Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof

Chapter 105: [Who gave you the right] What really happened in the deep mountains


It was almost noon, and it was almost time for dinner, and Little Pudding still hadn't come back. The bodyguards who went out to look for it along the road also came back and said that no one was seen. Seeing the phone left alone on the sofa, Lu Chenghe frowned, this little thing is getting wilder every day.

At this time, Zuo Ning was playing in the game hall and forgot the time. Originally, he wanted to go back to Lu Chenghe, but when he walked halfway, he saw a limited edition game console displayed in the display cabinet at the entrance of the game hall. I can't stop wanting it. Although he already has a game console like this, the limited edition is just a pattern on the gamepad that the regular version doesn't have, but he naturally wants to collect the limited-edition things.

Although this kind of thing is only a few thousand dollars, if he really wants it, Lu Chenghe can buy him a bunch of them in minutes, but Zuo Ning never asks Lu Chenghe for things such as game consoles, things that are too easy to come by are boring. , it's better to buy it yourself, if you can't buy it, you can find a channel to find it yourself, so that it is interesting to collect it.

And what happened to Lu Nianqi really made him a little upset. He really regarded Lu Nianqi as a good friend. Although he might not have liked his character very much at first, he actually got along well. After a semester of contact, he got along fairly well, and he was naturally assigned to him as a friend. within the scope. But he didn't expect that he would be discovered by him so carelessly.

However, Zuo Ning still understands the move to let him leave Lu Chenghe. For humans, his existence is an anomaly, and anyone will feel dangerous. If one day he finds out that a friend around him turns out to be a goblin, and he has a close relationship with his family, he will probably be afraid and want to expel him.

It's just that he knows exactly what he is, and he can be sure that he can't hurt people casually, but Lu Nianqi doesn't know that all unknowns are terrifying, and people will have an instinctive fear and rejection of the unknown, which is also It's normal.

It's a pity that he didn't have many good friends himself. After he became a dog, Lu Chenghe was the only one in his world. He finally made friends who could talk, and it became what he is now.

Zuo Ning was madly buying game tickets in the game hall. He could play any game with more tickets, and he could buy more than one game console for the game currency he had exchanged. And Lu Chenghe's air pressure in the office was getting lower and lower.

After Zuo Ning rubbed his sore hands, he exchanged his points for the third time with the game ticket he had typed out. After finally redeeming the limited edition game console, he looked at the time again. It was past one o'clock in the afternoon. One tight, another pill.

Holding the game console in his hand, he carefully touched it back to the office. As soon as the elevator door opened, Zuo Ning was subconsciously relieved that he didn't see the person who was supposed to be sitting there. Although I know that lessons may be indispensable, it is good to be able to delay.

"I know to come back."

Hearing the voice from behind, Zuo Ning froze all over, Kakaka turned his head, and saw Lu Chenghe standing at the door of the small room with a dark face, looking at him expressionlessly.

Zuo Ning hurriedly smiled: "Look, the game console I've always wanted, I won by playing games myself!"

Lu Chenghe looked at him and didn't speak, Zuo Ning's ears dropped instantly: "I'm sorry, I forgot the time, I haven't brought my mobile phone, don't be angry, I won't in the future."

Lu Chenghe said coldly: "Tell me yourself, how many times have you said this kind of thing, you will never lose this guarantee in the future. After saying so much, which time did you really remember it!"

Zuo Ning held the game console in one hand and covered his stomach with the other: "I'm so hungry, I'm going to starve to death."

Lu Chenghe glanced at him, raised his feet and walked forward. When he walked to the door, he saw the stupid thing standing there dumbfounded, as if he was listening to the training, and said helplessly, "What are you doing standing there, standing there? Are you waiting for someone to bring you something to eat?"

Zuo Ning hurriedly put the game console away, and followed up. Although he comes to work with Lu Chenghe almost every day when he is free, he rarely comes to the restaurant here. Every time, the secretary prepares food and brings them to the office. It was a rare visit to the restaurant, so I couldn't help but look around curiously.

Lu's restaurant, he used to see some seniors and sisters who had entered Lu's work posting photos in the school post bar. Compared with other companies' canteens, the dishes in it were restaurant-level and very cheap. So many people choose to join the Lu family after graduation. In addition to the development prospects, Zuo Ning thinks that the cafeteria is probably an important factor in attracting people.

Lu Chenghe took him directly into a small private room. The whole floor was a place for dining. Different types of restaurants were divided into different areas. The beautiful environment was no worse than the so-called high-end restaurants outside, and the internal staff also had discounts.

Peeling at the window and looking out, seeing the elites in the workplace, Zuo Ning couldn't help but say, "I used to want to come to Lu's to work as a small white-collar worker and occasionally work overtime from 9 to 5 every day."

Lu Chenghe thought he was talking about his original thoughts on future planning, so he struck mercilessly: "Unless they have very good skills, the Lu family will not want people who haven't even gone to college."

Zuo Ning looked at Lu Chenghe angrily and snorted, "No one can match my skill."

Lu Chenghe looked at the menu without raising his head and said, "The Lu family has no intention of developing into the pet industry, so there is no need for someone who knows dog language."

Hearing this, Zuo Ning's face became even more bulging.

Seeing that Lu Chenghe also ordered one, Zuo Ning felt a little guilty and said, "You haven't eaten yet. What are you waiting for? Why don't you eat it first, in case I don't come back at noon."

Lu Chenghe said coolly, "Who said I'm waiting for you, it's just after the meeting."

Hearing this, Zuo Ning instantly became confident: "Then why are you looking so angry! I thought you had been waiting for me! You don't know, I'm afraid you'll be angry if you come back late, and find it's getting late, I ran all the way back, covered in sweat, I'm going to take a shower after dinner."

Lu Chenghe glanced at him and said nothing. Seeing that the little thing happily ordered three steaks and a pile of chicken wings and fries for himself, he felt that he was raising a Satsuma pig.

After eating the hiccups, Zuo Ning leaned back comfortably on the chair. He felt that his life was too happy. Because he had a bigger appetite, he could eat more food. The key was not to gain weight. The figure is so perverted and persistent, but no one wants to become a big fat man with a good figure.

Holding the juice and taking a sip, Zuo Ning said to Lu Chenghe, "Today Lu Nianqi asked me to go out, and he told me to stay away from you."

Lu Chenghe's eyes instantly turned cold.

Zuo Ning didn't notice the change in Lu Chenghe's eyes, and continued: "On your birthday, you were chatting downstairs. I made an appointment with someone to play games in the dark. Later, when I went back to my room, I became a human. I didn't expect Lu Nianqi at that time. In the yard, he seems to have seen it."

Zuo Ning poked at the few steaks left on his plate, raised his head and asked Lu Chenghe, "What should I do, Chenghe, I was found out. He knows that I have changed from a dog."

Lu Chenghe said calmly: "What did he tell you, tell me again."

Although Zuo Ning could understand Lu Nianqi's actions, it was impossible not to feel wronged. After all, it was a friendship that had been managed with heart. But he didn't want to complain to Lu Chenghe for this. He knew that if Lu Chenghe was really angry, it would definitely be terrible. Then Lu Nianqi's original intention must be for the good of his family. Even if he came home halfway, he did treat Lu Chenghe and the others as his own family to maintain. Otherwise, who would do something that was obviously not beneficial to him. So Zuo Ning told Lu Chenghe that he just didn't want to cause bigger trouble in the future, but he didn't plan to complain.

So pick and choose, and even said the original intention of Lu Nianqi who had guessed him. He didn't add much fuel to it, and there was a bit of maintenance in his words.

Lu Chenghe listened and nodded: "Don't worry about him, I will handle it."

Zuo Ning snorted and couldn't help but urged, "Then you should have a good talk, don't get angry if you disagree."

Lu Chenghe looked at him and snorted coldly: "You still have time to take care of others. You were seen and saw through your identity. Why don't you come back to me quickly, and you're still playing electric cars outside?"

Zuo Ning scratched his face and smiled ingratiatingly: "Isn't this with you, with you, don't be afraid!"

Lu Chenghe glared at him: "I think you have a big heart!"

Zuo Ning snorted, picked up a piece of meat and bit it into his mouth, the sky was falling and Lu Chenghe was holding it against him, what was he afraid of.

In the evening, Lu Chenghe went out after eating. This was the first time he went out at night. Zuo Ning wanted to follow, but he was pressed back with a finger. Zuo Ning pouted and had no choice but to pick up the game and continue playing.

On the other side, Lu Chenghe came to a villa not too far from the villa. A group of bodyguards stood at the door. As soon as he entered the door, Lu Nianqi, who didn't know how long he had been there, hurriedly stood up and said, "Second. elder brother."

Lu Chenghe stepped forward and sat down, looked at Lu Nianqi with a blank face, and said, "Tell me."

Lu Nianqi thought that the second brother might come to him, but he didn't expect it so soon. He had just returned home in the afternoon, and a group of people came from behind. After bringing him here, no one cared about him. He waited until the evening. It can be seen that the second brother is very angry because of his actions. Looking at the second brother like this, Lu Nianqi seems to have returned to the day he first entered the Lu family, uneasy and fearful.

Seeing that Lu Nianqi didn't say a word for a long time, Lu Chenghe said coldly, "You can speak so well in front of him, why can't you say a word in front of me?"

Lu Nianqi lowered his head and said nothing. He had never seen such a second brother. He didn't know what to say at this time, and he couldn't even say a word of the words he had thought up earlier.

Lu Chenghe looked at him coldly for a moment and said, "Since you are given the opportunity to say that you won't say anything, then don't say it again in this life. I don't want to hear half a word about Lu Ning from your mouth in the future. If you let me listen to it. When it arrives, I will make you speechless for the rest of your life."

"Second brother!"

Lu Chenghe looked at Lu Nianqi, but still did not show the slightest emotional ups and downs. Looking at such an unpredictable Lu Chenghe, Lu Nianqi's heart was beating. He didn't know if he was right or wrong, but he didn't want to see tragedy happen.

"He's not human."

Lu Chenghe's eyes were cold: "You don't need to tell me that."

Lu Nianqi said, "He's not the first."

Lu Chenghe narrowed his eyes slightly: "What do you mean?"

Lu Nianqi took a deep breath and said, "I used to think that it was a rumor left by the older generation. In many remote areas or in some deep mountains, there will always be some superstitious colors, and children in small villages have always listened to those stories as strange stories. ."

Lu Chenghe still sat steadily on the sofa, and he didn't even change his expression when he heard Lu Nianqi's words.

When he was a child, Lu Nianqi's grandmother was still there, so he would go there every year. His grandmother was in a very remote mountain village, and since he was a child, he liked to listen to her grandmother tell ghost stories. In addition, there was a monster incident in their village that was said to be known to the elderly in the village.

At that time, it is said that it was a time of war. There was a man in the village who made a living by hunting. Once, the man picked up a very beautiful woman from the mountain. At that time, there were turmoil and refugees everywhere, and there were many homeless and displaced people. It was very difficult for a man like them in the deep mountains to seek a daughter-in-law. Very lucky.

Later, the couple got married, the relationship was very good, and the woman was also very virtuous, but it was a pity that the two never had children. But both sides have no elders, and they are not obsessed with inheriting the lineage, so life is still living with He Meimei. But after more than ten years, the man is getting older, but the woman is still unchanged, and she looks like a young girl who is double nine years old.

Later, rumors began to spread in the village, saying that the woman was a monster from the mountains, and the rumors became more and more spread, until the villagers even threw stones at the door of their house, saying they would burn them to death. Later, the man took the woman up the mountain and never came down again. But it is said that after a long time, there were still people who saw the woman in the mountains, living alone in a cave, still as beautiful as a girl.

It can be said that there are different versions of this kind of rumors in different eras around the world. Lu Nianqi also listened to this as a story since he was a child, but after seeing it with his own eyes, he naturally couldn't treat this kind of thing as a story.

Lu Nianqi looked at Lu Chenghe and said, "So second brother, after ten or twenty years, Lu Ning has not changed, what about you?"

Lu Chenghe stood up and looked down at Lu Nianqi condescendingly: "Just because of what happened in the next ten or twenty years, you instigated my current lover to leave me? Lu Nianqi, who gave you the right?"