Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof

Chapter 133: [Lu Chenghe] Go


Lu Chenghe never thought that one day he would have a helpless emotion towards a creature called a dog. Looking at the puppy who occupied half of the bed, lying on his back like a villain and covered with a quilt, Lu Chenghe struggled for a while before sighing and lying on the bed.

It has been almost half a month since the mother handed the dog to him. At first, the little guy carefully explored the range of movement, and when he found that his tolerance for him was getting higher and higher, he became more and more aggressive. He doesn't mind having a dog on his bed, after all, the little pudding is very clean, and he has no cleanliness. But there was a young creature on the bed, which made him wake up subconsciously in the middle of the night, for fear that he would crush the little milk dog.

Afraid that this emotion would make Lu Chenghe feel strange for a moment, he smiled helplessly, leaned on the bed sideways, propped his head with one hand, and poked his bulging belly with the other. The little thing closed his eyes and waved his small paws subconsciously, as if he wanted to drive away the thing that was disturbing his sleep. Lu Chenghe retracted his hand and watched him silently for a while. The little puppy was still very small, a little bigger than two palms. His lips were naturally dark, but there was a circle of small fluff around his lips, and his milk was milky. I don't know if I was dreaming, but I subconsciously stretched my paws forward and waved them twice, stretched out their pink tongue and licked my mouth, and then snorted again.

Lu Chenghe stretched out his fingers and bumped the small meat pad tucked in front of his chest. The small meat pad was still pink, and there were not many calluses on it due to friction with the ground, and it was very soft to the touch.

Probably because his paws were pinched, the sleeping little pudding slowly woke up, opened his eyes hazy, as if he was not fully awake, and glanced at himself with his eyes, and then his head was turned in his direction, He snorted twice, and fell asleep again in a daze.

Lu Chenghe smiled, pulled the quilt for the little thing, and lay on the bed ready to sleep. After sleeping for a while, I felt a little uncomfortable, so I simply reached out and picked up the little milk dog next to it and put it in my arms. He always sleeps very quietly and doesn't move around, so in order to prevent the little milk dog from crawling around at night, it is just right to be so fixed in his arms.

Lu Chenghe found that he was paying more and more attention to the little thing called Little Pudding. He was afraid that the little guy in the study room would not be able to move around, so he deliberately took the book to the living room to read. Although that little thing is still at an age where he can't even climb stairs.

Lu Chenghe, who had always forgotten the time when he read books, could not remember how many times he was attracted by that snow-white ball of fur. Seeing him climb up the big adult-tall doll like an adventure, and then roll off the doll, dizzy and unsteady, Lu Chenghe couldn't help laughing.

Probably heard his ridicule, the little guy didn't even get up, but turned his head and shouted fiercely at him several times, as if he was complaining that he was laughing at him.

Lu Chenghe patted the sofa: "Little Pudding, come here."

Although he had just murdered himself, the little milk dog was still very obedient, shaking his fat little butt, and running over with his tail wagging. However, the sofa was too high for him, and the two claws could only touch the edge of the sofa when the whole body stood up.

Lu Chenghe just leaned on the sofa and watched the little guy climb. The little thing was so smart that he called out to him if he couldn't climb up. Seeing that he ignored him, he angrily patted the sofa with his paws to show his dissatisfaction. Just when Lu Chenghe thought he would definitely run away to play with his doll and give up climbing the sofa, he saw him running into a pile of dolls, picking up one bigger than him, but he could drag it, biting and pushing all the way. Pushed the doll over and stepped on the doll's head.

After finally climbing onto the sofa, he gasped exaggeratedly, as if he was working hard. He also ran to his side, stood up, and pressed his two claws on his arms, calling out to himself, "Wow!"

Lu Chenghe felt as if he was saying, look, I can climb up without your help, and he seems to be saying why did you ask me to come up? Lu Chenghe shook his head, picked up the milk dog, took a biscuit from the box next to him and handed it to his mouth to chew on. He felt that he also seemed to have a common problem with pets. He always felt that his pets could understand people's speech, and he could understand his words from his barking.

Puppies grow very fast, and as long as they eat well, they are like babies, and they change almost every day. In the blink of an eye, the little pudding grew from the size of its belly to the ground to the point where it could easily lift up and down the stairs, and its limbs became a little longer. Although it still looked like a lump of fat, Lu Chenghe felt that his little pudding was very handsome, like a green Astringent youth, full of fresh vigor.

As the little pudding grew up, Lu Chenghe found that in addition to being too smart, the little guy was also very clingy. He was so possessive that he couldn't focus on looking at others for more than a minute. The most striking performance was when his mother replaced him in disguise. On a blind date, he had to stay at home to accompany him when a house gathered in the name of relatives and friends and asked for some investment tips. And the little pudding is always lying in his arms, no matter who calls him.

As long as he looked at others for a long time, the little thing would scratch his face with his claws, cover his eyes, and toss on him. It wasn't until he looked down at him and felt his hair that the little thing continued to lie down quietly.

After Lu Chenghe figured out his intentions, he couldn't help teasing him again and again, even this kind of boring party seemed a bit interesting. However, more and more girls approached with excuses for various reasons. Lu Chenghe found that Little Pudding was getting more and more irritable, and bit his sleeve as if he wanted to drag him away. Lu Chenghe also took advantage of the situation and hugged his own. The dog thanked the guest.

After everyone left, the little thing kicked him on both feet and ran upstairs. That was the first time Lu Chenghe found out that his little pudding was also temperamental, and his temper was not small.

When Little Pudding gradually became a part of his life, the focus of his life became more and more unconsciously skewed towards him. He thought it was a matter of course, it was a little thing he raised with his own hands, so smart and cute, even the strict butler had a special preference for that little guy. But to Lu Chenghe's delight, no matter how the housekeeper coaxed the little pudding in private, the little thing was only close to him.

But it made him realize that he didn't just treat Little Pudding as a pet, but the first time Little Pudding was hurt by outsiders. The little thing he was holding in his hand was kicked by a wild boy who didn't know where it came from. If it wasn't for his rationality, he would have almost attacked that person directly. He has grown so big, and this is the first time that he has such an impulsive emotion.

Seeing Little Pudding lying pitifully in his arms, humming from time to time, Lu Chenghe didn't know how much restraint he had used to not solve the man on the spot. The little pudding was so small that he was kicked like that by an adult man. On the way to take the little pudding to the pet hospital, Lu Chenghe was afraid. If he hurt his internal organs, how could such a small thing be saved.

But fortunately, nothing so terrible happened, it just hurt a little fur. But this doesn't mean that Lu Chenghe will let that person off easily, especially after Little Pudding complained to him. That was the first time he knew that the cub he raised was actually smart enough to sue him.

Lu Chenghe is not a ruthless person. He actually doesn't care much about dealing with many people and many things. Because he doesn't care, he doesn't seem to care about many things. But these many things do not include small puddings.

Although it seems a bit cruel to force people to disappear into the city with nothing just because the dog was kicked, Lu Chenghe left him a way to survive. With his anger at the time of the incident, he wanted that person to disappear forever. Afterwards, Lu Chenghe also reflected on himself, even if he was angry, his emotions seemed a little too much.

But seeing the little pudding sleeping peacefully in his arms now, Lu Chenghe gently touched his furry paw resting on his chest. If a person lives too rationally, wouldn't his whole life seem too boring.

After that incident, Lu Chenghe found that he cared too much about the little pudding, but he didn't think too much about it. How many pet owners treat cats and dogs as their own sons, looking at the characteristics of his assistant's dog slave, he can't wait Then, after spending a lifetime with his dog son, Lu Chenghe felt that he was still reasonable. But because he cared about it, he also began to make plans for the future of Little Pudding.

Dogs don’t live long, but in their short lives, the only humans who keep them are the only humans who keep them. Lu Chenghe didn’t have that deep feeling before. What kind of pets spend two-thirds of their lives in chicken soup for the soul on the Internet? After waiting for the master to come home and so on, until he raised Little Pudding, Lu Chenghe's distressed feeling was completely uncontrollable when he thought of Little Pudding waiting for him to come home.

He didn't want to think about how little pudding would wait for him at home alone, even if there were two big black backs at home, he was reluctant to waste little pudding's limited life waiting for him to come home, so he waited After he realized that he had actually done something like sneaking a dog to work, he struggled a little and let himself go completely.

Having raised a little pudding that occupied his whole body, Lu Chenghe felt that his life would never be as peaceful as before. Because that little thing is really tossing, and he is full of energy every day like a clockwork, except when he sleeps like a little angel, the rest of the time is full of demons. However, he couldn't do anything about this little devil, he could only accompany him every day to make trouble and toss with him.

Lu Chenghe thought it was the worst, but what he didn't expect was that the bigger surprise was still to come. The little pudding he raised was really refined.