in hand, braving the weakening sleet.

The audience was not only the teachers and students of Hogwarts, but also some wizards who loved Quidditch, who braved the bad weather and came to Hogwarts to watch the Quidditch match.

That's right, Hogwarts sells tickets to Quidditch matches.

When Albert arrived at the Quidditch field, he saw some wizards from outside the school. They were all wearing thick cloaks, holding umbrellas in one hand and binoculars in the other. They were sitting in the seats of their respective graduate colleges waiting for the game to begin.

It can only be said that there are not many entertainment activities in the wizarding world, but there are many people who like Quidditch games. It is said that the tickets for each game sell well.

Of course, the activities of these outsiders are limited to the Quidditch pitch, and the distance from the Quidditch pitch to Hogsmeade is not too far.

Fred and George chose seats not far from the Gryffindor locker room. Albert was a little puzzled. If one wanted to see the game clearly, the view from the top floor would undoubtedly be the best.

However, the Weasley brothers simply replied, "Perhaps, we can be of use as well."

Albert directly understood this sentence to mean that during the game, it might be necessary to change batsmen

However, he thinks this possibility is low.

Although the weather was a bit bad, it was still quite lively watching the game with everyone. It was like watching a movie or a game in front of a computer. It was completely different from going to the cinema or watching a game on the stadium.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, the Gryffindor team, wearing red Quidditch uniforms, entered the field, and there was an immediate burst of enthusiastic cheers and applause. When the Slytherin team, wearing green Quidditch uniforms, entered the field, they were greeted with boos and applause.

"It seems that our Slytherin team is not popular with everyone!" The Ravenclaw commentator raised the microphone and laughed loudly.

The next moment, he was responded by boos from the Slytherin audience.

Albert never doubted that if the school had not separated the seats of the four major colleges, there might have been a chaotic fight during the game.

Madam Hooch, the flying class teacher, will be the referee. She is standing in the middle of the field with her broom in her hand, waiting for the players from both teams to enter.

"Listen, I want everyone to play the game fairly and honestly," Madam Hooch said loudly after the players from both teams gathered around her.

These words were amplified through magic, loud enough for all the spectators in the venue to hear.

In fact, Mrs. Hooch's words were specifically directed at certain people from the two teams.

"I feel like both captains are trying to break each other's hands." Albert moved his monoculars and fixed his sight on Charlie who was shaking hands with the other party, feeling like laughing.

Give a strong handshake. There are people who like to play this trick everywhere.

"Charlie once asked me how to exert force when shaking hands." A familiar voice sounded beside him. Hagrid, holding a large umbrella and a pair of binoculars, sat down next to them.

Before the game started, Albert could feel that the situation was tense and he was afraid that the game would not be as easy as he had imagined.

Fifteen broomsticks rose into the sky after the whistle sounded.

The competition officially began.

A few minutes later, the stunned Albert dared to pat his chest and guarantee that this was definitely the dirtiest game he had ever seen, no doubt about it.

The ghost ball was first grabbed by Jack. Under the cover of his teammates, this acrobatic pursuer cleverly used the reverse pass tactic to get ten points for Gryffindor.

However, in order to prevent the Gryffindor Chaser from scoring, the Slytherin Beater chose to charge at Jack, causing both of their brooms to be deflected several meters away.

"Foul! Foul!" A wave of angry shouts erupted from the audience, drowning out the rain and sleet above their heads.

"Slytherin deliberately collided and committed a foul!" the commentator shouted loudly, "Unfortunately, their conspiracy failed, and Gryffindor was the first to get ten points. Now, the ghost ball was awarded to Gryffindor by Madam Hooch."

The game continues…

"Is this situation normal?" Albert ignored his roommates who were shouting around him and asked Hagrid loudly.

"Not normal." Hagrid turned his head and said to Albert, "However, in recent years, the matches between Gryffindor and Slytherin have been full of tension."

After the commentator shouted out Gryffindor's score, Hagrid clapped vigorously.

"Smell of gunpowder?" Albert turned his gaze back to the court. He felt that it was not the smell of gunpowder, but it was full of explosives and could explode at any time.

"Gryffindor scored another goal and took the lead by 20 points." The commentator was obviously not very qualified, but Albert liked that this guy was biased towards Gryffindor.

Gryffindor was ahead by 20 points in a short period of time, which made the Slytherins very angry and they began to grab the ball by any means necessary.

When Mario was preparing to pass the ball, his broom was kicked by someone and suddenly shook violently. He had to grab the broom with both hands to avoid falling off, and the ghost ball he was holding tightly was snatched away by the Slytherin chaser.

However, as revenge on Slytherin, Mark was passing by Slytherin Seeker Marcus Flint when suddenly Mark's feint went wrong and he punched the opponent in the nose, causing the unfortunate Seeker's head to tilt back and start bleeding from the nose.

Gryffindor and Slytherin were each awarded a penalty by Madam Hooch.

The game continued in this chaos, and Madam Hooch would blow the whistle almost every few minutes to announce that someone had committed a foul.

This almost drove the referee crazy.

Albert took out his water bottle and took a sip, then began to denounce the Slytherin students with everyone else.

There was no way out, so Locke from Slytherin actually hit Irene on the back of the head with a stick, and then argued that he thought her head was a Bludger.

Madam Hooch blew the whistle again, and the ghost ball fell into Jack's hands again. The chaser cleverly avoided the interception and made a sharp turn to rush towards Locke. The ghost ball hit the face of the still stunned beater at a rapid speed, bounced back, and was caught by a teammate flying below.

"Oh, sorry, my vision is not very good and I saw the wrong person. I'm so sorry." Jack apologized to Locke in a fake manner, and then flew away on his broom without waiting for the other party to react.

Despite the Slytherins below shouting foul, Madam Hooch did not blow her whistle, treating it as a normal pass.

However, the target of the pass was the Slytherin Beater. It can only be said that the Gryffindor Chaser voluntarily gave up his advantage, which does not seem to be a foul.

As for using the ghost ball to hit the opponent in the face, it was because Locke himself did not dodge.

At this point in the game, not even Professor McGonagall had time to stop the commentator's extreme remarks. The Gryffindor head of house was waving her fist towards the sky in anger.

Because just now, when Charlie was about to catch the Golden Snitch, the Slytherin Chaser Montague suddenly bumped into him, causing Charlie to almost fall off his broom and lose the chance to catch the Golden Snitch.

Although Gryffindor gained another ten points, this result could not calm the anger of Gryffindor supporters, and some people began to throw objects at the venue to express their protest.

Gryffindor also retaliated. When Montague brought the ghost ball into Gryffindor's scoring area, Wood slapped him in the face, making him dizzy and almost falling off his broom.

"Penalty!" Madam Hooch shouted at Wood in a rage. "I can't remember any rule that allows attacking a Chaser."

"Sorry, I was too excited and made a mistake." Wood looked apologetic, as if what happened just now was just an accident.

In the audience, Albert felt that there was something wrong with this game. It was definitely the crudest game he had ever seen.

Could this be the legendary passionate Quidditch