Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 97: Hot-Blooded Quidditch (2)


The snow stopped, but the rain got heavier.

There was an icy chill in the air, but it failed to extinguish the audience's enthusiasm for Quidditch. People were cheering for the team they supported.

In an inconspicuous corner of the audience, Albert and several roommates were watching the game, and next to them was a soaking wet Hagrid. The people around them completely ignored the cold rain and cheered for the Gryffindor team to score a goal.

Albert lowered his monoculars, pulled out his wand and cast an invulnerability spell on the lens to prevent the rain from blurring his vision.

On the Quidditch field, the fierce battle continued. Slytherin never suffered a loss, and they quickly seized the opportunity to counterattack.

Under the cover of his teammates, Chaser Montague carried the Ghost Ball into the scoring area. Beater Locke, who was not far away, cleverly seized the opportunity and hit the Bludger flying towards him to Gryffindor Keeper Wood.

Wood was staring at Montague, trying to stop him from scoring, but he didn't notice a Bludger flying towards him. When he heard the sound of the Bludger breaking through the air, he dodged in a hurry and narrowly avoided the Bludger's attack.

Before Wood could completely recover from his panic, Monta had already seized the opportunity, broke through Danny's blockade, grabbed the ghost ball and threw it towards Wood's face.

Except for Slytherin, all areas outside the area could hear the sound of "fouls". The heavy rain in the sky was suppressed by this sound wave.

In the audience, Albert felt his face hurt as he watched this scene. It must have been uncomfortable to be hit in the face by the ghost ball.

"Being a Quidditch player is still a high-risk profession!"

"What? I didn't hear you clearly." Hagrid, who was standing next to him, was holding binoculars and staring at the sky. He heard Albert's whisper and asked loudly.

“Nothing.” Before Albert could sigh, he heard Fred next to him exclaim, “Oh no, Wood is going to fall down!”

At this moment, most of the people in the audience stood up in horror and looked at Wood who was spiraling down. Some screamed in fear, while others closed their eyes, fearing to see Wood's miserable condition.

Wood, whose face was covered with the ghost ball by Monty, was still in a state of dizziness. He instinctively reached out to grab the broom, slid down the railing of the scoring ring, and fell on the grass of the Quidditch field. His injuries were not too serious.

Madam Hooch immediately blew the whistle to announce a suspension of play and dropped to Wood's side to check on the goalkeeper's injury.

Madam Pomfrey, looking annoyed, walked into the stadium with a gloomy face. She used a spell to heal the injury on Wood's cheek and gave him a bottle of potion so that the Gryffindor goalkeeper could cheer up and continue the game.

However, this violent Quidditch game still angered Madam Pomfrey. The head nurse said that if anyone was injured, they would have to lie in the school hospital for a few days.

"Slytherin's Seeker Montague attacked Gryffindor's goalkeeper. This despicable act is unheard of. Slytherin scored another goal. The current score is 80 to 50, and Gryffindor is leading by 30 points... Wait, the referee announced that Slytherin committed a foul, so the goal just scored is invalid. The current score is 80 to 40." The commentator shouted excitedly at the top of his voice: "Gryffindor has opened up a 40-point advantage. Currently, the seekers of both teams are looking for the Golden Snitch. Who will catch the Golden Snitch first? Which team will win? Let's wait and see."

Unfortunately, due to the bad weather, visibility around was very poor, and it was not easy to find the Golden Snitch. The game was still going on.

Wood recovered, giving the Gryffindor crowd a great boost, and the audience echoed with cheers for Gryffindor.

"Madame Hooch blew the whistle again and the game continued. Let's wait and see how Gryffindor will fight back." The Ravenclaw commentator was so excited that he completely forgot that he was commenting on a Quidditch match.

"Kill the Slytherin team, kill Montague; kill the Slytherin team, kill Montague!" At this moment, such an unprecedented roar broke out from the Gryffindor audience seats.

This sound gave Albert an inexplicable illusion that he was actually watching a duel instead of a Quidditch match.

A few minutes later, the Gryffindor players lived up to expectations and launched a new round of revenge against the Slytherin team. Their target was Montague, the Chaser who had just used the Ghost Ball to attack Wood.

Mark and Irene are lovers, and they have a strong tacit understanding. They only exchanged glances in mid-air, and Mark accelerated directly towards the batsman Locke. With the help of her boyfriend, the violent batsman Irene hit the bludger away, and her target was Mrs. Monta who was surrounded by the three acrobatic brothers.

With his path blocked by three people, Mrs. Montaigne thought that the three Chasers next to him were preparing to attack him, and he did not realize that the real killer move came from the Bludger behind him.

"Oh my god, it was hit. The violent hitter Ailin hit Monta with a Bludger. It really hurts. I hope he breaks a few more ribs... cough cough, I mean I hope he's okay!" The commentator coughed lightly and quickly changed the topic, "The referee didn't blow the whistle. There is no doubt that there was no violation in this counterattack."

Although the Slytherin team took the opportunity to score ten points, their pursuer was injured and fell to the ground, which was completely not worth it.

"What's going on? Madam Pomfrey didn't show up. Could it be..." The commentator's tone was full of gloating, "Could it be that our head nurse doesn't like the players on the Slytherin team either?"

Montague was forced to leave the game because the furious Madam Pomfrey had returned to the school hospital, and without treatment he was obviously no longer able to continue the game.

Through the monocular, Albert saw Snape, with a dark face, pull out his wand, conjure up a stretcher, and asked several students to take Montague to the school hospital on the second floor of the castle.

It is said that Madam Pomfrey only took a few seconds to help Mrs. Montgomery reconnect his broken ribs, but the unfortunate man was obviously unable to continue playing.

According to the official rules set by the Department of Magical Games and Sports: in the event of an injury, no other player may replace the player.

This meant that Slytherin had one less Chaser.

However, most of the Gryffindor audience were wondering why it was not Slytherin's Seeker Marcus Flint who went off.

However, this dirty Quidditch game has just begun.

Slytherin was at a disadvantage because they were missing a member, and they began to openly attack the Gryffindor players.

Albert was stunned by the series of changes on the field. Through the monocular telescope, he saw four batsmen flying on brooms under the rain, fighting each other with their bats like swordsmen.

Fred and George next to them were muttering violent words like "Hit him, yes, aim at his head... stab his eyes..."

The Slytherin players surrounded Charlie together, preparing to send Charlie off the field first. Once Gryffindor lost its seeker, it basically meant losing the game.

Finally, a group of people riding on brooms were fighting in the sky. The most lethal were the batsmen on both sides. They were attacking the opponent's players with bats. Irene even knocked Locke's bat away. The unlucky guy was hit on the elbow by Irene's bat. Before he could recover, he was kicked by Jack and almost fell off the broom.

However, there were also several Gryffindor members who suffered minor injuries.

Madam Hooch was furious and ordered four batsmen to leave the field, even though this was not against the rules. After all, they had just hit the hardest.

In the words of Madam Hooch, staying on the field was a disgrace to Hogwarts.

The original field for fifteen people suddenly had five fewer people, and the huge stadium felt a lot emptier.

Even without a Beater, the Gryffindor Chasers still had a way of taking the bat from the departing Beater in a ritual relay. At least, that was what Danny did, the acrobat who was both a Chaser and a Beater.

This time, their target was Slytherin Seeker Marcus Flint.

Charlie, Jack, and Mario compressed Marcus's flying space from three directions, pushing the Seeker to the edge of the court. Then, they each performed Mark's feint, swinging their fists and feet and hitting each other without hesitation.

As for hitting the target

Sorry, that was a tactical mistake.

Free throws, no one cares.

As long as Gryffindor can defeat the opponent's Seeker, victory in the game will naturally belong to Gryffindor.

"Charlie, didn't you say that it is forbidden to use Mark's feint?" Jack teased his captain while swinging his elbow at Marcus. He "accidentally" hit the opponent in the kidney with his elbow, and his own nose was crooked by a fist swung from the right.

Behind, Danny, holding the ghost ball in one hand and a bat in the other, had caught up. He was being "hunted down" by two Slytherin pursuers.

Danny threw the troublesome ghost ball to Jack, and then he took the bat and hit Marcus from behind, ready to drive him off the stage completely.

However, Danny didn't know that Jack, who had just caught the ghost ball, was the first to get into trouble. One of the two Slytherin suitors ran directly towards him, and the other kicked him. Before Jack could react, he was kicked off his broom. Fortunately, he still grabbed the flying broom with one hand and crashed into the audience seats, suffering a serious fall.

Fortunately, he did not fall into the Slytherin audience seats, otherwise he would have faced a large-scale fight and a group of spectators would have joined in beating Jack.

"Danny, you actually cheated me!" Jack covered his injured waist and couldn't help cursing.

On the other side, the situation of Slytherin's Seeker was also not good. Marcus was blocked by three people and was beaten up by them.

A sharp whistle cut through the rain, and the furious Madam Huo Qi called the players from both teams over and gave them a severe scolding.

"Have you forgotten what I said at the beginning?" Madam Huo Qi started to spit at everyone. "Since you are unable to participate in the competition fairly and honestly, then stay off the stage. I will give you one hour to let your substitute players take your place in the competition."

"What's going on?" Albert frowned as he watched players from both teams being severely scolded by Madam Hooch. Because the game did not continue, both teams returned to their respective lounges and the commentator also didn't know what had happened.

However, everyone soon received the latest information.

"We have just received the latest news. Due to the bad behavior of the two teams in the game, which seriously violated various Quidditch rules, all the players were sent off the field." The commentator read the information he had just received in surprise. "Oh my God, to be honest, this is the first time I have heard of an entire team being sent off the field. Both sides will have one hour to select a new group of players to replace them and continue the game."

"Let's go to the locker room." Fred, who was soaking wet, pulled George and Albert towards the locker room, his face full of excitement that could not be concealed, "It's our turn to go on stage!"

Before leaving, Albert glanced at Slytherin's Seeker. The unlucky guy was helped into the locker room. Snape, who was following behind them, had an extremely gloomy face.

"What the hell are you doing?"

As soon as Albert and his companions entered the locker room, they heard Professor McGonagall's shout. The dean glanced angrily at the players present.

"I'm sorry, Professor, but as you can see, it was the Slytherin team that started it. They don't seem to intend to play a fair and honest game with us." Charlie, as the Quidditch captain, immediately stood up to take the blame for everyone else and stood up against Professor McGonagall's angry gaze. "So, I have to take other measures to ensure the safety of our team members. Don't worry, I've made arrangements. We will definitely win this game."

Professor McGonagall was also stunned, and then heard Charlie say: "Look, our substitute players are here."

"It seems like you are going to let us go on stage?" Fred winked at Charlie and said, "That stick just now was really great. I saw Marcus being helped away."

Professor McGonagall immediately looked at Fred, who immediately shut up.

"Kyle, you will be the goalkeeper temporarily, taking over Wood's position. You are the only one here who has experience in being a goalkeeper." Charlie said to the freckled boy. He was the substitute chaser of the team, but there was no better solution in the current situation.

"You two take over as the batsmen, Albert is the seeker, and where's Angelina? Isn't that girl here?" Charlie didn't see Angelina, so he said to Danny, "Go find that girl, and..."

Gryffindor can also quickly put together a complete substitute team. Although it is far inferior to the regular players, everyone has experience playing together, and I believe it will not be worse than the players put together by Slytherin.

"Come on, Albert. You are our secret trump card. Don't let me down." Charlie reached out and patted Albert on the shoulder. "Whether we can win the game depends on you. You must catch the Golden Snitch."

The corner of Albert's mouth twitched. He knew that Charlie's words about him being a secret trump card were just a word of encouragement, so he didn't take it too seriously.

However, Professor McGonagall next to him frowned slightly, looking at the freshmen who took over the players, and was a little puzzled about Charlie's arrangement.

"They are substitute players. They were supposed to participate in the selection of regular players next year and take over the positions of the regular players who left. Don't worry, they have all been well trained." Charlie seemed to have guessed what Professor McGonagall wanted to say and explained quickly.

"Well, since you have made up your mind!" Professor McGonagall looked at the people present and said, "I don't expect you to perform well, but at least don't cause me any trouble."