Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof

Chapter 13: [The first bite of the dog's cake] If you can't get love, it's better to eat some cake


Lu Chenghan was taken aback by Little Pudding's action: "What's wrong with your dog, the reaction is so big, people who don't know this reaction think that Chu Hang is its former owner."

Lu Chenghe calmly patted the dog's head, and when he saw the little pudding lying back on his lap, he probably just had a sudden convulsion. He didn't want to pee, so he didn't answer him, but asked, "I want to talk to you about this, eldest brother. Has it been, who knows?"

Lu Chenghan pouted: "big brother, I guess I'm not afraid that I will tell the uncle, so I haven't contacted me until now, except for you, I didn't even tell the old sister, second brother, if you say this is known to the uncle, he will How about it?"

Block the finances, break the legs, drive out of the Lu family to cut off the father-son relationship, or make a clean break with that boyfriend, or threaten to block his boyfriend. Hearing Lu Chenghan's words, Zuo Ning subconsciously thought about what might happen. Those TV dramas and novels are all written like this. The wealthy family pays the most attention to appearance, and such things that spoil the family style are absolutely not allowed to happen.

Thinking like this, he began to feel sad. Fortunately, he was a dog, and it was only natural that he could be so close to Lu Chenghe. But it is a pity that he is only a dog, and he can only be Plato in this life.

Of course, Lu Chenghe didn't know the wild thoughts in Little Pudding's mind at this time, and said, "Uncle and Aunt are not unenlightened people, so if you know it, it will be fine."

Lu Chenghan let out a slightly disappointing sigh. Although he was not kind, he really wanted to see his eldest brother's embarrassed appearance, and also wanted to know whether the little star loved Lu's surname or his eldest brother. It's not that he doubts his eldest brother's eyesight, but that people in love are stupid and sweet, and they don't care about what love comes.

On the other side, Zuo Ning, who was more and more saddened, stretched out his tongue and licked the palm of Lu Chenghe's hand beside his mouth. At least he could fight for it and be a pair of hard-working couples. As for him, he might still attend Lu Chenghe's show in the future. The wedding, but the other half who married him was not himself. The more he thought about it, the more abusive he became.

This dog happily interrupted the conversation between the two brothers. Usually, the most convulsions would be crazy. It was the first time that he looked so sad. Lu Chenghe hugged him whole and saw that the dog's eyes were actually moist, suspiciously like tears, and his eyes were particularly aggrieved. Lu Chenghe somehow found it a bit funny. Touching the little head, he asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Zuo Ning looked at Lu Chenghe: "Wang woo..." I feel like I'm about to break up, let me be sad for a while.

Naturally, Lu Chenghe couldn't understand what Little Pudding was saying. He smelled the looming sweetness in the air, watched him hold his hand and kept licking it, wondering if he controlled his diet too much. The dog's sense of smell is more sensitive than that of humans. Maybe it has already smelled it but has been restraining it. Now it can't restrain it? Thinking that his dog might be crying because of greed, Lu Chenghe was even more at a loss to laugh or cry.

Seeing his second brother coaxing the dog over there, Lu Chenghan felt that his three views had to be rebuilt again. The three brothers hadn't gotten together for a while. How could he feel that whether it was the eldest or second brother, he was no longer the eldest and second brother he knew. Is the world really changing so fast? Lu Chenghan felt that he couldn't bear it.

The back-cook is very fast, because Lu's mother likes sweets, so Lu Chenghe dug a very good pastry chef from his eldest brother's restaurant. Many ingredients are readily available at home, so after sitting for a while, Lu Chenghan wants to eat Chestnut cake is ready.

The housekeeper came over with a small portion of the cake: "The big one is still being decorated, and it will be packed directly later. Please use it slowly, Fourth Young Master."

Lu Chenghan smiled and reached out to pick it up, but was intercepted by the second brother. The second brother inherited the second uncle and doesn't like sweets very much, so Lu Chenghan was still a little confused when he saw the second brother robbed his cake.

I saw the second brother put aside the cream on top and dug a soft cake from the middle, and then returned the rest to himself, and then the cake dug out by the second brother was sent to the dog's mouth.

"Second brother! Are you giving me the rest of the dog's food? Are we still brothers?!"

Without raising his head, Lu Chenghe kneaded the cake into small pieces and fed it to Little Pudding: "Little Pudding is my mother's dog, it was raised by my son, I thought you should have realized this when you saw that car. "

Zuo Ning was stunned when he consciously rolled into his mouth what Lu Chenghe had fed to his mouth. He didn't expect that Lu Chenghe would feed himself a cake. He usually didn't want to ask for an extra piece of jerky, but today he took the initiative to feed the cake. Happiness came a little suddenly, and the sweet taste in his mouth made him want to cry with excitement.

It's a pity that the soft cake almost melts in your mouth, and the amount is very small. It is probably the amount of a small human bite, and it is also squeezed into a small lump to feed, and the tongue just tastes a little taste and disappears. But even so, Zuo Ning was very satisfied, something is better than nothing at all.

I don't know if it's been a long time since I've tasted this richer taste. Zuo Ning felt that the cake Lu Chenghe fed him was so delicious that it was even better than the cake he had eaten in the 20 years he had been a human being. eat!

Seeing that Little Pudding was eating happily, his smiling eyes narrowed, and there was still the slightest bit of Hyun Ran wanting to cry just now. It really changed his face faster than turning over a book. Seeing that he had finished eating and turned his head to look at the portion in Lu Chenghan's hand, the unsatisfactory Lu Chenghan actually stepped back with the cake for fear of being robbed. So he stretched out his hand and hugged the dog directly upstairs.

Today's sugar intake has exceeded the standard and can no longer be eaten.

Looking at the back of the man and the dog, Lu Chenghan dug a large piece into his mouth, sighed contentedly, and turned to ask the housekeeper, "Uncle Zhong, when did my brother have dogs, he doesn't hate pets the most? Well?"

The housekeeper smiled when he heard the words: "Little Pudding is indeed Madam's pet. Because Madam has to travel, she told the young master to feed him well, but Little Pudding is very cute and smart and obedient, so it has caught the young master's eyes."

Samoyed is really cute, but smart and obedient? He, Lu Chenghan, was also a sleigh idiot back then, right? He's probably too young to show his power at the moment, let's wait for it later.

While eating the cake, Lu Chenghan thought about the possible encounter of the second brother in the future, so he secretly rubbed it with joy.

Lu Chenghe, who returned to the study, put the little pudding on the ground. The study was also equipped with a doghouse and a bed that was huge for dogs. The soft bed was littered with all kinds of toys, chewing puppets and bone sticks. Anyway, where Lu Chenghe spends a lot of time on weekdays, there is his kennel.

In the morning, I got up a little early for the morning run. Now that I had eaten and drank enough, Zuo Ning stepped on the soft bed and felt that he was about to be sealed. He opened his mouth and yawned, Zuo Ning stepped on his own bed, Then I dragged out the small pillow and placed it, and chose the most comfortable position to lie down. I couldn't help but yawned again, intending to fall asleep.

Lu Chenghe glanced at the little thing that slept when he was full, and chuckled lightly. No wonder he looked round. The key was that it wasn't because of the amount of hair that he looked round, so he shook his head and sat down at his desk. After thinking about it, I called my brother.

After ringing for a while, the phone was connected, Lu Chenghe said, "Big brother."

Zuo Ning, who was originally drowsy, raised his head quickly, staring at Lu Chenghe with dark eyes, the soul of gossip flashing in his eyes.

A slightly low but very magnetic male voice came from the other end of the phone: "Has the second aunt returned from traveling?"

"No, it is estimated that it will take another month, and it is still in Italy today."

Lu Chenghan, the eldest brother of the Lu family, seemed to chuckle when he heard the words: "You are bored at home alone, come over for dinner when you have time."

Lu Chenghe responded and said, "Little Si came to me just now."

There seemed to be a pause over there, and then the laughter became even louder: "I know that kid can't hold back, and it's not bad that he came to you today."

Lu Chenghan's words were undoubtedly an admission. Lu Chenghe thought that this road would be difficult to walk, and couldn't help but say, "Have you decided?"

There was no hesitation over there: "Well, I've been thinking about it for many years, and he's very good. During this time, I'm filming, and I'll bring you a preview when I'm free."

The dignified person in power of the Lu family has to wait until the other party is free if he wants to meet him. However, if that person is his future sister-in-law, it will be different. It seems that his eldest brother is really serious. Lu Chenghe had no choice but to say, "Okay."

The two chatted about business again, and then hung up the phone. Lu Chenghe touched the head of the dog that ran beside him at some point. Seeing that it wanted to pounce on him again, he stretched out his hand and pushed: "Go play with yourself."

Zuo Ning saw that he had finished listening to the gossip, but he just wanted to sleep with Lu Chenghe and go back to sleep. Hearing Lu Chenghe say this, he glanced at him like a heartless man. When he likes it, he is a baby. If he doesn't like it, let him play with himself, flick his tail, twist his little butt and walk away without looking back.

Having spent a pleasant day with Lu Chenghe, Zuo Ning did not expect that he would be given a huge surprise the next day!

Two dogs came to the house, and he was no longer the only one in this Lujia Manor.